Memes Are in Danger, but This Chat App Is Saving Lives

Catch up on the most important news today in 2 minutes or less.
Members of the European Parliament
The EU is cracking down on copyright law, and that could be bad news for meme-lovers.FREDERICK FLORIN/Getty Images

Tech news you can use, in two minutes or less:

The EU is a real meme killer

The European Parliament passed a directive to overhaul copyright law, making companies like Google and Facebook responsible for copyright violations committed by their users (read: creators of memes and GIFs). The laws will apply only in the EU for now, but it's possible these global companies will apply these laws elsewhere (Microsoft has already applied some EU regulations in other places.)

A voice chat app is saving lives in Venezuela

Venezuela used to have an anti-government newspaper, but that was until the government made it impossible for them to get enough paper to print. So Venezuelans have turned to the voice-chat app Zello to spread news, get basic needs, and coordinate aid amid the country's political and economic crisis.

Mike Pence wants to send astronauts to turn ice into rocket fuel

Vice President Mike Pence said the US will be sending astronauts to the moon's south pole. Why there? Because there's tons of ice Pence says can be turned into life support and even rocket fuel. Experts say, however, we might want to try moon-walking before moon-running.

Cocktail Conversation

Is now the best time or the worst time to have a baby? On one hand, tech companies are stepping in to help with problems like prevent premature births. On the other more nightmarish hand, robots are capable of reproducing now. NBD.

WIRED Recommends: Baby Stuff

Speaking of babies, here's a list of gadgets that can help you have—or not have—babies before the robot apocalypse takes us all.

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