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How to Optimize Images For Your Website


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Lazy Loading

What is lazy loading?

Lazy loading is a web development optimization technique that delays the loading of non-critical elements on a web page until they are actually needed. This helps improve the performance of a website by providing only the resources required by the user, rather than sharing the loading capacity across all web elements at one. As a result, the initial page load time is reduced and user experience is improved.

Lazy loading can also help reduce the total amount of data that is transferred between the server and the user’s browser, further reducing loading times. This makes it an important part of any website speed optimization process.

Lazy loading can be used for both static and dynamic content, such as images and videos scripts, as well as any other text or visual element used on a web page. However, it is specially relevant for sites with large images, videos, or other resources that take a long time to load.

For example, when a user visits a page with several images, instead of downloading all the images at once, lazy loading will only download the images that are immediately visible to the user. This prevents the user from bouncing while allowing time for the rest of the site to load.

By understanding lazy loading and its benefits, anyone planning how to make a website can create more efficient online experiences for their users. The key to successful lazy loading is knowing which elements to lazy load and how to properly implement it.

Differences between lazy loading and eager loading

Lazy loading and eager loading are two popular techniques used to optimize website performance. While both approaches can help improve page loading speeds, each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when making a decision about which one to implement.

Lazy loading is best used when dealing with a large amount of online content that is not immediately needed by the user, as it works by only loading content when it’s required.

Eager loading, on the other hand, is recommended when content must be loaded quickly and must be readily available. It works by preloading all content before it is needed, resulting in faster loading times and higher data usage. Additionally, eager loading can also lead to higher memory use since all content is being loaded at once.

Overall, lazy loading and eager loading are both useful techniques that can help improve page loading speed and website performance. When deciding which one is right for a site, it’s important to consider the amount of content on the website, the type of content and any potential bandwidth or memory usage issues. For example, a site with limited bandwidth may not be able to handle eager loading, as it requires high memory storage.

Lazy loading and Wix

When you create a Wix site all images on it are automatically displayed with lazy loading. This improves loading time by replacing high resolution images with lower-res ones that load instantly, while the higher resolution version loads in the background. As a result, users on your site won’t need to wait for content to appear on their browser. Once the higher resolution images are loaded, they seamlessly replace the lower-res placeholders.

Learn more about Wix’s industry leading performance at the core of every site.

Lazy loading FAQ

Is lazy loading good or bad?

Lazy loading is generally a good thing. It helps speed up website loading times by only loading images and other content as they come into view on the screen. This reduces initial page load times and improves user experience. However, it can sometimes be a bit tricky to implement correctly, especially if you have complex website layouts.

Why is it called lazy loading?


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