House for parolees in Omaha seeing success

A first-of-its kind house for parolees in Nebraska is reporting mostly success stories since the house opened last July.
Published: Feb. 26, 2024 at 5:36 PM CST
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OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - A first-of-its kind house for parolees in Nebraska is reporting mostly success stories since the house opened last July.

The PREP House is run by the Nebraska Board of Parole. Men who live in the house are supervised 24 hours a day.

“We remove the barriers to success that they are facing in their personal lives and give them the momentum they need to get back out and successfully complete parole,” said parole program director Tom Mealey.

Mealey says seven men have graduated since the PREP house opened.

“Three have successfully completed parole. The other three are still on parole. One not so successful,” he said.

Bryan Kayser is in the program. He says he’s trying to get his life back on track after spending three years in prison on drug-related charges.

“It’s been amazing,” he said. “They do a lot to make sure that we get the help that we need and get set on the right foot.”

However, he admits it’s not easy.

“If it was easy, everybody would do it,” he said.

Men are required to follow house rules, which include going to cognitive behavioral therapy and 12-step meetings. They must also have a job and do chores around the house.

“We keep them so busy with programming and work, they do what they’ve got to do, and they’re usually crashed out in bed sleeping,” Mealey said.

Kayser is set to graduate March 6 with five other men.

“I learned how to be a responsible adult,” he said. “I learned that I don’t have to turn back to drugs and turn back into the streets to be happy because that’s not happiness.”

After graduating, Kayser plans to move into another transitional living house.