Weekend starts off mild with a cooler St. Patrick’s Day

Published: Mar. 15, 2024 at 5:04 AM CDT
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OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - Friday will start with a bit of cloud cover but it will not take much time at all for it to erode away.

Expect a day with lots of sunshine in place and temps that peak in the upper 50s this afternoon.

There will be a notable breeze gusting up to 25 miles per hour out of the northwest.

Friday Wind Gusts
Friday Wind Gusts(WOWT)

However, it will not be as strong as yesterday and the winds will increase again for Saturday and Sunday.

Gusts could reach 30 miles per hour Saturday and 35 miles per hour on Sunday.

Saturday Wind Gusts
Saturday Wind Gusts(WOWT)

Temperatures hold up on tomorrow but they will slide some for St. Patrick’s Day.

Expect highs Sunday in the mid 40s and, with that wind and a little more cloud cover, it will feel a fair bit colder out there.

3 Day Forecast
3 Day Forecast(WOWT)

Monday stays cooler but it will be a short-lived cool down; by Tuesday, we are back into the low 60s on the back of gusty southwest winds.

There is a slight chance of a shower Wednesday night with temps stepping back a little bit behind that system.

However, things really look to pick up as we get closer to next weekend.

Highs in the 40s look likely with off and on rain and snow showers looking possible through the weekend at this point.