Nebraska auditor accuses parole board of improper use of state vehicles

State Auditor Mike Foley alleges employees used state vehicles for almost 300 personal trips
State Auditor Mike Foley issues a report where Board of Parole uses state vehicles inappropriately
Published: Jul. 11, 2024 at 10:54 AM CDT
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LINCOLN, Neb. (WOWT) - The Nebraska State Auditor released an audit report Thursday that says the Nebraska Board of Parole has been using state vehicles for personal use.

State Auditor Mike Foley said in this report that 12 employees of the Board of Parole made a combined 291 unapproved trips in state-owned vehicles. This was found by analyzing GPS data that the report alleges the Board of Parole did not receive.

The report states that two employees specifically went as far as to charge work time for personal trips made in these vehicles. One of the two used their vehicle for 180 trips, while the other used theirs for 75 trips.

One staff member, the report found, used their state-assigned vehicle to drive over 200 miles to attend a retirement party. There were also multiple other instances where employees used their vehicles on weekends for personal errands.

The audit states that personal use of a state-owned vehicle is classified as a misdemeanor under Nebraska law.