David’s Evening Forecast - Summer heat and humidity returning this week

Spotty shower chances continue to start the week as temperatures slowly heat back up.
Published: Jul. 21, 2024 at 6:23 PM CDT
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OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - Partly sunny skies this afternoon helped temperatures to warm back into the low 80s for most of the area, a little warmer than what we saw yesterday. Clouds bubbled up in the warmth of the afternoon, however most of the area did stay dry. A few isolated showers popped up in parts of western Iowa, but those showers should fade away by 7pm as we start to cool off. Temperatures will drop back into the 70s after sunset, and we should see temperatures in the 60s once again overnight. Just like we saw early on Sunday, some patchy fog is likely late tonight and early on Monday.

Sunday Evening First Alert Forecast
Sunday Evening First Alert Forecast(WOWT)

The fog early Monday could be locally dense, especially in low lying areas and river valleys. However, it should not last too long with partly sunny skies returning for most of the day. Temperatures will climb back to near 80 degrees by the lunch hour, with afternoon highs in the mid-80s, just a touch warmer than what we saw on Sunday. Highs should top out around 84 degrees for the Omaha metro. Just like with the past few days, and isolated shower or storm is possible in the afternoon and early evening, but most areas will stay dry. Any rain that develops should be brief, and would fade away by the late evening hours.

Monday's First Alert Forecast
Monday's First Alert Forecast(WOWT)

Temperatures will continue to slowly warm for Tuesday and Wednesday as highs climb into the middle and upper 80s by Tuesday and Wednesday. The chance for a spotty shower or storm will continue in the afternoon and evening hours, but just as it has been for the past few days, any afternoon rain will be isolated and most locations will stay dry.

High temperatures this week
High temperatures this week(WOWT)

Sunny skies along with hotter conditions arrive later in the week. Highs likely climb to around 90 degrees by Friday with a little more humidity in the air. A slightly more prolonged period of 90 degree weather may begin this weekend, and last into the middle of next week. Right now we’re looking at some typical July heat and humidity, with heat index readings climbing to around 100 degrees by the weekend and early next week.