David’s Evening Forecast - Several days of intense heat on the way

Published: Jul. 28, 2024 at 6:08 PM CDT
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OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - The stretch of very warm and humid days continued on Sunday. Clouds bubbled up in the afternoon and helped to spare the area the most intense heat for another day. A small cluster of thunderstorms developed in northeast Nebraska, affecting areas around Wayne, and then passing north of Onawa and Denison. That cluster of storms will continue to push east, stay well away from the Omaha metro. Temperatures have pushing into the upper 80s for most of the metro, with heat index readings in the low to mid-90s. As the sun begins to set, temperatures will settle back into the mid-80s by 8pm, down to around 80 degrees by 10pm.

Sunday Evening First Alert Forecast
Sunday Evening First Alert Forecast(WOWT)

With clear skies and a light south breeze overnight, temperatures should drop back into the low 70s and upper 60s by early Monday. If you have any outdoor plans early in the morning, it should be relatively comfortable, but a bit on the humid side. Things will heat up quickly though, as skies will likely be mainly sunny all day long. That means we likely won’t have the afternoon cloud cover to help keep the more intense heat at bay as we have the past could of days. Temperatures should be in the upper 80s by Noon, with afternoon highs in the low to mid-90s.

Monday's First Alert Forecast
Monday's First Alert Forecast(WOWT)

Although temperatures will only be a few degrees above average for this time of year, humidity levels are expected to increase slightly by Monday afternoon. This will mean even more uncomfortable conditions outside thanks to the combination of heat and humidity. That will push the heat index above 100 degrees by early afternoon, and we’ll likely see peak heat index readings of 102 to 104 degrees in the Omaha metro.

Heat index forecast for Monday
Heat index forecast for Monday(WOWT)

Even hotter conditions are expected by Tuesday and Wednesday, as highs climb into the mid and upper 90s. Wednesday will likely see the most intense heat, with highs around 98 for the Omaha metro. Some areas just to the south and west could approach 100 degrees. With the humidity in place, heat index readings will likely be in the 105 to 110 degree range, with Wednesday again see the most intense heat.

Hottest temperatures through Wednesday
Hottest temperatures through Wednesday(WOWT)

A cold front will push through Wednesday night bringing a chance for some spotty storms, and some slightly less hot weather. Highs should drop back into the lower 90s starting Thursday, lasting through at least Saturday. However, it will still be on the hot and humid side so we’re not looking at any significant relief from the heat. In fact, temperatures may actually trend back toward the mid-90s by early next week.