Information about the organization


Public Stockholding for Food Security Purposes

Ministerial Decision of 19 December 2015 : WT/MIN(15)/44 � WT/L/979

The Ministerial Conference,

Having regard to paragraph1 of Article IX of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization; and

Taking note of the progress made so far;

Decides as follows:

  1. Members note the Ministerial Decision of 7 December 2013 (WT/MIN(13)/38 and WT/L/913) and reaffirm the General Council Decision of 27 November 2014 (WT/L/939).
  2. Members shall engage constructively to negotiate and make all concerted efforts to agree and adopt a permanent solution on the issue of public stockholding for food security purposes. In order to achieve such permanent solution, the negotiations on this subject shall be held in the Committee on Agriculture in Special Session ("CoA SS"), in dedicated sessions and in an accelerated time-frame, distinct from the agriculture negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda ("DDA").
  3. The General Council shall regularly review the progress.