15 Ways To Wear White After Labor Day

We love tradition and etiquette more than most people we know, but just hear us out on this one. Call us crazy, but the time-honored custom of not wearing white after Labor Day now seems a bit outdated (if not a little archaic) to us.

While we can agree that there's a time and place for everything, we don't see the sense in tossing out perfectly adequate white wardrobe staples simply because "that's just the way things are done." And let's be honest, y'all—the turning of a date on the calendar does not mean that Southern weather is about to cooperate with our dreams of a brisk, early autumn.

If there's one thing Southerners have a knack for aside from our unwavering loyalty to tradition, it's our ability to repurpose almost anything to fit our needs at the moment, and our white wardrobe staples are no exception. If you were thinking about saying goodbye and packing away those white skinny jeans until Memorial Day, think again. While we'll likely (and regretfully) be leaving our eyelet dresses and seersucker shorts along with the dog days of summer, we have to make a few exceptions on white pieces we can't resist wearing after Labor Day comes and goes.

Because, when styled right, white shoes, clothes, and accessories can be closet staples no matter the season.