Your Aries Monthly Horoscope for June

From Cosmopolitan

Put these dates in your Google Cal rn:

  • June 5: Pay extra close attention to changes within your community.

  • June 20: Find your new comfort zone.

  • June 30: Ch-ch-ch-changes!

Wait—what month is it? Believe it or not, Aries babe, we’re officially halfway done with 2020 (#grateful for that). June is upon us and—for better or worse—the planets are working overtime. First up, the month kicks off with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5. Eclipses are always a big deal, but this one is particularly meaningful because it’s the first lunation in a brand-new eclipse series on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. Through 2021, this cycle of eclipses will spark life-changing realizations surrounding community and connection. Will there be massive shifts within your friend group? Will you move? Go back to school? Say “f*ck it” and swap your smartphone for a rotary landline? Only time will tell! Under this sky, the best thing you can do is pay extra close to any events that take place in the beginning of the month—these are setting the stage for major transformation.

But not so fast, Aries love. There is just one tiny… disaster. On June 18, the planet of communication (otherwise known as Mercury) slams on the breaks and shifts into reverse. Yes—Mercury Retrograde is back, and it’s just as annoying as ever. Although Mercury Retrograde isn’t the end of the world, it can definitely generate some frustrating interpersonal meltdowns. During this cosmic reversal, be sure to perform plenty of due diligence… especially when it comes to the grapevine. Your current boo’s ex may not be the most reliable source. Just sayin’!

On June 20, the Sun cruises into Cancer—the water sign connected to the home and family. The next few weeks are all about defining what structure and stability mean for you, personally. Does security mean health insurance? A delicious glass of wine? A friend group that you know always has your back? You decide!

But perhaps you’re not hundred percent sure what defines your comfort zone in the first place? Don’t fret, babe: This will all come to light on June 21, during the powerful Solar Eclipse in Cancer (yes—there are two eclipses this month—it’s a lot!). Solar eclipses coincide with the New Moon phase, when Sun and Moon meet in the same sign. At the end of the month, these two celestial powerhouses will help you discover how your perception of structure has shifted over the years. When you step back, one thing becomes perfectly clear: You’re maturing faster than you even realized! That’s right, Aries love, you’re really adulting!

After 40 days and 40 nights, Venus Retrograde finally ends on June 25 (at last—you can cut your hair at home and know that it's not 100% certain it'll turn out terribly!). Finally, this jam-packed month signs off with a powerful alignment between Jupiter (the planet of expansion) and Pluto (the planet of large-scale transformation) on June 30. This is the second installment of a three-part series: It first occurred on April 4, and these planets will create one final connection on November 12.

Right now, we're at the half-way point. These two head honchos are catalyzing major changes within your long-term legacy, so consider how your desires have shifted since April—are your goals transforming right before your eyes? Have you started to redefine (or perhaps even sharpen) your legacy? Although this story is still being written, there’s no doubt about it: Success is written in the stars.

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