Your Daily HomeScope for May 01, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


Bring it home today. You are the queen. A green door with white curtain is perfect for your garden nook. Consider what it might take to convert the cottage to an office, so you can spend your days working in the landscape you love.


The time for a pedicure is now, even though your toes are mostly covered with footwear. When you sit by the fire (barefoot), you want your toes to look as tended as your cherished roses.


Take in the moon tonight. It is helping you have a good day for financial endeavors that reap rewards. Err on the side of conservative, though. The economy's rocky. Why take crazy chances?


The house is yours again, and while the wood looked great for years, now you yearn for brighter colors. Should you decide paint, don't forget the exposed beams will show the dust less if you paint them to match the window trim.


Cleverness may have escaped you because the planets were not aligned to highlight that aspect of your chart. Never fear, they will spin back into a more comforting alignment. In the meantime, a blue dress and devil ears will make you the life of the party as you hum a certain song.

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You look so great you are sure nobody will recognize you at the party. Remember to moderate your voice, and put something in your shoes that changes your walk to keep the mystery going as long as possible.


Take your easel and paints to a park to create today. Try including imaginary people in the landscape. Let your muse or angel guide your hand. Notice minutiae. Get lost in your own creative juices.


The search for missing keys has left you frustrated and late, but you resolve it will be the very last time. Give yourself and others a place to hang coats and keys near the entrances that are most frequented in your home.


Do as I say not as I do. Seat belts are doubly necessary tonight as you may be making sudden stop because of all the night joggers. Proceed with caution.


Swear off the good dishes tonight, and eat picnic-style on your king-sized bed. If the kids can pretend, why not the two of you? Leave the lights out so children do not disturb while you and your partner play.


The marketing folks want to fool you into thinking that you need to think about that far-off holiday right now. You don't. You need to enjoy this moment as it unfolds.


Greet your housemates with a silly outfit or hat. Act like nothing is different as long as you can, but when the laughter wells inside your soul, let it out with gusto. Celebrate life in your own special way.

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