What you didn't know about the Amazon

The Amazon flows through nine countries on its 4,000-mile journey from the glaciers of the Peruvian Andes to the Atlantic - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, SEBASTIEN LECOCQ (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, SEBASTIEN LECOCQ (Photographer) - [None]
The Amazon flows through nine countries on its 4,000-mile journey from the glaciers of the Peruvian Andes to the Atlantic - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, SEBASTIEN LECOCQ (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, SEBASTIEN LECOCQ (Photographer) - [None]

“The river that dwarfs all others”. Earth’s Great Rivers doesn’t mince words as it begins a consecutive three-night run on BBC Two tonight (January 1). And the river with that accolade? That’ll be the Amazon – the Nile, which might argue the case, and the Mississippi make up the rest of the series.

Narrated by the actor David Oyelowo (Selma, Spooks) and filmed in spectacular style by the BBC’s award-winning Natural History Unit, the series tackles the immensity, beauty and importance of these rivers, but also uncovers lesser-known tales – in the case of the Amazon, that’s a world of unrecorded species, giant otters, clay-eating macaws, beautiful inland beaches and waters that could boil you alive in seconds.

Facts and stats spill at every turn: the Amazon flows through nine countries on its 4,000-mile journey from the glaciers of the Peruvian Andes to the Atlantic, amassing a fifth of the world’s fresh water and with its 1,100 tributaries covering a river basin of more than two million square miles.

A giant river otter and its lunch - Credit: GETTY
A giant river otter and its lunch Credit: GETTY

As it winds across the South American continent like a giant snake, one of the opening encounters is with the giant river otter, “one of the largest and rarest predators in the region”. Reaching up to two metres in length, it apparently takes them three years to learn the complexities of catching fish in the river. Elsewhere the murky waters reveal freshwater barracuda, huge wolf fish, a 25kg pacus with surprisingly human-like teeth and electric eels that can generate unto 500 volts.

In another corner of the river basin, the film crew comes across a spring where the water bubbles up as clear as gin. Almost like a natural aquarium, this “blue lagoon” is home to an, as yet, an unnamed species of cichlid. It’s an almost spellbindingly beautiful part of the Amazon.

Less inviting but equally gripping is the largest stretch of thermal water in the world – only recently mapped – where the hot bedrock heats the water up to around 100 degrees C. You’d be poached alive in it, but the local Ashaninka people swear by its purifying and healing qualities. Many medicines are said to have their origins in this rainforest, but Oyelowo points out that less than five per cent of the plants from the Amazon basin have been studied by modern science. Only the local tribes know the remedies that lie within. Here too we encounter the green-winged macaw, which gobbles up the clay on eroded river banks because it a rare source or salt in the area.

Stopping off in flamboyant Manaus, the largest city in the Amazon rainforest, we hear how it made its fortune and name in the late 19th century via rubber, gold and minerals. Its enchanting Renaissance-style opera house, with its magnificent dome, is a testament to that roaring past; opened in 1897, it later fell into disrepair during the sharp decline after the boom, but was revived after featuring in Werner Herzog’s classic 1982 film Fitzcarraldo and was re-opened in 1990.

Manaus, the largest city in the Amazon rainforest - Credit: GETTY
Manaus, the largest city in the Amazon rainforest Credit: GETTY

Back on the river, it’s the rainy season where stretches of the Amazon can quadruple in length and the waters rise by 10 metres. But in recent years more extreme weathers have been commonplace in the region with drier dry seasons and even wetter wet seasons and flooding the highest since records began. “People are suffering,” says one worried farmer as the climate change threatens to destroy a way of life for many of the local people.

Elsewhere, the strange and ethereal flooded forests, where fish replace birds during the high water season, are home to some 3,000 species, among them one of the Amazon’s most mysterious and revered creatures, the pink river dolphin (botos), the only dolphin to have whiskers, which it uses it seek out its prey. Or how about the oddball hoatzin bird? It only eats leaves and its consequent gassiness means it referred to as the “stink bird.”

The hoatzin is known for its smelly emissions - Credit: GETTY
The hoatzin is known for its smelly emissions Credit: GETTY

And if you thought you’d be hard pressed to find a beach down here, Alter do Chao in Brazil, 300 miles from the sea, is referred as being part of the Caribbean of the Amazon. Not only does it have gorgeous white sand beaches and warm blue-green freshwater, but it also hosts one of the country’s biggest and best river carnivals, which has been held for hundreds of years.

Alter do Chao - Credit: getty
Alter do Chao Credit: getty

When the Amazon finally reaches the sea – discharging 175,000 tons of water per second into the Atlantic – we’re not finished with the wonder yet as high-tech mini summaries have recently revealed the secrets of the vast Amazon Reef, packed with technicolour fish and home to gardens of giant sponges, two metres long and thousands of years old.

Amazon: Earth’s Great River (BBC2, January 1, 9.00pm)