Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for July

From Cosmopolitan

Spoiler: Your birthday is right around the corner, which means it’s almost time to organize 2020’s most elaborate Zoom birthday party! But before you start sending out electronic “Save the Date” cards, there are a few other things that need to be addressed. Yes, Leo, I’m sorry to say that July actually has some major cosmic occurrences that don’t involve #LeoSzn. And they’re important, so don’t even think about skipping to the end of your horoscope.

Okay, are you still with me? Good. Let’s do this.

After a very intense few weeks, the final eclipse of the season occurs at 12:44AM EST on July 5. As this powerful lunar eclipse coincides with the July 4 weekend, you can expect epic shakedowns to occur on both a micro (personal) and macro (collective) level. For you, this lunar eclipse will activate the area of your chart associated with health, wellness, and routines. No, this doesn’t mean you need to make sudden, impulsive changes to your calendar—rather, you should take a moment to reflect on how these areas of life have transformed since the Cancer-Capricorn eclipses began two years ago. Has your calendar management improved? Or has it spiraled out of control? What are your priorities? Under this sky, consider ways “self-care” can transition from a trendy hashtag to a real, sustainable value that you implement on a daily basis.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably noticed that things have been a bit hectic. And Mercury Retrograde has definitely made things a lot more complicated. Thankfully, after three-weeks of non-stop traffic jams, toe stubs, and passive aggressive emails (~per my last message~), Mercury finally resumes its forward flow on July 12. I’m not going to lie: This isn’t a cure-all. Even when Mercury is operating normally, day-to-day issues can still be super annoying. But, starting mid-month, things will definitely start to feel a little less challenging—and that’s something worth celebrating.

The New Moon in Cancer on July 20 marks the beginning of a brand new lunar cycle. What’s more, this lunation is not an eclipse, which means you can finally resume your manifestation practice. Yee-haw! Oh, you don’t have a manifestation practice yet? Don’t fret: During this New Moon, allocated some special, private time for free-association journaling. Scribble about your hopes, wishes, and desires… or your fears, frustrations, and fixations. Allow your pen to flow freely, honoring the truth of your psyche. By cultivating an honest dialogue with your subconscious, you’ll know exactly which intentions you’d like to set for the Moon’s 28-day orbit.

And, finally, without further ado: the Sun moves into Leo on July 22 and it’s officially Leo Season. You’ve been waiting all year and you’re so excited! Yes, things look a wee bit different than they did in 2019…but you’re not going to let a pesky pandemic spoil your fun. You’re going to turn up in the safest, most responsible, and public health conscious way you can! So go ahead and lean into your most elaborate lion ways. It’s been a tough year—but don’t forget the value of fun!

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