Meghan Markle to Donate Flowers from Royal Wedding

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Photo credit: Getty

From Town & Country

The details of the royal wedding are coming together, and finally being shared with the public. Earlier today it was announced that London-based florist Philippa Craddock will design the flowers both for the ceremony in St. George's Chapel and the afternoon reception in St. George's Hall.

She and her team will reportedly be using seasonal, locally sourced beech, birch, and hornbeam branches, white garden roses, peonies, and fox gloves.

"I am excited and honoured to have been chosen by Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle to design and create their wedding flowers. Working with them has been an absolute pleasure. The process has been highly collaborative, free-flowing, creative and fun," Craddock said.

"The final designs will represent them as a couple, which I always aim to achieve in my work, with local sourcing, seasonality and sustainability being at the forefront."

It was also revealed that the happy couple plans donate the flowers to charity following their big day. Which lucky organizations will receive the blooms have yet to be made public.

That said, it's unlikely Markle's bouquet will be distributed to a non-profit. It is customary for royal brides to leave their bouquets on the grave of the unknown warrior in Westminster Abbey, a somber tradition that was started by the Queen Mum in 1923, who left her flowers on the memorial in honor of her brother Fergus, who was killed in World War I in 1915.

While Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be married at St. George's Chapel, not Westminster Abbey, she will likely still send her bouquet to the church, following in the footsteps of Sophie Rhys-Jones, who wed Prince Edward at the Chapel back in 1999.

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