Only A True 'Gossip Girl' Fan Can Ace This ~Ultimate~ Trivia Quiz

Only A True 'Gossip Girl' Fan Can Ace This ~Ultimate~ Trivia Quiz
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SPOTTED: A GG super-fan with tons of trivia tucked in her Marc Jacobs satchel. Sound like you? Or, are you just a "girl from an outer borough." Take the quiz below to see how much you still know about Gossip Girlthen scroll all the way to the bottom for the answers.

Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW


1. Boarding School; 2. On the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; 3. The Kiss on the Lips party; 4. St. Jude’s School for Boys; 5. The Vanderbilts; 6. Waffles; 7. Klaus and Claus; 8. Eleanor; 9. Limo; 10. Vanya; 11. She sewed her heart pin into the sleeve of his sweater.; 12. Nate; 13. Cornelia; 14. Columbia — because it’s the most prestigious school in New York City.; 15. Hilary Duff; 16. Bible Camp; 17. Scott; 18. W; 19. Horseback riding; 20. He fell off a rooftop.; 21. Monaco; 22. Dan; 23. “I’d ask how you are, but I don’t really care.”; 24. Inside; 25. Lindsay Lohan; 26. Nate; 27. Serena and Dan; 28. Blair and Nate; 29. Lily; 30. January 26

If you answered 1 to 10 questions correctly…

You're an up-and-coming fan. While you didn’t score too hot on this quiz, you can definitely improve over time. All you need to do is stay in bed all day and binge Gossip Girl!

If you answered 11 to 20 questions correctly...

You're one of Blair Waldorf's minions. You pay close attention to Manhattan’s elite, but you’re not quite a member of Blair and Serena’s inner circle — yet, anyway. Keep watching (and slip on a headband for good measure) and you’ll become one of them someday!

If you answered 21 to 30 questions correctly...

You're an Upper East Sider. Scheming, sabotage, social climbing, sky-high stilettos… it’s all in a day’s work for a true member of Manhattan’s elite. We bet you’ve even sent a few tips to Gossip Girl while hanging out in the Constance Billard courtyard after school.

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