Your Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for January

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

Put These Dates in Your Google Cal rn:

  • January 10: You, and you alone, define your worth

  • January 12: Pay close attention to…well, everything

  • January 20: You don’t need to share *all* your thoughts

And we’re off! 2020 is just getting started, and for you, Sag bb, it may trigger an exciting financial opportunity. A Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on January 10 highlights the financial sector of your chart and your emotions align with your monetary goals. Your relationship with money has been changing since these eclipses began in July 2018, and with only a few eclipses left in the Cancer-Capricorn series (the final eclipses will occur this upcoming summer), you’re starting to see how it’s impacting your life.

So whether you’re discussing a raise with your boss or investing more resources in your side hustle, remember that you (and you alone) define your worth.

On January 12, Saturn links up with Pluto to form a powerful (and extraordinarily rare) connection. These two planets haven’t reunited since 1982, so for many Sagittarians, this is a totally unprecedented bond. Make sure you’re paying close attention to what’s going on in your life in the middle of the month. What are you focused on? Who’s involved? How is the story unfolding?

Saturn symbolizes responsibility and Pluto represents transformation, so right now, you’re destroying what isn’t working to establish new, long-term structures. Saturn and Pluto won’t meet again until 2053, so don’t overlook the significance of this moment!

The Sun cruises into Aquarius on January 20, prompting you to express yourself in a major way. Whether you want to clarify something at work or find closure with an ex, you’re feeling inspired to speak your mind. But be careful, Sagittarius love: Not everything you feel needs to be shared.

On January 24, the Moon will join the Sun in Aquarius, forming a New Moon that prompts rumination and reflection. Take advantage of this lunation by writing letters to the important people in your life. What do you want to tell them? Take as much time as you need to get everything off your chest, but when you’re finished, plan on tucking them into a drawer or memory box. By putting your thoughts and feelings into words, you’ll instantly have more clarity about the situation, allowing you to find the best path forward without burning bridges. Remember, Sagittarius, everything waxes and wanes. You don’t need to seal your fate.

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