Your Sex and Love Horoscope for January 2021

January Sex Love Monthly Horoscope-TOUT
January Sex Love Monthly Horoscope-TOUT

Kissing 2020 goodbye felt really damn good — and also all sorts of emotional. After all, it was a year of nearly constant change and challenges. Now, with a whole new calendar year and a blank canvas at your disposal, you could be bursting with another flood of feelings: everything from anticipation to anxiety, hope, optimism, and fear.

It could be heartening to hear that the first month of 2021 will offer some stress relief by supporting your dreams — especially of the romantic kind — and steamiest desires. January plays host to pragmatic, driven Capricorn season and progressive, eccentric Aquarius season, and offers up plenty of chances to follow your heart, flirt with old-school expressions of love, and look toward a more connected future.

In addition to the sun's trips through industrious earth sign Cap and quirky air sign Aquarius, it's also a month in which we'll see a bunch of personal planetary shifts as well as the start of a (insert groan) Mercury retrograde.

Sexy, action-oriented Mars, which has been in its home sign of impulsive Aries for almost half of 2020, will move into a more sensual, slow burn-loving Taurus on January 6, where it remains until March 3. After January 8, messenger Mercury will move through Aquarius, bringing a more platonic, forward-thinking vibe to communication until the 30th (when it then goes retrograde, requiring that we look back in order to tie up any loose ends). This could set up lots of intellectual sparks — and potentially even clashing of resolute opinions — with potential matches on the apps or your partner. That same day, Venus, the planet of love, moves into Capricorn, where it'll bring a dose of old-school romance and tradition into relationships and flirtations until February 1.

What's old can be new again around January 13 when a new moon falls in Cap, too, giving you the green light to set powerful intentions, and the next day, game-changer Uranus ends its five-month retrograde, allowing you to build real momentum.

And around January 28, the full moon in optimistic, loyal Leo will be in effect just as the confident sun forms a harmonious conjunction to lucky Jupiter, making it a super-optimistic, warm, even buoyant moment to believe not only in your personal power but what you can achieve when you join forces with others.

Want to know more about how January's astrological highlights will affect your sex and love life? Read on for your sign's January 2021 sex horoscope. Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Steamiest days: January 2, 20, 28

Go-getter Mars, your ruling planet, spent basically half of 2020 in your sign, offering you major spurts of energy to accomplish your big picture goals. But from January 6 to March 3, it'll be moving through your second house of income, which also concerns our values, inner desires, and self-worth. That said, you'll be especially fired up around all of those subjects, so it's a smart time to ensure you're in sync with your partner or someone you're hoping to hit it off with.

Around January 28, when the full moon is in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, you could feel like you're just about to lose your mind if you don't get a break from the daily grind — and, ideally, that break will feel like a magical adventure with a potential partner or your S.O. Book that Airbnb or hop onto an impromptu FaceTime with that app match. Leaning into your inner impulsive fire sign could actually turn out to be super-satisfying now.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Steamiest days: January 9, 13, 20

Ever since shocking Uranus went retrograde in your sign back in August, there's a good chance you've been meditating on big-picture changes you want to make and experiencing internal shifts in how you see the world. On January 14, the revolutionary planet finally moves forward, and you'll feel even more compelled to switch up whatever's feeling "stuck" and to express yourself more openly. Talking through what's on your mind with someone special could be the key to feeling connected mentally and emotionally — which is bound to turn you on physically — and on the same page when it comes to any major moves you're hoping to make over the next few months.

And while romantic Venus moves through your ninth house of adventure from January 8 to February 1, you'll be feeling that pull to get out of your comfort zone in another way. Yep, this could mean that tried-and-true vanilla routine — during solo or partnered sex — has outlived its welcome, and you want to explore steamy new techniques, positions, or toys. Because your appetite for learning is sure to be heightened now, too, you could find merit in diving into sexy books and documentaries or trying an erotica app like Dipsea.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Steamiest days: January 13, 23, 28

With action-oriented, sex-ruling Mars in your twelfth house of spirituality from January 6 to March 3, you could feel a bit low on horny energy and more interested in hibernating for the rest of the winter, TBH. But this can also be a beneficial time to let your imagination run wild, paying extra attention to what you're dreaming about and which fantasies seem worth exploring in real life. Even if you're not ready to make a move just yet, writing about your desires (think: in a sex journal) or firing up a sexting session with your partner could be surprisingly super-fulfilling.

And you'll also have sweet Venus pulling for you as it moves through your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy from January 8 to February 1. You'll want to connect with your S.O. or a potential match in a wholehearted, more all-encompassing way than you have previously. Sharing that you want to go past superficial interactions and better understand one another's emotional compasses can feel empowering, and set the stage for hot and heavy conversation — and possibly even more.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Steamiest days: January 4, 11, 23

You'll notice your intuition is heightened while messenger Mercury moves forward through your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy from January 8 to 30. This can make it easier to tune into your own desires, get a sense of your S.O. or a potential partner's needs, and open up about it all, so you're able to have a conversation and get in sync. The more you're able to talk about deep-rooted feelings, the more seen you'll both feel — which can be downright intoxicating — and inspire lots of firework-inducing intellectual foreplay or steamy action between the sheets.

And thanks to romantic Venus in your seventh house of partnership from January 8 to February 1, you'll feel inspired to prioritize one-on-one time with your S.O. or a new connection. Whether you're bouncing work ideas off of one another or supporting one another's New Year resolutions, working toward shared goals can bring you even closer. You could also find you're better able to compromise and hold space for one another, so if you've been clashing on a particular issue, make a point to hash it out now.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Steamiest days: January 11, 13, 28

Thanks to messenger Mercury moving forward in your seventh house of partnership from January 8 to 30, you'll value one-on-one time with your S.O. or someone special more than usual. Nurturing your mental connection feels extra stimulating now, so it could be the right moment for not only trading notes on that thought-provoking documentary you just watched but initiating suggestive flirtation or a straight-up sexting sesh. You could be surprised to see how relying on words alone to set the mood might feel a little out of the ordinary — and off-the-charts hot.

And around January 28, when the full moon falls in your sign, you could be in your feelings in a major way, especially if you've recently hit pause on your self-care in order to tend to everyone else around you. If anyone knows how to step back and show themselves some love, it's you, Leo. Share your needs with your partner, and you'll feel even more empowered.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Steamiest days: January 8, 13, 23

While relationship-oriented Venus is in your fifth house of romance from January 8 to February 1, you'll be feeling extra flirtatious, spontaneous, and fired up to put pleasurable activities front and center. As a result, you'll be especially magnetic and capable of attracting whatever it is you're seeking by just being yourself — as long as you're clear on what you want and express yourself openly. This could set the stage for feeling totally fulfilled by impromptu lovemaking sessions or sexy banter now.

And around January 13, the new moon in your fifth house serves as a green light to set a powerful intention related to your self-confidence, self-expression, and love life. Allow yourself to tap into your most creative impulses and then let that guide how whatever ritual you feel makes the most sense for you in the moment. Think: lighting a candle and meditating in a steamy CBD bath or writing a letter to your S.O. or ideal partner that details your desires. Giving yourself the time and space to envision what you want, then holding it in mind as you move forward can make for satisfying results.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Steamiest days: January 9, 20, 23

You'll be craving opportunities to connect with someone special on a deep emotional, mental, and physical level while go-getter Mars is in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy from January 6 to March 3. The best way to ensure you're fulfilled in this way: Wear your heart on your sleeve in a down-to-earth, super-present, honest way, opening the door for your partner to meet you on that level. Once you're in sync, the result could feel truly transformative.

You'll also find that it doesn't take much to engage and even mesmerize your partner or a potential match while messenger Mercury moves forward through your fifth house of romance from January 8 to 30. You'll be extra charismatic and entertaining, which can boost your self-esteem and encourage you to be even bolder. But as easy as it might be to voice your steamiest desires right now, you'll find that even everyday intellectual conversations get your mind and heart racing, setting up serious sparks with someone special.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Steamiest days: January 9, 12, 14

If you've been struggling to see eye-to-eye with your partner or wanting to take on a massive joint project that requires you putting your noses to the grindstone as a team, you'll have a clear runway for it while go-getter Mars is in your seventh house of partnership from January 6 to March 3. The action planet infuses your one-on-one interactions with a new level of gung-ho energy that makes it easy to tackle whatever you put your mind to. And then, when you hit the finish line, you'll want to show just how much you appreciate one another by enjoying an off-the-charts romp between the sheets.

And thanks to romantic Venus moving through your third house of communication between January 8 and February 1, your appetite for mental stimulation and socializing will be heightened. If you're single, casual conversations with friends or colleagues could lead to meeting someone exciting. If you're attached, planning a Zoom game night with other couples could prove a fun opp to bond with one another.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Steamiest days: January 11, 20, 28

While last month was all about identifying exactly what you want in life and love, this month could be about speaking it into being, thanks to messenger Mercury moving through your third house of communication from January 8 to 30. You'll be feeling like you have an insatiable craving for new information, learning, and brainstorming stimulating ideas, and the more you can do this with your partner or someone special, the closer to them you'll feel. And because you'll be more turned on by their intellectual curiosity than anything else, finding opportunities to share your ideas on a variety of topics — from politics to art and technology — can prove completely chemistry-boosting.

And around January 28, the full moon in your ninth house of adventure (which Sag rules, BTW) has you itching to break free of the mundane daily grind and have an eye-opening experience with your S.O. or a new match. An impromptu day trip or planning future long-distance travel could be satisfying — and allow you to experience a sexy side of your sweetheart you've never seen before.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Steamiest days: January 6, 8, 13

You'll have the power of both the planet of sex and the planet of romance on your side to make your romantic fantasies a reality this month, Cap. Go-getter Mars moves through your fifth house of romance from January 6 to March 3, turning the volume up on all of your desires. You'll feel more energized to express your passion through creative outlets as well as romantic and sexual self-expression too. This could be the time to initiate a steamy convo with your partner to see might be up for exploring that fetish or fantasy (BDSM, anyone?) you've been curious about.

And setting you up for even more romantic fun, relationship-oriented Venus moves through your sign from January 8 to February 1, putting the bulk of your focus on pleasure and fun-loving activities. Taking even more pride in your self-care routine now can have you glowing from inside out, bolstering your confidence and all but ensuring that you'll have your partner or a new match falling even harder for you.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Steamiest days: January 8, 9, 28

Get ready for Aquarius SZN and all its rewards! While the confident sun is in your sign from January 19 to February 18, you'll be feeling extra self-assured — and in your element, which means all about striking out against convention and embracing all things quirky and innovative. That said, whether you've been wanting to learn more about remote-controlled sex toys or polyamory, own your curiosity. What you discover could lead to an eye-opening, fulfilling experience with your sweetheart — or yourself.

Around January 28, when the full moon is in your seventh house of partnership, you'll be reflecting on the ways you can better ensure your needs are met while holding your S.O. or a new connection's needs in mind. Because the confident sun pairs up with fortunate Jupiter in your sign that day, you'll be feeling like you have luck on your side, so don't hold back from sharing what's on your mind. As long as you're in a truly reciprocal relationship, you'll be able to have a healthy, bond-bolstering convo about what the future looks like.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Steamiest days: January 13, 16, 23

This month, you could be focused on nurturing connections that aren't necessarily romantic but could ultimately help fuel your love and sex life. From January 8 to 30, messenger Mercury moves forward through your twelfth house of spirituality, and you might feel like withdrawing into a world of daydreams and fantasies. Your creativity will be amplified now, so it could be an amazing time to make a point to meditate, journal, or pour your emotions into your favorite art form. What you come up with could inspire deeply romantic, intimate moments you'll want to later pursue with someone special.

And while romantic Venus is in your eleventh house of networking from January 8 to February 1, you'll be drawn to collaborations with friends and colleagues. If you're single, you could hit it off with someone platonically only to start wondering whether it's worth seeing if there's more. Or you and your S.O. might want to collaborate with friends on a group project (like raising money for a local charity). Either way, bonding over common interests could end up lighting a sweet and even sexy spark.

Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. In addition to being Shape's resident astrologer, she contributes to InStyle, Parents,, and more. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie.