Your Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

Get way more than *just* your horoscope in the brand-new astrology section that debuted in the March issue of Cosmo. Subscribe here.

Your Key Dates:

March 5: Find inner strength and show everyone just how fierce you are

March 6: Chase after your goals, address personal problems you’ve been avoiding

March 20: Prepare to go on a journey, tread lightly around gossip

Major cosmic motion this month will be impacting you in such a profound way that you may feel like a completely different person by the end of the month. If this sounds dramatic, it’s because it is! On March 5, Mercury-the planet that governs communication-begins its frustrating backwards journey across Pisces’ emotional sky. Everyone is impacted by Mercury moving retrograde, but this planetary movement impacts you the most because Mercury is your celestial ruler. Through March 28, avoid purchasing anything non-refundable, proofread every message you send and receive, and cushion your itineraries with lots of extra time (being late is inevitable). Mercury retrograde reminds even the most meticulous Virgo that not everything is within our control. Learn to roll with the punches, baby.

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

On March 6, Uranus moves into Taurus. Through 2026, this slow-moving outer planet will drift through the area of your chart linked to exploration and expansion. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself steering away from your comfort zone over the next several years. You may go back to school, move to a different country, or even adopt a new spiritual practice. Embrace this direction. When you trust your intuition, you’ll always be on the right path.

Also on March 6, a magical lunation in Pisces, your opposite sign, gets you in the mood for ~lerve~. During this new moon, set intentions regarding commitment and closure. Are you ready to take existing relationships to the next level? Or, alternatively, are you maintaining existing partnerships that have already surpassed their expiration date? You don’t need to make any major moves right away. Use this new moon to take emotional inventory, exploring what partnership means to you.

A new astrological season begins when the sun cruises into Aries on March 20, activating the emotional area of your chart associated with death, sex, and transformation. It may sound intense, but it’s not all doom and gloom. This cosmic energy will help you look under the hood and adjust what isn’t working for you anymore. I know you can do everything by yourself, Virgo babe, but reach out to your friends and loved ones. If you need a shoulder to cry on, all you need to do is ask.

On the same day, this month’s full moon in Libra electrifies the sky and makes direct contact with your money zone. Reassess your finances from a new perspective. When we’re children, we perceive money as very logical and pragmatic. Over time, we begin to realize that finances are also extremely emotional, and our relationship with it constantly waxes and wanes. Now’s the time to set financial goals for the next six months. These will come to fruition on August 30, during the new moon in Virgo, so don’t forget to save the date!

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