Display Requirements

Brand Assets

For Logo guidelines, visit our Brand Guidelines documentation.

Yelp-branded stars

The following Yelp-branded stars sprite must be used when representing a Yelp rating. Generic or unbranded stars are not permitted.

Download Yelp-branded stars assets

For more context, check the Brand Guidelines in our styleguide.















Definitely do!

  • Make Yelp’s logo prominently visible on all content that originated from Yelp. The casual user should always know where Yelp content comes from!
  • Make the Yelp logo link to yelp.com or the business’s Yelp page wherever and whenever you use it.
  • Link directly to the corresponding Yelp pages whenever you display star ratings, review excerpts, and review counts from Yelp. Please don’t link content from Yelp to another page, interstitial, or any other location other than directly back to Yelp!
  • Display aggregate star ratings side-by-side with the number of reviews on which they’re based.
  • Include “read more” links to full reviews whenever you use review excerpts. Otherwise, include a “Read Reviews” link to the corresponding business pages on Yelp.
  • Audibly attribute content to Yelp when using it in voice-enabled services.
  • Check out the Yelp for Business Owners app before you create tools for business owners!
  • Check with us before performing semantic analysis on content from Yelp or incorporating it into rating trends. Please contact us via [email protected] if you’re interested in using our data in these ways. If you represent a company, our Yelp Knowledge program may be a good fit for your use case.

Definitely don’t!

  • Display any business listing information (that includes addresses, phone numbers, location, etc.) without also displaying Yelp attribution in compliance with the display requirements. Attribution is extremely important to us here — the casual user must understand that the business listing information came from Yelp!
  • Blend star rating content from Yelp with rating content from other sources. This means no aggregated “overall ratings” which utilize multiple sources of ratings. Yelp content must stand alone.
  • Store data longer than 24 hours.
  • Suggest that it’s possible for you to remove critical reviews or create positive reviews on Yelp.
  • Build another Yelp — we’ve got that covered!

More detail available via Yelp Fusion Terms of Use

Contact [email protected] if you have questions about these requirements or are interested in use cases that fall outside of these requirements.

Exceptions and Special Cases

All Apps using Yelp data must follow Yelp’s Display Requirements described on this page.

However, we understand that there are certain applications that can not fully implement our Display Requirements. Exceptions are on a case-by-case basis. Please write to [email protected] to obtain Yelp’s explicit approval for your specific use case.

Below are some examples that we have granted in the past:

  1. Applications or products which are non-visual (e.g. audio/voice only) must explicitly attribute Yelp to users as the content provider.
  2. Applications or products which are non-interactive in nature (e.g. static kiosks or large TV screens that do not have a means of transmitting a Yelp URL to users).