Ugly Restaurant and Bar

May 2, 2024 — Routine Inspection


  • In-use utensils: properly stored
  • Food obtained from approved source
  • Food and non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, and used
  • Food-contact surfaces; cleaned and sanitized


Date Inspection Type Violations Grade Score
May 2, 2024 Routine 4 K.A. 94
June 30, 2023 Routine 0 K.A. 100
May 10, 2023 Routine 6 K.A. 90

Estimated Health Score

Powered by Health Department Intelligence

out of 100

About Estimated Health Scores

Yelp obtains this data from Health Department Intelligence (HDI), which collects public data from local government agencies. Health department practices vary widely across the country, and some do not publish a score along with their inspection findings. For these jurisdictions, Health Department Intelligence collects underlying local health department data to provide an estimated score that shows how this business's latest inspection compares to others in the local health department's jurisdiction.

Depending on how frequently a health department publishes inspection results online and how long it takes to process and send that information to us, there may be a delay before the most recent inspection is shown here. This is usually a temporary situation that will be resolved when we receive updated information.

If you have any questions or comments about the data on this page, please visit Health Department Intelligences’ FAQ page.