• 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    Flag this review please.
    IF you know anything about me and my company's validity while serving the community, that is.
    You'll notice this person has given five or one star reviews with an obvious lack of in depth investigation - and needless to say without customer experience.
    They got mine wrong, anyway.

    • 631 friends
    • 169 reviews

    Oh, I will!!  She gave 4 other Lock Smith Companies one Star and  5 stars to the First One.

    • 22 friends
    • 52 reviews

    Yeah, I noticed the same.  Same review and all:


    • 22 friends
    • 52 reviews

    Do you own two locksmith businesses that rip you off? ;-)

    • 468 friends
    • 186 reviews

    of course, Theo. But only because you own the key to my heart.

    • 21 friends
    • 92 reviews

    Douche-iness at it's best . That sux , but at least they were total idiots about it so it is obvious .

    • 0 friends
    • 0 reviews

    That person has 38 reviews for locksmiths. Uhm. That's a lot of getting locked out.

    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    Thanks guys.
    I heart you too, Bart.
    All the way, all the way....
    But the intent of the guy might have been not without honor.
    There are rip off artists, and he's fingered a few of them.
    It just seems that, ironically enough, he didn't do his homework while investigating me.
    Thanks again, I hate Yama. (Yelp drama)

    • 279 friends
    • 860 reviews

    38 reviews for locksmiths?  That's odd.....

    • 631 friends
    • 169 reviews

    Is it true that you need 2 Elites to Flag?  
    Well, you've got 2 anyway!

  1. WOW, another great example as to how people can really abuse yelp.com.
    He/She must own that other locksmith place. Flagged all of them for you.

    • 353 friends
    • 253 reviews

    done. . .weird - really, really weird.

    • 21 friends
    • 92 reviews

    Christine P. says:

    Flagged all of them for you.


    Thats a lot of flagging . Are you a pro ?

    • 60 friends
    • 0 reviews

    Done. Like everyone said, it's strange he or she has so many reviews for locksmiths.

    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    He or she has granted a five star review to what seems to be all the locksmith companies with storefronts.
    Then gave one star reviews to those which don't.
    Not understanding that a storefront is not necessary to run an efficient and legal locksmith service company.
    Having said that, he has found some rotten apples; A 24 hour and Emergency 101 are genuine rip off artists.

    • 21 friends
    • 92 reviews

    The account will be deleted is my guess . And probably a warning from Yelp.

    • 1468 friends
    • 624 reviews
    • 137 friends
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    Not a big deal, but every customer counts, so expediency is my concern.
    I'm sure it will be gone as soon as they get to it.
    Thanks again everyone for understanding.

    • 279 friends
    • 860 reviews

    Wish I could help Theo, but I'm not elite.......*hangs head in shame*

    • 181 friends
    • 149 reviews

    I flagged the review.

    • 1 friend
    • 0 reviews

    I'd flag it for you Theo, But Yelp pays no attention to my Flags. I don't rate.

  2. James "Whipping it up" T. says:

    Thats a lot of flagging . Are you a pro ?
    No not a pro, just a dork that used the copy and paste tool....

    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    Thanks Steve.
    OIC now, this guy has started his business after all.
    Yeah, he needs to learn who his allies are.

    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    I have to say that as nice as we've been to our competitors, to the point of training them - it is a little angering to see this.
    Whoever this is, I wouldn't be surprised if I haven't given him a useful tip or two over the years.

    • 1 friend
    • 0 reviews

    Thanks Megan...Just a note too....you look remarkably like my Wife in your latest photo..it's uncanny.

    • 503 friends
    • 243 reviews

    I'll flag this thread for u Theo!

    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    Yeah, that might happen - and I might end up in jail - but nothing is more important than my meal ticket.

    • B B.
    • San Francisco, CA
    • 69 friends
    • 308 reviews

    i flagged it for you theo! =)

    just remember when basketball season comes around, its fantasy basketball time and i get the #1 pick! lol.

    • 22 friends
    • 52 reviews

    Could ones of the morals of this story be that you should choose businesses with real names, and not AAAAA 0000101 [business type] out of the phone book?  That's what I took from it.

    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    Okay, I'll let you have Maggette.
    Thanks, Beks.

    • B B.
    • San Francisco, CA
    • 69 friends
    • 308 reviews

    no no no. i dont want Maggette's injured ass. but he is pretty hot tho. LOL.

    you're welcome. =)

    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    Rebecca "*sigh*" C. says:

    Could ones of the morals of this story be that you should choose businesses with real names, and not AAAAA 0000101 [business type] out of the phone book?  That's what I took from it.
    They also have genuine sounding names (same owner).
    Someone told me that one of the fake company fronts has stolen my logo.
    What those names are about is 411, when a caller asks for "a locksmith" - the typer gets these first.

    • B B.
    • San Francisco, CA
    • 69 friends
    • 308 reviews
    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    Well, there's a guy in New York who is responsible for most of the sham locksmith companies.
    Purportedly, he gives ex cons a van and a drill and sends them COUNTRY WIDE to rip people off, taking half the profits from each.
    Spitzer WAS on it, then we all know what happened.
    As far as I've last heard, our DA doesn't have an angle.
    New York's DA seems to not give a shit.
    So, Megan - if you want to smack a bitch while touring Manhattan - I'd love it.

    • 74 friends
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    • 143 friends
    • 45 reviews
    • 137 friends
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    Yeah, it's gone.
    Thanks everybody!
    You never know when someone's shopping around for a locksmith.
    Now, flag this thread if you find it in violation - it would have been worth it.
    Have a good week ya'll, and stay vigilant.
    BTW, as a PSA - those weird named companies ARE scams and you will be "compelled" to pay up to %1000 the worth of the service.
    Stay away from them.
    Here's a good link for any contractor validation (including locksmiths, dentists, accounting, etc.)

    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    Nicole "Siwy wabbit, twix are fo kids... You share." L. says:

    it only takes one to do it. Otherwise HQ will be bombarded and can't do their original job of keeping yelpers safe from stalkers.
    Sounds like a matter of priorities.
    I hope Yelp isn't "protecting" me from my stalkers.
    Unless they're guys, of course.
    Then protect away please....

    • 137 friends
    • 85 reviews

    Funny, I know the owners of Locksmith Central.
    Good people, they must have hired someone without scruples.

  3. Profile flagged.

This conversation is older than 2 months and has been closed to new posts.