• 102 friends
    • 51 reviews

    This company has the yelp logo and reviews on their website set a appointment with them they are a rip off scam

    • 112 friends
    • 34 reviews

    What did they say when you called them back?

    • 102 friends
    • 51 reviews

    I've called 7 times I get a answering service they say a mgr will call me back since Saturday no returned call and I emailed main office and no response

    • 112 friends
    • 34 reviews

    Document everything that happened and write a perfectly factual yelp review.

    • 102 friends
    • 51 reviews

    I did that's what happened bottom line $471 for rekey 4 locks what ripoff

    • 112 friends
    • 34 reviews

    When I rekeyed our old locks, it was cheaper to buy new locksets, take out the cylinders, and replace the existing ones, than it was to get a locksmith.

    • 1160 friends
    • 2107 reviews

    Locksmiths are ninjas now?

    • 112 friends
    • 34 reviews

    ^Well sure. That much ice cream should make anybody cool.

    • 1160 friends
    • 2107 reviews

    Netflix and chill

    • 645 friends
    • 562 reviews

    ^ yeah, that's what I like to do with a certain locksmith I know.  

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