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    So there I was, derping around Reno's Yelp page and I realized that most of the "Latest Reviews" were all porno spambots with links attached. Apparently this has been going on for several days, and someone in the Reno threads mentioned that it was a multi-city attack. I looked at a couple profiles and sure enough, they're writing them all over the place.

    To be honest, I'm offended that Yelp hasn't done anything to take care of it. Legit reviewers take time out of their day to add to this site, and then it takes you guys a few days to answer the call to flags on spammers and competing businesses? What's the deal? I've had to write competitors of businesses who gave their rivals 1 star and tell them, personally, that what they're doing is shitty and to take it down. Why? Because it takes Yelp forever to change it.

    I love this site - fuck, I've been here for 4+ years now. Can we get a handle on this, please? I know I'm not the only one thinking this.

    Alrighty! Back to studying constitutional law cases. That was a nice break.

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    Jaime we should totes hang out and smoke some doobes and listen to my Rage Against the Machine albums after a few meatless turkey burgers.

    • 21 friends
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    Yelp allows users to embed links in the reviews and yelptalk.  I have seen the 'spam' links to an adult dating service on the Bay Area site.   I think the fact that Yelp sets minimal boundaries on the users, makes it a more interesting site.  

    BTW, they are not placed by Spambots.  Someone has to actually write a review and embed a link in order to get users to click through.  The spammers post multiple reviews under a single identity, however after being 'flagged as inappropriate', the whole thing gets taken down, so they don't have much leverage.  It's a scheme that operates at a very low economic level.

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    Dru that's not very nice, I actually like meatless turkey burgers. Hate RATM though, pick another band.

    I call shit like that spambots, because technically they're acting just the way a bot would; posting a ton of a one-line review with a link that has nothing to do with the type of business. It's just annoying that I can flag them yet they stay up. Everyone on the Reno thread tried but said "Fuck it!" after flagging 10 of the reviews.

  1. I've noticed the very same shit going on here with locksmiths. What is the deal? And why locksmiths?

    • 336 friends
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    Speaking of locksmiths, where the hell did Theo go, or is he participating on talk under some alias?

  2. I'm lost, what is a porno spambot and what did they do with Theo?

  3. Was that sent to you on yelp?

  4. I just noticed that same message from two other people. Damn spam.

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