
Annual Performance Report

Grantees are required to submit two types of performance reports:

  1. Interim Performance Report, which is due after the first six months of the grant.
  2. Annual Performance Report (APR). The APR is available to grantees October 1 of each calendar year, and closes 90 days thereafter. To review the reporting requirement for Title III and Title V Programs, request access to an interactive training site under the training tab located on IS' Information Management Performance System Portal. Once there you may select the requirements for each Title III and Title V program based on the institutional type (two-year or four-year). This site is also available to grantees for training purposes and includes an APR user's manual.

To gain access to the APR project directors need the institution's Unit ID, PR Award ID, and a unique password provided by the Institutional Service. Passwords are e-mailed to the grantee project director designated on the grant award notification document 30 days before the collection period begins. Project directors of Title III and Title V grants are responsible for completing and managing the content of their respective annual report.

Note: If you are a project director and have responsibility for completing the annual report for your institution, please be sure you are designated on the official grant award notification and your e-mail and telephone number are listed correctly in the G5 database. Contact your program officer if you have questions.


The online system will generate a final report from grantees' individual annual reports for each grant ending September 30 of the collection period. The online system generates the final performance so that reported data is consistent throughout the life cycle of grants and eliminates each grantee's burden of having to compile a final report.


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Last Modified: 04/04/2022