The bats are here!

Courtesy Gloriana Chaverri

After the introduction of the Orthoptera, XC is now ready to expand to other groups. First up are the 1500 species of bats of the world! This new extensions was done with help from Gloriana Chaverri, bat expert from Costa Rica, and Marcelo Araya Salas, an ecologist and bioacoustics expert we all know well from developing WarbleR, and generous financial support from NLBIF.

XC focuses on sharing real-time recordings of bats, as explained in the FAQ. You can also learn there how to convert recordings from time-expanded to real-time.

What is xeno-canto?

xeno-canto is a website dedicated to sharing wildlife sounds from all over the world. Whether you are a research scientist, a birder, or simply curious about a sound that you heard out your kitchen window, we invite you to listen, download, and explore the wildlife sound recordings in the collection.

But xeno-canto is more than just a collection of recordings. It is also a collaborative project. We invite you to share your own recordings, help identify mystery recordings, or share your expertise in the forums. Welcome!

Latest News

September 5, 2024

... notwithstanding a few tricks to fend them off, some bot is apparently scraping the site and tripping some limits for the Google Maps. Looks like a swarm of Facebook bots. Odd, they should respect the robots.txt. We've blocked hundreds of IP addresses. Let's see what happens.

.... a bit better now, but Google Maps still suffering. Those really should get better at least tomorrow, but hey, let's see.

Willem-Pier Vellinga on September 6, 2024

... looks like we are out of the woods.

Willem-Pier Vellinga on September 6, 2024

XC is sadly regularly unreachable again/still, at least at my end.

Ulf Elman on September 12, 2024

.... is this during heavy usage on your side Ulf? or just for casual checks.

Willem-Pier Vellinga on September 12, 2024

XC turning inaccessible may very well be initiated by frequent use of the site by me, but once XC has entered into such a state, it remains inaccessible.

It's as if my IP adress is mistaken for one of those evil bots or something.

Ulf Elman on September 12, 2024

ok I see, not at all impossible Ulf: I was IP blocked myself for a few hours last week :-) Let me check exactly which blocks have been put in place.

Willem-Pier Vellinga on September 12, 2024

... of course you can quickly check by changing your IP. you may have already tried that.

Willem-Pier Vellinga on September 12, 2024

I'm not really an IT guy and don't know exactly how IP adresses work, but XC is accessible for me while using a computer in one geographical location, while not in another. I guess the two computers are associated with different IP adresses, so that may be the explanation.

Still, If the 'bot' onslaughts continues, the countermeasures against them would keep acting against my IP adress too, if I try accessing XC 'too much'?

Ulf Elman on September 13, 2024

I sent you an email Ulf.

Willem-Pier Vellinga on September 13, 2024

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August 28, 2024

Ruud Altenburg @ Naturalis has worked hard phasing out an important library of code. Let us know if something is inadvertently broken. We've also updated the Collection graphs, now showing the disk space XC takes up. Note the drastic increase since we started sharing WAV files :-)

Another new cool feature is on Explore by Taxonomy. You can now filter on taxa that have recordings. Try it e.g. on the huge orthopteran family Acrididae, and tick the box at the top of the page.

Bob Planqué on August 28, 2024

I've been hoping for a feature like that. Thanks guys!

Daniel Parker on September 2, 2024

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August 22, 2024

Augustin Bussac is a new contributor, who just shared 15 new frog species from South America. Welcome, Augustin, and thanks for sharing!

At the current rate, we will reach 12000 species soon. Woop woop!

Bob Planqué on August 22, 2024

And Augustin adds another 15 or so species, pushing us over the 12000 species. What a collective feat!

Bob Planqué on August 22, 2024

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August 19, 2024

David Boyle has been adding a great set of 300 recordings lately, from Malaysia and in particular New Zealand, with many new cuts from the far-flung Chatham Islands. Thanks for sharing, David!

Haha! Unfortunately circumstances beyond my control suddenly gave me a lot of spare time to try & sort out old recordings but I'm about to go back to work so not sure I'll quite get finished! If I'd known how long it took to sort stuff out I'd have been a lot more organised!

David Boyle on August 21, 2024

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861748 IDs
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12019 Species
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10592 Recordists
15324:06:46 Recording Time
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