Health Services

Back Pain

Most back pain will go away in a few weeks without treatment.  

 Patient info and self-care advice:

  • First, it's important to understand back pain
  •  Escape fear-avoidance behaviors and stay active
  •  See the Rx3 resources to see what exercises, mobility and stretches could help
  •  You can apply heat or cold to the area that hurts; but sometimes, it’s a sign of a problem
  • Talk to your supervisor; explain you've injured yourself and ask for a short reprieve from activities that hurt you
  • Over the counter medications are not recommended as a first line action. If Rx3 resources aren't effective, you can pick up medications directly from the MDG pharmacy without an appointment

Send your PCM a MHS GENESIS Patient Portal Message or visit Urgent Care if you have:

  • Constant pain or pain not improved after two weeks
  • Pain that spreads down one or both legs, especially if it goes past your knee
  • Pain with weakness, numbness, or tingling in one or both legs
  • Pain plus unexplained weight loss
  • Pain with swelling or redness on your back
  • Pain with a fever
  • Upcoming deployment or PCS within 1-2 months

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