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'''蒙古征服喬治亞與亞美尼亞戰爭''' [[喬治亞]]在[[中世紀]][[黑暗時代]]末是[[君主國家]]政體,於[[1220年]]遭遇到蒙古大軍攻擊;雖然僅僅只是幾場遭遇戰就離開喬治亞,蒙古大軍直到1236年又返回喬治亞,並在幾場大戰後於[[1243年]]併吞滅喬治亞;喬治亞與亞美尼亞在當時每年向蒙古朝貢沉重大禮與提供男丁兵力給無止無盡般[[蒙古西征]]作戰;導致喬治亞與亞美尼亞開始反抗蒙古需索:雖然初開始處於被動,但是之後就出現變化一連串民心激昂鼓舞、在支持與反對蒙古的兩派人民拉執角力,參伴著許多市民抗爭與武力鬥爭中,導致蒙古支持最先相當強勢管制人民的「傀儡政權」被弱化甚至分裂;終於在[[1320年代]]末晚,在國王'''燦爛輝煌喬治V'''領導,善用嫺熟的外交手腕與戰爭擊敗蒙古,收復失土重現繁榮及強大國力。

'''蒙古征服喬治亞與亞美尼亞戰爭'''[[格魯吉亞]]在[[中世紀]][[黑暗時代]]末是[[君主]]政體,於1220年遭遇到蒙古大軍攻擊;雖然僅僅只是幾場遭遇戰就離開喬治亞,蒙古大軍直到1236年又返回喬治亞,並在幾場大戰後於1243年併吞滅喬治亞;喬治亞與亞美尼亞在當時每年向蒙古朝貢沉重大禮與提供男丁兵力給無止無盡般[[蒙古西征]]作戰;導致喬治亞與亞美尼亞開始反抗蒙古需索:雖然初開始處於被動,但是之後就出現變化一連串民心激昂鼓舞、在支持與反對蒙古的兩派人民拉執角力,參伴著許多市民抗爭與武力鬥爭中,導致蒙古支持最先相當強勢管制人民的「傀儡政權」被弱化甚至分裂;終於在1320年代末晚,在國王[[喬治五世 (格魯吉亞)|喬治五世]]領導,善用嫺熟的外交手腕與戰爭擊敗蒙古,收復失土重現繁榮及強大國力。

蒙古人在這裡設置了一個[[維拉亞特|省份]](Vilayet),定名為'''Gurjistan''',這個Gurjistan省包括今天的喬治亞與南[[高加索]]全境,蒙古並未直接統治這裡,原先是喬治亞國王統治,久了就改由蒙古大汗併吞直接統治;喬治亞國王[[魯速丹]](Rusudan)在1245年故逝後,蒙古人又把高加索分為8個省,透過複雜連續的王位繼承手續,蒙古人把喬治亞王位繼承者分化成兩派競爭貴族,每一黨派都各派出一位王座候選人,[[喬治四世 (喬治亞)|喬治四世]]的私生子[[大衛七世·烏魯]]和[[鲁速丹]]之子[[大卫·纳林]]。[[1245年]]發生「推翻蒙古統治」(参见领导者之一[[Tsotne Dadiani]])卻失敗,[[1247年]][[貴由]]汗就在喬治亞東、西兩邊各立一位傀儡國王(分成東、西兩國),喬治亞[[國會]]政制(俄語:[[杜馬]])被廢除,蒙古人就能更直接控制[[行政]]體系為了能夠便於抽稅,以及自被迫服從的喬治亞人收取貢獻物品;不單是蒙古君主如此,蒙古軍隊也以這樣方法再壓榨喬治亞人民。
[[Image:Geor mong.gif|thumb|<small>Georgia in the aftermath of the Mongol invasion. Copyright©2004 Andrew Andersen</small>]]
The Mongols created the [[Vilayet]] of Gurjistan, which included Georgia and the whole [[South Caucasus]], where they ruled indirectly, through the Georgian monarch, the latter to be confirmed by the Great Khan upon his/her ascension. With the death of Rusudan in [[1245]], an interregnum began during which the Mongols divided the Caucasus into eight dumans (provinces). Exploiting the complicated issue of succession, the Mongols had the Georgian nobles divided into two rival parties, each of which advocated their own candidate to the crown. These were [[David VII of Georgia|David VII “Ulu”]], an illegitimate son of George IV, and his cousin [[David VI of Georgia|David VI “Narin”]], son of [[Rusudan]]. After a [[Tsotne Dadiani|failed plot]] against the Mongol rule in Georgia (1245), [[Güyük Khan]] made, in [[1247]], both pretenders co-kings, in eastern and western parts of the kingdom respectively. The system of dumans was abolished, but the Mongols closely watched the Georgian administration in order to secure a steady flow of taxes and tributes from the subject peoples, who were also pressed into the Mongol armies.

Georgia’s unity was shattered; the nobles were encouraged to rise against the crown that naturally facilitated the Mongol control of the country. In [[1266]], Prince Sargis Jakeli of Samtskhe (with [[Akhaltsikhe]] as the capital) was granted special protection and patronage by the khan [[Abaqa]], thus winning virtual independence from the Georgian crown. The next (eastern) Georgian king [[Demetre II of Georgia|Demetre II]], “the Devoted” ([[1259]]-[[1289]]), through maneuvering in the intrigues that divided the Il-khans, attempted to revive his country, but suspected in an abortive coup against [[Arghun Khan]], he had, to save Georgia from invasion, to agree to surrender and be executed. Then the kingdom fell into near anarchy. While western Georgia maintained a perilous independence from the Ilkhans, eastern Georgia suffered from both heavy tribute and unstable political situation. In religious matters the Mongols were generally tolerant even though many churches and monasteries were taxed. An uprising by [[David VIII of Georgia|David VIII]] ([[1292]]-[[1310]]), though long-lasting, did not lead to the liberation of Georgia, but prompted a series of devastating punitive expeditions. The Mongols attempted to retain the control over the country by raising and bringing down the rival monarchs and by inciting the civil strife, but their influence over Georgia gradually weakened with the disintegration of the Il-khan power in Persia.
[[Image:George V of Georgia.jpg|thumb|<small>Modern rendition of [[George V of Georgia|George V "the Brilliant"]]</small>]]
[[George V of Georgia|George V "the Brilliant"]] (1299-1302, 1314-1346), a flexible and far-sighted politician, initially showed willingness to cooperate with his suzerains, but as a new tide of disorders hit the Il-khanate in [[1327]], he stopped payments of tribute, drove the Mongols out of the country, and reconquered much of what had been lost under his predecessors, marking the end of the Mongol domination of Georgia and the Caucasus.

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*Ronald Grigor Suny, ''The Making of the Georgian Nation'': 2nd edition (December 1994), Indiana University Press, ISBN 0-253-20915-3, pages 39-44
*Ronald Grigor Suny, ''The Making of the Georgian Nation'': 2nd edition (December 1994), Indiana University Press, ISBN 0-253-20915-3, pages 39-44
*''Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia'' (''k’art’uli sabch’ota entsiklopedia'') (1984), Tbilisi: vol. 7, page 112-3
*''Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia'' (''k’art’uli sabch’ota entsiklopedia'') (1984), Tbilisi: vol. 7, page 112-3
* {{cite journal|author=Lang, D. M.|title=Georgia in the Reign of Giorgi the Brilliant (1314-1346)|journal=Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies|volume=17|issue=1|date=1955|pages=74-91|url=http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0041-977X%281955%2917%3A1%3C74%3AGITROG%3E2.0.CO%3B2-P&size=LARGE&origin=JSTOR-enlargePage}}
* {{cite journal|author=Lang, D. M.|title=Georgia in the Reign of Giorgi the Brilliant (1314-1346)|journal=Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies|volume=17|issue=1|date=1955|pages=74-91|url=http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0041-977X%281955%2917%3A1%3C74%3AGITROG%3E2.0.CO%3B2-P&size=LARGE&origin=JSTOR-enlargePage}}

==External links==
*[http://radar.ngcsu.edu/~tmmay/Chormaqan_thesis.pdf ''Chormaqan Noyan: The First Mongol Military Governor in the Middle East'' by Timothy May]
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20060206152119/http://radar.ngcsu.edu/~tmmay/Chormaqan_thesis.pdf ''Chormaqan Noyan: The First Mongol Military Governor in the Middle East'' by Timothy May]
*[http://www.historynet.com/mh/blchormaquan/ ''Chormaqan and the Mongol Conquest of the Middle East'' by Timothy May]
*[http://www.historynet.com/mh/blchormaquan/ ''Chormaqan and the Mongol Conquest of the Middle East'' by Timothy May] {{Wayback|url=http://www.historynet.com/mh/blchormaquan/ |date=20060529114421 }}
*[http://www.zeno.ru/showgallery.php?cat=1830 Coinage of Georgia during the Mongol period]
*[http://www.zeno.ru/showgallery.php?cat=1830 Coinage of Georgia during the Mongol period] {{Wayback|url=http://www.zeno.ru/showgallery.php?cat=1830 |date=20181108025630 }}

[[Category:13th century conflicts]]
[[Category:History of Georgia (country)]]
[[Category:Wars involving Georgia (country)]]
[[Category:Wars involving the Mongols]]

{{Mongol Empire}}

[[en:Mongol invasions of Georgia and Armenia]]
[[he:הפלישה המונגולית לגאורגיה]]
[[ka:მონღოლთა შემოსევები საქართველოში]]

2024年6月9日 (日) 08:28的最新版本






蒙古人在這裡設置了一個省份(Vilayet),定名為Gurjistan,這個Gurjistan省包括今天的喬治亞與南高加索全境,蒙古並未直接統治這裡,原先是喬治亞國王統治,久了就改由蒙古大汗併吞直接統治;喬治亞國王魯速丹(Rusudan)在1245年故逝後,蒙古人又把高加索分為8個省,透過複雜連續的王位繼承手續,蒙古人把喬治亞王位繼承者分化成兩派競爭貴族,每一黨派都各派出一位王座候選人,喬治四世的私生子大衛七世·烏魯鲁速丹之子大卫·纳林1245年發生「推翻蒙古統治」(参见领导者之一Tsotne Dadiani)卻失敗,1247年貴由汗就在喬治亞東、西兩邊各立一位傀儡國王(分成東、西兩國),喬治亞國會政制(俄語:杜馬)被廢除,蒙古人就能更直接控制行政體系為了能夠便於抽稅,以及自被迫服從的喬治亞人收取貢獻物品;不單是蒙古君主如此,蒙古軍隊也以這樣方法再壓榨喬治亞人民。




  • Ronald Grigor Suny, The Making of the Georgian Nation: 2nd edition (December 1994), Indiana University Press, ISBN 0-253-20915-3, pages 39-44
  • Georgian Soviet Encyclopedia (k’art’uli sabch’ota entsiklopedia) (1984), Tbilisi: vol. 7, page 112-3
  • Lang, D. M. Georgia in the Reign of Giorgi the Brilliant (1314-1346). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 1955, 17 (1): 74–91. 

