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首个被分离出的生物碱,[[吗啡]],于1804年由[[罂粟]]中提取<ref>{{cite book |url = http://books.google.com/?id=MtOiLVWBn8cC&pg=PA20 |page=20 |title = Molecular, clinical and environmental toxicology |author=Andreas Luch |publisher=Springer |year=2009 |ISBN = 3-7643-8335-6 }}</ref>。]]

'''生物鹼'''({{lang-en|alkaloid}})是一種天然存在的含氮[[鹼性]][[化合物]]。一些[[化學合成|人工合成]]但結構类似的化合物有時也被稱作生物鹼。除了[[碳]]、[[氫]]、[[氮]],生物鹼也可以含有[[氧]]、[[硫]]、[[氯]]、[[溴]]、[[磷]]等元素。<ref name="XimE: alkaloidy">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/119.html Chemical Encyclopedia: alkaloids] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/119.html |date=20110114014724 }}. xumuk.ru</ref> 生物鹼与其它含氮碱性化合物之间的分界并不明确,但[[氨基酸]]、[[核苷酸]]及[[胺]]类物质通常不被称作生物碱。


== 发现史 ==

例如,早在公元前 2000 年左右,[[美索不达米亚]]就已发现药用植物<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|chapter=Preface|title=Alkaloids|url=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-444-59433-4.09990-9|publisher=Elsevier|date=2015|pages=xvii–xviii|first=Tadeusz|last=Aniszewski}}</ref>。[30] [[荷马]](作家)的[[奥德赛]]提到了埃及女王送给海伦的礼物,一种带来遗忘的药物。

据信,这份礼物是一种含有鸦片的药物<ref>{{Cite book|chapter=Industrieroboterperipherie|title=Industrieroboterpraxis|url=http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-322-88981-2_10|publisher=Vieweg+Teubner Verlag|date=1998|location=Wiesbaden|isbn=978-3-322-88982-9|pages=327–338|first=Stefan|last=Hesse}}</ref>。一本写于公元前一至三世纪的中国室内植物书籍提到了[[麻黄]]和[[罌粟|罂粟]]的医疗用途<ref>{{Cite book|chapter=Backmatter|title=Frankfurt – Hesse-Darmstadt|url=http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/9783598440571.bm|publisher=Walter de Gruyter – K. G. Saur|date=2007-06-16|pages=291–304}}</ref>。此外,[[古柯樹|古柯叶]]自古以来就被[[南美洲|南美]]原住民使用。
[[File:Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Sertuerner.jpg|thumb|德国化学家--弗里德里希·塞图纳第一次从鸦片中分离出吗啡。]]
含有有毒[[生物鹼|生物碱]](例如[[乌头碱]]和[[管箭毒碱]])的植物提取物自古以来就被用于毒箭<ref name=":0" />。

生物碱的研究始于 19 世纪。

1804年,德国化学家[[弗里德里希·瑟圖納|弗里德里希·瑟图纳]]从鸦片中分离出一种“催眠原理”(拉丁语:principium somniferum),他将其称为“[[嗎啡|吗啡]]”,指的是[[希腊]][[梦神]]墨菲斯; 在德语和其他一些中欧语言中,这仍然是该药物的名称。 “吗啡”一词在英语和法语中使用,由法国物理学家[[约瑟夫·路易·盖-吕萨克|盖-吕萨克]]提出。

法国研究人员[[皮埃尔-约瑟夫·佩尔提埃|皮埃尔-佩尔提埃]]和[[约瑟夫·别奈梅·卡旺图|约瑟夫·卡旺图]]在生物碱发展的早期对化学做出了重大贡献,他们发现了奎宁 (1820年) 和士的宁 (1818年)。


20 世纪[[光谱仪|光谱]]和[[色谱法|色谱]]方法的出现加速了生物碱化学的发展,到 2008 年已鉴定出超过 12,000 种生物碱<ref>{{Cite book|chapter=Overview and Introduction|title=Comprehensive Natural Products II|url=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/b978-008045382-8.00733-4|publisher=Elsevier|date=2010|pages=1–2|first=Tadhg P.|last=Begley}}</ref>。

1886 年,德国化学家[[阿尔贝特·拉登堡|阿尔伯特·拉登堡]]首次完成了生物碱的合成。 他通过[[2-甲基吡啶]]与[[乙醛]]反应并用钠还原生成的[[2-丙烯基吡啶]]来生产[[乌头碱]]<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Lieberstein |first=Samuel |date=1975-04 |title=Great Soviet Encyclopedia: A Translation of the Third Edition. Vol. 1 |url=http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/127750 |journal=Russian Review |volume=34 |issue=2 |doi=10.2307/127750 |issn=0036-0341}}</ref>。

== 生物鹼的分類 ==
== 生物鹼的分類 ==
{| Class = "wikitable"

{| class = "wikitable"
! 類別
! 類別
第15行: 第37行:
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''與含氮雜環生物鹼(真正生物鹼)''
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''與含氮雜環生物鹼(真正生物鹼)''
| [[吡咯烷]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref34">[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 224</ref>
| [[吡咯烷]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref34">[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 224</ref>
第21行: 第43行:
| [[鳥氨酸]] 或 [[精氨酸]] → [[腐胺]] → N-甲基腐胺 → N-methyl-Δ<sup>1</sup>-pyrroline <ref name="ref35">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 75</ref>
| [[鳥氨酸]] 或 [[精氨酸]] → [[腐胺]] → N-甲基腐胺 → N-methyl-Δ<sup>1</sup>-pyrroline <ref name="ref35">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 75</ref>
| [[Cuscohygrine]], [[hygrine]], hygroline, stachydrine<ref name="ref34" /><ref>[[#Orekhov|Orekhov]], p. 33</ref>
| {{tsl|en|Cuscohygrine||Cuscohygrine}}, {{tsl|en|hygrine||hygrine}}, hygroline, stachydrine<ref name="ref34" /><ref>[[#Orekhov|Orekhov]], p. 33</ref>
| Rowspan = "2"|[[托烷]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref38">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/4609.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Tropan alkaloids]. xumuk.ru</ref>
| Rowspan = "2"|[[托烷]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref38">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/4609.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Tropan alkaloids] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/4609.html |date=20161024170844 }}. xumuk.ru</ref>
[[File:Tropane numbered.svg|100px|center]]
[[File:Tropane numbered.svg|100px|center]]
| [[阿托品]]類 <br /><small>原子取代於位置 3, 6 或 7 </small>
| [[阿托品]]類 <br /><small>原子取代於位置 3, 6 或 7 </small>
| Rowspan = "2"|鳥氨酸或精氨酸→腐胺→N-甲基腐胺→N-甲基-Δ<sup>1</sup>-吡咯烷酮 <ref name = "ref35 "/>
| Rowspan = "2"|鳥氨酸或精氨酸→腐胺→N-甲基腐胺→N-甲基-Δ<sup>1</sup>-吡咯烷酮 <ref name = "ref35 "/>
| [[Atropine]], [[scopolamine]], [[hyoscyamine]]<ref name="ref34" /><ref name="ref38" /><ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 34</ref>
| [[阿托品|Atropine]], [[東莨菪鹼|scopolamine]], [[天仙子胺|hyoscyamine]]<ref name="ref34" /><ref name="ref38" /><ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 34</ref>
| [[可卡因]]類 group<br /> <small>原子取代於位置 2, 3 </small>
| [[可卡因]]類 <br /> <small>原子取代於位置 2, 3 </small>
| [[Cocaine]], [[ecgonine]] <ref name="ref38" /><ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 27</ref>
| [[可卡因|Cocaine]], {{tsl|en|ecgonine||ecgonine}} <ref name="ref38" /><ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 27</ref>
| Rowspan = "4"|[[吡咯里西啶]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref45">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/3370.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids]. xumuk.ru</ref>
| Rowspan = "4"|[[吡咯里西啶]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref45">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/3370.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/3370.html |date=20160917044956 }}. xumuk.ru</ref>
| 非[[酯]]類
| 非[[酯]]類
| Rowspan = "3"|鳥氨酸,精氨酸→腐→類精脒→惹卓裂鹼 <ref name="ref35" />
| Rowspan = "3"|鳥氨酸,精氨酸→腐→類精脒→惹卓裂鹼 <ref name="ref35" />
| [[Retronecine]], heliotridine, laburnine <ref name="ref45" /><ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 229</ref>
| {{tsl|en|Retronecine||Retronecine}}, heliotridine, laburnine <ref name="ref45" /><ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 229</ref>
| 一元[[羧酸]]的複合酯
| 一元[[羧酸]]的複合酯
第44行: 第66行:
| [[Platyphylline]], trichodesmine<ref name="ref45" />
| [[Platyphylline]], trichodesmine<ref name="ref45" />
| 1-氨基吡咯烷類 ([[Loline alkaloids|lolines]])
| 1-氨基吡咯烷類 ({{tsl|en|Loline alkaloids||lolines}})
|L-脯氨酸+ L-高絲氨酸→N-(3-氨基-3-羧丙基)脯氨酸→降黑麥草堿 <ref name="Blankenship">{{cite journal|author=Blankenship JD, Houseknecht JB, Pal S, Bush LP, Grossman RB, Schardl CL|year= 2005|title=Biosynthetic precursors of fungal pyrrolizidines, the loline alkaloids|journal=Chembiochem|volume=6|pages=1016–1022|pmid=15861432|doi=10.1002/cbic.200400327|issue=6}}</ref><ref name="Faulkner et al. 2006">{{cite journal|author=Faulkner JR, Hussaini SR, Blankenship JD, Pal S, Branan BM, Grossman RB, Schardl CL|year= 2006|title=On the sequence of bond formation in loline alkaloid biosynthesis|journal=Chembiochem|volume=7|pages=1078–1088|pmid=16755627|doi=10.1002/cbic.200600066|issue=7}}</ref>
|L-脯氨酸+ L-高絲氨酸→N-(3-氨基-3-羧丙基)脯氨酸→降黑麥草堿 <ref name="Blankenship">{{cite journal|author=Blankenship JD, Houseknecht JB, Pal S, Bush LP, Grossman RB, Schardl CL|year= 2005|title=Biosynthetic precursors of fungal pyrrolizidines, the loline alkaloids|journal=Chembiochem|volume=6|pages=1016–1022|pmid=15861432|doi=10.1002/cbic.200400327|issue=6}}</ref><ref name="Faulkner et al. 2006">{{cite journal|author=Faulkner JR, Hussaini SR, Blankenship JD, Pal S, Branan BM, Grossman RB, Schardl CL|year= 2006|title=On the sequence of bond formation in loline alkaloid biosynthesis|journal=Chembiochem|volume=7|pages=1078–1088|pmid=16755627|doi=10.1002/cbic.200600066|issue=7}}</ref>
|Loline, ''N''-formylloline, ''N''-acetylloline<ref name="Schardl et al. 2007">{{cite journal|author=Schardl CL, Grossman RB, Nagabhyru P, Faulkner JR, Mallik UP|year=2007|title=Loline alkaloids: currencies of mutualism|journal = [[Phytochemistry (journal)|Phytochemistry]]|volume=68|pages=980–996|doi=10.1016/j.phytochem.2007.01.010|pmid=17346759|issue=7}}</ref>
|Loline, ''N''-formylloline, ''N''-acetylloline<ref name="Schardl et al. 2007">{{cite journal|author=Schardl CL, Grossman RB, Nagabhyru P, Faulkner JR, Mallik UP|year=2007|title=Loline alkaloids: currencies of mutualism|journal = {{tsl|en|Phytochemistry (journal)||Phytochemistry}}|volume=68|pages=980–996|doi=10.1016/j.phytochem.2007.01.010|pmid=17346759|issue=7}}</ref>
| Rowspan = "2"|[[哌啶]] 類衍生物<ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 225</ref>
| Rowspan = "2"|[[哌啶]] 類衍生物<ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 225</ref>
| [[Lysine]] → [[cadaverine]] → Δ<sup>1</sup>-piperideine <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 95</ref>
| [[離胺酸|賴氨酸]] → [[尸胺|屍胺]] → Δ<sup>1</sup>-piperideine <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 95</ref>
| [[Sedamine]], lobeline, anaferine, [[piperine]] <ref name="ref24" /><ref>[[#Orekhov|Orekhov]], p. 80</ref>
| [[Sedamine]], lobeline, anaferine, [[胡椒碱|piperine]] <ref name="ref24">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 31</ref><ref>[[#Orekhov|Orekhov]], p. 80</ref>
| [[Caprylic acid|Octanoic acid]] → coniceine → [[coniine]] <ref name="ref25" />
| [[辛酸]] → coniceine → [[毒芹碱]] <ref name="ref25">[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 381</ref>
| [[Coniine]], coniceine <ref name="ref25" />
| [[毒芹碱|Coniine]], coniceine <ref name="ref25" />
| Rowspan = "5"|[[喹]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref57">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/5011.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Quinolizidine alkaloids]. xumuk.ru</ref><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 93</ref>
| Rowspan = "5"|[[喹]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref57">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/5011.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Quinolizidine alkaloids] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/5011.html |date=20161024171107 }}. xumuk.ru</ref><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 93</ref>
| [[羽扇豆]] 類
| [[羽扇豆]] 類
| Rowspan = "5"|[[Lysine]] → [[cadaverine]] → Δ<sup>1</sup>-piperideine <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 98</ref>
| Rowspan = "5"|[[離胺酸|賴氨酸]] → [[尸胺|屍胺]] → Δ<sup>1</sup>-piperideine <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 98</ref>
| [[Lupinine]], nupharidin <ref name="ref57" />
| {{tsl|en|Lupinine||Lupinine}}, nupharidin <ref name="ref57" />
| [[金雀花鹼]] 類
| [[野靛碱]] 類
| [[Cytisine]] <ref name="ref57" />
| [[野靛碱]] <ref name="ref57" />
| [[鷹爪豆鹼]] 類
| [[司巴丁]] 類
| [[Sparteine]], [[lupanine]], [[anahygrine]]<ref name="ref57" />
| [[司巴丁]], [[lupanine]], [[anahygrine]]<ref name="ref57" />
| [苦參鹼]] 類
| [[苦參鹼]] 類
| Matrine, oxymatrine, allomatridine<ref name="ref57" /><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 91</ref><ref>{{cite journal|author = Joseph P. Michael|title = Indolizidine and quinolizidine alkaloids|doi = 10.1039/b208137g|journal=Nat. Prod. Rep|year = 2002|volume = 19|pages = 458–475}}</ref>
| Matrine, oxymatrine, allomatridine<ref name="ref57" /><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 91</ref><ref>{{cite journal|author = Joseph P. Michael|title = Indolizidine and quinolizidine alkaloids|doi = 10.1039/b208137g|journal=Nat. Prod. Rep|year = 2002|volume = 19|pages = 458–475}}</ref>
第76行: 第98行:
| Ormosanine, piptantine<ref name="ref57" /><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 92</ref>
| Ormosanine, piptantine<ref name="ref57" /><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 92</ref>
| [吲哚聯啶]] 類衍生物<ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 310</ref>
| [[吲哚聯啶]] 類衍生物<ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 310</ref>
| [[Lysine]] → δ-semialdehyde of [[alpha-Aminoadipic acid|α-aminoadipic acid]] → [[pipecolic acid]] → 1 indolizidinone <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 96</ref>
| [[離胺酸|賴氨酸]] → δ-semialdehyde of [[Α-氨基己二酸]] → {{tsl|en|pipecolic acid||pipecolic acid}} → 1 indolizidinone <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 96</ref>
| [[Swainsonine]], [[castanospermine]] <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 97</ref>
| {{tsl|en|Swainsonine||Swainsonine}}, {{tsl|en|castanospermine||castanospermine}} <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 97</ref>
| Rowspan = "4"|[[吡啶]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref72">[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 227</ref><ref name="ref73">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/3336.html Chemical Encyclopedia: pyridine alkaloids]. xumuk.ru</ref>
| Rowspan = "4"|[[吡啶]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref72">[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 227</ref><ref name="ref73">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/3336.html Chemical Encyclopedia: pyridine alkaloids] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/3336.html |date=20161021214428 }}. xumuk.ru</ref>
| 吡啶簡單衍生物
| 吡啶簡單衍生物
| Rowspan = "3"|[[Nicotinic acid]] → dihydronicotinic acid → 1,2-dihydropyridine <ref name="ref74">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 107</ref>
| Rowspan = "3"|[[烟酸]] → dihydronicotinic acid → 1,2-dihydropyridine <ref name="ref74">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 107</ref>
| [[Trigonelline]], ricinine, [[arecoline]] <ref name="ref72" /><ref name="ref76">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 85</ref>
| {{tsl|en|Trigonelline||Trigonelline}}, ricinine, {{tsl|en|arecoline||arecoline}} <ref name="ref72" /><ref name="ref76">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 85</ref>
| [[多環芳烴]]非[[冷凝]]吡啶衍生物
| [[多環芳烴]]非[[冷凝]]吡啶衍生物
| [[Nicotine]], [[nornicotine]], [[anabasine]], anatabine <ref name="ref72" /><ref name="ref76" />
| [[尼古丁|Nicotine]], {{tsl|en|nornicotine||nornicotine}}, {{tsl|en|anabasine||anabasine}}, anatabine <ref name="ref72" /><ref name="ref76" />
| 多環芳烴冷凝吡啶衍生物
| 多環芳烴冷凝吡啶衍生物
| [[Actinidine]], gentianine, pediculinine <ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 228</ref>
| {{tsl|en|Actinidine||Actinidine}}, gentianine, pediculinine <ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 228</ref>
| [[Sesquiterpene]] pyridine derivatives
| {{tsl|en|Sesquiterpene||Sesquiterpene}} pyridine derivatives
| [[Nicotinic acid]], [[isoleucine]] <ref name="Aniszewski 110"/>
| [[烟酸]], [[異亮氨酸]] <ref name="Aniszewski 110">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 110</ref>
| Evonine, hippocrateine, triptonine <ref name="ref73" /><ref name="ref74" />
| Evonine, hippocrateine, triptonine <ref name="ref73" /><ref name="ref74" />
| Rowspan = "26"|[[異喹啉]] 類衍生物及相關生物鹼<ref name="Hesse 36">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 36</ref>
| Rowspan = "26"|[[異喹啉]] 類衍生物及相關生物鹼<ref name="Hesse 36">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 36</ref>
[[File:Isoquinoline numbered.svg|90px|center]]
[[File:Isoquinoline numbered.svg|90px|center]]
| Simple derivatives of isoquinoline <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/1642.html Chemical Encyclopedia: isoquinoline alkaloids]. xumuk.ru</ref>
| Simple derivatives of isoquinoline <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/1642.html Chemical Encyclopedia: isoquinoline alkaloids] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/1642.html |date=20161024171123 }}. xumuk.ru</ref>
| Rowspan = "26"|[[Tyrosine]] or [[phenylalanine]] → [[dopamine]] or [[tyramine]] (for alkaloids Amarillis) <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], pp. 77–78</ref><ref name="Begley">[[#Begley|Begley]], Alkaloid Biosynthesis</ref>
| Rowspan = "26"|[[酪氨酸|Tyrosine]] or [[苯丙氨酸]] → [[多巴胺]] or [[酪胺]] (for alkaloids Amarillis) <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], pp. 77–78</ref><ref name="Begley">[[#Begley|Begley]], Alkaloid Biosynthesis</ref>
| Salsoline, lophocerine <ref name="Hesse 36"/><ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Salsoline, lophocerine <ref name="Hesse 36"/><ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
第114行: 第136行:
| Derivatives of 1- and 2-benzyl-izoquinolines <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 38</ref>
| Derivatives of 1- and 2-benzyl-izoquinolines <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 38</ref>
| [[Papaverine]], [[laudanosine]], sendaverine
| [[罂粟碱|Papaverine]], {{tsl|en|laudanosine||laudanosine}}, sendaverine
| [[Cularine]] group<ref name="ref86">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 46</ref>
| [[Cularine]] group<ref name="ref86">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 46</ref>
| Cularine, yagonine <ref name="ref86" />
| Cularine, yagonine <ref name="ref86" />
| [[Pavine (molecule)|Pavine]]s and isopavines <ref name="ref88">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 50</ref>
| {{tsl|en|Pavine (molecule)||Pavine}}s and isopavines <ref name="ref88">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 50</ref>
| Argemonine, [[amurensine]] <ref name="ref88" />
| Argemonine, {{tsl|en|amurensine||amurensine}} <ref name="ref88" />
| Benzopyrrocolines <ref name="ref90">{{cite journal|author = Kenneth W. Bentley|title = β-Phenylethylamines and the isoquinoline alkaloids|doi = 10.1039/NP9971400387|journal=Nat. Prod. Rep|year = 1997|volume = 14|pages = 387–411|pmid = 9281839|issue = 4|url=http://chemistry.mdma.ch/hiveboard/rhodium/pdf/archive/merbst/phenethylamines%20and%20isoquinolines%202001.pdf}}</ref>
| Benzopyrrocolines <ref name="ref90">{{cite journal |author = Kenneth W. Bentley |title = β-Phenylethylamines and the isoquinoline alkaloids |doi = 10.1039/NP9971400387 |journal = Nat. Prod. Rep |year = 1997 |volume = 14 |issue = 4 |pages = 387–411 |PMID = 9281839 |url = http://chemistry.mdma.ch/hiveboard/rhodium/pdf/archive/merbst/phenethylamines%20and%20isoquinolines%202001.pdf |access-date = 2016-04-23 |archive-date = 2014-04-13 |archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20140413080855/http://chemistry.mdma.ch/hiveboard/rhodium/pdf/archive/merbst/phenethylamines%20and%20isoquinolines%202001.pdf |dead-url = no }}</ref>
| Cryptaustoline <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Cryptaustoline <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Protoberberines <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Protoberberines <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| [[Berberine]], [[canadine]], ophiocarpine, mecambridine, corydaline <ref name="ref91">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 47</ref>
| [[小檗鹼|Berberine]], {{tsl|en|canadine||canadine}}, ophiocarpine, mecambridine, corydaline <ref name="ref91">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 47</ref>
| Phthalidisoquinolines <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Phthalidisoquinolines <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| [[Hydrastine]], [[narcotine]] (Noscapine) <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 39</ref>
| [[Hydrastine]], {{tsl|en|narcotine||narcotine}} (Noscapine) <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 39</ref>
| Spirobenzylisoquinolines <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Spirobenzylisoquinolines <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Fumaricine <ref name="ref88" />
| Fumaricine <ref name="ref88" />
| [[Psychotria ipecacuanha|Ipecacuanha]] alkaloids<ref name="ref94">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 41</ref>
| {{tsl|en|Psychotria ipecacuanha||Ipecacuanha}} alkaloids<ref name="ref94">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 41</ref>
| Emetine, protoemetine, ipecoside <ref name="ref94" />
| Emetine, protoemetine, ipecoside <ref name="ref94" />
第140行: 第162行:
| Sanguinarine, oxynitidine, corynoloxine <ref name="ref96">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 49</ref>
| Sanguinarine, oxynitidine, corynoloxine <ref name="ref96">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 49</ref>
| [[Aporphine]]s <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| {{tsl|en|Aporphine||Aporphine}}s <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| [[Glaucine]], coridine, liriodenine <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 44</ref>
| {{tsl|en|Glaucine||Glaucine}}, coridine, liriodenine <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 44</ref>
| Proaporphines <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Proaporphines <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
第152行: 第174行:
| Bulbocodine <ref name="ref86" />
| Bulbocodine <ref name="ref86" />
| [[Morphine]]s<ref name="ref103">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 51</ref>
| [[嗎啡]]s<ref name="ref103">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 51</ref>
| [[Morphine]], [[codeine]], [[thebaine]], [[sinomenine]] <ref name="ref104">[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 236</ref>
| [[嗎啡]], [[可待因]], [[蒂巴因]], [[青藤碱]] <ref name="ref104">[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 236</ref>
| Homomorphines <ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 3, p. 163</ref>
| Homomorphines <ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 3, p. 163</ref>
第165行: 第187行:
| [[Amaryllis]] alkaloids<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 52</ref>
| [[Amaryllis]] alkaloids<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 52</ref>
| [[Lycorine]], ambelline, tazettine, [[galantamine]], montanine <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 53</ref>
| [[石蒜碱|Lycorine]], ambelline, tazettine, {{tsl|en|galantamine||galantamine}}, montanine <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 53</ref>
| [[Erythrina]] alkaloids<ref name="Hesse 54"/>
| [[刺桐属|Erythrina]] alkaloids<ref name="Hesse 54"/>
| Erysodine, erythroidine <ref name="Hesse 54"/>
| Erysodine, erythroidine <ref name="Hesse 54"/>
| [[Phenanthrene]] derivatives <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| [[菲|Phenanthrene]] derivatives <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Atherosperminine <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/><ref name="ref91" />
| Atherosperminine <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin" /><ref name="ref91" />
| [[Protopine]]s <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| {{tsl|en|Protopine||Protopine}}s <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| [[Protopine]], oxomuramine, corycavidine <ref name="ref96" />
| {{tsl|en|Protopine||Protopine}}, oxomuramine, corycavidine <ref name="ref96" />
| Aristolactam <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Aristolactam <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin" />
| Doriflavin <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
| Doriflavin <ref name="XimE: izoxinolin"/>
第182行: 第204行:
[[File:Oxazole structure.svg|80px|center]]
[[File:Oxazole structure.svg|80px|center]]
| [[Tyrosine]] → [[tyramine]] <ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 35, p. 261</ref>
| [[酪氨酸|Tyrosine]] → [[酪胺|tyramine]] <ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 35, p. 261</ref>
| Annuloline, halfordinol, texaline, texamine<ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 35, pp. 260–263</ref>
| Annuloline, halfordinol, texaline, texamine<ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 35, pp. 260–263</ref>
第188行: 第210行:
[[Image:isoxazole structure.png|80px|center]]
[[Image:isoxazole structure.png|80px|center]]
|[[Ibotenic acid]] → [[Muscimol]]
|[[鹅膏蕈氨酸|Ibotenic acid]] → [[蠅蕈素|Muscimol]]
|Ibotenic acid, Muscimol
|Ibotenic acid, Muscimol
第194行: 第216行:
[[File:Thiazole structure.svg|80px|center]]
[[File:Thiazole structure.svg|80px|center]]
| [[1-Deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate]] (DOXP), [[tyrosine]], [[cysteine]] <ref>[[#Begley|Begley]], Cofactor Biosynthesis</ref>
| {{tsl|en|1-Deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate||1-Deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate}} (DOXP), [[酪氨酸|tyrosine]], [[半胱氨酸|cysteine]] <ref>[[#Begley|Begley]], Cofactor Biosynthesis</ref>
| Nostocyclamide, thiostreptone <ref name="ref114" /><ref>{{cite journal|author = John R. Lewis|title = Amaryllidaceae, muscarine, imidazole, oxazole, thiazole and peptide alkaloids, and other miscellaneous alkaloids|journal = Nat. Prod. Rep|year = 2000|volume = 17|pages = 57–84|pmid = 10714899|issue = 1|doi = 10.1039/a809403i}}</ref>
| Nostocyclamide, thiostreptone <ref name="ref114" /><ref>{{cite journal|author = John R. Lewis|title = Amaryllidaceae, muscarine, imidazole, oxazole, thiazole and peptide alkaloids, and other miscellaneous alkaloids|journal = Nat. Prod. Rep|year = 2000|volume = 17|pages = 57–84|pmid = 10714899|issue = 1|doi = 10.1039/a809403i}}</ref>
| Rowspan = "3"|[[喹唑啉]] 類衍生物<ref>[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/5003.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Quinazoline alkaloids]. xumuk.ru</ref>
| Rowspan = "3"|[[喹唑啉]] 類衍生物<ref>[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/5003.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Quinazoline alkaloids] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/5003.html |date=20161024170356 }}. xumuk.ru</ref>
[[File:Quinazoline numbered.svg|90px|center]]
[[File:Quinazoline numbered.svg|90px|center]]
| 3,4-Dihydro-4-quinazolone derivatives
| 3,4-Dihydro-4-quinazolone derivatives
| Rowspan = "3"|[[Anthranilic acid]] or [[phenylalanine]] or [[ornithine]] <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 106</ref>
| Rowspan = "3"|[[邻氨基苯甲酸|Anthranilic acid]] or [[苯丙氨酸|phenylalanine]] or [[鳥氨酸|ornithine]] <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 106</ref>
| [[Febrifugine]]<ref name="ref120">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 105</ref>
| [[常山碱|Febrifugine]]<ref name="ref120">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 105</ref>
| 1,4-Dihydro-4-quinazolone derivatives
| 1,4-Dihydro-4-quinazolone derivatives
第212行: 第234行:
| [[Anthranilic acid]] <ref>{{cite journal|author = Richard B. Herbert|title = The biosynthesis of plant alkaloids and nitrogenous microbial metabolites|journal=Nat. Prod. Rep|year = 1999|volume = 16|pages = 199–208|doi = 10.1039/a705734b|last2 = Herbert|first2 = Richard B.|last3 = Herbert|first3 = Richard B.}}</ref>
| [[邻氨基苯甲酸|Anthranilic acid]] <ref>{{cite journal|author = Richard B. Herbert|title = The biosynthesis of plant alkaloids and nitrogenous microbial metabolites|journal=Nat. Prod. Rep|year = 1999|volume = 16|pages = 199–208|doi = 10.1039/a705734b|last2 = Herbert|first2 = Richard B.|last3 = Herbert|first3 = Richard B.}}</ref>
| Rutacridone, [[acronicine]]<ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], pp. 231, 246</ref><ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 58</ref>
| Rutacridone, [[acronicine]]<ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], pp. 231, 246</ref><ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 58</ref>
| Rowspan = "4"|[[喹啉]] 類衍生物<ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 231</ref><ref name="ref126">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/5014.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Quinoline alkaloids]. xumuk.ru</ref>
| Rowspan = "4"|[[喹啉]] 類衍生物<ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 231</ref><ref name="ref126">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/5014.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Quinoline alkaloids] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/5014.html |date=20161024170907 }}. xumuk.ru</ref>
[[File:Quinoline numbered.svg|90px|center]]
[[File:Quinoline numbered.svg|90px|center]]
| Simple derivatives of quinoline derivatives of 2 – [[quinolones]] and 4-quinolone
| Simple derivatives of quinoline derivatives of 2 – [[喹诺酮|quinolones]] and 4-quinolone
| Rowspan = "3"|[[Anthranilic acid]] → 3-carboxyquinoline <ref name="ref127">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 114</ref>
| Rowspan = "3"|[[邻氨基苯甲酸|Anthranilic acid]] → 3-carboxyquinoline <ref name="ref127">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 114</ref>
| Cusparine, [[echinopsine]], evocarpine<ref name="ref126" /><ref>[[#Orekhov|Orekhov]], p. 205</ref><ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 55</ref>
| Cusparine, [[echinopsine]], evocarpine<ref name="ref126" /><ref>[[#Orekhov|Orekhov]], p. 205</ref><ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 55</ref>
第227行: 第249行:
| [[Dictamnine]], fagarine, skimmianine<ref name="ref126" /><ref>[[#Orekhov|Orekhov]], p. 212</ref><ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 118</ref>
| [[Dictamnine]], fagarine, skimmianine<ref name="ref126" /><ref>[[#Orekhov|Orekhov]], p. 212</ref><ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 118</ref>
| [[Quinine]]s
| [[奎寧|Quinine]]s
| [[Tryptophan]] → [[tryptamine]] → [[strictosidine]] (with [[secologanin]]) → korinanteal → [[cinhoninon]] <ref name="Begley"/><ref name = " ref127 "/>
| [[色氨酸|Tryptophan]] → [[色胺|tryptamine]] → {{tsl|en|strictosidine||strictosidine}} (with {{tsl|en|secologanin||secologanin}}) → korinanteal → [[cinhoninon]] <ref name="Begley"/><ref name = " ref127 "/>
| [[Quinine]], [[quinidine]], [[cinchonine]], cinhonidine <ref name="ref131" />
| [[奎寧|Quinine]], [[奎尼丁|quinidine]], [[cinchonine]], cinhonidine <ref name="ref131" />
| Rowspan = "10"|[[吲哚]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref104" />
| Rowspan = "10"|[[吲哚]] 類衍生物<ref name="ref104" />
第237行: 第259行:
| Simple indole derivatives <ref name="ref140">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 112</ref>
| Simple indole derivatives <ref name="ref140">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 112</ref>
| Rowspan = "3"|[[Tryptophan]] → [[tryptamine]] or 5-hydroxitriptofan <ref name="ref141">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 113</ref>
| Rowspan = "3"|[[色氨酸|Tryptophan]] → [[色胺|tryptamine]] or 5-hydroxitriptofan <ref name="ref141">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 113</ref>
| [[Serotonin]], [[psilocybin]], [[dimethyltryptamine]] (DMT), [[bufotenin]] <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 15</ref><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 467</ref>
| [[血清素|Serotonin]], [[裸盖菇素|psilocybin]], [[二甲基色胺|dimethyltryptamine]] (DMT), [[蟾毒色胺|bufotenin]] <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 15</ref><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 467</ref>
| Simple derivatives of [[beta-carboline|β-carboline]] <ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], pp. 349–350</ref>
| Simple derivatives of {{tsl|en|beta-carboline||β-carboline}} <ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], pp. 349–350</ref>
| Harman, [[harmine]], [[harmaline]], eleagnine <ref name="ref140" />
| Harman, {{tsl|en|harmine||harmine}}, {{tsl|en|harmaline||harmaline}}, eleagnine <ref name="ref140" />
| Pyrroloindole alkaloids <ref name="ref152">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 119</ref>
| Pyrroloindole alkaloids <ref name="ref152">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 119</ref>
| [[Physostigmine]] (eserine), etheramine, physovenine, eptastigmine<ref name="ref152" />
| [[毒扁豆碱|Physostigmine]] (eserine), etheramine, physovenine, eptastigmine<ref name="ref152" />
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"|''半[[萜類]]吲哚生物鹼'
| colspan="3" style="text-align:center;"|''半[[萜類]]吲哚生物鹼'
| [[Ergoline|Ergot alkaloids]]<ref name="ref104" />
| [[麥角靈|Ergot alkaloids]]<ref name="ref104" />
| [[Tryptophan]] → chanoclavine → agroclavine → elimoclavine → [[paspalic acid]] → [[lysergic acid]] <ref name="ref152" />
| [[色氨酸|Tryptophan]] → chanoclavine → agroclavine → elimoclavine → [[paspalic acid]] → [[麥角酸|lysergic acid]] <ref name="ref152" />
| [[Ergotamine]], ergobasine, ergosine<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 29</ref>
| [[Ergotamine]], ergobasine, ergosine<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 29</ref>
第255行: 第277行:
| ''Corynanthe'' type alkaloids<ref name="ref141" />
| ''Corynanthe'' type alkaloids<ref name="ref141" />
| Rowspan = "3"|[[Tryptophan]] → [[tryptamine]] → [[strictosidine]] (with [[secologanin]]) <ref name="ref141" />
| Rowspan = "3"|[[色氨酸|Tryptophan]] → [[色胺|tryptamine]] → {{tsl|en|strictosidine||strictosidine}} (with {{tsl|en|secologanin||secologanin}}) <ref name="ref141" />
| Ajmalicine, sarpagine, vobasine, [[ajmaline]], [[yohimbine]], [[reserpine]], [[mitragynine]],<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], pp. 23–26</ref><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 169</ref> group [[strychnine]] and ([[Strychnine]] [[brucine]], aquamicine, [[vomicine]] <ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 5, p. 210</ref>)
| Ajmalicine, sarpagine, vobasine, [[ajmaline]], [[育亨宾|yohimbine]], [[利血平|reserpine]], {{tsl|en|mitragynine||mitragynine}},<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], pp. 23–26</ref><ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 1, p. 169</ref> group [[番木鳖碱|strychnine]] and ([[番木鳖碱|Strychnine]] {{tsl|en|brucine||brucine}}, aquamicine, [[vomicine]] <ref>[[#Saxton|Saxton]], Vol. 5, p. 210</ref>)
| [[Iboga]]-type alkaloids<ref name="ref141" />
| {{tsl|en|Iboga||Iboga}}-type alkaloids<ref name="ref141" />
| [[Ibogamine]], [[ibogaine]], [[voacangine]]<ref name="ref141" />
| {{tsl|en|Ibogamine||Ibogamine}}, {{tsl|en|ibogaine||ibogaine}}, {{tsl|en|voacangine||voacangine}}<ref name="ref141" />
| [[Aspidosperma]]-type alkaloids<ref name="ref141" />
| [[白堅木屬|Aspidosperma]]-type alkaloids<ref name="ref141" />
| [[Vincamine]], [[vinca alkaloids]], vincotine, aspidospermine<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], pp. 17–18</ref><ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 357</ref>
| {{tsl|en|Vincamine||Vincamine}}, {{tsl|en|vinca alkaloids||vinca alkaloids}}, vincotine, aspidospermine<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], pp. 17–18</ref><ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 357</ref>
| [[咪唑]] 類衍生物<ref name="Plemenkov 241"/>
| [[咪唑]] 類衍生物<ref name="Plemenkov 241"/>
[[File:Imidazole structure.svg|50px|center]]
[[File:Imidazole structure.svg|50px|center]]
| Directly from [[histidine]]<ref name="Aniszewski 104">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 104</ref>
| Directly from [[組氨酸|histidine]]<ref name="Aniszewski 104">[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 104</ref>
| [[Histamine]], pilocarpine, pilosine, stevensine<ref name="Plemenkov 241"/><ref name="Aniszewski 104"/>
| [[組織胺|Histamine]], pilocarpine, pilosine, stevensine<ref name="Plemenkov 241"/><ref name="Aniszewski 104"/>
| [[嘌呤]] 類衍生物<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 72</ref>
| [[嘌呤]] 類衍生物<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 72</ref>
| [[Xanthosine]] (formed in purine biosynthesis) → 7 methylxantosine → 7-methyl [[xanthine]] → [[theobromine]] → [[caffeine]] <ref name="Begley"/>
| {{tsl|en|Xanthosine||Xanthosine}} (formed in purine biosynthesis) → 7 methylxantosine → 7-methyl [[黄嘌呤|xanthine]] → [[可可碱|theobromine]] → [[咖啡因|caffeine]] <ref name="Begley"/>
| [[Caffeine]], [[theobromine]], [[theophylline]], [[saxitoxin]] <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 73</ref><ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 396</ref>
| [[咖啡因|Caffeine]], [[可可碱|theobromine]], [[茶碱|theophylline]], {{tsl|en|saxitoxin||saxitoxin}} <ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 73</ref><ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 396</ref>
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''側鏈上含氮原子的生物側鏈鹼''
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''側鏈上含氮原子的生物側鏈鹼''
第281行: 第303行:
[[File:Phenylethylamine numbered.svg|110px|center]]
[[File:Phenylethylamine numbered.svg|110px|center]]
| [[Tyrosine]] or [[phenylalanine]] → [[dioxyphenilalanine]] → [[dopamine]] → [[adrenaline]] and [[mescaline]] [[tyrosine]] → [[tyramine]] phenylalanine → 1-phenylpropane-1,2-dione → [[cathinone]] → [[ephedrine]] and [[pseudoephedrine]] <ref name="Aniszewski 110"/><ref name="ref31" /><ref>[http://www.plantcyc.org:1555/PLANT/NEW-IMAGE?type=NIL&object=PWY-5883 PlantCyc Pathway: ephedrine biosynthesis] {{wayback|url=http://www.plantcyc.org:1555/PLANT/NEW-IMAGE?type=NIL&object=PWY-5883 |date=20111210040135 }}</ref>
| [[酪氨酸|Tyrosine]] or [[苯丙氨酸|phenylalanine]] → [[dioxyphenilalanine]] → [[多巴胺|dopamine]] → [[肾上腺素|adrenaline]] and [[麦司卡林|mescaline]] [[酪氨酸|tyrosine]] → [[酪胺|tyramine]] phenylalanine → 1-phenylpropane-1,2-dione → {{tsl|en|cathinone||cathinone}} → [[麻黃鹼|ephedrine]] and [[伪麻黄碱|pseudoephedrine]] <ref name="Aniszewski 110"/><ref name="ref31">[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 382</ref><ref>[http://www.plantcyc.org:1555/PLANT/NEW-IMAGE?type=NIL&object=PWY-5883 PlantCyc Pathway: ephedrine biosynthesis] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111210040135/http://www.plantcyc.org:1555/PLANT/NEW-IMAGE?type=NIL&object=PWY-5883 |date=2011-12-10 }}</ref>
| [[Tyramine]], [[ephedrine]], [[pseudoephedrine]], [[mescaline]], [[cathinone]], [[catecholamines]] ([[adrenaline]], [[noradrenaline]], [[dopamine]])<ref name="Aniszewski 110"/><ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 76</ref>
| [[酪胺|Tyramine]], [[麻黃鹼|ephedrine]], [[伪麻黄碱|pseudoephedrine]], [[麦司卡林|mescaline]], {{tsl|en|cathinone||cathinone}}, [[儿茶酚胺|catecholamines]] ([[肾上腺素|adrenaline]], [[去甲肾上腺素|noradrenaline]], [[多巴胺|dopamine]])<ref name="Aniszewski 110"/><ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 76</ref>
| [[秋水仙素]] 類衍生物 <ref name="ref179">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2069.html Chemical Encyclopedia: colchicine alkaloids]. xumuk.ru</ref>
| [[秋水仙素]] 類衍生物 <ref name="ref179">[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2069.html Chemical Encyclopedia: colchicine alkaloids] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2069.html |date=20161024170902 }}. xumuk.ru</ref>
| [[Tyrosine]] or [[phenylalanine]] → [[dopamine]] → [[autumnaline]] → [[colchicine]] <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 77</ref>
| [[酪氨酸|Tyrosine]] or [[苯丙氨酸|phenylalanine]] → [[多巴胺|dopamine]] → [[autumnaline]] → [[秋水仙素|colchicine]] <ref>[[#Aniszewski|Aniszewski]], p. 77</ref>
| [[Colchicine]], colchamine<ref name="ref179" />
| [[秋水仙素|Colchicine]], colchamine<ref name="ref179" />
| [[毒蕈鹼]] <ref name="ref182">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 81</ref>
| [[毒蕈鹼]] <ref name="ref182">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 81</ref>
| [[Glutamic acid]] → 3-ketoglutamic acid → muscarine (with [[pyruvic acid]])<ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 23, p. 376</ref>
| [[穀氨酸|Glutamic acid]] → 3-ketoglutamic acid → muscarine (with [[丙酮酸|pyruvic acid]])<ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 23, p. 376</ref>
| [[Muscarine]], allomuscarine, epimuscarine, epiallomuscarine<ref name="ref182" />
| [[毒蕈碱|Muscarine]], allomuscarine, epimuscarine, epiallomuscarine<ref name="ref182" />
| [[芐胺]]<ref name="ref185">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 77</ref>
| [[芐胺]]<ref name="ref185">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 77</ref>
| [[Phenylalanine]] with [[valine]], [[leucine]] or [[isoleucine]]<ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 23, p. 268</ref>
| [[苯丙氨酸|Phenylalanine]] with [[缬氨酸|valine]], [[亮氨酸|leucine]] or [[異亮氨酸|isoleucine]]<ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 23, p. 268</ref>
| [[Capsaicin]], [[dihydrocapsaicin]], nordihydrocapsaicin, [[vanillylamine]]<ref name="ref185" /><ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 23, p. 231</ref>
| [[辣椒素|Capsaicin]], [[dihydrocapsaicin]], nordihydrocapsaicin, [[香兰素胺|vanillylamine]]<ref name="ref185" /><ref>[[#Brossi|Brossi]], Vol. 23, p. 231</ref>
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''多胺生物鹼''
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''多胺生物鹼''
第307行: 第329行:
| Rowspan = "3"|[[ornithine]] → [[putrescine]] → [[spermidine]] → [[spermine]]<ref>[http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iubmb/enzyme/reaction/misc/spermine.html Spermine Biosynthesis]</ref>
| Rowspan = "3"|[[鳥氨酸|ornithine]] → [[腐胺|putrescine]] → [[亞精胺|spermidine]] → [[精胺|spermine]]<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iubmb/enzyme/reaction/misc/spermine.html |title=Spermine Biosynthesis |access-date=2016-04-23 |archive-date=2016-12-04 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161204125102/http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iubmb/enzyme/reaction/misc/spermine.html |dead-url=no }}</ref>
| Paucine <ref name="ref189" />
| Paucine <ref name="ref189" />
| [[亞精胺] 衍生物<ref name="ref189" />
| [[亞精胺]] 衍生物<ref name="ref189" />
第322行: 第344行:
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''Peptide (cyclopeptide) alkaloids''
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''Peptide (cyclopeptide) alkaloids''
| Rowspan = "2"|Peptide alkaloids with a 13-membered cycle <ref name="ref27" /><ref name="ref196">[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 243</ref>
| Rowspan = "2"|Peptide alkaloids with a 13-membered cycle <ref name="ref27">{{cite journal |author1=Dimitris C. Gournelif |author2=Gregory G. Laskarisb |author3=Robert Verpoorte |title = Cyclopeptide alkaloids |doi = 10.1039/NP9971400075 |journal = Nat. Prod. Rep. |year = 1997 |volume = 14 |pages = 75–82 |PMID = 9121730 |issue = 1 }}</ref><ref name="ref196">[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 243</ref>
| Nummularine C type
| Nummularine C type
| Rowspan = "8"|From different amino acids <ref name="ref27" />
| Rowspan = "8"|From different amino acids <ref name="ref27" />
第348行: 第370行:
| Peptide alkaloids with a 15-membered cycle <ref name="ref196" />
| Peptide alkaloids with a 15-membered cycle <ref name="ref196" />
| Mucronine A type
| Mucronine A type
| Mucronine A <ref name="ref23" /><ref name="ref196" />
| Mucronine A <ref name="ref23">[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 84</ref><ref name="ref196" />
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''Pseudoalkaloids ([[terpenes]] and [[steroids]])''
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; background:# DADADA;"|''Pseudoalkaloids ([[萜烯|terpenes]] and [[甾體|steroids]])''
| Diterpenes <ref name="ref23" />
| Diterpenes <ref name="ref23" />
| Lycoctonine type
| Lycoctonine type
| [[Mevalonic acid]] → [[izopentenilpyrophosfate]] → [[geranyl pyrophosphate]] <ref>[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/4392.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Terpenes]. xumuk.ru</ref><ref>[[#Begley|Begley]], Natural Products: An Overview</ref>
| [[甲羟戊酸|Mevalonic acid]] → [[izopentenilpyrophosfate]] → {{tsl|en|geranyl pyrophosphate||geranyl pyrophosphate}} <ref>[http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/4392.html Chemical Encyclopedia: Terpenes] {{Wayback|url=http://www.xumuk.ru/encyklopedia/2/4392.html |date=20161002055405 }}. xumuk.ru</ref><ref>[[#Begley|Begley]], Natural Products: An Overview</ref>
| [[Aconitine]], [[delphinine]] <ref name="ref23" /><ref>{{cite journal|author = Atta-ur-Rahman and M. Iqbal Choudhary|title = Diterpenoid and steroidal alkaloids|url = http://www.rsc.org/publishing/journals/NP/article.asp?doi=NP9971400191|journal=Nat. Prod. Rep|year = 1997|volume = 14|pages = 191–203|pmid = 9149410|issue = 2|doi = 10.1039/np9971400191}}</ref>
| [[乌头碱|Aconitine]], {{tsl|en|delphinine||delphinine}} <ref name="ref23" /><ref>{{cite journal |author = Atta-ur-Rahman and M. Iqbal Choudhary |title = Diterpenoid and steroidal alkaloids |url = http://www.rsc.org/publishing/journals/NP/article.asp?doi=NP9971400191 |journal = Nat. Prod. Rep |year = 1997 |volume = 14 |pages = 191–203 |PMID = 9149410 |issue = 2 |doi = 10.1039/np9971400191 }}</ref>
| [[Steroids]]<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 88</ref>
| [[甾體|Steroids]]<ref>[[#Hesse|Hesse]], p. 88</ref>
| [[Cholesterol]], [[arginine]]<ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 388</ref>
| [[膽固醇|Cholesterol]], [[精氨酸|arginine]]<ref>[[#Dewick|Dewick]], p. 388</ref>
| Solasodine, [[solanidine]], veralkamine, [[batrachotoxin]]<ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 247</ref>
| Solasodine, {{tsl|en|solanidine||solanidine}}, veralkamine, {{tsl|en|batrachotoxin||batrachotoxin}}<ref>[[#Plemenkov|Plemenkov]], p. 247</ref>

== 参考文献 ==
=== 引用 ===
== 参考书目 ==
* {{cite book|ref=Aniszewski|author = Aniszewski, Tadeusz |title = Alkaloids – secrets of life|location = Amsterdam|publisher = [[Elsevier]]|year = 2007|isbn = 978-0-444-52736-3}}
* {{cite book|ref=Begley|author = Begley, Tadhg P. |title = Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology|year = 2009|publisher = Wiley|isbn = 978-0-471-75477-0|doi=10.1002/cbic.200900262}}
* {{cite book|ref=Brossi|author =Brossi, Arnold |title=The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Pharmacology|publisher= Academic Press|year= 1989}}
* {{cite book|ref=Dewick|author = Dewick, Paul M |title = Medicinal Natural Products. A Biosynthetic Approach. Second Edition|year = 2002|publisher = Wiley|isbn = 0-471-49640-5}}
* {{cite book|ref=Fattorusso|author = Fattorusso, E. and Taglialatela-Scafati, O. |title = Modern Alkaloids: Structure, Isolation, Synthesis and Biology|year = 2008|publisher = Wiley-VCH|isbn = 978-3-527-31521-5}}
* {{cite book|ref=Grinkevich|author = Grinkevich NI Safronich LN|title = The chemical analysis of medicinal plants: Proc. allowance for pharmaceutical universities|location = M|year = 1983}}
* {{cite book|ref=Hesse|author = Hesse, Manfred |title = Alkaloids: Nature's Curse or Blessing?|year = 2002|publisher = Wiley-VCH|isbn = 978-3-906390-24-6}}
* {{cite book|ref=Knunyants|author = Knunyants, IL|title = Chemical Encyclopedia|url = http://www.cnshb.ru/AKDiL/0048/base/RA/140004.shtm|publisher = Soviet Encyclopedia|year = 1988}}
* {{cite book|ref=Orekhov|author = Orekhov, AP|title = Chemistry alkaloids|edition = Acad. 2|location = M.|publisher = USSR|year = 1955}}
* {{cite book|ref=Plemenkov|author = Plemenkov, VV|title = Introduction to the Chemistry of Natural Compounds|location = Kazan|year = 2001}}
*{{cite book|ref=Saxton|author =Saxton, J. E. |title=The Alkaloids. A Specialist Periodical Report|place= London|publisher= The Chemical Society|year=1971}}
* {{cite book|ref=Veselovskaya|author =Veselovskaya, N. B., Kovalenko, A.E |title=Drugs|place=Moscow|publisher= Triada-X|year=2000}}
* {{cite journal|last=Wink|first=M|title=Mode of action and toxicology of plant toxins and poisonous plants|journal=Mitt. Julius Kühn-Inst.|date=2009|volume=421|pages=93-112|url=http://pub.jki.bund.de/index.php/JKA/article/download/85/74|accessdate=18 March 2014}}

=== 来源 ===
* {{cite book |ref = Aniszewski |last = Aniszewski |first = Tadeusz |title = Alkaloids – secrets of life |location = Amsterdam |publisher = [[愛思唯爾|Elsevier]] |year = 2007 |ISBN = 978-0-444-52736-3 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Begley |last = Begley |first = Tadhg P. |title = Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology |year = 2009|publisher = Wiley |ISBN = 978-0-471-75477-0 |doi = 10.1002/cbic.200900262 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Brossi |last = Brossi |first = Arnold |title = The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Pharmacology |url = https://archive.org/details/alkaloidschemist0038arno |publisher = Academic Press |year= 1989 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Dewick |last = Dewick |first = Paul M. |title = Medicinal Natural Products. A Biosynthetic Approach |edition = 2nd |year = 2002 |publisher = Wiley |ISBN = 0-471-49640-5 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Fattorusso |last1 = Fattorusso |first1 = E. |last2 = Taglialatela-Scafati |first2 = O. |title = Modern Alkaloids: Structure, Isolation, Synthesis and Biology |url = https://archive.org/details/isbn_9783527315215 |year = 2008 |publisher = Wiley-VCH |ISBN = 978-3-527-31521-5 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Grinkevich |last1 = Grinkevich |first1 = N. I. |last2 = Safronich |first2 = L. N. |title = The chemical analysis of medicinal plants: Proc. allowance for pharmaceutical universities |location = M |year = 1983 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Hesse |last = Hesse |first = Manfred |title = Alkaloids: Nature's Curse or Blessing? |url = https://archive.org/details/alkaloidsnatures0000hess |year = 2002 |publisher = Wiley-VCH |ISBN = 978-3-906390-24-6 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Knunyants |last = Knunyants |first = I. L. |title = Chemical Encyclopedia |url = http://www.cnshb.ru/AKDiL/0048/base/RA/140004.shtm |publisher = Soviet Encyclopedia |year = 1988 |access-date = 2014-08-23 |archive-date = 2021-03-07 |archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20210307145223/http://www.cnshb.ru/AKDiL/0048/base/RA/140004.shtm |dead-url = no }}
* {{cite book |ref = Orekhov |last = Orekhov |first = A. P. |title = Chemistry alkaloids |edition = Acad. 2 |location = M. |publisher = USSR |year = 1955 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Plemenkov |last = Plemenkov |first = V. V. |title = Introduction to the Chemistry of Natural Compounds |location = Kazan |year = 2001 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Saxton |last = Saxton |first = J. E. |title = The Alkaloids. A Specialist Periodical Report |location = London |publisher = The Chemical Society |year = 1971 }}
* {{cite book |ref = Veselovskaya |last1 = Veselovskaya |first1 = N. B. |last2 = Kovalenko |first2 = A. E. |title = Drugs |location = Moscow |publisher = Triada-X |year = 2000 }}
* {{cite journal |last = Wink |first = M. |title = Mode of action and toxicology of plant toxins and poisonous plants |journal = Mitt. Julius Kühn-Inst. |year = 2009 |volume = 421 |pages = 93-112 |url = http://pub.jki.bund.de/index.php/JKA/article/download/85/74 |access-date = 18 March 2014 |archive-date = 2014-03-18 |archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20140318213726/http://pub.jki.bund.de/index.php/JKA/article/download/85/74 |dead-url = no }}

== 外部連結 ==
* {{Commons-inline|Alkaloid}}

== 参 ==
* [[胺]]
* [[鹽基]]
* [[天然产物]]
* [[次级代谢产物]]


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[[Category:生物碱| ]]

2024年7月10日 (三) 15:12的最新版本


生物鹼(英語:alkaloid)是一種天然存在的含氮鹼性化合物。一些人工合成但結構类似的化合物有時也被稱作生物鹼。除了,生物鹼也可以含有等元素。[2] 生物鹼与其它含氮碱性化合物之间的分界并不明确,但氨基酸核苷酸类物质通常不被称作生物碱。





例如,早在公元前 2000 年左右,美索不达米亚就已发现药用植物[3]。[30] 荷马(作家)的奥德赛提到了埃及女王送给海伦的礼物,一种带来遗忘的药物。




生物碱的研究始于 19 世纪。

1804年,德国化学家弗里德里希·瑟图纳从鸦片中分离出一种“催眠原理”(拉丁语:principium somniferum),他将其称为“吗啡”,指的是希腊梦神墨菲斯; 在德语和其他一些中欧语言中,这仍然是该药物的名称。 “吗啡”一词在英语和法语中使用,由法国物理学家盖-吕萨克提出。

法国研究人员皮埃尔-佩尔提埃约瑟夫·卡旺图在生物碱发展的早期对化学做出了重大贡献,他们发现了奎宁 (1820年) 和士的宁 (1818年)。


20 世纪光谱色谱方法的出现加速了生物碱化学的发展,到 2008 年已鉴定出超过 12,000 种生物碱[6]

1886 年,德国化学家阿尔伯特·拉登堡首次完成了生物碱的合成。 他通过2-甲基吡啶乙醛反应并用钠还原生成的2-丙烯基吡啶来生产乌头碱[7]




類別 主要結構 主要合成路線 例子
吡咯烷 類衍生物[8]
鳥氨酸精氨酸腐胺 → N-甲基腐胺 → N-methyl-Δ1-pyrroline [9] Cuscohygrine英语Cuscohygrine, hygrine英语hygrine, hygroline, stachydrine[8][10]
托烷 類衍生物[11]
原子取代於位置 3, 6 或 7
鳥氨酸或精氨酸→腐胺→N-甲基腐胺→N-甲基-Δ1-吡咯烷酮 [9] Atropine, scopolamine, hyoscyamine[8][11][12]
原子取代於位置 2, 3
Cocaine, ecgonine英语ecgonine [11][13]
吡咯里西啶 類衍生物[14]
鳥氨酸,精氨酸→腐→類精脒→惹卓裂鹼 [9] Retronecine英语Retronecine, heliotridine, laburnine [14][15]
一元羧酸的複合酯 Indicine, lindelophin, sarracine [14]
大環內二酯 Platyphylline, trichodesmine[14]
1-氨基吡咯烷類 (lolines英语Loline alkaloids) L-脯氨酸+ L-高絲氨酸→N-(3-氨基-3-羧丙基)脯氨酸→降黑麥草堿 [16][17] Loline, N-formylloline, N-acetylloline[18]
哌啶 類衍生物[19]
賴氨酸屍胺 → Δ1-piperideine [20] Sedamine, lobeline, anaferine, piperine [21][22]
辛酸 → coniceine → 毒芹碱 [23] Coniine, coniceine [23]
羽扇豆碱 賴氨酸屍胺 → Δ1-piperideine [26] Lupinine英语Lupinine, nupharidin [24]
野靛碱 野靛碱 [24]
司巴丁 司巴丁, lupanine, anahygrine[24]
苦參鹼 Matrine, oxymatrine, allomatridine[24][27][28]
苦豆鹼 Ormosanine, piptantine[24][29]
吲哚聯啶 類衍生物[30]
賴氨酸 → δ-semialdehyde of Α-氨基己二酸pipecolic acid英语pipecolic acid → 1 indolizidinone [31] Swainsonine英语Swainsonine, castanospermine英语castanospermine [32]
吡啶 類衍生物[33][34]
吡啶簡單衍生物 烟酸 → dihydronicotinic acid → 1,2-dihydropyridine [35] Trigonelline英语Trigonelline, ricinine, arecoline英语arecoline [33][36]
多環芳烴冷凝吡啶衍生物 Nicotine, nornicotine英语nornicotine, anabasine英语anabasine, anatabine [33][36]
多環芳烴冷凝吡啶衍生物 Actinidine英语Actinidine, gentianine, pediculinine [37]
Sesquiterpene英语Sesquiterpene pyridine derivatives 烟酸, 異亮氨酸 [38] Evonine, hippocrateine, triptonine [34][35]
異喹啉 類衍生物及相關生物鹼[39]
Simple derivatives of isoquinoline [40] Tyrosine or 苯丙氨酸多巴胺 or 酪胺 (for alkaloids Amarillis) [41][42] Salsoline, lophocerine [39][40]
Derivatives of 1- and 3-isoquinolines [43] N-methylcoridaldine, noroxyhydrastinine [43]
Derivatives of 1- and 4-phenyltetrahydroisoquinolines [40] Cryptostilin [40][44]
Derivatives of 5-naftil-isoquinoline [45] Ancistrocladine [45]
Derivatives of 1- and 2-benzyl-izoquinolines [46] Papaverine, laudanosine英语laudanosine, sendaverine
Cularine group[47] Cularine, yagonine [47]
Pavine英语Pavine (molecule)s and isopavines [48] Argemonine, amurensine英语amurensine [48]
Benzopyrrocolines [49] Cryptaustoline [40]
Protoberberines [40] Berberine, canadine英语canadine, ophiocarpine, mecambridine, corydaline [50]
Phthalidisoquinolines [40] Hydrastine, narcotine英语narcotine (Noscapine) [51]
Spirobenzylisoquinolines [40] Fumaricine [48]
Ipecacuanha英语Psychotria ipecacuanha alkaloids[52] Emetine, protoemetine, ipecoside [52]
Benzophenanthridines [40] Sanguinarine, oxynitidine, corynoloxine [53]
Aporphine英语Aporphines [40] Glaucine英语Glaucine, coridine, liriodenine [54]
Proaporphines [40] Pronuciferine, glaziovine [40][49]
Homoaporphines [55] Kreysiginine, multifloramine [55]
Homoproaporphines [55] Bulbocodine [47]
嗎啡s[56] 嗎啡, 可待因, 蒂巴因, 青藤碱 [57]
Homomorphines [58] Kreysiginine, androcymbine [56]
Tropoloisoquinolines [40] Imerubrine [40]
Azofluoranthenes [40] Rufescine, imeluteine [59]
Amaryllis alkaloids[60] Lycorine, ambelline, tazettine, galantamine英语galantamine, montanine [61]
Erythrina alkaloids[44] Erysodine, erythroidine [44]
Phenanthrene derivatives [40] Atherosperminine [40][50]
Protopine英语Protopines [40] Protopine英语Protopine, oxomuramine, corycavidine [53]
Aristolactam [40] Doriflavin [40]
噁唑 類衍生物[[62]
Tyrosinetyramine [63] Annuloline, halfordinol, texaline, texamine[64]
異噁唑 類衍生物
Ibotenic acidMuscimol Ibotenic acid, Muscimol
噻唑 類衍生物[65]
1-Deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate英语1-Deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DOXP), tyrosine, cysteine [66] Nostocyclamide, thiostreptone [65][67]
喹唑啉 類衍生物[68]
3,4-Dihydro-4-quinazolone derivatives Anthranilic acid or phenylalanine or ornithine [69] Febrifugine[70]
1,4-Dihydro-4-quinazolone derivatives Glycorine, arborine, glycosminine[70]
Pyrrolidine and piperidine quinazoline derivatives Vazicine (peganine) [62]
吖啶 類衍生物[62]
Anthranilic acid [71] Rutacridone, acronicine[72][73]
喹啉 類衍生物[74][75]
Simple derivatives of quinoline derivatives of 2 – quinolones and 4-quinolone Anthranilic acid → 3-carboxyquinoline [76] Cusparine, echinopsine, evocarpine[75][77][78]
Tricyclic terpenoids Flindersine[75][79]
Furanoquinoline derivatives Dictamnine, fagarine, skimmianine[75][80][81]
Quinines Tryptophantryptaminestrictosidine英语strictosidine (with secologanin英语secologanin) → korinanteal → cinhoninon [42][76] Quinine, quinidine, cinchonine, cinhonidine [79]
吲哚 類衍生物[57]
Simple indole derivatives [82] Tryptophantryptamine or 5-hydroxitriptofan [83] Serotonin, psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine (DMT), bufotenin [84][85]
Simple derivatives of β-carboline英语beta-carboline [86] Harman, harmine英语harmine, harmaline英语harmaline, eleagnine [82]
Pyrroloindole alkaloids [87] Physostigmine (eserine), etheramine, physovenine, eptastigmine[87]
Ergot alkaloids[57] Tryptophan → chanoclavine → agroclavine → elimoclavine → paspalic acidlysergic acid [87] Ergotamine, ergobasine, ergosine[88]
Corynanthe type alkaloids[83] Tryptophantryptaminestrictosidine英语strictosidine (with secologanin英语secologanin) [83] Ajmalicine, sarpagine, vobasine, ajmaline, yohimbine, reserpine, mitragynine英语mitragynine,[89][90] group strychnine and (Strychnine brucine英语brucine, aquamicine, vomicine [91])
Iboga英语Iboga-type alkaloids[83] Ibogamine英语Ibogamine, ibogaine英语ibogaine, voacangine英语voacangine[83]
Aspidosperma-type alkaloids[83] Vincamine英语Vincamine, vinca alkaloids英语vinca alkaloids, vincotine, aspidospermine[92][93]
咪唑 類衍生物[62]
Directly from histidine[94] Histamine, pilocarpine, pilosine, stevensine[62][94]
嘌呤 類衍生物[95]
Xanthosine英语Xanthosine (formed in purine biosynthesis) → 7 methylxantosine → 7-methyl xanthinetheobrominecaffeine [42] Caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, saxitoxin英语saxitoxin [96][97]
β-苯乙胺 類衍生物[49]
Tyrosine or phenylalaninedioxyphenilalaninedopamineadrenaline and mescaline tyrosinetyramine phenylalanine → 1-phenylpropane-1,2-dione → cathinone英语cathinoneephedrine and pseudoephedrine [38][98][99] Tyramine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, mescaline, cathinone英语cathinone, catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine)[38][100]
秋水仙素 類衍生物 [101]
Tyrosine or phenylalaninedopamineautumnalinecolchicine [102] Colchicine, colchamine[101]
毒蕈鹼 [103]
Glutamic acid → 3-ketoglutamic acid → muscarine (with pyruvic acid)[104] Muscarine, allomuscarine, epimuscarine, epiallomuscarine[103]
Phenylalanine with valine, leucine or isoleucine[106] Capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin, vanillylamine[105][107]
腐胺 衍生物[108]
ornithineputrescinespermidinespermine[109] Paucine [108]
亞精胺 衍生物[108]
Lunarine, codonocarpine[108]
精胺 衍生物[108]
Verbascenine, aphelandrine [108]
Peptide (cyclopeptide) alkaloids
Peptide alkaloids with a 13-membered cycle [110][111] Nummularine C type From different amino acids [110] Nummularine C, Nummularine S [110]
Ziziphine type Ziziphine A, sativanine H [110]
Peptide alkaloids with a 14-membered cycle [110][111] Frangulanine type Frangulanine, scutianine J [111]
Scutianine A type Scutianine A [110]
Integerrine type Integerrine, discarine D [111]
Amphibine F type Amphibine F, spinanine A [110]
Amfibine B type Amphibine B, lotusine C [110]
Peptide alkaloids with a 15-membered cycle [111] Mucronine A type Mucronine A [112][111]
Pseudoalkaloids (terpenes and steroids)
Diterpenes [112]
Lycoctonine type Mevalonic acidizopentenilpyrophosfategeranyl pyrophosphate英语geranyl pyrophosphate [113][114] Aconitine, delphinine英语delphinine [112][115]
Cholesterol, arginine[117] Solasodine, solanidine英语solanidine, veralkamine, batrachotoxin英语batrachotoxin[118]




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