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[[Image:Gokstadskipet1.jpg|thumb|The Gokstad ship,展览于[[挪威]][[奥斯陆维京船博物馆]].]]
[[Image:Gokstadskipet1.jpg|thumb|The Gokstad ship,展览于[[挪威]][[奥斯陆维京船博物馆]].]]

'''维京长船'''({{lang-da|Langskib}},{{lang-no|Langskip}},{{lang-is|Langskip}})是斯堪的纳维亚和冰岛的[[维京人]]在[[维京时期]]使用的贸易、商务、探险和福利用船。长船的设计经历了很多年,从石器时代开始with the invention of the umiak一直到9世纪with the Nydam and Kvalsund ships.长船在9至13是基本定型。这些船的特征和外表直到在今天在的斯堪的那维亚造船传统还有体现T。维京长船的速度因型号而异,但大多在5-10 [[节]],在理想情况下最高可达15节。<ref>http://www.vikingeskibsmuseet.dk/index.php?id=1404&L=1</ref>
'''维京长船'''({{lang-da|Langskib}},{{lang-no|Langskip}},{{lang-is|Langskip}})是斯堪的纳维亚和冰岛的[[维京人]]在[[维京时期]]使用的贸易、商务、探险和福利用船。长船的设计经历了很多年,从石器时代umiak的发明开始一直到9世纪Nydam and Kvalsund长船。长船在9至13是基本定型。这些船的特征和外表直到在今天在的斯堪的那维亚造船传统还有体现T。维京长船的速度因型号而异,但大多在5-10 [[节]],在理想情况下最高可达15节。<ref>http://www.vikingeskibsmuseet.dk/index.php?id=1404&L=1</ref>

Longships can be classified into a number of different types, depending on size, construction details, and prestige. The most common way to classify longships is by the number of rowing positions on board.

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Snekkje的意思是细长而projecting,' was typically the smallest longship used in warfare and was classified as a ship with at least 20 rowing benches. A typical snekkje might have a length of {{convert|17|m|ft}}, a width of {{convert|2.5|m|ft}}, and a draught of only {{convert|0.5|m|ft}}. It would carry a crew of around 41 men (40 oarsmen and one cox).
Snekkje的意思是细长而突出,是在战时应用的最小的维京长船,至少有20名桨手。典型的snekkje至少长{{convert|17|m|ft}}, {{convert|2.5|m|ft}},吃水仅仅{{convert|0.5|m|ft}}。这种船能承载41名船员(40 oarsmen and one cox).

Skei意思是乘风破浪的东西,这是一种战船,包括超过30名摇橹人。Ships of this classification are the largest longships ever discovered.
丹麦考古学家分别与1962和1996/7年在[[罗斯基勒]]港区发现了不少这种船。 其中一艘叫作''Skuldelev 2'',1962年出土,是橡木制的Skei长船。据推测这艘船与1042年建造于[[都柏林]]地区。''Skuldelev 2''能装70-80船员,长度上接近{{convert|30|m|ft}}。1996/7考古学家在海港附近发现了另一艘船的遗迹。这艘叫作''罗斯基勒6号Roskilde 6''还没有完全测量,细节上不清楚。但是据信这船大约{{convert|36|m|ft}}长,建于11世纪中叶。
A group of these ships were discovered by Danish archaeologists in [[Roskilde]] during development in the harbor-area in 1962 and 1996/7. The ship discovered in 1962, ''Skuldelev 2'' is an oak-built Skei longship. It is believe to be built in the Dublin area around 1042. ''Skuldelev 2'' could carry a crew of some 70-80 and measures just fewer than {{convert|30|m|ft}} in length. In 1996/7 archaeologists discovered the remains of another ship in the harbor. This ship, called the ''Roskilde 6'', has not yet been fully investigated and full details are not available. It is however thought to be around {{convert|36|m|ft}} long, and has been dated to the mid-11th century


2009年12月13日 (日) 08:48的版本

The Gokstad ship,展览于挪威奥斯陆维京船博物馆.

维京长船丹麥語Langskib挪威語Langskip冰島語Langskip)是斯堪的纳维亚和冰岛的维京人维京时期使用的贸易、商务、探险和福利用船。长船的设计经历了很多年,从石器时代umiak的发明开始一直到9世纪的Nydam and Kvalsund长船。长船在9至13是基本定型。这些船的特征和外表直到在今天在的斯堪的那维亚造船传统还有体现T。维京长船的速度因型号而异,但大多在5-10 ,在理想情况下最高可达15节。[1]







Snekkje的意思是细长而突出,是在战时应用的最小的维京长船,至少有20名桨手。典型的snekkje至少长17米(56英尺), 宽2.5米(8.2英尺),吃水仅仅0.5米(1.6英尺)。这种船能承载41名船员(40 oarsmen and one cox).


Skei意思是乘风破浪的东西,这是一种战船,包括超过30名摇橹人。这种船是以发现的最大的维京长船。 丹麦考古学家分别与1962和1996/7年在罗斯基勒港区发现了不少这种船。 其中一艘叫作Skuldelev 2,1962年出土,是橡木制的Skei长船。据推测这艘船与1042年建造于都柏林地区。Skuldelev 2能装70-80船员,长度上接近30米(98英尺)。1996/7考古学家在海港附近发现了另一艘船的遗迹。这艘叫作罗斯基勒6号Roskilde 6还没有完全测量,细节上不清楚。但是据信这船大约36米(118英尺)长,建于11世纪中叶。




Busse是大型长船,能比Skei承载更多的人和货物。Ormen Lange就是典型的Busse长船。


The Stora Hammar stone showing armed warriors in a longship.


一艘Gokstad的复制品名叫Viking于1893穿越大西洋参见World's Columbian Exposition

维京人是判断风力和风向的专家,也善于感知水流及潮水涨落。维京导航技术并不为现代人所了解,但是历史学家postulate that the Vikings probably had some sort of primitive astrolabe and used the stars to plot their course.

丹麦考古学家Thorkild Ramskou在1967年说"sun-stones" referred to in some sagas might have been natural crystals capable of polarizing skylight. The mineral cordierite occurring in Norway has the local name "Viking's Compass." Its changes in colour would allow determining the sun's position (azimuth) even through an overcast or foggy horizon. See here.


Image from the Bayeux Tapestry showing a longship in the invasion of England.




  • W. Fitzhugh and E. Ward, Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. 2000.
  • A. W. Brøgger, The Viking ships, their ancestry and evolution. Oslo, Dreyer. 1951.
  • K. McCone, 'Zisalpinisch-gallisch uenia und lokan' in Festschrift Untermann, ed Heidermans et al., Innsbruck, 1993.1.
  • L. Trent, The Viking Longship. 1st ed. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1999.
  • A. Forte, R. Oram, and F. Pederson. Viking Empires. 1st. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 ISBN 0-521-82992-5.
  • D. Dersin, ed., What Life Was Like When Longships Sailed. 1st ed. Richmond: Time Life Books, 1998.
  • A. W. Brøgger and H. Shetelig, The Viking Ships. Twayne Publishers, New York, 1971, and C. Hurst, London, 1971.
  • J. R. Hale, 'The Viking Longship'. Scientific American February 1998: 58-66.
  • Chartrand, Rene, Mark Harrison, Ian Heath, and Keith Durham. The Vikings: voyagers of discovery and plunder. Osprey Publishing, 2006. 142-190.
  • Durham, Keith. Viking Longship. Osprey Publishing, 2002. 5-45.

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