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* 僵持<ref name="Windrow">{{cite book |last1=Windrow |first1=Martin |last2=Chappell |first2=Mike |title=The Algerian War 1954–62 |publisher=Osprey Publishing |year=1997 |isbn=9781855326583 |page=11}}</ref><ref>Introduction to ''Comparative Politics'', by Mark Kesselman, Joel Krieger, William Joseph, page 108</ref><ref>Alexander Cooley, Hendrik Spruyt. ''Contracting States: Sovereign Transfers in International Relations''. Page 63.</ref><ref>George Bernard Noble. ''Christian A. Herter: The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy''. Page 155.</ref>,法國軍事優勢
* 僵持<ref name="Windrow">{{cite book |last1=Windrow |first1=Martin |last2=Chappell |first2=Mike |title=The Algerian War 1954–62 |publisher=Osprey Publishing |year=1997 |isbn=9781855326583 |page=11}}</ref><ref>Introduction to ''Comparative Politics'', by Mark Kesselman, Joel Krieger, William Joseph, page 108</ref><ref>Alexander Cooley, Hendrik Spruyt. ''Contracting States: Sovereign Transfers in International Relations''. Page 63.</ref><ref>George Bernard Noble. ''Christian A. Herter: The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy''. Page 155.</ref>,法國軍事優勢
* [[民族解放陣線 (阿爾及利亞)|阿爾及利亞解放陣線]]政治宣傳勝利<ref name="Young2016">{{cite book|author=Robert J. C. Young|title=Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=BYpADQAAQBAJ&pg=PA300|date=12 October 2016|publisher=Wiley|isbn=978-1-118-89685-3|page=300|quote=the French lost their Algerian empire in military and political defeat by the FLN, just as they lost their empire in China in defeat by Giap and Ho Chi Minh.}}</ref><ref name="Aldrich2004">{{cite book|author=R. Aldrich|title=Vestiges of Colonial Empire in France|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=vZOGDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA156|date=10 December 2004|publisher=Palgrave Macmillan UK|isbn=978-0-230-00552-5|page=156|quote=For the [French] nation as a whole, commemoration of the Franco-Algerian War is complicated since it ended in defeat (politically, if not strictly militarily) rather than victory.}}</ref>
* [[民族解放陣線 (阿爾及利亞)|阿爾及利亞解放陣線]]政治宣傳勝利<ref name="Young2016">{{cite book|author=Robert J. C. Young|title=Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=BYpADQAAQBAJ&pg=PA300|date=12 October 2016|publisher=Wiley|isbn=978-1-118-89685-3|page=300|quote=the French lost their Algerian empire in military and political defeat by the FLN, just as they lost their empire in China in defeat by Giap and Ho Chi Minh.}}</ref><ref name="Aldrich2004">{{cite book|author=R. Aldrich|title=Vestiges of Colonial Empire in France|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=vZOGDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA156|date=10 December 2004|publisher=Palgrave Macmillan UK|isbn=978-0-230-00552-5|page=156|quote=For the [French] nation as a whole, commemoration of the Franco-Algerian War is complicated since it ended in defeat (politically, if not strictly militarily) rather than victory.}}</ref>
* 双方达成[[埃维昂协议]]
* {{le|埃維昂協定|Évian Accords}}
* [[法蘭西殖民帝國]]瓦解<ref name="Hargreaves2005">{{cite book|author=Alec G. Hargreaves|title=Memory, Empire, and Postcolonialism: Legacies of French Colonialism|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=UX8aeX_Lbi4C&pg=PA1|year=2005|publisher=Lexington Books|isbn=978-0-7391-0821-5|page=1|quote=The death knell of the French empire was sounded by the bitterly fought Algerian war of independence, which ended in 1962.}}</ref><ref>"The French defeat in the war effectively signaled the end of the French Empire". Jo McCormack (2010). ''[https://books.google.com/books?id=DbnhuiJ8pEgC&pg=PA1 Collective Memory: France and the Algerian War (1954–1962)]''.</ref><ref>{{cite book |author1=Paul Allatson |author2=Jo McCormack |title=Exile Cultures, Misplaced Identities |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DaLkNE_20a0C&pg=PA117 |year=2008 |publisher=Rodopi |isbn=978-90-420-2406-9 |page=117 |quote=The Algerian War came to an end in 1962, and with it closed some 130 years of French colonial presence in Algeria (and North Africa). With this outcome, the French Empire, celebrated in pomp in Paris in the Exposition coloniale of 1931 ... received its decisive death blow.}}</ref><ref name="Beigbeder2006">{{cite book |author=Yves Beigbeder |title=Judging War Crimes And Torture: French Justice And International Criminal Tribunals And Commissions (1940–2005) |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ZtaU8_z2SngC&pg=PA35 |year=2006 |publisher=Martinus Nijhoff Publishers |isbn=978-90-04-15329-5 |page=35 |quote=The independence of Algeria in 1962, after a long and bitter war, marked the end of the French Empire.}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |title=France's Colonial Legacies: Memory, Identity and Narrative |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Hm-uBwAAQBAJ&pg=PT111 |date=15 October 2013 |publisher=University of Wales Press |isbn=978-1-78316-585-8 |page=111 |quote=The difficult relationship which France has with the period of history dominated by the Algerian war has been well documented. The reluctance, which ended only in 1999, to acknowledge 'les évenements' as a war, the shame over the fate of the ''harki'' detachments, the amnesty covering many of the deeds committed during the war and the humiliation of a colonial defeat which marked the end of the French empire are just some of the reasons why France has preferred to look towards a Eurocentric future, rather than confront the painful aspects of its colonial past.}}</ref>
* [[法蘭西殖民帝國]]瓦解<ref name="Hargreaves2005">{{cite book|author=Alec G. Hargreaves|title=Memory, Empire, and Postcolonialism: Legacies of French Colonialism|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=UX8aeX_Lbi4C&pg=PA1|year=2005|publisher=Lexington Books|isbn=978-0-7391-0821-5|page=1|quote=The death knell of the French empire was sounded by the bitterly fought Algerian war of independence, which ended in 1962.}}</ref><ref>"The French defeat in the war effectively signaled the end of the French Empire". Jo McCormack (2010). ''[https://books.google.com/books?id=DbnhuiJ8pEgC&pg=PA1 Collective Memory: France and the Algerian War (1954–1962)]''.</ref><ref>{{cite book |author1=Paul Allatson |author2=Jo McCormack |title=Exile Cultures, Misplaced Identities |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DaLkNE_20a0C&pg=PA117 |year=2008 |publisher=Rodopi |isbn=978-90-420-2406-9 |page=117 |quote=The Algerian War came to an end in 1962, and with it closed some 130 years of French colonial presence in Algeria (and North Africa). With this outcome, the French Empire, celebrated in pomp in Paris in the Exposition coloniale of 1931 ... received its decisive death blow.}}</ref><ref name="Beigbeder2006">{{cite book |author=Yves Beigbeder |title=Judging War Crimes And Torture: French Justice And International Criminal Tribunals And Commissions (1940–2005) |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ZtaU8_z2SngC&pg=PA35 |year=2006 |publisher=Martinus Nijhoff Publishers |isbn=978-90-04-15329-5 |page=35 |quote=The independence of Algeria in 1962, after a long and bitter war, marked the end of the French Empire.}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |title=France's Colonial Legacies: Memory, Identity and Narrative |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Hm-uBwAAQBAJ&pg=PT111 |date=15 October 2013 |publisher=University of Wales Press |isbn=978-1-78316-585-8 |page=111 |quote=The difficult relationship which France has with the period of history dominated by the Algerian war has been well documented. The reluctance, which ended only in 1999, to acknowledge 'les évenements' as a war, the shame over the fate of the ''harki'' detachments, the amnesty covering many of the deeds committed during the war and the humiliation of a colonial defeat which marked the end of the French empire are just some of the reasons why France has preferred to look towards a Eurocentric future, rather than confront the painful aspects of its colonial past.}}</ref>
* [[法蘭西第四共和國]][[1958年5月法國政變|倒台]]
* [[法蘭西第四共和國]][[1958年5月法國政變|倒台]]

2023年6月25日 (日) 01:11的版本



阿尔及利亚 民族解放陣線
阿尔及利亚 民族運動法语Mouvement national algérien (guerre d'Algérie)
摩洛哥 摩洛哥[2]
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国


支援: 秘密軍事組織(OAS)
Mohamed Si Moussa Benahmed
Saadi Yacef
Mustapha Benboulaïd
Hocine Aït Ahmed
Krim Belkacem
Larbi Ben M'Hidi
Rabah Bitat
Mohamed Boudiaf
Bachir Hadj Ali
Paul Cherrière (1954–55)
Henri Lorillot (1955–56)
Raoul Salan (1956–58)
Maurice Challe (1958–60)
Jean Crepin (1960–61)
Fernand Gambiez (1961)
Guilain P. Denoeux (1961–62)
Said Boualam
Pierre Lagaillarde
Raoul Salan
Edmond Jouhaud
Jean-Jacques Susini
340,000人 470,000名法國人,[16]
3,000 (OAS)
153,000人死亡,160,000人受傷[17] 25,600人死亡
100人死亡 (OAS)
2,000人被監禁 (OAS)


  • 250,000–300,000人(包含55,000[19]-250,000人[20][21]阿爾及利亞平民(有15萬平民為民族解放陣線屠殺))
  • ~1,500,000人死亡(民族解放陣線估計,明顯誇大)
  • ~700,000人死亡(Horne 估計)[22]
  • ~350,000人死亡(法國估計)
  • 1百萬歐洲平民被迫逃離阿爾及利亞[23]
  • 200,000名猶太人逃離[24]
  • 2,000,000名平民流離失所[25][5]


法國軍隊所採用的殘酷鎮壓手段未能在阿爾及利亞贏得人心,疏遠了法國本土的支持,並損害了法國在國外的聲望。[26]而阿爾及利亞民族解放陣線對支持法國的當地民眾屠殺的情形,則成功被關於法國鎮壓的輿論掩蓋過去。隨著戰爭持續,法國公眾的反戰情緒開始高漲 ,[27]而包括美國在內的許多法國盟友在聯合國關於阿爾及利亞的辯論中從支持法國轉為棄權。[28]


法國就協議在1962年4月8日進行公投,91%法國選民贊成批准埃維昂協議。[29] 7月1日,該協議在阿爾及利亞進行了第二次公投,其中99.72%選民投票支持獨立,只有0.28%反對。[30]

獨立的計劃在法國引發了國家危機。這包括對戴高樂的各種暗殺企圖以及一些軍事政變企圖。前者大部分由秘密軍事組織 (OAS) 執行。該組織主要由支持法國殖民統治的法國軍人組成,在阿爾及利亞和法國本土策劃多次炸彈襲擊和謀殺行動,試圖阻止阿爾及利亞獨立。

1962年阿爾及利亞獨立後,由於擔心民族解放陣線的報復,90萬歐裔阿爾及利亞人 (黑腳) 逃往法國,約9萬曾為法國軍隊提供協助的阿爾及利亞穆斯林亦在法國軍官的協助下逃到法國本土。法國政府對接收如此龐大的難民毫無準備,這在法國引起了社會動盪。

















  1. ^ Zoubir, Yahia H., The United States, the Soviet Union and Decolonization of the Maghreb, 1945–62, Middle Eastern Studies, 1995-01-01, 31 (1): 58–84, JSTOR 4283699, doi:10.1080/00263209508701041 (英语) .
  2. ^ Militaires et guérilla dans la guerre d'Algérie, Jean-Charles Jauffret, Maurice Vaïsse, Centre d'études d'histoire de la défense (France).
  3. ^ Aburish 2004,第209–211頁.
  4. ^ 存档副本. [2022-08-09]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-14). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Windrow, Martin; Chappell, Mike. The Algerian War 1954–62. Osprey Publishing. 1997: 11. ISBN 9781855326583. 
  6. ^ Introduction to Comparative Politics, by Mark Kesselman, Joel Krieger, William Joseph, page 108
  7. ^ Alexander Cooley, Hendrik Spruyt. Contracting States: Sovereign Transfers in International Relations. Page 63.
  8. ^ George Bernard Noble. Christian A. Herter: The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy. Page 155.
  9. ^ Robert J. C. Young. Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction. Wiley. 12 October 2016: 300. ISBN 978-1-118-89685-3. the French lost their Algerian empire in military and political defeat by the FLN, just as they lost their empire in China in defeat by Giap and Ho Chi Minh. 
  10. ^ R. Aldrich. Vestiges of Colonial Empire in France. Palgrave Macmillan UK. 10 December 2004: 156. ISBN 978-0-230-00552-5. For the [French] nation as a whole, commemoration of the Franco-Algerian War is complicated since it ended in defeat (politically, if not strictly militarily) rather than victory. 
  11. ^ Alec G. Hargreaves. Memory, Empire, and Postcolonialism: Legacies of French Colonialism. Lexington Books. 2005: 1. ISBN 978-0-7391-0821-5. The death knell of the French empire was sounded by the bitterly fought Algerian war of independence, which ended in 1962. 
  12. ^ "The French defeat in the war effectively signaled the end of the French Empire". Jo McCormack (2010). Collective Memory: France and the Algerian War (1954–1962).
  13. ^ Paul Allatson; Jo McCormack. Exile Cultures, Misplaced Identities. Rodopi. 2008: 117. ISBN 978-90-420-2406-9. The Algerian War came to an end in 1962, and with it closed some 130 years of French colonial presence in Algeria (and North Africa). With this outcome, the French Empire, celebrated in pomp in Paris in the Exposition coloniale of 1931 ... received its decisive death blow. 
  14. ^ Yves Beigbeder. Judging War Crimes And Torture: French Justice And International Criminal Tribunals And Commissions (1940–2005). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 2006: 35. ISBN 978-90-04-15329-5. The independence of Algeria in 1962, after a long and bitter war, marked the end of the French Empire. 
  15. ^ France's Colonial Legacies: Memory, Identity and Narrative. University of Wales Press. 15 October 2013: 111. ISBN 978-1-78316-585-8. The difficult relationship which France has with the period of history dominated by the Algerian war has been well documented. The reluctance, which ended only in 1999, to acknowledge 'les évenements' as a war, the shame over the fate of the harki detachments, the amnesty covering many of the deeds committed during the war and the humiliation of a colonial defeat which marked the end of the French empire are just some of the reasons why France has preferred to look towards a Eurocentric future, rather than confront the painful aspects of its colonial past. 
  16. ^ Martin Windrow, The Algerian War 1954–62. p. 17
  17. ^ 存档副本 (PDF). [2019-12-12]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-04-08). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954–1962.. 1978: 358. ISBN 9781590172186.  Authors list列表中的|first1=缺少|last1= (帮助)
  19. ^ Algeria: War of independence. Mass Atrocity Endings. [2022-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-14). :

    He also argues that the least controversial of all the numbers put forward by various groups are those concerning the French soldiers, where government numbers are largely accepted as sound. Most controversial are the numbers of civilians killed. On this subject, he turns to the work of Meynier, who, citing French army documents (not the official number) posits the range of 55,000–60,000 deaths. Meynier further argues that the best number to capture the harkis deaths is 30,000. If we add to this, the number of European civilians, which government figures posit as 2,788.

    Meynier's work cited was: Meynier, Gilbert. Histoire intérieure du FLN. 1954–1962. [2022-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-13). 

  20. ^ Rummel, Rudolph J. STATISTICS OF DEMOCIDE Chapter 14 THE HORDE OF CENTI-KILO MURDERERS Estimates, Calculations, And Sources. Table 14.1 B; row 664. [2022-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-17). 
  21. ^ Rummel, Rudolph J. STATISTICS OF DEMOCIDE Chapter 14 THE HORDE OF CENTI-KILO MURDERERS Estimates, Calculations, And Sources. Table 14.1 B; row 694. [2022-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-17). 
  22. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为Horne的参考文献提供内容
  23. ^ Cutts, M.; Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The State of the World's Refugees, 2000: Fifty Years of Humanitarian Action. Oxford University Press. 2000: 38 [2017-01-13]. ISBN 9780199241040.  Referring to Evans, Martin. 2012. Algeria: France's Undeclared War. New York: Oxford University Press.
  24. ^ Hobson, Faure L. The Migration of Jews from Algeria to France: An Opportunity for French Jews to Recover Their Independence in the Face of American Judaism in Postwar France?. Archives Juives. 2009, 42 (2): 67–81 [2022-02-24]. doi:10.3917/aj.422.0067. (原始内容存档于2022-10-13). 
  25. ^ Algeria – The Revolution and Social Change. countrystudies.us. [2017-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-11-03). 
  26. ^ Irwin M. Wall (20 July 2001). France, the United States, and the Algerian War. pp. 68–69. ISBN 9780520925687.
  27. ^ Benjamin Stora (2004). Algeria, 1830-2000: A Short History. Cornell University Press. p. 87. ISBN 0-8014-8916-4.
  28. ^ Mathilde Von Bulow (22 August 2016). West Germany, Cold War Europe and the Algerian War. Cambridge University Press. p. 170. ISBN 978-1-107-08859-7.
  29. ^ "référendum 1962 Algérie"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). france-politique.fr. Retrieved 2017-01-13.
  30. ^ "Proclamation des résultats du référendum d'autodétermination du 1er juillet 1962"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Journal Officiel de l'État Algérien. 6 July 1962. Retrieved 2009-04-08.
  31. ^ France's 'brutal colonial war'页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),BBC News,2001年11月27日。
