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控制重構(Control reconfiguration)是控制理論中的領域,目的是為了动力系统容錯控制[1]。其用途是在發生嚴重故障(例如致動器或是感測器損壞),影響控制迴路時,系統可以重新調整其控制組態,以避免系統層的失效。控制重構'不但包括架構的重新調整,也包括控制器參數為了配合新的架構而作的參數調整。控制重構是回控控制系統增加可信任性英语dependability的重要機能之一[2]



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  • Steffen, T., Control Reconfiguration of Dynamical Systems, Springer, 2005 
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  • Lunze, J.; Rowe-Serrano, D.; Steffen, T., Control Reconfiguration Demonstrated at a Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Helicopter Model, Proceedings of European Control Conference (ECC), Cambridge, UK., 2003 
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  • Mahmoud, M.; Jiang, J.; Zhang, Y., Active Fault Tolerant Control Systems - Stochastic Analysis and Synthesis, Springer, 2003 
  • Zhang, Y.; Jiang, J., Bibliographical review on reconfigurable fault-tolerant control systems, Proceedings of the SAFEPROCESS 2003: 5th Symposium on Detection and Safety for Technical Processes, Washington D.C., USA: IFAC: 265–276, 2003 
  • Patton, R. J., Fault-tolerant control: the 1997 situation, Preprints of IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Kingston upon Hull, UK: 1033–1055, 1997 
  • Rauch, H. E., Autonomous control reconfiguration, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 1995, 15 (6): 37–48, doi:10.1109/37.476385 
  • Rauch, H. E., Intelligent fault diagnosis and control reconfiguration, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 1994, 14 (3): 6–12, doi:10.1109/37.291462 
  • Gao, Z.; Antsaklis, P.J., Stability of the pseudo-inverse method for reconfigurable control systems, International Journal of Control, 1991, 53 (3): 717–729, doi:10.1080/00207179108953643 
  • Looze, D.; Weiss, J.L.; Eterno, J.S.; Barrett, N.M., An Automatic Redesign Approach for Restructurable Control Systems, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 1985, 5 (2): 16–22, doi:10.1109/mcs.1985.1104940 .
  • Esna Ashari, A.; Khaki Sedigh, A.; Yazdanpanah, M. J., Reconfigurable control system design using eigenstructure assignment: static, dynamic and robust approaches, International Journal of Control, 2005, 78 (13): 1005–1016, doi:10.1080/00207170500241817 .