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'''Buddhism''' is one of the world's most prolific religions, dominating much of [[South East Asia]], and influential as well in [[South Asia]] and [[East Asia]].
[[Image:Mahabodhi temple. The Mahabodhi temple, Bodh Gaya, India.jpg|thumb|220px|位於[[菩提伽耶]]的摩訶菩提寺]]

[[Image:Mahabodhi temple. The Mahabodhi temple, Bodh Gaya, India.jpg|thumb|220px|The Mahabodhi Temple in [[Bodh Gaya]]]]
Buddhism is a religion founded around 400-500 BC by Sakyamuni Buddha. Born in [[Lumbini]] as heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Sakya (in present day [[Nepal]], near the [[India|Indian]] border), Prince Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha's former name) discovered that a life of luxury did not lead to peace of mind, and that the rich, like the poor, still suffer the torments of old age, sickness and death. He therefore renounced his title and abandoned his wealth in order to seek a way that could lead all beings, without discrimination, to freedom from suffering. He spent six years experimenting with the various common methods of the day, but to no avail. Finally, at the age of thirty-five and while meditating under the bodhi tree at [[Bodh Gaya]], he awoke to the insights he had been seeking. The essence of the Buddha's discovery are categorized in his first teaching that was delivered to a group of five ascetics at the Deer Park in [[Sarnath]] and is called the Four Noble Truths. The Buddha finally passed away in a copse of sal trees at [[Kushinagar]]. He was believed to be over 80 years old at the time.

For many centuries, Buddhism was the major religion in India, and was supported by many great kings, with Asoka the Great (273–232 BC) perhaps the most famous. Buddhism's influence in India waxed and waned over the next millennium, and during the 6th and 7th century support was mostly confined to Southern India. However, perhaps the single most significant blow to Buddhism in India occurred in 1193 when Turkic Islamic raiders burnt the great Buddhist center of learning in [[Nalanda]] (in current day [[Bihar]]), and by the end of the 12th century it had all but disappeared from the lowlands, though it continued to thrive in the [[Himalayas|Himalayan regions]].

Buddhism as a philosophy and religion can roughly be divided into two schools: Theravada and Mahayana. The Theravada school which spread to [[Thailand]], [[Sri Lanka]] and other [[South East Asia]]n countries promotes personal liberation from suffering, whereas the Mahayana, which is prevalent in [[China]], [[Japan]], [[Taiwan]], [[Korea]], [[Bhutan]] and [[Tibet]], emphasizes the liberation of all beings. The Vajrayana school, which is often called Tibetan Buddhism, is an offshoot of Mahayana and differs from it only in method, not philosophy. A common thread throughout all Buddhist schools is the cultivation of wisdom and compassion as a basis of interacting with the world, and the total rejection of religious conversion. All schools of Buddhism recognize karma (the law of cause and effect) as the creator of our illusory universe, which Buddhists refer to as ''samsara''.
[[Image:Dharma wheel.svg|thumb|200px|佛門法輪的八個輪輻代表著八正道,八正道是破除無明的利器]]

*'''釋迦牟尼'''。 在佛教寺院中最常見的圖像,其中最主要的就是描繪了佛陀坐在蓮花姿勢中,右手指尖觸摸地面。
===Common images and symbols===
*'''多羅菩薩'''。 此女神可以用各種顏色來描繪,而綠色或白色是最常見的。綠色多羅菩薩代表佛陀的開明。 白色多羅菩薩代表同情心。
[[Image:Dharma wheel.svg|thumb|200px|The eight-spoked dharma chakra represents the Noble Eight-fold path taught by the Buddha]]
*'''蓮花生''' 也被稱為古魯仁波切。八世紀聖人被譽為金剛佛教的創始人。最常見的圖像以坐姿姿態來描繪他,戴著精緻的帽子。他的眼睛大開,似乎正在凝視著遠處。
*'''转经筒'''(藏文:མ་ནི།,威利:ma ni)。 有幾種转经筒,以下是一些最常見的: 銅輪安裝在圍繞寺院和佛塔的牆壁上,和大型木輪獨自在寺院的門口附近。另外,還有一些是由信徒所攜帶的手持輪。所有的转经筒沿順時針方向,用真誠的動機惠及眾生旋轉。透過這種方式,他們認為是發自慷慨和純潔心靈的一種有效作法。

*'''Buddha Sakyamuni'''. Obviously the most common image at Buddhist monasteries, and statues show the Buddha in a various number of postures, though the most common of these depicts the Buddha sitting in lotus posture with the finger tips of his right hand touching the ground.
*'''Tara''' (only in Vajrayana monasteries). This female deity can be depicted in a variety of colors, though green or white are the most common. Green Tara represents the Buddha's enlightened activity. White Tara represents compassion.
*'''Padmasambhava''' also known as Guru Rinpoche (only in Vajrayana monasteries, especially those of the Nyingma school). An eighth century sage credited as the founder of Vajrayana Buddhism. The most common images portray him in a sitting posture, wearing an elaborate hat and with his right leg lowered slightly. His eyes are wide open and appear to be gazing into the distance.
*'''Prayer wheels''' (Tib: ''mani'') (only in Vajrayana monasteries). There are several types of prayer wheels, and the following are some of the most common: copper wheels mounted in walls surrounding monasteries and stupas, and large wooden wheels standing alone near the gates of monasteries. In addition, there are small hand-held wheels that are carried by devotees. All prayer wheels are rotated in a clockwise direction and with a sincere motivation to benefit all beings. In this way, they are considered an effective means of developing a generous and pure mind.

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*'''[[菩提伽耶]]''',位於[[印度]][[比哈爾]] — 釋迦牟尼佛悟道的地方。
*'''[[布達納特|布達納特佛塔]]''',位於[[尼泊爾]][[布達納特]] — 佛教徒的神聖遺址。
*'''[[布姆唐宗|布姆塘河谷]]''',位於[[不丹]] — 該河谷被認為是不丹的精神之心,包含許多神聖的遺址,包括[[賈卡爾]]著名的古杰寺。
*'''[[埃洛拉]]'''與'''[[阿旃陀]]''',位於[[印度]][[馬哈拉施特拉]] — 壯觀的岩石寺院和寺廟,為佛教徒、耆那教和印度教徒的聖地。
*'''[[拘尸那揭羅]]''',位於[[印度]][[北方邦]] — 佛陀到達大涅槃並被火化的地點。
*'''[[藍毗尼]]''',位於[[尼泊爾]] — 釋迦牟尼佛誕生的地方。
*'''[[拉瓦爾薩爾]]''',位於[[印度]][[喜馬偕爾邦]] — 一座神聖的湖,且為藏傳佛教一個受歡迎的朝聖地。
*'''[[鹿野苑]]''',位於[[北方邦]] — 這裡是釋迦牟尼第一次教授佛法,佛教的僧伽也在此成立。也是佛教在古印度的四大聖地之一。
*'''[[帕羅#觀光|塔克桑寺]]'''(虎穴寺或虎巢寺),位於[[不丹]][[帕羅]] — 與蓮花生大士有關的寺院。為不丹最神聖的地方。
*'''[[康提#觀光|佛牙寺]]''',位於[[斯里蘭卡]][[康提]] — 寺内藏有佛祖释迦牟尼的佛牙舍利,是斯里兰卡的国宝。
*'''[[塔克西拉]]''',位於[[巴基斯坦]][[旁遮普]] — 佛祖遺物的主要地點,包括牙齒和碎骨片,以及許多佛塔和修道院。

==Other destinations==
[[File:Leshan Buddha Statue View.JPG|thumb|300px|樂山大佛,約713年]]
* [[印度次大陸聖地]]

===South Asia===
* '''東大寺大佛''',[[日本]][[奈良]] — 日本最大的佛像
Below is list of fourteen of the most notable Buddhist sites in the sub-continent:
* '''中原大佛''',[[中國]][[河南]][[魯山縣]] — 位在128公尺高處,為世界上最高的佛像
<!-- Do not change this list without discussion on the Talk page -->
* '''樂山大佛''',[[中國]][[四川]][[樂山]] — [[世界遺產]]的一部分,石雕佛像是從懸崖上雕刻出來的
[[Image:Takstan-monastery.jpg|thumb|250px|Taktsang Monastery at [[Paro]] in [[Bhutan]]]]
* '''臥佛寺臥佛''',[[泰國]][[曼谷]] — 可能是世界上最大的臥佛像
*'''[[Bodh Gaya]]''', [[Bihar]], [[India]] — the place where the Buddha Sakyamuni attained enlightenment.
* '''牛久大佛''',[[日本]][[茨城縣]][[牛久市]] — 建於1989年,是淨土真宗東本願寺派(本山:東京都台東區的淨土真宗東本願寺派本山東本願寺)的建物。
*'''[[Boudhanath|Boudhanath Stupa]]''', [[Boudhanath]], [[Nepal]] — a sacred site for Buddhists.
* '''天壇大佛''',[[香港]][[大嶼山]] — 一尊坐落在240階頂上的大型銅製佛像
*'''[[Bumthang|Bumthang Valley]]''', [[Bhutan]] — the valley is considered the spiritual heart of Bhutan and contains many sacred sites, including the famous Kurjey Lhakhang in [[Jakar]].
*'''[[Ellora]]''' and '''[[Ajanta]]''', [[Maharashtra]], [[India]] — spectacular rock-cut cave monasteries and temples, holy place for the Buddhists, Jains and Hindus.
*'''[[Kushinagar]]''', [[Uttar Pradesh]], [[India]] — the site where Buddha reached Mahaparinirvana and was cremated
*'''[[Lumbini]]''', [[Nepal]] — the birth place of Sakyamuni Buddha.
*'''[[Rewalsar]]''', [[Himachal Pradesh]], [[India]] — a sacred lake associated with the Buddhist sage Padmasambhava. A popular pilgrimage site for Tibetan Buddhists.
*'''[[Sarnath]]''', [[Uttar Pradesh]] — the place where the Buddha first taught the ''Dharma''.
*'''[[Paro#See|Taktshang Monastery]]''', (Tiger's Nest), [[Paro]], [[Bhutan]] — a monastery associated with Guru Rinpoche. It is one of Bhutan's most sacred places.
*'''[[Kandy#See|The Temple of the Tooth]]''', [[Kandy]], [[Sri Lanka]] — a temple housing a tooth that came from the mouth of Lord Buddha and is considered Sri Lanka's most sacred site.
*'''Sitagarha Hill''', Marwateri Basin, Sitagarha Hill, [[Jharkhand]], [[India]]. The site of a major Buddhist shrine and stone carved stupa dating from the the Mauryan Period.
*'''[[Taxila]]''', [[Punjab (Pakistan)|Panjab]], [[Pakistan]] — a major site with relics of the Buddha, including teeth and bone fragments, and many stupas and monasteries

* [[日本禪修]]
* [[泰國禪修]]

[[File:Leshan Buddha Statue View.JPG|thumb|300px|Leshan Giant Buddha, dating from 713]]
* [[Sacred sites of the Indian sub-continent]]

===Giant Buddhas===
*'''佛吉祥日'''(卫塞节),五月份的第一個滿月(農曆四月十五)。 是南傳佛教傳統紀念佛教創始人釋迦牟尼佛誕生、成道、涅槃的節日。
* '''Daibutsu at Tōdai-ji''', [[Nara]], [[Japan]] — largest Buddha statue in Japan
* '''Spring Temple Buddha''', [[Lushan County]], [[Henan]], [[China]] — standing 128m high, this is the tallest statue in the world
* '''Leshan Giant Buddha''', [[Leshan]], [[Sichuan]], [[China]] — part of a [[World Heritage Site]], the stone statue is carved out of a cliff-face
* '''Reclining Buddha of Wat Pho''', [[Bangkok]], [[Thailand]] — possibly the largest reclining Buddha in the world
* '''Ushiku Daibatsu''', [[Ushiku]], [[Ibaraki]], [[Japan]] — built in 1993 to commemorate the birth of Shinran, founder of the Jōdo Shinshū
* '''Tian Tan Buddha''', [[Lantau]], [[Hong Kong]] — a large bronze statue of a seated Buddha at the top of 240 steps

* '''羅漢齋''',傳統佛教素食菜。
* [[Meditation in Japan]]
* '''素食''',在佛教寺院為修士和遊客服務的食物。可能包括由大豆或小麥麵筋製成的素肉。
* [[Meditation in Thailand]]


Vajrayana tradition
*'''New Year''', first full moon in year (usually in February).
*'''Modlam Chenmo''', 8th-15th day after lunar new year.
*'''The Buddha's Enlightenment and Passing into Nirvana''', 15th day of 4th lunar month (usually May).
*'''Guru Rinpoche's Birthday''', 10th day of the 6th lunar month.
*'''Chokhor Duchen''', 4th day of the 6th lunar month (usually July). Celebrates the first sermon given by the Buddha Sakyamuni after enlightenment.

Theravada tradition
*'''Vesak''', first full moon in May. Celebrates the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and passing into nirvana.
*'''Asalha''', first full moon of 8th lunar month (usually July). Celebrates the first sermon given by the Buddha Sakyamuni after enlightenment.


* '''Buddha's delight''', a traditional Buddhist vegetarian dish
* '''Vegetarian cuisine''', served in Buddhist monasteries to monks and visitors. May include mock-meat made from soy or wheat gluten.





==Stay safe==

==Stay healthy==

*Wear clothing that expresses respect for the sacred nature of the site.
*Go bare foot within the main temple/stupa complex.
*Circumambulate stupas and other sacred objects in a clock-wise direction.
*Turn prayer wheels in a clockwise direction.
*Preserve the peace and tranquility.
*Do not climb onto statues or other sacred objects.
*Do not sit with the soles of the feet facing a Buddha image (especially important in Theravada temples)


{{PartOfTopic|Cultural attractions}}

2017年9月3日 (日) 02:43的最新版本









  • 釋迦牟尼。 在佛教寺院中最常見的圖像,其中最主要的就是描繪了佛陀坐在蓮花姿勢中,右手指尖觸摸地面。
  • 多羅菩薩。 此女神可以用各種顏色來描繪,而綠色或白色是最常見的。綠色多羅菩薩代表佛陀的開明。 白色多羅菩薩代表同情心。
  • 蓮花生 也被稱為古魯仁波切。八世紀聖人被譽為金剛佛教的創始人。最常見的圖像以坐姿姿態來描繪他,戴著精緻的帽子。他的眼睛大開,似乎正在凝視著遠處。
  • 转经筒(藏文:མ་ནི།,威利:ma ni)。 有幾種转经筒,以下是一些最常見的: 銅輪安裝在圍繞寺院和佛塔的牆壁上,和大型木輪獨自在寺院的門口附近。另外,還有一些是由信徒所攜帶的手持輪。所有的转经筒沿順時針方向,用真誠的動機惠及眾生旋轉。透過這種方式,他們認為是發自慷慨和純潔心靈的一種有效作法。










  • 東大寺大佛日本奈良 — 日本最大的佛像
  • 中原大佛中國河南魯山縣 — 位在128公尺高處,為世界上最高的佛像
  • 樂山大佛中國四川樂山世界遺產的一部分,石雕佛像是從懸崖上雕刻出來的
  • 臥佛寺臥佛泰國曼谷 — 可能是世界上最大的臥佛像
  • 牛久大佛日本茨城縣牛久市 — 建於1989年,是淨土真宗東本願寺派(本山:東京都台東區的淨土真宗東本願寺派本山東本願寺)的建物。
  • 天壇大佛香港大嶼山 — 一尊坐落在240階頂上的大型銅製佛像






  • 新年,一年中的第一個月圓(通常在2月)。
  • 釋迦牟尼佛成道日(臘八節),藏曆十一月初七(1月5日)。
  • 佛陀成道暨涅盘纪念日,藏曆四月十五。
  • 古魯仁波切誕辰。藏曆六月初十。
  • 初轉法輪日,藏曆六月初四(通常是七月)。釋迦牟尼佛宣說「四聖諦」,被稱為初轉法輪。


  • 佛吉祥日(卫塞节),五月份的第一個滿月(農曆四月十五)。 是南傳佛教傳統紀念佛教創始人釋迦牟尼佛誕生、成道、涅槃的節日。
  • 法寶日,(第八個朔望月)月圓日的日子。是佛陀覺悟後,第一次為五位比丘,宣說無上的法義-即(轉正法輪經),苦的因、苦的滅、滅苦的道路(八正道)。


  • 羅漢齋,傳統佛教素食菜。
  • 素食,在佛教寺院為修士和遊客服務的食物。可能包括由大豆或小麥麵筋製成的素肉。




  • 穿著表示尊重當地神聖性質的服裝。
  • 在主廟/佛堂大廳或室內應打赤腳。
  • 順時針旋轉佛塔和其他神聖物體。
  • 順時針方向轉動禱告輪。
  • 請保持肅靜且不喧嘩嬉鬧。
  • 請不要爬上神像或其他神聖物體。
  • 請不要坐在面對佛像的腳下(尤其是在重要的寺廟裡)。