Hyderabad: Old City auto driver thrashed by passenger in quarrel over 10, dies

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HYDERABAD: An auto driver, who was allegedly thrashed by a passenger at Shalibanda after a heated argument over payment of 10 on June 12, succumbed to his injuries at a hospital on Thursday while undergoing treatment.
Police have launched a manhunt to nab the unidentified passenger, who was booked under section 304-II (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) of IPC.
Auto driver Mohammed Anwar, 39, was a resident of Vattepally. On June 12, a passenger boarded his auto at Charminar and got down at Shamsheergunj.


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After reaching Shamsheergunj, the passenger paid ₹10 but Anwar demanded payment of another ₹10. An argument ensued, which led to a fight. The passenger overpowered Anwar and beat him up mercilessly, which led to bleeding injuries.

The passenger fled from the spot after passers-by gathered at the spot. Locals took Anwar to a nearby police station and later cops shifted him to a hospital. Anwar died while undergoing treatment. Cops registered a case.

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