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  • Rs 2,000 notes should slowly be phased out: RSS ideologue
This story is from December 13, 2016

Rs 2,000 notes should slowly be phased out: RSS ideologue

RSS ideologue and economic analyst S Gurumurthy claimed on Monday that demonetisation was an inevitable antidote to mismanagement of the economy under UPA but controversially suggested that the new Rs 2,000 notes will be phased out.
Rs 2,000 notes should slowly be phased out: RSS ideologue
NEW DELHI: RSS ideologue and economic analyst S Gurumurthy claimed on Monday that demonetisation was an inevitable antidote to mismanagement of the economy under UPA but controversially suggested that the new Rs 2,000 notes will be phased out.
In an interview to India Today TV, Gurumurthy said the Rs 2,000 note was a “bridge” and would be “phased out” gradually. “If you introduce new currency, it takes five to seven years to fake it,” he said.
“But before that, you will withdraw Rs 2,000 notes. Rs 2,000 note is only a bridge.”
However, well placed government sources said the remarks were his “personal opinion” and did not reflect official thinking. “Gurumurthy does not speak for the government. His comments are his personal opinion and not policy,” a source said. The RSS ideologue, a chartered accountant by training, is seen as close to the Sangh. In a speech at a separate event, he said demonetisation was a “financial Pokhran”, drawing comparison with India’s first nuclear test. He said the measure was a correction caused by “monumental mismanagement” of the economy under UPA. Picking the term from Manmohan Singh’s recent Rajya Sabha speech in which he had termed demonetisation as “monumental mismanagement”, Gurumurthy said it was the other way round. In his lecture ‘Vimarsha’, Gurumurthy dubbed demonetisation as “financial Pokhran”.
“The secrecy maintained in Pokhran blast was the same as in demonetisation and precisely the consequences and criticism outside are also the same, like technological and financial sanctions were imposed,” he said.
He said after Pokhran blast, many had raised doubts about India’s acceptability as the country of Buddha and Gandhi. “Pokhran was a paradigm shift for the country but it took a decade to understand this because people analyse and measure its worth (merely) in economic terms,” Gurumurthy said. He said during the UPA regime, the money in circulation was more than what was needed in the economy.
“The extra cash component circulating in the economy began driving property and gold prices up, as also stock prices as hawala money was routed through P-notes,” he said.
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