This story is from January 17, 2019

In numbers: The Trump's border wall

There’s no end in sight to the United States’ government shutdown, which has entered its 27th day and is the longest in the country’s history.
In numbers: The Trump's border wall
There’s no end in sight to the United States’ government shutdown, which has entered its 27th day and is the longest in the country’s history. President Donald Trump has stood firm in his demand for $5.7 billion in funding for a wall along the Mexican border. But Democrats, who now control the House of Representatives, aren’t willing to give in to Trump’s demand. As the stalemate continues, thousands of government employees are working with no pay and several essential services, like airport security, could halt at any moment.
While it was a key campaign promise, wall-building has largely been a non-starter under Trump. Here's a look.
Trupm's wall

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