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Controlling Bed Bugs

Contact: Sandra Avant (301) 504-1627,
[email protected]


News Story: Studying Bed Bug Actions for New Management Tactics

AR Magazine Feature Story: Identifying Compounds To Help Control Bed Bugs

Video Podcast: Controlling Bed Bugs (1 minute 50 seconds)   |   Transcript


Background Story Links:

Researchers Collect "Signals Intelligence" on Insect Pests

New Device Eavesdrops on Insect Pests


Photos: Click the image for more information about it.

Bed bugs filmstip

ARS entomologist collecting blood-fed, immature bed bugs from a petri dish. Adult and immature bed bugs. Close up view of an adult bed bug. Shed bed bug skins are shown next to a penny to give a sense of scale of the size of the bugs.