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ARS Researchers Working Diligently to Solve the Honey Bee-Colony Collapse Disorder Mystery

Contact: J. Kim Kaplan (301) 504-1637; [email protected]


AR Magazine Feature Story: Colony Collapse Disorder:  An Incomplete Puzzle

Video Podcast: The Honey Bee the Honey Bee-Colony Collapse Disorder Mystery
 (1 minute, 40 seconds)   |   Transcript


Background Story Links:

Honey Bees Colony and Collapse Disorder (CCD)

Survey by USDA and Collaborators Reports Fewer Winter Honey Bee Losses (May 31, 2012)

USDA/AIA Survey Reports 2010/2011 Winter Honey Bee Losses (May 23, 2011)

Colony Collapse Disorder Progress Report 2011



Photos: Click the image for more information about it. More photos can be found at our Image Gallery.

filmstip Newly emerged honey bee on a flower. ARS entomologist inspects a comb of honey bees for signs of disease. In Angola, an ARS scientist demonstrates how to hybridize common bean. . Honey bee being inoculated with Nosema. Honey bee on an apple blossom. Entomologist inspecting honey bee combs.

Food engineer pours fish gelatin solution into a pan for drying. Food microbiologist places a frozen catfish fillet into a device for surface decontamination by pulse UV treatment. Scientists demonstrate a technique where channel catfish are immersed in water containing the modified live Streptococcusiniae vaccine. Researchers load lipid samples extracted from tissue for analysis of fatty acids. Fish nutritionist examines flax oil that will be infused into pellets for rainbow trout feed. Researchers study the effect of smoking temperature on survival of Listeria monocytogenes.

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