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Telling Their Stories urban school of san francisco
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Pre-Order Brenda Travis' new memoir!
Mississippi's Exiled Daughter: How My Civil Rights Baptism Under Fire Shaped My Life, with forward by Bob Moses (interviewed by students in 2011). Brenda used our 2010 interview to help jump-start her book.

Calling All Former Telling Their Stories Participants
Calling on all those who have participated since 2002 with Telling Their Stories: Oral History Archives Project - www.tellingstories.org - to please join this Facebook group.Former students at the Urban School of San Francisco, McComb High School in McComb Mississippi or the Overlake School, please join. Our wonderful interviewees and their families, please join. The dozens ofvolunteers over the years, please join. Let's craft a virtual community to stay currentwith each other and on the Project progress and update. Please ask tojoin!

Updates in Progress: All sections are being updated with improved video and transcription. Many errors remain, especially in written transcripts. Please help us by sending all found errors to: [email protected]

Stories of the Civil Rights Era
Interviews with elders who witnessed the struggle to achieve voting rights
for African Americans in the early 1960's. READ MORE »
Fillmore Redevelopment/Dislocation
Five residents and former residents of the historically African American Fillmore
District of San Francisco discuss urban changes resulting from redevelopment. READ MORE »
Liberators and Witnesses to Genocide
Soldiers who witnessed Nazi concentration camps including Buchenwald, Ordruff, Dachau, Hemer, Ebensee, Gunskirchen, Gardelegen, and Mauthausen. Also, a witness to the Rwandan genocide. READ MORE »
Japanese American Internment
Eleven Japanese Americans deported to internment camps during WWII
including Topaz, Manzanar, Tule Lake, Heart Mountain, and Minodoka.
Holocaust Survivors and Refugees
Over 30 hours of interviews with eight Jewish survivors and refugees from Poland, Germany, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Holland, and Austria. READ MORE »
Join the new Telling Their Stories Facebook Group to keep up with our past community of interviwers, interviewees and their families.
Interview with Wilma Bass
See the educator's interview with
Wilma Bass, trauma therapist,
July 28, 2009

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