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Test 001



After a long time of working in several directories you want to know the filesystem where your working directory is mounted at. What is the best way to get that information?

df .
cat /etc/mtab
cat /proc/mounts
du -s .
cat /etc/fstab

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Test 002



You are editing a new script with "vi". You are not shure about the name you can give to that script. You want to have a look at the working directory to see if there is a file named "foo" already. You changed into the command mode. What command should you type now?

:o foo
:ls foo
:!ls foo
:ql foo
:find . -name foo -maxdepth 1

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Test 003



You are editing your script named "foo" with "vi". You are not shure about the changes you have made and you want to leave "vi" without saving anything. You changed into the command mode. What command should you type now?


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Test 004



You are editing your readonly script named "foo" with "vi". You want to save your changes but not to exit "vi". You changed into the command mode. What command should you type now?

!chmod u+w

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Test 005



What shell variable contains the execution code of a program after its termination?


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Test 006



What shell variable contains the process ID while a shell script is running?


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Test 007



What shell variable contains the shell script's name while the script is running?


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Test 008



What is the execution code of a program if it terminates with an error?


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Test 009



What is the execution code of a program if it terminates without an error?


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Test 010



The last time did compile your kernel you have set the variable CCARCH to some value. Now you want to compile your kernel again, but without that variable. What best can you do to delete it? Enter the whole command

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Test 011



You have the file "file". You want to delete more than one blanks and replace them by one blank only. What best can you do?

sed 's/ */ /g;' file > file2 && mv file2 file
sed 's/ */ /g;' file > file
unexpand file > file2; mv file2 file
cat file | tr [ ]+ [ ] > file
cat file | tr [ ]+ [ ] > file2 && mv file2 file

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Test 012



You want to backup your home directory and to have the name of the backup file containing the date but with underscores instead of blanks. What best should you do?

tar cf myhome_`date | sed 's/ /_/g'`.bak ~
tar xf myhome_$(date | sed '/s /_').bak ~
tar xf myhome_$(date | sed 's/ /_/).bak ~
tar cf myhome_`date | tr ' ' '_'`.bak ~
tar cf myhome_$(date_+%y-%m-%d).bak ~
tar cf `date_+myhome_%y_%m_%d.bak` ~
echo myhome_`date`.bak ~ | sed 's/ /_/g' | xargs tar cf

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Test 013



You want to backup your home directory and to have the name of the backup file containing the date. What best should you do?

tar xf myhome_'date +%y-%m-%d'.bak ~
tar xf myhome_$(date +%y-%m-%d).bak ~
tar xf `date +myhome_%y-%m-%d.bak` ~
tar cf myhome_'date +%y-%m-%d'.bak ~
tar cf myhome_$(date +%y-%m-%d).bak ~
tar cf `date +myhome_%y-%m-%d.bak` ~
echo date ~ | xargs tar cf

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Test 014



What does the following commandline do: "ls *.*

translates all uppercase letters of the name of the first regular file to lowercase one
translates all uppercase letters of any files to lowercase one
creates a list of all files containing uppercase letters in their names
shows the content of the first regular file containing uppercase letters in its name

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Test 015



What file probably has the following content: "ftp:x:103:3:ftp:/usr/ftp:/bin/false/"? Enter full path and name.

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Test 016



What file probably has the following content: "/dev/hda2 none swap sw 0 0"? Enter full path and name.

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Test 017



How many bits are used to represent the permission mode of your files and directories?


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Test 018



You have written a script called "foo". It is placed in your home directory. You have made it executable. When you run the command foo in your home directory, you get the line "-bash: foo: command not found". What may be the reason?

Your home directory is not part of the PATH variable
A script to be used as a command should have the file extension ".sh"
The first line of your script (the so called "she-bang" line) is missing
You have some errors in your script

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Test 019



What permissions are represented by the mode 1774?


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Test 020



What is the value of the "Sticky" Bit?


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Test 021



What is the value of the "Set Group ID" Bit?


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Test 022



What is the value of the "Set User ID" Bit?


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Test 023



What special mode bits are available to define file permissions?

SUID, SGID, Sticky
SID, GID, Sticky
UBit, GBit, StickyBit

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Test 024



/dev/____ ist the first logical partition of the master on the first IDE-channel.

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Test 025



/dev/____ ist the first logical partition of the master on the second IDE-channel.

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Test 026



/dev/____ ist the first logical partition of the slave on the first IDE-channel.

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Test 027



/dev/____ ist the first logical partition of the slave on the second IDE-channel.

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Test 028



After an awful lot of work checking filesystem integrity in single user mode, you change back again to multi user mode. What single command could you use to mount all partitions at the right places? (Use the command and options)

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Test 029



Enter the command to create a link. (Just the command, no options)

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Test 030



Enter the full path and name of the LILO configuration file

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Test 031



In what file do you configure which partitions should be mounted on bootup? (give the whole path and filename)

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Test 032



In which file will you find a listing of all used DMA-channels of your computer?

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Test 033



In which file will you find a listing of all currently supported character devices?

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Test 034



In which file will you find a listing of all currently supported block devices?

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Test 035



In which file will you find a listing of all used IO-Ports of your computer?

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Test 036



In which file will you find a listing of all used IRQs of your computer?

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Test 037



What command allows you to extract particular columns out of a textfile (just the command - no options)?

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Test 038



What command changes tabs to spaces (just the command - no options)?

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Test 039



What command changes the default permission mode for newly created files? (Just the command - no options)

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Test 040



What command is used to change group membership of a file? (Just the command - no options)

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Test 041



What command is used to change ownership of a file? (Just the command - no options)

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Test 042



What command is used to change the permission mode of a file? (Just the command - no options)

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Test 043



What command is used to connect lines of different textfiles to one line, using common fields to determine which lines fit together (just the command - no options)?

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Test 044



What command is used to connect lines of different textfiles to one line, without concerning common fields (just the command - no options)?

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Test 045



What command is used to count the number of lines, words and characters inside a textfile - just the command, no options?

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Test 046



What command is used to cut a big file into many smaller files (just the command - no options)?

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Test 047



What command is used to display a textfile in reversed order (last line first - first line last) - just the command, no options?

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Test 048



What command is used to get the first lines of a textfile (just the command - no options)?

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Test 049



What command is used to get the last lines of a textfile (just the command - no options)?

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Test 050



What command is used to remove duplicate lines from a sorted file (just the command - no options)?

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Test 051



What command is used to convert spaces to tabs (just the command - no options)?

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Test 052



What command is used to sort lines of textfiles (just the command - no options)?

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Test 053



What command is used to translate or delete characters (just the command - no options)?

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Test 054



What command is used to convert textfiles for printing (just the command - no options)?

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Test 055



What command is used to print file in octal and other formats (just the command - no options)?

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Test 056



What command is used to number lines of files (just the command - no options)?

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Test 057



What command is used to wrap lines to fit in specified width (just the command - no options)?

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Test 058



What command is used for simple optimal text formating (just the command - no options)?

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Test 059



What command is used to concatenate files (just the command - no options)?

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Test 060



What command is used to reconfigure a formerly installed debian packet. Enter just the name without path and options.

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Test 061



What command is used to unmount mounted filesystems? (Just the command - no options)

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Test 062



What command is used to view binary data using the text-console (just the command - no options)?

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Test 063



What command offers you a snapshot of the current processes (just the command - no options)?

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Test 064



What command offers you an ongoing look at processor activity in real time (just the command - no options)?

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Test 065



What command sends signals to processes (just the command - no options)?

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Test 066



What command sorts its input stream in alphabetic order (just the command - no options)?

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Test 067



What command starts processes with higher or lower priority?

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Test 068



What file includes the information about all currently mounted filesystems? (give the whole path and filename)

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Test 069



What is the Partition System ID of a regular Linux Partition? (just the two digits)

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Test 070



What is the numeric value of the permission mode -rwsr-xr-x

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Test 071



What is the numeric value of the permission mode -rwxr-sr--

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Test 072



What ist the Partition System ID of a Linux Swap Partition? (just the two digits)

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Test 073



What ist the numeric value of the permission mode drwxr-xr-T

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Test 074



Which directory contains a majority of system configuration files? Enter the whole path

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Test 075



Which is the Partition ID of a Linux Native Partition

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Test 076



Which is the partition ID of a Linux Swap Partition

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Test 077



Which program is used to determine which shared libraries are used by a particular other program?

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Test 078



Which toplevel directory contains the spool and log directories? Enter the whole path

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Test 079



You are working with vi, writing a textfile. After leaving insert mode with Esc you want to exit without saving. Enter the necessary command

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Test 080



You are working with vi, writing a textfile. Being in command mode, you want to move the cursor 4 lines up. Enter the necessary command

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Test 081



You are working with vi, writing a textfile. Being in command mode, you want to move the cursor 7 characters left. Enter the necessary command

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Test 082



You are working with vi, writing a textfile. Being in command mode, you want to move the cursor 7 characters right. Enter the necessary command

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Test 083



You are working with vi, writing a textfile. Being in command mode, you want to move the cursor 7 lines down. Enter the necessary command

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Test 084



You want to run an X-application on your local machine but it should display itself on the first display-server of foo. The command is "xapplication -display __________" (Don't use screennumbers)

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Test 085



Consider a mounted partition /dev/hdc7 is mounted on /mnt. Which command could be used to unmount this filesystem?

umount /dev/hdc7
unmount /dev/hdc7
umount /mnt
unmount /mnt
mount -u /dev/hdc7

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Test 086



Consider a unmounted partition /dev/hdc7 should be mounted on /usr/local. The following entry in /etc/fstab exists: /dev/hdc7 /usr/local ext2 defaults 1 2 Which command could you use to mount the filesystem?

mount -l /dev/hdc7
mount /dev/hdc7
mount /dev/hdc7 /usr/local
mount /usr/local
mount -V /usr/local

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Test 087



For which directories could you use use an own partition?


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Test 088



How can you describe the function of the following commands? foo

The command foobar gets its input from the command bar
The command bar writes its output to the file foobar
The command foo writes its output to the file bar
The command foo redirects its output to the command bar
STDIN of foo is connected to STDOUT of bar

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Test 089



How can you detect, which PCI devices are connected to your computer?

Using the readpci command
Using the lspci command
Using the getpci command
Using the pci_info command
Using the file /proc/pci

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Test 090



How could you get a list of all running processes?

ps ax

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Test 091



How could you try to stop a hung process which refuses to accept keyboard input?

kill -9 PID
kill PID

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Test 092



The file foo has a permission mode of -rw-------, is owned by user bar and belongs to group foobar. Which of the following commands would allow members of the group foobar to read the file?

chmod o+r foo
chmod g+r foo
chmod +r foo
chmod a+r foo
chmod 604 foo

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Test 093



The textfile foo has got 30 lines of text. How could you extract the lines 11 to 20 to STDOUT?

tail -n 20 | head -n 10 foo
tail -n 20 foo | head -n 10
head -n 20 foo | tail -n 10
head -n 20 | tail -n 10 foo
extract -l 11-20 foo

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Test 094



What set of files would be affected by the following wildcard? foo.*bar

foo.bar foo.1bar foo.2bar
foobar foo.2bar foo.34bar
foo.1bar foo.2bar foo.Fbar
foo.1bar foo.2bar Foo.3.bar
foobar foo1bar foo2bar

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Test 095



What tool could you use to change the nice value of a running process?


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Test 096



When do you need to rerun the grub-install command?

After every boot
After every modification of the grub configuration file
After installing a new kernel with a new name in /boot
After overwriting the old kernel in /boot with a new one
Only the first time after installing GRUB

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Test 097



When do you need to run the lilo command?

After every boot
After every modification of the lilo configuration file
After installing a new kernel with a new name in /boot
After overwriting the old kernel in /boot with a new one
Only the first time after installing LILO

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Test 098



Which command would change the owner of all files and subdirectories under /home/foo to foobar?

chmod foobar /home/foo
chown foobar /home/foo
chown -r foobar /home/foo
chown -R foobar /home/foo
chown --recursive foobar /home/foo

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Test 099



Which directories are forced to be located on the root partition?


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Test 100



Which directory contains manpages?


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Test 101



Which of the following commands copies the contents off all files in the current directory into the file "allfiles"?

cp * allfiles
cat * > allfiles
cp * > allfiles
cat * >> allfiles
cat * allfiles

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Test 102



Which of the following commands could be used to search for a particular term inside a textfile without opening the file?


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Test 103



Which of the following commands could be used to turn all characters inside a textfile into uppercase without opening the file in an editor?


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Test 104



Which of the following commands would create a hardlink named bar using the same inode as foo?

ln foo bar
ln bar foo
cp -l foo bar
cp -d foo bar
ls -l foo bar

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Test 105



Which of the following directories have to be placed on the root partition?


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Test 106



Which of the following directories have to be placed on the root partition?


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Test 107



Which of the following directories may be placed outside the root partition?


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Test 108



Which of the following directories may be placed outside the root partition?


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Test 109



Which of the following programs are valid display managers for X11?


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Test 110



Which of the following programs can be used to configure your X-Server?


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Test 111



Which of the following programs could be used to load necessary modules when the system detects a newly connected USB-device?


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Test 112



Which of the following statements are true?

A hardlink uses the same inode as it's original file.
Hardlinks may be used for files and directories on the same partition
Hardlinks may be used for files on the same partition only
Hardlinks can't point to directories
A hardlink has to be in the same directory like it's original file
A hardlink may reference any file on the whole system

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Test 113



Which of the following statements are true?

The LBA-mode of a harddisk is used to turn on DMA or UDMA
A harddisk with more than 1024 cylinders should be used in LBA-mode
A harddisk with more than 1.2 GByte capacity can only be used in LBA-mode
LBA-mode does not change the capacity of a harddisk
A harddisk with more than 1024 cylinders can't be mounted without LBA-mode

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Test 114



Which of the following tools could be used to search a textfile for a particular searchstring without opening it with an interactive editor?


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Test 115



Which statements are true?

A nice value reaches from 0 to 20
Only root can use negative nice values
A less nice value means higher priority
Nice-values can be changed with the ps-command
An even nice-value means high, an odd value low priority

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Test 116



Which statements concerning the program gunzip are true?

After decompressing a file with gunzip, the compressed file is removed
gunzip is a replacement for tar
gunzip is a replacement for cpio
gunzip is just a link to gzip
gunzip is used to extract files from a zip archive

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Test 117



Which statements concerning the program gzip are true?

After compressing a file with gzip, the uncompressed file is removed
gzip is used to compress many files into an archive
gzip is used to compress files and directories into an archive
gzip is used to compress just a single file
gzip changes its behaviour when it is renamed to gunzip

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Test 118



Which statements concerning the tool renice are true?

A normal user may only change the nice values of his own processes.
A normal user can decrease the nice value of his own processes.
Once a nice value is increased, a normal user may not decrease it, even if it is his own process.
root can change the nice-values of all processes of one user with a single command.
renice allows a normal user to fasten his processes.

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Test 119



You want to configure an X11 server. For that purpose you have to enter various information about your hardware. Which informations are necessary to configure the server?

grapic adapter

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Test 120



You want to configure an X11 server. For that purpose you have to enter various information about your hardware. Which informations are necessary to configure the server?

network adapter

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Test 121



You want to connect a X11-Terminal to your Server. But everytime you try to connect, your terminal screen keeps black. What files on the server would you edit to solve the problem?


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Test 122



You want to deinstall a deb packet foobar from your system. What would be a proper command?

remove foobar
remove foobar.deb
dpkg -r foobar
dselect foobar
apt-get remove foobar

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Test 123



You want to enable all of your users to use about 20 megabyte of diskspace in their home-directories and about 5 megabyte in /tmp. What action concerning the partitioning is necessary?

/home and /tmp each have to be on its own partition
Use qfdisk instead of fdisk to create disk-quota partitions
One partition for /home is enough. You can symlink /tmp to /home later
Every partition with userquotas have to have the file quota.user on their root
Every partition with userquotas need the entry usrquota in the options-field in /etc/fstab

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Test 124



You want to install the tarball foobar.tar.bz2. What command would unpack the achive?

tar x foobar.tar.bz2
untar foobar.tar.bz2
tar tzvf foobar.tar.bz2
tar xjf foobar.tar.bz2
bzcat foobar.tar.bz2 | tar xf -

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Test 125



You want to install the tarball foobar.tar.gz. What command would unpack the achive?

tar x foobar.tar.gz
untar foobar.tar.gz
tar tzvf foobar.tar.gz
tar xzf foobar.tar.gz
zcat foobar.tar.gz | tar xf -

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Test 126



A high nice value of a process means

the process uses less irqs
the priority of the process is higher than normal
the priority of the process is lower than normal
the process uses no enviroment
the process allows interprocess communication

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Test 127



After unpacking the sourcecode of a GNU software package, you want to compile and install it on your system. Which of the following lines could be used?

make configure; make all; make install
./configure;make;make install
make config;make;make install
configure;make;make install
./configure;make; install

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Test 128



How can you describe the function of the following commands? foo < bar && foobar

The command foobar gets its input from the command bar
The command foo redirects its output to foobar
The command bar writes its output into the file foo
The command foo gets its input from the file bar and if its exitcode is 0, the command foobar will be executed
The file foo is written by the command "bar | foobar"

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Test 129



How can you describe the function of the following commands? bar < foo > foobar

The command bar gets its input from file foo and writes its output to the file foobar
The command foo gets its input from the file bar and redirect its output to the command foobar
The command bar writes its output to the files foo and foobar
The command foo gets its input from the file bar and writes its output to the file foobar
This isn't a valid commandline

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Test 130



How can you describe the function of the following commands? foo

The command foo redirects its output to the command bar, which writes its output to foobar. If foobar exists, it will be overwritten.
The command foo redirects its output to the command bar, which writes its output to foobar. If foobar exists, the results will be appended.
The command bar gets its input from the file foo and writes its output to foobar. If foobar exists, it will be overwritten.
The command bar gets its input from the file foo and writes its output to foobar. If foobar exists, the results will be appended.
The command foo writes its output to the file bar. If this file exists foo writes into the file foobar instead.

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Test 131



How can you describe the function of the following commands? foo

The command foo redirects its output to the command tee. After that the command bar redirects its output to the command foobar
The command foo writes its output to the file tee; the command bar writes its output to the file foobar
The command foo redirects its output to the command tee which writes it into the file bar and sends the same further to the command foobar
The command foobar gets its input from the command bar which gets its input from the command foo
This isn't a valid commandline

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Test 132



How can you describe the function of the following commands? foo

The command foo redirects its output to the command xargs. xargs writes its output to bar
The command foo redirects its output to the command xargs. After that the command bar is started
The command xargs gets its input by the file foo and writes its output to the file bar
The command bar is started with the output of the command foo as parameters
The command foo is started with the output of the command bar as parameters

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Test 133



How can you detect, which ISA-Plug and Play Cards are installed on your computer?

Use the pnpdump command
Use the lspnp command
Use the isapnp command
Read the file /proc/pnp
Read the file /proc/bus/isa/pnp

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Test 134



How could you change the group membership of the file foobar to group foo?

chown foo foobar
chgrp foo foobar
chgroup foo foobar
chgrp foobar foo
chperm --group foo --file foobar

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Test 135



How could you change the ownership of the file foobar to user foo?

chown foo:foobar
chown foobar foo
chown foo foobar
chmod --user foo foobar
chperm --user foo --file foobar

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Test 136



How could you check the integrity of a non mounted filesystem /dev/hdb7 even if it has a valid cleanflag?

chkdsk /dev/hdb7
fsck /dev/hdb7
hdcheck --force /dev/hdb7
fsck -f /dev/hdb7
fschk -f /dev/hdb7

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Test 137



How could you create a directory /foo/bar if /foo does not exist?

md /foo/bar
mkdir /foo/bar
mkdir -p /foo/bar
createdir /foo/bar
newdir /foo/bar

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Test 138



How could you describe the following commandline? foo && bar && foobar

The commands foo, bar and foobar are started in the background.
The command foo is processed. If it results without error, then bar and foobar are processed.
The command foo is processed. If it results without error, then bar will be processed. If bar results without error, foobar will be processed.
The commands foo, bar and foobar are processed one after another.
The commands foo and bar are started in the background, foobar is started in the foreground

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Test 139



How could you describe the following commandline? foo && bar

The command foo is started in the background, the command bar is started in the foreground.
The command foo and the command bar are started simultaneously.
The command bar is only processed if the command foo leaves without error.
The command bar is only processed if the command foo leaves with an error.
This isn't a valid commandline

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Test 140



How could you describe the following commandline? foo &

The command foo is started in the background and redirects its output to the command bar.
The command bar is only processed if the command foo returns no error.
The command bar is only processed if the command foo returns an error.
The command bar is processed after the command foo, regardless of errors.
This isn't a valid commandline.

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Test 141



How could you describe the following commandline? foo > bar 2>&1

The command foo redirects its output to the command bar and bar redirects its input back to foo.
The command bar is only processed if the command foo returns a status of 1 or 2.
The command foo writes its STDOUT and STDERR into the file bar.
The command foo writes its output into the file bar and into the file 2.
This isn't a valid commandline.

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Test 142



How could you describe the following commandline? foo

The command foo redirect its output to the command bar.
The command foo writes its output into the file bar.
The command bar is only processed if the command foo leaves without error.
The command bar is only processed if the command foo leaves with an error.
This isn't a valid commandline

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Test 143



How could you describe the following commandline? foo; bar; foobar

The commands foo, bar and foobar are processed at the same time.
The commands foo, bar and foobar are processed one after another.
The command foo is processed. If it results without error, then bar and foobar are processed.
The command foo is processed. If it results without error, then bar will be processed. If bar results without error, foobar will be processed.
This isn't a valid commandline

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Test 144



How could you detect if the file foo and bar are hardlinked together or not?

The command "ls --link foo" shows a list of all files which are hardlinked to foo.
The command "ls -i foo bar" shows the used inodes of foo and bar. If they are the same, they are linked together.
The command "islink foo bar" shows "yes" if the files are linked together, "no" if not.
The command "find . --hardlink foo" shows a list of all files which are hardlinked to foo.
There is no way to detect this.

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Test 145



How could you display all lines of text from the file foo which are not empty?

grep ".*" foo
grep -v ^$ foo
grep -v ^\r\n foo
grep -v \r\n foo
grep -v "[]" foo

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Test 146



How could you display any line of text from the file foo which starts with an upcase letter?

grep [A-Z] foo
grep "[A-Z]" foo
grep "$[A-Z]" foo
grep "^[A-Z]" foo
grep "+[A-Z]" foo

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Test 147



How could you format the textfile foo so that the max. line-length would be 40 characters?

format --width=40 foo
fmt -w 40 foo
chll 40 foo
print --line_length=40 foo
cat -width 40 foo

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Test 148



How could you generate a report of the user quota of /home?

repquota /home
quotarep /home
quota --report /home
edquota /home
quotaed /home

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Test 149



How could you get the following information: Which GID has the default group of user foo?

defgrp foo
defgrp -n foo
grep foo /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f4
getuserinfo -gid foo
grep foo /etc/group | cut -d: -f3

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Test 150



How could you get the information about the group membership of user foo?

getusergrp foo
group foo
groups foo
which groups foo
cat /etc/passwd | grep foo

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Test 151



How could you get the information, how many kilobytes are used by the directory /home/foo including all subdirectories?

dirsize /home/foo
du -s /home/foo
ls -laR /home/foo
free --used_space /home/foo
cb --kilobyte --recursive /home/foo

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Test 152



How could you get the information, what kind of quota is activated for user foo?

repquota foo
repquota --user foo
quota foo
quota -u foo
quotainfo foo

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Test 153



How could you get the number of all accounts on your system, including administrative and system accounts?

numusers -r
wc -l /etc/passwd
count --lines /etc/passwd
userinfo -n
userinfo --get_num

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Test 154



How could you get the physical SCSI address of /dev/sda ?

Using the command scsi-info /dev/sda
Using the command scsi_info /dev/sda
Using the command scsiinfo /dev/sda
Using the command get_scsi_info /dev/sda
Using the command lsscsi

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Test 155



How could you help users to create files with serious file permissions?

Teach users how to use chmod
Use a serious umask setting in the user's profile
Change the user's directory permissions
Use cron to change the file permissions of the users files once a day
Use replacements for the standard unix tools which create secure files

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Test 156



How could you monitor the amount of free inodes on /dev/hda3 ?

inode --free /dev/hda3
ls -i /dev/hda3
du -i /dev/hda3
dm -i /dev/hda3
df -i /dev/hda3

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Test 157



You want to install a Linux-Server without keyboard. What of the following is necessary to avoid error messages during startup?

Create an empty file /etc/nokeyb
Load the module nokeyb.o
Configure the CMos-Setup "Halt on" to "All but keyboard"
Enter an entry "alias keyboard off" in /etc/modules.conf

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Test 158



How could you read the current umask setting?

umask --show
echo $UMASK
echo $umask
which umask

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Test 159



How could you remove a not empty directory /foo?

rmdir /foo
rmdir -rf /foo
rm -f /foo
rm -r /foo
deltree /foo

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Test 160



How could you start the command foo in the background?

bg foo
background foo
foo --background
foo &
foo -bg

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Test 161



How could you start the command foo in the foreground?

foo &
foo |
foo -fg
fg foo

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Test 162



How could you watch the contents of a logfile, even if the logfile is growing while you're watching?

tail -f logfile
head -f logfile
less -f logfile
more -f logfile
watch logfile

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Test 163



How many extended partitions could you create on one physical harddisk?


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Test 164



How many primary partitions could you create and use with Linux on one single harddisk?


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Test 165



How would you suspend a running foreground-job?


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Test 166



In the directory /home/foo exists a file named bar which is a symbolic link to /etc/services. If you would copy the link to /tmp using the command cp -d /home/foo/bar /tmp what would happen?

The destination /tmp/bar is a symbolic link to /home/foo/bar
The destination /tmp/bar is a symbolic link to /etc/services
The destination /tmp/bar is a regular file with the same content as /etc/services
The cp command would ask you whether to create a link or a file
Nothing. The cp-command is not made for copying links.

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Test 167



In the directory /home/foo exists a file named bar which is a symbolic link to /etc/services. If you would copy the link to /tmp using the command cp /home/foo/bar /tmp what would happen?

The destination /tmp/bar is a symbolic link to /home/foo/bar
The destination /tmp/bar is a symbolic link to /etc/services
The destination /tmp/bar is a regular file with the same content as /etc/services
The cp command would ask you whether to create a link or a file
Nothing. The cp-command is not made for copying links.

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Test 168



In the directory /home/foo exists a file named bar which is a symbolic link to the file foobar in the same directory, created with the command ln -s foobar bar If you would copy the link to /tmp using the command cp -d /home/foo/bar /tmp what would happen?

The destination /tmp/bar is a symbolic link to /tmp/foobar
The destination /tmp/bar is a symbolic link to /home/foo/foobar
The destination /tmp/bar is a regular file with the same content as /home/foo/foobar
The destination /tmp/bar is a hardlink using the same inode as /home/foo/foobar
The destination /tmp/bar is a hardlink using the same inode as /home/foo/bar

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Test 169



In what section of your XF86Config file would you enter the directive to use a particular font server?

Section "Module"
Section "Files"
Section "ServerFlags"
Section "InputDevice"
Section "Screen"

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Test 170



Many server-processes allow the root-user to force them to read their configfiles while running. How is this done?

Use the reconf command
Send them the SIGPIPE signal
Send them the SIGCONF signal
Send them the SIGHUP signal
Use the ps command

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Test 171



What belongs to the "startx"-command

"startx" is used to start the X-server
"startx" is the name of a shell-script
"startx" is the name of a binary file
"startx" is for use by root only
the full path should be "/sbin/startx"
"startx" is used to start any services using the commandline: "startx service"

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Test 172



What is the variable "XAUTHORITY" used for

It points to a file that contains authorization data
It contains a list of usernames that are allowed to start the X-server
It contains a list of usernames that are allowed to kill the X-server
It points to the email address of the owner of the X-processes

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Test 173



Enter the name (without path) of the program to start an X program on a remote machine

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Test 174



Enter the name and full path of the command to start the X-server

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Test 175



Most linux systems offer a display manager runlevel. What statement about this runlevel is true?

X11 can be started using startx in this runlevel
X11 can be started using xinit in this runlevel
X11 is started automaticly for user root
X11 is started automaticly and offers a login window
This runlevel has nothing to do with X11

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Test 176



The __-command starts processes with less priority.


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Test 177



The files foo and bar points to the same content. One of them was created as a hard link to the other. How could you detect which of the two is the original file and which is the link?

The ls -l command shows a "l" for the link and a "-" for the file
The ls -l command shows a "->" from the link to the file
The "ln --list foo bar" command shows the link and the file
The ls -l command shows a different filesize for the link and the file. The file shows it's real size but the link shows only the size of it's destination filename.
There is no way to differ between file and link

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Test 178



The isapnp command uses a configuration file named isapnp.conf. How do you create this file?

Using the ./configure command in /etc/isapnp
Using the --create-configfile parameter of isapnp
Manually with an editor
Using the pnpdump command
Copy the informations in /proc/pnp to the file

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Test 179



The user bertha has marked an important line of one of her textfiles with an asterisk (*). But now she forgot the name of the file. How could you find this file, assuming it is located in berthas home directory?

grep * /home/bertha/*
grep \* /home/bertha/*
grep "/*" /home/bertha/*
grep --key=asterisk /home/bertha/*
grep 0x2A /home/bertha/*

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Test 180



The user foo has got a userquota of 20 megabyte in his home directory. Now you want to give him 40 megabyte instead. What is to do?

Edit the file /home/quota.user with an editor
Edit the entry for /home in /etc/fstab
Use the command repquota foo
Use the command edquota foo
Use the command addquota foo 20M

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Test 181



The user foo has reported problems creating files in his home directory. He has got a user quota of 40 megabyte but a quick check of his directory shows only 20 megabyte in use. What may be the reason?

He has hidden 60 megabytes inside a hush directory.
The quota file is corrupt
Quotas are counted in 512-blocks. So he has really only 20 megabyte quota
He has probably many small files and his file limit is exceeded
He has too many symbolic links to big files

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Test 182



User Bertha is member of different groups. How could you ensure, that her default group is foobar?

Add the line "chgrp foobar" inside her startup script
Ensure that the groupname foobar is the first entry in her /etc/group line
Ensure that the GID of foobar is placed in her /etc/passwd entry
Ensure that the GID of foobar is the lowest GID of all her GIDs
Ensure that the GID of foobar is the highest GID of all her GIDs

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Test 183



User Mike has created a file with important content last week. But now he doesn't remember the filename or location of this file. The only thing he remembers is, that the filename contains the word "Urgent". How could you help him?

which *Urgent*
which "*Urgent*"
find / -name "*Urgent*"
locate Urgent
whereis "*Urgent*"

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Test 184



What command is used to create a new filesystem on /dev/hda2 ?

format /dev/hda2
mkform /dev/hda2
mkfilesystem /dev/hda2
mkfs /dev/hda2
fdisk /dev/hda2

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Test 185



What command would you use to copy all files inside the current directory which names begin with a number to /tmp

cp [:num:]* /tmp
cp [0-9]* /tmp
cp [0-9] /tmp
cp [0-9*] /tmp
cp [0-9].* /tmp

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Test 186



What command would you use to copy all files inside the current directory which names end with a number to /tmp

cp *[:num:] /tmp
cp *[0-9] /tmp
cp *.[0-9] /tmp
cp [*0-9] /tmp
cp ?[0-9] /tmp

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Test 187



What command would you use to get a list of all installed debian packages on your system?

dpkg -l
dpkg -L
dpkg --all
cat /var/lib/dpkg/available

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Test 188



What command would you use to get a list of all installed files coming from a debian packet named foobar?

dpkg -l foobar
dpkg -L foobar
dpkg -ql foobar
dpkg -qL foobar
dpkg -q --allfiles foobar

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Test 189



What command would you use to show all partitions on all harddrives?

fdisk -l

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Test 190



What device is described by the following special file? /dev/hdb2

The slave on the second IDE-channel
The second logical partition of the master on the first IDE-channel
The second primary partition of the slave on the first IDE-channel
The second bootsector of the master on the first IDE-channel
The second primary partition of the master on the second IDE-channel

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Test 191



What information is provided by the jobs-command?

A list of all running processes started by you including PIDs
A list of all jobs started by the current shell including JobIDs
A list of all jobs started by any of your shells including JobIDs
A list of all jobs started by the current shell or one of its parent shells including JobIDs
A list of all jobs started by the current shell including PIDs

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Test 192



What is a X-client

a computer which uses the X11 Protocol to communicate
a computer which uses a super-computer to run applications which are displayed on the local screen
a program which is displayed on a graphical screen of an X Server
a computer which offers displaying on its screen
a computer with a graphical user interface using X11

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Test 193



What is a X-server

a computer which offers X11-applications
a computer which offers the ability to run X11-applications
the program which administrates the graphical IO using the X11 protocol
any X11 application
the program which manages the window borders/colors

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Test 194



What is a daemon-process?

A hung process which refuses to accept keyboard input
A process which has already done its work but couldn't die due to other reasons
A process without own terminal
A process which isn't reachable by any signals
A process which isn't reachable by any signals but the KILL signal

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Test 195



What is a zombie-process?

A hung process which refuses to accept keyboard input
A process which has already done its work but couldn't die due to other reasons
A process without own terminal
A process which isn't reachable by any signals
A process which kills other processes

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Test 196



What is the best way to get a running foreground-job in the background?

Kill the job using Ctrl-C and restart it in the background using &
Suspend the job using Ctrl-Z and restart it in the background using &
Suspend the job using Ctrl-Z and restart it in the background using bg
Start another shell from another console (or xterm) and send the job a STBG-signal
Simply press Ctrl-&

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Test 197



What is the effect of the following command? fg 4

The foregroundcolor is changed to color 4
The process with the PID 4 is fetched into the foreground
The job with the JobID 4 is fetched into the foreground
The name of the group with the groupID 4 is displayed
This isn't a valid Linux-command

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Test 198



What is the effect of the following command? foo &

The command foo is started in the foreground
The command foo is started in the background
The command foo connects its STDOUT and STDERR
The command foo writes its errorcode into the variable ERR
The command foo will be started again and again, until it returns a value of 0

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Test 199



What is the meaning of the SCSI-Address 1,5,0 ?

The fifth device on the first SCSI-cable is deactivated
The device with SCSI-ID 5 on the second SCSI-Bus, LUN 0
A SCSI-1 device on Bus 0 with the SCSI ID 5
The first device on the fifth bus with LUN 0
This isn't a valid SCSI address

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Test 200



What is the meaning of the Substitute Group ID Bit applied to a directory?

Every file created inside this directory will be owned by the group of the directory instead of the group of the creating user.
Every user inside the directory has the rights of the group of the directory.
Only members of the group of the directory can create files inside the directory, even if they otherwise would have the right to write inside the directory.
A user with write permission in this directory may not remove any file inside.
Nothing. The SGID bit is only used for regular files.

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Test 201



What is the meaning of the following file permission mode of the file foobar? -rwsr-xr-x 1 foo bar 12345 Oct 29 14:51 foobar

Everybody who executes this file does this under the UID of root
Everybody who executes this file does this under the UID of foo
Everybody who executes this file does this under the GID of bar
Everybody who executes this file does this under the UID 1
Everybody who executes this file does this under the GID 1

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Test 202



What is the meaning of the sticky bit applied to a directory?

Everybody may read the content of the directory
A user with write permission in this directory may not create any file there.
A user with write permission in this directory may not remove any file inside the directory if he is not the owner of the file to remove.
Any user may remove files inside this directory, even if he is not the owner of the file to remove.
Nothing. The sticky bit is only used for regular files.

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Test 203



What is the meaning of the sticky bit applied to a regular file?

The file is executable by everybody.
Everybody who executes the file looses his normal User- and GroupID. The file is executed under the minimum permission.
The file is not removeable even if the user has write permission on it.
The file is removeable even if the user has no write permission on it.
Nothing. The sticky bit is only used for directories.

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Test 204



What is the number of the first logical partition on /dev/hda?


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Test 205



What is the result of the following command? cd ~foo

The current directory is changed to ~foo
The current directory is changed to the directory foo inside your home directory
The current directory is changed to the home directory of the user foo
The current directory is changed to the nearest directory with a name ending with foo
This isn't a valid command

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Test 206



What means the following construct inside a regular expression? [^A-Z][!A-Z]

The starting of a line, followed by an uppercase letter, followed by a non uppercase letter.
Either the starting of a line or an uppercase letter followed by a non uppercase letter.
A non uppercase letter followed by either an ! or an uppercase letter
A non uppercase letter at the beginning of a word followed by a non uppercase letter.
An uppercase letter at the beginning of a word followed by a non uppercase letter.

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Test 207



What permissions need the files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow?


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Test 208



What program is used to tune the screen settings after installing X11?


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Test 209



What set of files would be affected by the following wildcard? "foo.?bar"

foo.bar foo.1bar foo.2bar
foo.1bar foo.2bar foo.34bar
foo.1bar foo.2bar foo.Fbar
foo.1bar foo.2bar Foo.3.bar
foobar foo1bar foo2bar

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Test 210



What set of scripts is included in a debian packet?


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Test 211



What statement about the du-command is true?

Dump User - backups all files owned by the named user.
Dos Utility - provides different features to handle DOS-filesystems.
Dir User - shows the directorys owned by the named user.
Disk Usage - shows the amount of diskspace used by the named directories.
DOS to Unix - changes the named DOS cr/lf textfile architecture into the cr Unix architecture

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Test 212



What statement concerning the following wildcard is correct? [A-Z]*

All files beginning with an uppercase letter followed by one letter
All files beginning with an non numeric letter
All files beginning with an uppercase non numeric letter
All files without numbers in their names
All files beginning with one of the letters A, Z or -

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Test 213



What statement concerning the following wildcard is correct? [A-Z]\*

All files beginning with an uppercase letter followed by one *
All files beginning with an non numeric letter
All files beginning with an uppercase letter followed by the backslash
All files without numbers in their names
All files beginning with one of the letters A, Z or -

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Test 214



What statement concerning the following wildcard meets the point? A[0-9]*

All files beginning with the letter A and 0 to 9 following letters
All files beginning with the letter A followed by any number of numbers
All files beginning with the letter A followed by any of the letters 0, - or 9
All files beginning with the letter A followed by a number
All files with numbers inside their names

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Test 215



What statement describes the following command? kill -9 1234

The KILL signal is sent to the process with PID 1234
The process with the PID 1234 receives the TERM-signal nine times
All processes of the user with the UID 1234 are killed
The TERM signal is sent to the processes with the PID 9 and 1234
The processes with the PID 9 and 1234 are killed

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Test 216



What statement describes the following command? kill 9 1234

The processes with the PID 9 and 1234 are killed
The TERM signal is sent to the processes with the PID 9 and 1234
The KILL signal is sent to the process with PID 1234
All processes of the user with the UID 1234 are killed
The process with the PID 1234 receives the TERM-signal nine times

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Test 217



What would be the default file permission modes for new files if you set umask to 022 ?


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Test 218



What would be the default file permission modes for new files if you set umask to 027 ?


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Test 219



What would be the result of the following command? cp *.* /tmp

All files in the current directory would be copied to /tmp
All files in the current directory, which have exactly one dot (.) inside their names would be copied to /tmp
All files in the current directory, which have one or more dots (.) anywhere inside their names but not at the beginning would be copied to /tmp
All files in the current directory, which have one or more dots (.) inside their names - but neither at the begining nor at the end of the name would be copied to /tmp
This is a DOS-command - it has no meaning under Linux

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Test 220



What would be the result of the following command? ln /bin /bin2

A hardlink /bin2 would be created, referencing the directory /bin
A symbolic link /bin2 would be created, referencing the directory /bin
A directory /bin2 would be created, which contains hardlinks to every file in /bin
A directory /bin2 would be created, which contains symbolic links to every file and subdirectory in /bin
Nothing, but an error message

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Test 221



What would the following command result in? cp $(find . -size -12k) /tmp

The file with the name stored in the variable "find . -size -12k" will be copied to /tmp
All files in the current directory which are smaller than 12 KByte will be copied to /tmp
All files in the current directory and in all included subdirectories which are smaller than 12 KByte will be copied to /tmp.
All files in the current directory and in all included subdirectories which are smaller than 12 KByte will be copied to /tmp. The directorie structure will be copied, too.
This isn't a valid command

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Test 222



What would the following command result in? cp /home/foo/bar /home/bar/foo /foo

The files /home/foo/bar, /home/bar/foo, and /foo are copied into the current directory
The file /home/foo/bar is copied into the directorys /home/bar/foo and /foo
The files /home/foo/bar and /home/bar/foo are copied together in the file /foo
The files /home/foo/bar and /home/bar/foo are copied into the directory /foo
This isn't a valid commandline

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Test 223



What would the following command result in? cp `find . -size -12k` /tmp

The file with the name "find . -size -12k" will be copied to /tmp
All files in the current directory which are smaller than 12 KByte will be copied to /tmp
All files in the current directory and in all included subdirectories which are smaller than 12 KByte will be copied to /tmp.
All files in the current directory and in all included subdirectories which are smaller than 12 KByte will be copied to /tmp. The directory structure will be copied, too.
This isn't a valid command

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Test 224



What would the following command result in? echo $(date +%H:%M) > file

The string "date +%H:%M" will be written into the file
The content of the variable named "date +%H:%M" will be written into the file
The content of the variable named after the current time (Hours:Minutes) will be written into the file
The current time (Hours:Minutes) will be written into the file
This isn't a valid command

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Test 225



What would the following command result in? echo `date +%H:%M` > file

The string "date +%H:%M" will be written into the file
The string "`date +%H:%M`" will be written into the file
The current time (Hours:Minutes) will be written into the file
The current time (Hours:Minutes) will be written into the variable named file.
This isn't a valid command

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Test 226



What would the following command search for? find . -size 25k

All files inside the current directory, which are bigger than 25 KByte
All files inside the current directory, which are smaller than 25 KByte
All files inside the current directory and all included subdirectories, which are bigger than 25 KByte
All files inside the current directory and all included subdirectories, which are smaller than 25 KByte
All files inside the current directory and all included subdirectories, which use exactly 25 KByte disk space

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Test 227



What would the following command search for? find / -perm +4000

All files which are "unchanged" since more than 4000 minutes.
All files which are permutated more than 4000 times.
All files which are permutated more than 4000 minutes ago.
All files with a permission of at least 4000
All files which are networking sockets with a permanent connection and which have transmitted more than 4000 Bytes

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Test 228



Which command is NOT usable to install debian packages?


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Test 229



Which command shows you, how much space in Kilobytes is available on all mounted partitions?

df --free_space
df -k

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Test 230



Which command shows you, how much space in Megabytes is available on all mounted partitions?

du -m
df -m
free -M

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Test 231



Which command shows you, how much space is available on all mounted partitions?

df --free_space

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Test 232



Which command would copy the whole directory tree, including all subdirectories under /home/foo to /tmp?

cp /home/foo /tmp
cp -a /home/foo /tmp
cp -r /home/foo /tmp
xcp -s /home/foo /tmp
mv -cr /home/foo /tmp

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Test 233



Which command would display the list of all running background-jobs?

list -bg
joblist --background

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Test 234



Which command would move the whole directory tree, including all subdirectories under /home/foo to /home/bar?

mv /home/foo /home/bar
mv -r /home/foo /home/bar
cp -rm /home/foo /home/bar
move /home/foo /home/bar
move -r /home/foo /home/bar

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Test 235



Which command would you use to check the signature of a rpm packet?

rpmcheck filename
rpm -c filename
rpm --checksig filename
rpm -q --checksig filename
rpm --pgpcheck filename

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Test 236



Which command would you use to get a list of all files inside the rpm-packet foobar.rpm in /home/bob?

rpm -ql /home/bob/foobar.rpm
rpm -ql -p /home/bob/foobar.rpm
rpm -l /home/bob/foobar.rpm
rpm -l -p /home/bob/foobar.rpm

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Test 237



Which command would you use to list all rpm-packets installed on your system?

rpm --all
rpm --show-all
rpm -q all
rpm -qa
rpm -la

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Test 238



Which command would you use to set the speed of a serial interface?


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Test 239



Which directory contains the essential commands needed on bootup?


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Test 240



Which file would you edit so that the displaymanager ist started automaticly at boottime?


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Test 241



Which flag would you use with setserial to enable 115 KBit for a serial port?


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Test 242



Which harddisks should be used in LBA-mode?

Harddisks with more than 1024 cylinders
Harddisks with more than 1.2 GByte
Harddisks capable of UDMA66
IDE-harddisks which are used as master
IDE-harddisks which are used as slave

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Test 243



Which of the following commands could be used to detect the kind of USB controller of your computer?


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Test 244



Which of the following commands could you use to copy all regular files in the current directory to /tmp?

copy *.* /tmp
copy * /tmp
cp * /tmp
cp *.* /tmp
cp --all /tmp

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Test 245



Which of the following commands could you use to copy all hidden files from the current directory to /tmp?

copy *.* /tmp
copy .* /tmp
cp * /tmp
cp .* /tmp
cp *.* /tmp
cp --hidden /tmp

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Test 246



Which of the following commands results in mailing the content of the current directory to Bob?

mail Bob > ls
ls > mail Bob
ls || mail Bob
ls | mail Bob
mail Bob ls

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Test 247



Which of the following regular expressions fits all words, starting with an uppercase letter and ending with an d (using grep)?


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Test 248



Which of the following statements concerning locate is true?

locate can find any file in the system which was created before the last call of updatedb
locate can find only program files inside the searchpath (PATH)
locate is used to locate manpages inside the MANPATH
locate can find any file in the system which was created after the last call of updatedb
locate is used to find the original file of a hard or symbolic link

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Test 249



Which program is used to determine which shared libraries are used by a particular other program?


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Test 250



Which programm is used to maintain the file /etc/ld.so.cache?


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Test 251



While monitoring the integrity of the filesystems, you detect, that there are no more free inodes left on the /home partition although there are many megabytes free space. What could be the reason?

This is a typical filesystem error on ext2 partitions.
A user has created lots of very small files.
The inode table is corrupted.
There are lots of cross-linked files.
The report of many megabytes free space is wrong due to an overflow of the 32 Bit Free-Space-Variable.

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Test 252



Why is it usefull to have a separate partition for the /boot Directory?

Every computer on the net could use the same booting information
The /boot directory should be backuped daily
A separate boot partition can be placed below the 1024st cylinder
If the /boot directory would be placed in the root partition, it's content could be destroyed during the recovery process
It is not possible to have a separate boot partition

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Test 253



You (as a normal user) have created a new file named foo inside /tmp. But if you try to find this file using the command locate foo there is no result. What is the reason?

The /tmp directory is not searched by locate
locate only looks for commands inside the searchpath of the shell (PATH)
Only the superuser (root) may use locate in /tmp
locate only searches the system-database. The command will work after the next run of updatedb.
You have no search-permission for /tmp

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Test 254




You are the system administrator of a RedHat box. After checking your system, you found a file named foobar. What command would you use to get the information from which rpm packet this file was installed?

rpm -qf foobar
rpm -q -f foobar
rpm -l foobar
rpm -ql foobar
rpm -qL foobar

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Test 255



You are working with vi, writing a textfile. After leaving insert mode with Esc you want to save and exit. What command is valid?


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Test 256



You are working with vi, writing a textfile. Being in command mode, you want to move the cursor 7 characters left. What command could you use?


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Test 257



You create a hard link bar which points to the file foo. If you remove the file foo, what happens?

The link is automaticly removed, too
The link exists but any access would lead to an error
The link exists and it is possible to have access to it's content
The link is automaticly changed into a regular file with the content of foo.
The link but not the file was removed.

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Test 258



You create a isapnp.conf file using the pnpdump command. When do you have to call isapnp to read this file?

The first time after you have installed the new card
Every time you want to access the card
Once a day, using cron
Every time you start the computer

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Test 259



You create a symbolic link bar which points to the file foo. If you remove the file foo, what happens?

The link is automaticly removed, too
The link exists but any access would lead to an error
The link exists and it is possible to have access to it's content
The link is automaticly changed into a regular file with the content of foo.
The link but not the file was removed.

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Test 260



You detect a Compaq USB controller in your computer. Which USB module would you load to use this controller?


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Test 261



You detect a VIA USB controller in your computer. Which USB module would you load to use this controller?


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Test 262



You have created a new directory named /foo and now you have copied the two files bar and foobar into this new directory. Now you mount a floppy onto /foo using the command mount /dev/fd0 /foo What happens to the two files foobar and foo if you would use the command rm -rf /foo/* and then umount /foo

They are removed
They are removed but you can restore them
It isn't possible to mount a floppy in a non empty directory
Nothing. They are still there
The names appear in the directory but the inodes are deleted

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Test 263



You have just installed the new program foobar manually. This program uses shared libraries, which are installed to /usr/local/foobar/lib. What is neccesary to do after the installation so that the libraries can be used?

restart your computer
run ldconfig
edit /etc/ld.so.conf to add the new library path and then run ldconfig
edit /etc/ld.so.conf to add the new library path and then run ld.so
create symbolic links from every library in /usr/local/foobar/lib to /usr/lib

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Test 264



You have to move the whole directory-tree /home/foo to /oldusers. What command would you use?

move /home/foo /oldusers
mv /home/foo /oldusers
mv -r /home/foo /oldusers
mv -R /home/foo /oldusers
cp --move /home/foo /oldusers

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Test 265



You have two program files named foo. One of them is located in /usr/local/bin and the other in /usr/X11R6/bin. How can you find out, which of the both commands would be used, when you just type the command foo?

find / -exec foo
find / -name foo
find /usr -exec foo
locate foo
which foo

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Test 266



You started an X-application with the parameter -display foo:0 but you get the message "Can't open display". What is the reason?

foo is not known, try it with it's IP-address
you have to use foo:1 instead of foo:0
you must run the command "xhost foo" before the above command
you must run "xhost yourcomputer" on foo before the above command
you must be root to display something on other computer's screen

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Test 267



You want to compile and install a GNU software package, but you want to change the default installation target. Which file would you edit?


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Test 268



You want to deinstall a rpm packet foobar from your system. What would be a proper command?

remove foobar
remove foobar.rpm
rpm remove foobar
rpm -e foobar
deinstall foobar

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Test 269



You want to deinstall the packet foobar from your RedHat box. But you are not sure, if some other packets depend on this packet. What command would you use to get this information?

rpm --dep foobar
rpm -q --requires foobar
rpm -q --list-deps foobar
rpm -d foobar
grep foobar /var/rpm/deps

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Test 270



You want to force a user to create files with a permission mode of 600. How would you set the umask?

umask 600
umask 700
umask 077
umask 177
umask 770

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Test 271



You want to install a ISA-Plug and Play Card into your computer. Which step is necessary to use this card with Linux?

Nothing, Linux is able to use such cards without any configuration
Enter the hardware parameters in /etc/pnp
Use isapnp and pnpdump
Enter the correct settings in /etc/pnp.conf
Linux is not able to use Plug and Play Cards

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Test 272



You want to install a Linux-Server without keyboard. What of the following is necessary to avoid error messages during startup?

Create an empty file /etc/nokeyb
Load the module nokeyb.o
Configure the CMos-Setup "Halt on" to "All but keyboard"
Enter an entry "alias keyboard off" in /etc/modules.conf

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Test 273



You want to install a RPM packet file foobar.rpm on a debian system. What command would you use to convert the rpm-file into debian deb format?

alien --to-deb foobar.rpm
rpmtodeb foobar.rpm
rpm2deb foobar.rpm
pcktconv --to-deb foobar.rpm
pcktconv -o foobar.deb foobar.rpm

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Test 274



You want to install the RPM package file foobar.rpm. This file is located in /home/bob. Which command would you use to install this file?

install /home/bob/foobar.rpm
rpminst /home/bob/foobar.rpm
rpm -i /home/bob/foobar.rpm
rpm -e /home/bob/foobar.rpm
instrpm /home/bob/foobar.rpm

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Test 275



You want to install the debian package file foobar.deb. This file is located in /home/bob. Which command would you use to install this file?

install /home/bob/foobar.deb
apt-get install /home/bob/foobar.deb
debinst -f /home/bob/foobar.deb
dpkg -i /home/bob/foobar.deb
dselect /home/bob/foobar.deb

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Test 276



You want to run a x-application on the computer foo but it should display on the screen of computer bar. What parameter for the application is needed to realize this?

-display bar
-display bar:0

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Test 277



You want to transport a file named foo from one computer to another. The only media available for transport are floppy-disks. Unfortunately the size of the file is about 10 Megabytes. Which of the following commands could you use to solve the problem?

cat --split 1.4M foo
splitf 1440k foo
split -b 1440k foo
cut -b1440k foo
chunk --size=1440k -f foo

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Test 278



You want to use apt-get to install new debian packets from http://ftp.us.debian.org. Where would you enter the new source?


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Test 279



You want your X-server to use an existing fontserver foobar.mydomain.com. What file would you edit to get this done?


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Test 280



You want your users to be able to mount the CD-Rom on /dev/hdc. What is the right way to enable them?

Change the file permissions of /dev/hdc so that all users can write to this file.
Add the SUID-Bit to the /bin/mount command
Add the appropriate usernames to /etc/mountusers
Add the entry "user,noauto" to the options of the filesystem in /etc/fstab
Add the entry "may_mount(/dev/hdc)" into the users line inside /etc/passwd

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Test 281



You've bought a new harddisk and installed it in your Linux box as master on the second IDE-channel. After partitioning it into two primary partitions and creating filesystems on both partitions, you want to ensure, that both new partitions will be mounted automatically on bootup. What is to do?

Add an entry for /dev/hdc1 and /dev/hdc2 to /etc/mtab
Add an entry for /dev/hdc to /etc/mtab
Add an entry for /dev/hdc1 and /dev/hdc2 to /etc/fstab
Add an entry for /dev/hdc to /etc/fstab
Nothing. The system looks up all partitions at bootup

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Test 282



You've started three jobs in the background. Now you would like to bring one particular of them into the foreground again. How could you do it?

Get the list of jobs using the jobs-command and then use fg jobID
Switch through all background-jobs using the Ctrl-Tab key
Get the list of jobs using the jobs-command and then use kill -STFG PID
Use the command fg jobname
Get the list of jobs using the jobs-command and then use jobname |

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Test 283



What default permissions should the /tmp directory have


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Test 284



You have installed an old extension card. What system resources can cause conflicts during installing and configuring of old hardware devices?

I/O address
System timer
MAC address

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Test 285



You do an upgrade on your linux workstation replacing a hard drive, processor, floppy drive, and power supply. After the upgrade your floppy drive no longer seems to be working, and the light on the floppy drive is constantly on. What is the most likely problem?

the floppy cable is upside down
the floppy drive is defective
the power supply is defunctioning
the processor isn't compatible with the floppy drive

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Test 286



Before you start creating directories on a newly created file system, what should you do?

check the base system's umask setting
check the base system's CMOS setting
check the base system's init stage setting
check the base system's process ID setting

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Test 287



If Leon installs an old network card and reboots his machine to find out that the network card and the printer are non-operational; which IRQ is more than likely causing the conflict?


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Test 288



A user notices his computer is running slow. He wants to see which processes are taking up the most resources. What command would he type to quickly figure this out?

ps aux
ps aux|less

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Test 289



What allows devices to communicate with the CPU to get a task processed


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Test 290



What bus architecture provides a 16-bit data bus?


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Test 291



You have your host reinstalled from scratch with only the most essential programs. Now you are searching for the tool "sndconfig". Where should you probably find it, because it was written originally for its distribution:


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Test 292



If you want your system to be FHS-compliant, what directories are NOT requested to be located in the /usr/local directory


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Test 293



You want to install another modem at you serial lines. To see what I/O addresses already are in use you may have a look at the pseudo file (give full path and name)

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Test 294



You want to install another modem at you serial lines. To see what IRQ channels already are in use you may have a look at the pseudo file (give full path and name)

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Test 295



You are the sysadmin and you want access your Linux box remotely. Which of the following should you use to accomplish this?


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Test 296



Which of the following is NOT true about Minix?

It can fit on a floppy disk
It can be used as a router
It's default X environment is GNOME
It is a small OS

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Test 297



What bus architecture provides a 32 or 64-bit data bus?


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Test 298



What command should you use to set your second serial line to IRQ 3 on io-port 02E8 for use with mgetty

setserial /dev/ttyS1 port 0x02e8 irq 3
setserial /dev/ttyS2 port 0x02e8 irq 3
setserial /dev/ttyS1 --port=0x02e8 --irq=3
setserial /dev/ttyS2 --port=0x02e8 --irq=3
setserial /dev/ttyS1 -p 02e8 -i 3

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Test 299



What device is used to connect a computer with another computer through the telephone line?

Network interface card
Telephone adapter
GPM transceiver

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Test 300



You are asked to help an user. He has several user accounts he uses on his Linux workstation. He frequently switched back and forth between these accounts. He has overwritten the variables PS1 and PS2. And now he has no idea who he was logged in as. What is the quickest way for him to figure this out.


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Test 301



You suspect that your pppd daemon is out of date. What command (without path) and what option can you use, to find out the version of the pppd daemon you're using

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Test 302



Your ISP "xyz" has given you a new password to be used with your ppp connection. What file should you edit to enter the new password


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Test 303



All of the following can be attached directly to an USB port except which of it?

PS/2 mouse

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Test 304



You have trouble to connect to your IPS provider. Which file should you edit?


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Test 305



What possibilities do you have to fix a computer whose IDE controller has gone bad?

Install a hard drive with a built in controller.
Install an IDE controller card.
Replace the motherboard.
Replace the hard drive.

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Test 306



A video card can NOT be which of the following types of devices?


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Test 307



You use an old model of 586 computer. You have set the speed of your first serial line to 115200 Baud. But other hosts cannot connect via the serial line. What may be the reason

your computer doesn't have a 16550 UART chips installed
your computer must run in turbo mode
the connection must be established using X-modem cable
the serial line has only 9600 Baud as its highest speed

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Test 308



The SCSI_ID variable has how many fields?


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Test 309



What command (without path and options) determines which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled and issues the commands to recompile them when necessary.

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Test 310



Which of the following opens the specified SCSI device file and retrieves its actual SCSI address parameters?


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Test 311



A user ask you togive a hint. He has a file called "college_resume". He wants to rename this to just "resume". Which of the following commands should he type?

cp resume college_resume
cp college_resume resume
mv resume college_resume
mv college_resume resume

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Test 312



In most cases, a system running SCSI disks would have its channel and logical unit set to:


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Test 313



Which of the following correctly describe a Monolithic Kernel

it is built into one single binary.
it is loaded completely into memory at boot time.
it is bootable from read-only devices (like CD-ROM or Floppy) only
None of the choices

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Test 314



How would you configure your parallel port setting to support ECP or EPP?

Through the CMOS
Through the manufacturer
Through the DOS command prompt
Through your ISP
Through the BIOS and POST

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Test 315



You are logged in as the root admin to your workstation. You get up from your desk for a few minutes to use the restroom. When you come back to your desk you suspect there may have been some foul play on your computer. What command can you use to find out all of the recent commands that have been typed on your computer?


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Test 316



Most serial line modems can be configured by:

sending AT commands
sending ATR commands
sending RTS commands
sending MAT commands

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Test 317



What does the command "ps -eo pid,cmd" show

the PID and commandline of processes
the processes with PID and commandline separated by comma
the processes WITHOUT the fields for PID and command line
the executing only processes (e.g. no waiting or idle processes) with PID and commandline

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Test 318



Which files in the users home directory are read by a login shell (bash)?


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Test 319



Which of the following protocols can be used to authenticate a ppp client to a ppp server?


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Test 320



You have to add some additional kernel parameters for a scsi hostadapter which is hardcoded into the kernel. Where can you enter the parameters so that the kernel knows them during boot?

add the parameters to the kernel file using the >> redirection
in the file /etc/lilo.conf, using the parameter=... direcive
in the file /etc/lilo.conf using the append=... directive
at the boot prompt
in the file /etc/modules.conf

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Test 321



You have to add some additional kernel parameters for a scsi hostadapter which is supported by a loadable module. Where can you enter this parameters so that they are known by modprobe?

at the boot prompt
in the file /etc/lilo conf
in the file /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/parameters
in the file /etc/modules.conf
in the file /etc/grub.conf

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Test 322



You want to built a new kernel from your own. After installing the kernel sources the next step is to configure the kernel. What command inside the kernel directory can you use to configure the kernel?

make config
make menuconfig
make xconfig
make configure

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Test 323



You want to monitor the file /var/log/messages. What programs can be used even to watch newly incoming messages?


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Test 324



How can you add the directory /usr2/bin to the enviroment variable PATH in the bash shell?


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Test 325



How can you assign the content of the enviroment variable PATH to the enviroment variable MYPATH in the bash shell?


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Test 326



How can you assign the result of the calculation 5 + 4 to the enviroment variable SUM in the bash shell?

set SUM=5+4
set $SUM=5+4
let SUM=5+4
let $SUM=5+4

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Test 327



How can you read the contents of the enviroment variable PATH in the bash shell?

print PATH
print $PATH
echo PATH
echo $PATH
echo %PATH%

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Test 328



How can you set the CMos Clock in your computer?

Use "date -s MMDDhhmm"
Use "date --systohc MMDDhhmm"
use "hwclock MMDDhhmm"
Use "hwclock --systohc"
There is no command to do this. You have to enter the setup during boot and set it manually

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Test 329



What format uses the file /etc/passwd ?


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Test 330



What is the file in which the default settings for shell variables are made for all users (bash)?


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Test 331



Which of the following commands is NOT provided with linux?


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Test 332



Which is the command to delete the enviroment variable FOO from the current enviroment in the bash shell?

delete $FOO
destroy FOO
unset FOO
rm -rf $FOO

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Test 333



How many fields has an entry in the file /etc/fstab?


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Test 334



You want to know the filesystems mountable through the file /etc/fstab. What command gives you that information?

grep "/dev/" /etc/fstab
cut -f1 -d" " /etc/fstab
cut -f1 /etc/fstab
cut -f1 /etc/fstab | grep -v ^#$
grep -v ^# /etc/fstab | cut -f1 -d" "

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Test 335



What meaning has the 1st field of an entry in the file /etc/fstab?

determine if the filesystem needs to be dumped
describes the mount options
describes the type of the filesystem
defines the order of checking the filesystem
describes the mount point
describes the local device or remote filesystem to be mounted

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Test 336



What meaning has the 2nd field of an entry in the file /etc/fstab?

determine if the filesystem needs to be dumped
describes the mount options
describes the type of the filesystem
defines the order of checking the filesystem
describes the mount point
describes the local device or remote filesystem to be mounted

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Test 337



What meaning has the 3th field of an entry in the file /etc/fstab?

determine if the filesystem needs to be dumped
describes the mount options
describes the type of the filesystem
defines the order of checking the filesystem
describes the mount point
describes the local device or remote filesystem to be mounted

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Test 338



What meaning has the 4th field of an entry in the file /etc/fstab?

determine if the filesystem needs to be dumped
describes the mount options
describes the type of the filesystem
defines the order of checking the filesystem
describes the mount point
describes the local device or remote filesystem to be mounted

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Test 339



What meaning has the 6th field of an entry in the file /etc/fstab?

determine if the filesystem needs to be dumped
describes the mount options
describes the type of the filesystem
defines the order of checking the filesystem
describes the mount point
describes the local device or remote filesystem to be mounted

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Test 340



What meaning has the 5th field of an entry in the file /etc/fstab?

determine if the filesystem needs to be dumped
describes the mount options
describes the type of the filesystem
defines the order of checking the filesystem
describes the mount point
describes the local device or remote filesystem to be mounted

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Test 341



You have the "ext3" filesystem on your logical partition at the master disc of your secondIDE channel. You want to check this filesystem. What command should you use?

e2fsck /dev/hdc5
e2fsck /dev/hdb5
e2fsck /dev/hdb2
e2fsck /dev/hdc2
e3fsck /dev/hdc5
e3fsck /dev/hdb5
e3fsck /dev/hdb2
e3fsck /dev/hdc2

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Test 342



You want to check your filesystem in a non-interactive way. What parameter should you use with fsck?


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Test 343



You have your kernel compiled with quota support. You have the user's home directories on an own partition. You have this partition mounted at /home. You have the neccessary options provided in your /etc/fstab. You did run the command "quotaon -a". But the limitation does not work. What may be the reason?

The file "/home/quota.user" and "/home/quota.group" are missing
You can not handle quotas for all users simultaniously. There should be one partition per user
The command you should run is: "quotaon /home"
Your users are dynamically changing the disc space needed, so that one user has more disc space available than some other

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Test 344



What options you must provide in /etc/fstab to enable quota for all users of the filesystem mounted at /home


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Test 345



You want to check all your filesystems specified in /etc/fstab. What option should you use with fsck?

--file /etc/fstab

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Test 346



What command should you use to unmount all mounted ext2 filesystems?

umount -a -t ext2
umount -at ext2
umount -a -ext2
umount -t ext2
umount -o ext2

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Test 347



What command should you use to unmount all mounted filesystems?

umount -a
unmount -a
dmount -a
umount -o auto

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Test 348



What is the mount point of the virtual filesystem giving you information about the kernel's internals?

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Test 349



What is the name of the virtual filesystem giving you information about the kernel's internals?

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Test 350



You want to have a look at the file "start.sh" contained in the working directory. You have started "vi start.sh" and you want to correct some mistake. You want to know if you are allowed to change the file. What action should you take best?

use the command ":!ls -l start.sh"
use the command ":w!"
use the command ":q!"
use the command ":q" and then type "chmod +w start.sh"

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