2009 October 27


Pages at Wikipedia using DNB

Mode of capture


w:Template:DNB = 1388 pages w:Template:DNB NOT contain {{wikisource = 1338 pages

(ie. 50 pages use {{wikisource}} or {{wikisource-author}}

w:Template:DNB NOT piped, eg. do not contain {{DNB|

AWB can probably apply something to apply names to piped feed, though it may have a manual element.
Easier list Category:Articles incorporating DNB text without Wikisource reference

Live information


There is now a Wikipedia tracking category: w:Category:Articles incorporating DNB text without Wikisource reference. If you add the WS article parameter to the {{DNB}} template in the WP artice, the WP servers will eventually move the article out of this category. The automated process that does this runs at low priority, so it can take a few days. Also relevant to the WikiProject is w:Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the Dictionary of National Biography Index and Epitome.

For the bigger picture, the external link search throws up over 7000 instances where enWP links to the ODNB website. The total number of ODNB articles is over twice the total number of DNB articles; and the more recent and popular articles are not going to be in the DNB. But that at least suggests that the issue of supplying DNB articles to fill in {{DNB}} on Wikipedia is only a fraction of the size of where a DNB article could be a useful reference in an existing WP article. (The search can easily be modified to pick out a particular ODNB article by its identifier. You don't need access to the site itself to determine the identifier with a search engine. Therefore up to pesky title changes between the DNB and ODNB, it is simple to find where a DNB article here might be needed to support a reference to the ODNB on Wikipedia.)



  Done is self-explanatory, meaning the {{DNB}} template over on WP has been filled in with a link back to the matching article here, created for the purpose if necessary. Entries with strike-through have been caught up in copyright problems caused by the use of ODNB text. There are some articles that are left for the present, since the edition is not DNB00, or in the case of the Gurneys there is a gap of several pages in the scan posted here.


Jakob Abbadie   Done
William Abell   Done
Alexander Abercromby, Lord Abercromby   Done
Alexander Abercromby (British Army officer)   Done
Jerry Abershawe   Done
Thomas Abney (judge)   Done
John Acland (author)   Done
Wroth Palmer Acland   Done
Henry Acton   Done
Ralph Acton   Done
Patrick Adair   Done
Adalbert of Spalding   Done
Adam of Barking   Done
Adam of Damerham   Done
Adam de Senlis   Done
Thomas Adam   Done
Clement Adams   Done
George Adams (translator)   Done
Ælfric (archbishop-elect of Canterbury)   Done
John Allen (puritan)   Done
John Allen (physician)   Done
John Allen (bookseller)   Done
John Allen (religious writer)   Done
John Allen (Irish nationalist)   Done
Robert Atkyns (judge)   Done
Robert Atkyns (topographer)   Done

Robert Baillie   Done
Charles Foster Barham   Done
John Barkstead   Done
Andrew Francis Barnard   Done
Francis Bassett   Done
Lord Amelius Beauclerk   Done
Joseph Beaumont   Done
William Berry (genealogist)   Done
Slingsby Bethel   Done
Christopher Bethell   Done
George Biddlecombe   Done
Thomas Billing   Done
Ofspring Blackall   Done
John Blackall   Done
Edward Blakeney   Done
William Blenkiron   Done
Geoffrey Blythe   Done
Henry Boase   Done
James George Stuart Burges Bohn   Done
Henry Bolckow   Done
Thomas Bond (topographer)   Done
Thomas Booth   Done
John Bowen (bishop)   Done
Samuel Bowly   Done
Archibald Boyd   Done
James Boyd (schoolmaster)   Done
Abel Boyer   Done
Michael Boyle (the elder)   Done
Edward Brackenbury   Done
Henry Joseph Steele Bradfield   Done
Thomas Bradford (British Army officer)   Done
Antonio Brady   Done
John Braithwaite   Done
John Brampston   Done
Francis Frederick Brandt   Done
Nicholas Brembre   Done
Nathaniel Brent   Done
Abraham Brewster   Done
Frances Freeling Broderip   Done
William Broderip   Done
Thomas Bromley (chief justice)   Done
Charles Brooke (surgeon)   Done
George Brooke (conspirator)   Done
William Henry Brookfield   Done
Shirley Brooks   Done
George Brown (inventor)   Done
George Browne (soldier)   Done
Frederick Wright-Bruce   Done
William Brunton   Done
George Brydges, 6th Baron Chandos   Done
Sir Harford Jones Brydges, 1st Baronet   Done
Sir Andrew Buchanan, 1st Baronet   Done
Leicester Silk Buckingham   Done
Edward Budge   Done
George Bull   Done
Reader Bullard
Cornelius Burges   Done
John Cordy Burrows   Done
Bertha Henry Buxton   Done
Charlotte Bury   Done

William Calcraft   Done
Charles Alexander Calvert   Done
Daniel Campbell (d. 1753)   Done
Sir James Campbell, 1st Baronet   Done
Abraham Cann   Done
James Carey   Done
Richard Carpenter (theologian)   Done
Guy Carleton (bishop)   Done
Elizabeth Carne   Done
John Carne   Done
Joseph Carne   Done
Samuel Cartwright   Done
Benjamin Carvosso   Done
Charles Cathcart, 2nd Earl Cathcart   Done
Lord Frederick Cavendish   Done
William Frederick Chambers   Done
Ellen Chaplin   Done
Robert Charleton (minister)   Done
Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles Chatterton   Done
Joseph Lemuel Chester   Done
Charles Chorley   Done
William Clark (inventor)   Done
John Claypole   Done
Anthony Cleasby   Done
Samuel Clegg   Done
Augustus Clifford   Done
Henry Hugh Clifford   Done
Hugh Clifford, 7th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh   Done
William Clift   Done
John Closterman   Done
Henry Clutterbuck   Done
George Cockburn (British Army officer)   Done
John Coldstream   Done
Derwent Coleridge   Done
Frederick William Collard   Done
Thomas Richardson Colledge   Done
John Day Collis   Done
Auckland Colvin DNB12
Walter Mytton Colvin DNB12, in the above
Nicholas Condy   Done
Nicholas Matthews Condy   Done
Thomas Coningsby, 1st Earl Coningsby   Done
Thomas Coningsby   Done
Edward Dutton Cook   Done
Henry Cooke (minister)   Done
Thomas Copeland   Done
Thomas Corser   Done
William Coryton   Done
Jonathan Couch   Done
Richard Quiller Couch   Done
William Courten   Done
Henry Coventry   Done
Leonard Cox   Done
Alexander Cozens   Done
Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode   Done
Sir John Crampton, 2nd Baronet   Done
James Craufurd, Lord Ardmillan   Done
Keppel Richard Craven   Done
Robert Thompson Crawshay   Done
Ranulph Crewe   Done
Andrew Crichton   Done
Francis Crossley   Done
Henry Cuffe   Done
Vera Cuningham
Peter Miller Cunningham   Done

Eneas Sweetland Dallas   Done
William Dansey   Done
William Dargan   Done
George Henry Dashwood (antiquary)   Done
Achilles Daunt   Done
Griffith Davies   Done
Lucy Clementina Davies   Done
Thomas Stephens Davies   Done
William Edmund Davies   Done
James Dawkins (antiquarian)

11:20, 16 November 2009 (UTC)

David Deas   Done
George Deas   Done
Arthur Dee   Done
Walter Cooper Dendy   Done
Sir James Steuart-Denham, 8th Baronet - under Denham
James Dennistoun   Done
Sir Edward Dering, 1st Baronet   Done
Lettice Digby, 1st Baroness Offaly   Done
John Talbot Dillon   Done
William Henry Dillon   Done
Philip Stanhope Dodd   Done
John Dodson (judge)   Done
Sir William Don, 7th Baronet   Done
Archibald Douglas, 1st Duke of Douglas   Done
Alfred Septimus Dowling   Done
Frank Lewis Dowling   Done
William Dowton   Done
Robert Hay Drummond   Done
Alexander Ludovic Duff
Richard Dugdale (demoniac)   Done
David Dumbreck   Done
Adam Duncan, 1st Viscount Duncan   Done
Samuel Dunn (minister)   Done
Edward Dunsterville   Done

Sir Edward East, 1st Baronet   Done
Sir James Buller East, 2nd Baronet   Done
Sir John Easthope, 1st Baronet   Done
Ashley Eden   Done
Robert Eden, 3rd Baron Auckland   Done
Richard Edmonds (scientist)   Done
Sir Archibald Edmonstone, 3rd Baronet   Done
Edward Edwards (librarian)   Done
Elias of Dereham
Henry Ellis (diplomat)   Done
Wynne Ellis   Done
William Erle   Done
John Edward Errington   Done
Arthur Benoni Evans   Done
Isaac Ewer   Done

George Stanley Faber   Done
Robert George Cecil Fane   Done
John Farrar (minister)   Done
Elizabeth Farren   Done
Walter Fawkes   Done
Francis Worgan Festing   Done
Edwin Wilkins Field   Done
Joshua Field (engineer)   Done

George Finch-Hatton, 10th Earl of Winchilsea   Done
John Finlaison   Done
Thomas Finlayson   Done
John William Fisher   Done
William Fitzgerald (bishop)   Done
Edward Francis Fitzwilliam   Done
Thomas Flamank   Done
George Fleetwood (regicide)   Done
Richard Flexmore   Done
Frederick Flowers   Done
George Forbes, 3rd Earl of Granard   Done
Edward Ford (surgeon)   Done

Charles Robert Forrester   Done
Robert Foster (judge)   Done
Charles Fox (scientist)   Done
Richard Frankland (tutor)   Done
John Fraser (British Army officer)   Done
Philip Freeman   Done
John Frescheville, 1st Baron Frescheville
James Hain Friswell   Done
Joseph Fuller   Done
Herbert Jenner-Fust   Done
John Fineux   Done [under Fyneux]

Edward John Gambier   Done
Allen Francis Gardiner   Done
Stephen Gaselee (judge)   Done
Stephen Gaselee (serjeant-at-law)   Done
Henry Gattie   Done
John George (lawyer)   Done
John VII Gilbert   Done
Robert Gillan   Done
George Gledstanes   Done
Isabella Glyn   Done
Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin   Done
Sidney Godolphin (poet)   Done
Charles Old Goodford   Done
Alexander Gordon (antiquary)   Done
Sir James Gordon, 1st Baronet
John Graham (bishop)   Done
Richard Graham, 1st Viscount Preston   Done
William Keir Grant   Done
Thomas Colley Grattan   Done
Barnard Gregory   Done
Charles Edward Grey   Done
William Grey (bishop)   Done
William Grey, 13th Baron Grey de Wilton   Done
Rees Howell Gronow   Done
Thomas Grosvenor (1764–1851)   Done
Benjamin Guinness   Done
Anna Gurney   Done
Archer Thompson Gurney   Done
Joseph Gurney   Done
Richard Gurney
Samuel Gurney   Done
William Brodie Gurney   Done
Frederick Gye   Done

Thomas Henry Haddan   Done
Charles Hadfield (journalist)   Done
George Hadfield (politician)   Done
John Haggard   Done
John Hailstone   Done
Spencer Timothy Hall   Done
Andrew Halliday   Done
Charles Graham Halpine   Done
William Hals
George Alexander Hamilton   Done
Edward Hamley   Done
Samuel Hammond (minister)   Done
Sir Graham Hamond, 2nd Baronet   Done
William Harbord (politician) Supp   Done
Charles Harcourt   Done
Octavius Vernon Harcourt   Done
Arthur Henry Hardinge
Charles James Hargreave   Done
John Pritt Harley   Done
George Henry Harlow   Done
Sarah Harlowe   Done
Charles Amyand Harris   Done
John Harris (college head)   Done
William Harrison (merchant navy officer)   Done
Henry Harrod   Done
Andrew Searle Hart
Hans Hastings, 12th Earl of Huntingdon
Thomas Goodwin Hatchard   Done
James Haughton   Done
Henry East Havergal   Done
William Henry Havergal   Done
John Hawkins (geologist)   Done
Andrew Leith Hay   Done
Alexander Leith Hay   Done
James Hayday   Done
George Hayes (judge)   Done
Colin Henry Hazlewood   Done
George Head   Done
Thomas Emerson Headlam   Done
Christopher Heath   Done
Charles Isidore Hemans   Done
Charles Frederick Hempel   Done
Charles William Hempel   Done
Algernon Herbert   Done
Edward Herbert (judge)   Done
William Hewson (theological writer)   Done
Oliver Heywood (minister)   Done
William Robert Hicks   Done
James Hildyard   Done
Pascoe Grenfell Hill   Done
Thomas Hingston   Done
Samuel Hoard   Done
Charles James Hoare   Done
Reginald Hoare
Henry Hobhouse (archivist)   Done
Robert Hoblyn
James Hogg (publisher)
Robert Holmes (barrister)   Done
Francis Ludlow Holt   Done
John Holt (15th century judge)   Done
John Holt (author)   Done
Richard Holtby   Done
John Holwell   Done
James Holworthy   Done
Francis Holyoake   Done
Henry Holyoake   Done
Thomas Holyoake   Done
Christopher Holywood   Done
Robert William Honner   Done
Maria Honner   Done
Sir George Honyman, 4th Baronet   Done
John Hope (British Army officer)
Edward Horsman   Done
Samuel Elliott Hoskins
Charles Hotham (rector) DNBIE
Sir William Houstoun, 1st Baronet
Henry Howard (clergyman)   Done
William Hughes (writer)   Done
Samuel Hulse
Amabel Hume-Campbell, 1st Countess de Grey
Thomas Perkins Lowman Hunt   Done
Sir Claudius Hunter, 1st Baronet   Done
John Kelso Hunter   Done
William Hussey (judge)   Done
George Hutt   Done
Robert Howard Hutton   Done
George Isaac Huntingford   Done
Robert Hyde   Done

Clement Mansfield Ingleby   Done
Frederick Paul Irby   Done
William Josiah Irons   Done
Samuel Isaac   Done
John Islip   Done

Arthur Jacob   Done
James Jago DNB01   Done
Edward James (barrister)   Done
Thomas Hill Jamieson   Done
Joseph Jane   Done
John Hewitt Jellett   Done
Henry Jenner
Arthur Jewitt   Done
Frederick James Jobson   Done
George William Johnson (writer)   Done
Thomas Jollie   Done
Timothy Jollie   Done
Horace Jones (architect)   Done
John Thomas Jones   Done
Thomas Brown Jordan   Done
William Jordan (writer)
John Just   Done

Richard Keble   Done
John Kelly (minister)   Done
Sir Edward Kerrison, 1st Baronet
William Kiffin   Done
Henry Killigrew (diplomat)   Done
Henry King (poet)   Done
Peter King (British politician)   Done
Philip Klitz   Done
Richard Knill   Done
Richard Brinsley Knowles   Done
Francis Knollys (the elder)   Done
Robert Knollys (courtier)   Done
Thomas Knollys   Done
William Knyvett   Done
Herbert Kynaston   Done

Frederick Lablache   Done
Luigi Lablache   Done
John Lalor (journalist)   Done
Charles William Lancaster   Done
Edmund Law   Done
William John Law   Done
George St Patrick Lawrence   Done
James Anthony Lawson   Done
William Laxton (surveyor)   Done
Mary Leadbeater   Done
Patrick Leahy (bishop)   Done
Henry Sambrooke Leigh   Done
John Lennon (captain)   Done
Lord William Lennox   Done
Henry Letheby   Done
Colin Lindsay, 3rd Earl of Balcarres   Done
Sir Percy Loraine, 12th Baronet
Paul Lorrain   Done
William Edward Love   Done
Salathiel Lovell   Done
David Low (professor)   Done
Sampson Low   Done
James Lowe   Done
Richard Lower (poet)   Done
Charles Lucas (politician)   Done
Henry Lushington   Done
Robert Spencer Dyer Lyons   Done

James Buchanan Macaulay   Done
William Bell Macdonald   Done
Sir Alexander McDonnell, 1st Baronet   Done
John McNeill (diplomat)
Sir John Macpherson, 1st Baronet   Done
Edward Maitland, Lord Barcaple   Done
Thomas Maitland, Lord Dundrennan   Done
Pulteney Malcolm   Done
Sir Alexander Malet, 2nd Baronet
James Manning (lawyer)   Done
Marie Manning (murderer)   Done
Charles Grenville Mansel   Done
John Markham   Done
Giacinto Marras   Done
William Marsh   Done
Francis Albert Marshall   Done
John Marshall, Lord Curriehill   Done
Thomas Martin of Palgrave   Done
Adam Martindale   Done
Charles Thomas Marvin   Done
John Charles Mason   Done
James William Massie   Done
John Hall Maxwell   Done
Samuel Ralph Townshend Mayer   Done
John Maynard (MP)   Done
Henry Melvill   Done
Nicholas Michell   Done
Anna Miller   Done
John Riggs Miller   Done
Thomas Miller (bookseller)   Done
William Miller (British publisher)   Done
William Henry Miller (book collector)   Done
Isaac Milles   Done
Sir Richard Morrison   Done
Joseph Moser   Done
Henry Moule   Done
George Jehoshaphat Mountain   Done
Matthew Paul Moyle   Done

Henry Edward Napier   Done
John Camden Neild   Done
William Neile   Done
Richard Neville, 4th Baron Braybrooke   Done
Henry Newcome   Done
Matthew Nicholas   Done
Renton Nicholson   Done
Joseph Nightingale   Done
Henry Minchin Noad   Done
John William Norie   Done
Charles Edmund Nugent

Barnabas O'Brien, 6th Earl of Thomond   Done
Connor O'Brien, 3rd Earl of Thomond   Done
James O'Brien, 3rd Marquess of Thomond   Done
James Thomas O'Brien   Done
Murrough O'Brien, 1st Earl of Inchiquin   Done
Morgan O'Connell   Done
Charles Atmore Ogilvie   Done
Charles Chaloner Ogle   Done
Martha Cranmer Oliver   Done
William Oliver (physician)   Done
Joseph Francis Olliffe   Done
Ordgar, Ealdorman of Western Wessex
George Wareing Ormerod
William Piers Ormerod
Edward Latham Ormerod
George Osborn   Done
Robert Durie Osborn   Done
Edward Owen (Royal Navy officer)
Ashton Oxenden   Done
John Oxlee   Done

Christopher Packe (politician)   Done
Christopher Packe (painter)   Done
Christopher Packe (chemist)   Done
Christopher Packe (physician and cartographer)   Done
Richard Pakenham   Done
Thomas Pakenham (Royal Navy officer)   Done
John Palmer (actor)   Done
John Palmer (postal innovator)   Done
John Orlando Parry
Sefton Henry Parry
John Meeson Parsons
John Paterson (missionary)
William Patten (historian)   Done
Lord William Paulet
Lawrence Peel
Sir Robert Peel, 3rd Baronet
Frederick Henry Snow Pendleton
John Penington
Henry Pepys
Henry Percy, Baron Percy of Alnwick
Lord Henry Percy
Andrew Perne (Puritan)   Done
Jean Baptiste Perrin (fl. 1786)
Louis Perrin
Hugh Peters
Charles Erdman Petersdorff
John Arthur Phillips
John Piers   Done
Thomas Joshua Platt
William Pollard-Urquhart
Frederick Cavendish Ponsonby
John Ponsonby, 1st Viscount Ponsonby
William Ponsonby, 2nd Earl of Bessborough
John Pordage
William Portman
Horatio Powys
Thomas Simson Pratt
Thomas Prendergast
John Preston (clergyman)
Samuel Pullen
John Pudney

Edward Quillinan   Done

John Ralfs   Done
Thomas Randolph (diplomat)   Done
Edwin Ransford   Done
Philip Rashleigh   Done
James Rattee   Done
Elizabeth Rawdon, Countess of Moira
Richard Raynsford   Done
Thomas Nicholas Redington   Done
Robert Reece   Done
John Reid (British Army officer)   Done
William Edward Moyses Reilly   Done
Hugh Reily   Done
Philip Reinagle   Done
Ramsay Richard Reinagle   Done
George Philip Reinagle   Done
Joseph Reinagle   Done
Henry Reinhold   Done
Frederick Charles Reinhold   Done
Charles Christian Reisen   Done
Anthony Relhan   Done
Richard Relhan   Done
James Relly   Done
Joseph Relph   Done
Thomas Rempston   Done
Thomas Rempston (son)   Done
James Meadows Rendel (engineer)   Done
William Render   Done
William Rendle   Done
Thomas Rennell   Done
Thomas Rennell (scholar)   Done
George Rennie (agriculturalist)   Done
George Rennie (engineer)   Done
George Rennie (sculptor and politician)   Done
John Rennie the Elder   Done
John Rennie the Younger   Done
George Cecil Renouard   Done
Nathaniel Rich (merchant adventurer)   Done
Nathaniel Rich (soldier)
Robert Richardson (Scottish)   Done
Thomas Richardson (judge)   Done
Samuel Rickards   Done
William Henry Ridley   Done
David George Ritchie DNB12
John Roberton (1797)   Done
Archibald Robertson (physician)   Done
Edward Hearle Rodd
Francis James Newman Rogers
Henry Rolle
John Rolt
Joseph Philip Ronayne
George Rose (barrister)   Done
Horatio Ross
Henry Cadogan Rothery
William Rothery
Sir Charles Rowley, 1st Baronet
Richard Royston   Done
Thomas McNamara Russell
William Armstrong Russell

Lionel Sackville-West, 2nd Baron Sackville DNB12
Franc Sadleir   Done
Oliver St John, 5th Baron St John of Bletso
Lucy Sale-Barker   Done
Henry Sampson (newspaper proprietor)   Done
Edward Saunders (judge)   Done
Thomas William Saunders   Done
Bourchier Wrey Savile   Done
Harriet Anne Scott   Done
Edward Seager   Done
John Seaward   Done
Edmund Sedding   Done
Charles Jasper Selwyn   Done
George Augustus Selwyn   Done
Richard Clarke Sewell   Done
George Hamilton Seymour   Done
William Digby Seymour   Done
William Shearman   Done
John Shebbeare   Done
George Darell Shee   Done
Justin Sheil   Done
Richard Sherlock (clergyman)   Done
Willoughby Shortland   Done
William Skinner (bishop)   Done
Sir John Slade, 1st Baronet   Done
William Campbell Sleigh   Done
Edward Smirke   Done
John Smith (British Army officer)
John Sidney Smith   Done
Matthew Smith (artist) ODNB
Henry Augustus Smyth DNB12
Richard Smyth (minister)   Done
Lord Henry Spencer   Done
Alexander Spiers   Done
Charles Stanford (minister)   Done
James Stanihurst   Done
William Stanyhurst   Done
Hervey de Stanton   Done
Nicholas Statham   Done
James Stephen (civil servant)   Done
Anthony Coningham Sterling   Done
Edward Stillingfleet (physician)   Done
Henry William Stisted   Done
John Stockdale   Done
John Joseph Stockdale   Done
John Stoddart   Done
John Sutherland (physician)   Done
Edward Sutton, 4th Baron Dudley
William Sydenham   Done

Charles Heathcote Tatham   Done
Charles Benjamin Tayler   Done
Brook Taylor (diplomat)
Richard Cowling Taylor   Done
James Tennant
William Temple (logician)   Done
Sir Henry Thomas
William Thomas (scholar)
Jonathan Holt Titcomb
Isaac Todhunter   Done
Robert Tofte   Done
Thomas Tonkin   Done
Jacob Tonson   Done
Walter Hawken Tregellas
Sir Charles Trevelyan, 1st Baronet
Josiah Tucker
Francis Turner (bishop)
Hilgrove Turner

Henry Vane the Elder
Charles Richard Vaughan
William Sandys Wright Vaux
James Vernon
Hedley Vicars
William Vincent
George Virtue
James Sprent Virtue
Richard Vyse
Richard William Howard Vyse   Done

Armagil Waad   Done
William Wadd   Done
Claude Martin Wade   Done
William Wade (English politician)
Luke Wadding   Done
Peter Wadding   Done
Charles Waddington (East India Company officer)   Done
George Waddington   Done
Joseph Wagstaffe
Isaac Wake   Done
Baldwin Wake Walker   Done
George Wallis
Grace Jane Wallace
Robert Wallace (Unitarian)   Done
John Henry Walsh
Edward Walsingham   Done
John Burley Waring
Joshua Watson   Done
James Wedderburn (bishop)
Thomas Weld (cardinal)
Thomas Wentworth, 5th Baron Wentworth
John Whitaker (historian)
William Whitaker (theologian)   Done
David Williams (philosopher)
Griffith Williams (bishop)   Done
Henry Watkin Williams-Wynn
John Woodbridge
Alexander George Woodford
Edward Woods (engineer) DNB12
Christopher Wray   Done
Matthew Wren (writer)   Done
Robert Wright (judge)   Done

Charles Yorke (British Army officer)


  • English Cemetery, Naples
William, Lord Brabazon, 11th Earl of Meath
Maria (Mary) Beauclerk Countess of Coventry
Marguerite Gardiner, Lady Blessington
Elizabeth Craven, Princess Berkeley and Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach


  • John Frederic Bateman   Done



Edward Strutt Abdy   Done Charles Abbot (botanist)   Done Mervyn Archdall   Done Simeon Ashe   Done John Brinsley the elder   Done John Brinsley the younger   Done John Butler (bishop)   Done Nicholas Byfield   Done John Canne   Done Daniel Cawdry   Done Edmund Chillenden   Done William Coward   Done John Craig (physician)   Done Zachary Crofton   Done Patrick Cary   Done Edmund Dickinson   Done Theodore Goulston   Done John Micklethwaite   Done Assuerus Regimorter   Done Patrick Galloway   Done Stephen Egerton (clergyman)   Done John Lamphire   Done Ephraim Pagit   Done Anthony Wotton   Done William Temple (logician)   Done Everard Digby (scholar)   Done Christopher Middleton (d. 1628)   Done James Martin (philosopher)   Done Clement Walker   Done George Walker (Puritan)   Done Richard Symonds (diarist)   Done Perceval Wiburn   Done Richard Mayo (minister)   Done John Harris (Warden)   Done Robert Parfew   Done John Harley (bishop)   Done Matthew Kellison   Done Matthew Sutcliffe   Done John Tillinghast   Done Christopher Feake   Done Hanserd Knollys   Done Christian Ravis   Done Roger Drake (physician)   Done Arthur Jackson (minister)   Done William Jenkyn   Done Robert Wild (poet)   Done John Elphinstone, 2nd Lord Balmerino   Done Ralph Robinson (clergyman)   Done Thomas Smith (scholar)   Done Henry Finch   Done Giles Firmin   Done Nathaniel Rogers (minister)   Done Daniel Rogers (Puritan)   Done John Wilde (jurist)   Done Richard Capel   Done Nathaniel Stephens (clergyman)   Done Robert Everard   Done John Tombes   Done Robert Parker (minister)   Done Thomas Gilbert (minister)   Done Thomas Parker (minister)   Done Francis Johnson (Brownist)   Done John Paget   Done John Downame   Done William Maxwell Hetherington   Done James Gardiner (bishop)   Done Richard Reynolds (bishop)   Done Timothy Hall (bishop)   Done William Paul (bishop)   Done Alexander Gill the elder   Done William Boswell   Done Samuel Parker   Done Francis Rous   Done Christopher Love   Done Henry Arundell, 3rd Baron Arundell of Wardour   Done John Ashburnham (MP)   Done Thomas Adams (clergyman)   Done Thomas Harrison (translator)   Done Thomas Adams (writer)   Done Horace Vere, 1st Baron Vere of Tilbury   Done George Wakeman   Done Richard Clyfton   Done Francis Osborne   Done Nehemiah Wallington   Done Sir William Norris, 1st Baronet   Done Ezekiel Rogers   Done Christopher Goodman   Done John Forbes (preacher)   Done Sir John Forster John Forbes (theologian)   Done William Hawkins (serjeant-at-law) Edward Dering (clergyman)   Done Stephen Vaughan (merchant)   Done John Nalson   Done William Howard, 3rd Baron Howard of Escrick   Done Stephen College   Done Stephen Dugdale   Done Edward Turberville   Done Edward Fitzharris   Done Henry Cornish   Done John Fenwick (Jesuit)   Done Richard Boyle (archbishop)   Done Jeremiah Whitaker   Done Lazarus Seaman   Done Thomas Coleman   Done Tobias Crisp   Done Edmund Elys   Done Robert Harris (President of Trinity)   Done Hannibal Potter   Done Ralph Kettell   Done Arthur Yeldard   Done Thomas Eden   Done Robert King (jurist)   Done John Bond (jurist)   Done Henry Harvey (lawyer) William Mowse   Done Walter Haddon   Done Richard Crakanthorpe   Done Stephen Lobb   Done Christopher Cartwright   Done Thomas Brightman   Done William Compton (army officer)   Done Henry de Vere, 18th Earl of Oxford   Done William Celling   Done Nicholas Clagett   Done Samuel Henley   Done Edward Misselden   Done John Rogers (Fifth Monarchist)   Done John Gayer   Done Erasmus Earle   Done Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna   Done Gilbert Ironside the elder   Done Robert Some   Done Henry Power   Done Sir Justinian Isham, 2nd Baronet   Done Henry Swinburne   Done James Millingen   Done