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Hobo tourism/Creative trip to India

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Letter of introduction to the Indian Consulate

Creative trip to India — a project of the Russian traveler Viktor Pinchuk, where the main purpose was to hold a personal photo exhibition about the country visited upon return.

General information

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  • Duration: 14 days.
  • Period: 14.11. 2006 — 28. 11. 2006
  • Idea: Viktor Pinchuk.
  • Number of participants: 1 (one).
  • Starting point: Delhi.
  • Transit through: Moscow.
  • Number of countries visited: 1 (one).
  • Way to get: plane.
  • Ways to move: trains, auto rickshaws, pedestrian routes.
  • Nature of the journey: creative trip.
  • Purpose: collection of material for the forthcoming photo exhibition and newspaper publications.
  • Format: hobo tour (simplified version).

Places visited

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  • Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Ajmer, Vadodara, Surat, Margao, Mumbai, Bandra.

Мap of the route

Outcomes and results

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Author’s articles in periodicals (in Russian):

  • «Индия. Страница из путевого дневника» — South Capital: newspaper. — 26.10.2007. — № 43 (824);
  • «Боги на любой вкус» — Simfi: newspaper. — 4. 03.2008. — № 8 (59);
  • «Кто такой Хануман?» — Crimean Observer: newspaper. — 25.03.2008. — № 12 (242);
  • «Индия даром» — Crimean time: newspaper. — 29.03.2007. — № 35 (2421);
  • «Бог един… в 200 лицах» — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — 5. 08. 2010. — № 27 (888).

  • Personal photo exhibition «Roads of India» took place in October 2006; venue — House of Artist (Simferopol) [1].

The methods used

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In the process of moving along the route the following accommodation options were used:

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Materials in Wikisource project

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  1. "Presentation of the exhibition (postscript to the article) — Crimean time: newspaper. — 29.03.2007. — № 35 (2421)". wikimedia.org/wikibooks/ru (in Russian). Retrieved April 22, 2023.
  2. Pinchuk, Viktor. Indian dreams (in Russian). Russia: Brovko. p. 40. ISBN 978-5-9909912-6-2.