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Nauru to hold parliamentary elections

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Position of Nauru in Oceania.

The tiny island nation of Nauru is to hold parliamentary elections next week, on August 25. The current government, which has been stable since 2004 after much political turbulence early in the early 2000s, wants to make changes in the way the parliamentary republic is governed, but wants to be elected for a new period before it goes ahead.

As of August 17, 83 candidates have expressed their intention to run in the election, according to Radio Australia. The voting system is a preferential system directly electing representatives. There is only one formal political party in Nauru, Naoero Amo ("Nauru First").

The elections were supposed to be held in October, but have been moved ahead two months. The last parliamentary elections were held on October 23, 2004.

Presidential elections in Nauru were supposed to be held in June, but have been postponed until the end of 2007 due to discussion on whether to use indirect voting (which is currently used) or direct voting.

