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Wikinews:Dynamic quiz/quiz/2016/30

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Welcome to the Wikinews World News Quiz, giving you a chance to test your knowledge on this week's news.

Last Updated: July 23, 2016



1 A United Nations tribunal dismissed China's claims to the South China Sea. Against the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), China has built artificial islands and military bases. In which year did China sign UNCLOS?


2 The Chinese government opposed the UN tribunal which dismissed China's claims on the South China Sea. Per Part XV, Section 3 - Article 298 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), countries can exclude themselves from "compulsory binding procedures for the settlement of disputes" . When did China exercise this right?

May 2004
August 2006
December 2009
April 2001

3 Claire Perry resigned from the post of British Rail minister after continuing problems with Southern Rail. The mayor of London said he was "calling on the government to strip Southern of its franchise and take over the temporary responsibility of running these services." Who is the mayor of London?

Ted Gatsas
Sadiq Khan
Tony Lloyd
Patrick McLoughlin

4 In a deal worth £24 billion (US$32 billion), ARM Holdings announced accepting acquisition by Japanese company SoftBank. The CEO of ARM Holdings confirmed its headquarters would not change. Where is ARM Holdings's headquarters located?

Greater Manchester

5 More than 80 people were killed by a truck in Nice, France on Bastille day. The state of emergency in France was to be lifted on July 26 because of attacks in November. Which city suffered the attacks?


6 The UK Labour Party's Angela Eagle dropped out of the party leadership contest after losing to Owen Smith in an informal contest. Which of the following policies does Owen Smith not support.

A £200 billion investment plan
A referendum on any deal on leaving the European Union
A referendum on any deal on leaving the G7
Reintroducing the 50 percent top tax rate

7 More than 250 people were killed in an unsuccessful coup attempt in Turkey. Officials claimed Fethullah Gülen, who is currently in exile, was responsible for the coup. To which country did Gülen go in exile?

The United States of America
South Africa

8 Which political figure proclaimed on his candidate statement provided to the California Secretary of State, "[w]e [Americans] are at war with Islam!" ?

Donald Trump
Alan Spears
Robert Ornelas
Cory Bookers

9 The United Kingdom's exit from the European Union has affected the forthcoming 2016 United States Presidential Elections. Last year, Barack Obama wrote an editorial and met UK's Prime Minister David Cameron. For which news media did Barack Obama write the editorial?

The New York Times
The Guardian
The Telegraph

10 Billionaire Mark Cuban decided to offer himself as a candidate for Vice-President in the United States. Who said about Cuban, "he's  a  political  novice  who  doesn't  bring  much  to  the  table  in  terms  of shoring  up  Hillary's  left  flank,  appealing  to  independents,  or  being  a  governing  partner"?

James Pethokoukis
Julian Castro
Dan Judy
Kyle Kondic