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Wikinews:Major or minor

From Wikinews, the free news source you can write!

The page major or minor can be used to decide whether a story should be treated as a major event, either on the Main Page, or on other index pages. You don't need to use this page - you can just add a story as major if you feel that this is self-evident. But if someone else objects, please do not revert, but add an entry to this page. Just make your case below, and people will be able to vote on the different options.

There should be a minimum of 5 votes until you change the status from major to minor or vice versa.

Example: Arafat dies


This can be removed once the page has been operational for a while.

I think this is a major story that deserves to be on the major events section of the Main Page, as well as the Middle East major events section.


  1. Eloquence 00:23, 20 Nov 2004 (UTC)


  1. Dogmaster3000