The Complete Lojban Language (2016)

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The Complete Lojban Language (2016)
by John Woldemar Cowan
For other versions of this work, see The Complete Lojban Language.
3623581The Complete Lojban Language2016John Woldemar Cowan

The Complete

John Woldemar Cowan

A Logical Language Group Publication
Version 1.1, Generated 2016-08-26

Table of Contents

1. Lojban As We Mangle It In Lojbanistan: About This Book 9
1.1. What is Lojban? 9
1.2. What is this book? 10
1.3. What are the typographical conventions of this book? 10
1.4. Disclaimers 11
1.5. Acknowledgements and Credits 11
1.6. Informal Bibliography 12
1.7. Captions to Pictures 12
1.8. Boring Legalities 13
2. A Quick Tour of Lojban Grammar, With Diagrams 15
2.1. The concept of the bridi 15
2.2. Pronunciation 16
2.3. Words that can act as sumti 17
2.4. Some words used to indicate selbri relations 17
2.5. Some simple Lojban bridi 18
2.6. Variant bridi structure 19
2.7. Varying the order of sumti 20
2.8. The basic structure of longer utterances 21
2.9. tanru 21
2.10. Description sumti 23
2.11. Examples of brivla 24
2.12. The sumti di'u and la'e di'u 24
2.13. Possession 25
2.14. Vocatives and commands 25
2.15. Questions 26
2.16. Indicators 28
2.17. Tenses 29
2.18. Lojban grammatical terms 30
3. The Hills Are Alive With The Sounds Of Lojban 33
3.1. Orthography 33
3.2. Basic Phonetics 34
3.3. The Special Lojban Characters 35
3.4. Diphthongs and Syllabic Consonants 36
3.5. Vowel Pairs 38
3.6. Consonant Clusters 38
3.7. Initial Consonant Pairs 39
3.8. Buffering Of Consonant Clusters 40
3.9. Syllabication And Stress 42
3.10. IPA For English Speakers 44
3.11. English Analogues For Lojban Diphthongs 46
3.12. Oddball Orthographies 47
4. The Shape Of Words To Come: Lojban Morphology 49
4.1. Introductory 49
4.2. cmavo 50
4.3. brivla 52
4.4. gismu 53
4.5. lujvo 54
4.6. rafsi 56
4.7. fu'ivla 60
4.8. cmene 63
4.9. Rules for inserting pauses 66
4.10. Considerations for making lujvo 67
4.11. The lujvo-making algorithm 68
4.12. The lujvo scoring algorithm 69
4.13. lujvo-making examples 70
4.14. The gismu creation algorithm 71
4.15. Cultural and other non-algorithmic gismu 73
4.16. rafsi fu'ivla: a proposal 76
5. “Pretty Little Girls' School”: The Structure Of Lojban selbri 79
5.1. Lojban content words: brivla 79
5.2. Simple tanru 80
5.3. Three-part tanru grouping with bo 82
5.4. Complex tanru grouping 83
5.5. Complex tanru with ke and ke'e 84
5.6. Logical connection within tanru 85
5.7. Linked sumti: be-bei-be'o 88
5.8. Inversion of tanru: co 91
5.9. Other kinds of simple selbri 94
5.10. selbri based on sumti: me 95
5.11. Conversion of simple selbri 97
5.12. Scalar negation of selbri 98
5.13. Tenses and bridi negation 100
5.14. Some types of asymmetrical tanru 101
5.15. Some types of symmetrical tanru 108
5.16. “Pretty little girls' school”: forty ways to say it 109
6. To Speak Of Many Things: The Lojban sumti 115
6.1. The five kinds of simple sumti 115
6.2. The three basic description types 116
6.3. Individuals and masses 119
6.4. Masses and sets 121
6.5. Descriptors for typical objects 122
6.6. Quantified sumti 123
6.7. Quantified descriptions 124
6.8. Indefinite descriptions 127
6.9. sumti-based descriptions 127
6.10. sumti qualifiers 128
6.11. The syntax of vocative phrases 130
6.12. Lojban names 132
6.13. Pro-sumti summary 134
6.14. Quotation summary 136
6.15. Number summary 136
7. Brevity Is The Soul Of Language: Pro-sumti And Pro-bridi 139
7.1. What are pro-sumti and pro-bridi? What are they for? 139
7.2. Personal pro-sumti: the mi-series 140
7.3. Demonstrative pro-sumti: the ti-series 141
7.4. Utterance pro-sumti: the di'u-series 142
7.5. Assignable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ko'a-series and the broda-series 144
7.6. Anaphoric pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the ri-series and the go'i-series 146
7.7. Indefinite pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the zo'e-series and the co'e-series 150
7.8. Reflexive and reciprocal pro-sumti: the vo'a-series 152
7.9. sumti and bridi questions: ma and mo 153
7.10. Relativized pro-sumti: ke'a 154
7.11. Abstraction focus pro-sumti: ce'u 154
7.12. Bound variable pro-sumti and pro-bridi: the da-series and the bu'a-series 155
7.13. Pro-sumti and pro-bridi cancelling 155
7.14. The identity predicate: du 156
7.15. lujvo based on pro-sumti 156
7.16. KOhA cmavo by series 157
7.17. GOhA and other pro-bridi by series 158
7.18. Other cmavo discussed in this chapter 159
8. Relative Clauses, Which Make sumti Even More Complicated 161
8.1. What are you pointing at? 161
8.2. Incidental relative clauses 163
8.3. Relative phrases 165
8.4. Multiple relative clauses: zi'e 168
8.5. Non-veridical relative clauses: voi 169
8.6. Relative clauses and descriptors 170
8.7. Possessive sumti 172
8.8. Relative clauses and complex sumti: vu'o 173
8.9. Relative clauses in vocative phrases 175
8.10. Relative clauses within relative clauses 176
8.11. Index of relative clause cmavo 177
9. To Boston Via The Road Go I, With An Excursion Into The Land Of Modals 179
9.1. Introductory 179
9.2. Standard bridi form: cu 180
9.3. Tagging places: FA 182
9.4. Conversion: SE 185
9.5. Modal places: FIhO, FEhU 187
9.6. Modal tags: BAI 188
9.7. Modal sentence connection: the causals 189
9.8. Other modal connections 192
9.9. Modal selbri 194
9.10. Modal relative phrases; Comparison 195
9.11. Mixed modal connection 198
9.12. Modal conversion: JAI 199
9.13. Modal negation 200
9.14. Sticky modals 201
9.15. Logical and non-logical connection of modals 201
9.16. CV'V cmavo of selma'o BAI with irregular forms 202
9.17. Complete table of BAI cmavo with rough English equivalents 203
10. Imaginary Journeys: The Lojban Space/Time Tense System 207
10.1. Introductory 207
10.2. Spatial tenses: FAhA and VA 209
10.3. Compound spatial tenses 210
10.4. Temporal tenses: PU and ZI 211
10.5. Interval sizes: VEhA and ZEhA 213
10.6. Vague intervals and non-specific tenses 215
10.7. Dimensionality: VIhA 215
10.8. Movement in space: MOhI 216
10.9. Interval properties: TAhE and roi 217
10.10. Event contours: ZAhO and re'u 219
10.11. Space interval modifiers: FEhE 222
10.12. Tenses as sumti tcita 223
10.13. Sticky and multiple tenses: KI 225
10.14. Story time 227
10.15. Tenses in subordinate bridi 229
10.16. Tense relations between sentences 230
10.17. Tensed logical connectives 232
10.18. Tense negation 234
10.19. Actuality, potentiality, capability: CAhA 235
10.20. Logical and non-logical connections between tenses 237
10.21. Sub-events 238
10.22. Conversion of sumti tcita: JAI 239
10.23. Tenses versus modals 240
10.24. Tense questions: cu'e 242
10.25. Explicit magnitudes 243
10.26. Finally (an exercise for the much-tried reader) 244
10.27. Summary of tense selma'o 244
10.28. List of spatial directions and direction-like relations 245
11. Events, Qualities, Quantities, And Other Vague Words: On Lojban Abstraction 247
11.1. The syntax of abstraction 247
11.2. Event abstraction 248
11.3. Types of event abstractions 250
11.4. Property abstractions 251
11.5. Amount abstractions 253
11.6. Truth-value abstraction: jei 254
11.7. Predication/sentence abstraction 255
11.8. Indirect questions 256
11.9. Minor abstraction types 258
11.10. Lojban sumti raising 259
11.11. Event-type abstractors and event contour tenses 260
11.12. Abstractor connection 261
11.13. Table of abstractors 262
12. Dog House And White House: Determining lujvo Place Structures 263
12.1. Why have lujvo? 263
12.2. The meaning of tanru: a necessary detour 264
12.3. The meaning of lujvo 266
12.4. Selecting places 267
12.5. Symmetrical and asymmetrical lujvo 267
12.6. Dependent places 269
12.7. Ordering lujvo places. 271
12.8. lujvo with more than two parts. 272
12.9. Eliding SE rafsi from seltau 273
12.10. Eliding SE rafsi from tertau 274
12.11. Eliding KE and KEhE rafsi from lujvo 274
12.12. Abstract lujvo 275
12.13. Implicit-abstraction lujvo 277
12.14. Anomalous lujvo 279
12.15. Comparatives and superlatives 280
12.16. Notes on gismu place structures 283
13. Oooh! Arrgh! Ugh! Yecch! Attitudinal and Emotional Indicators 285
13.1. What are attitudinal indicators? 285
13.2. Pure emotion indicators 287
13.3. Propositional attitude indicators 289
13.4. Attitudes as scales 292
13.5. The space of emotions 294
13.6. Emotional categories 294
13.7. Attitudinal modifiers 295
13.8. Compound indicators 298
13.9. The uses of indicators 299
13.10. Attitude questions; empathy; attitude contours 300
13.11. Evidentials 302
13.12. Discursives 304
13.13. Miscellaneous indicators 307
13.14. Vocative scales 309
13.15. A sample dialogue 312
13.16. Tentative conclusion 314
14. If Wishes Were Horses: The Lojban Connective System 317
14.1. Logical connection and truth tables 317
14.2. The Four basic vowels 319
14.3. The six types of logical connectives 319
14.4. Logical connection of bridi 320
14.5. Forethought bridi connection 322
14.6. sumti connection 324
14.7. More than two propositions 325
14.8. Grouping of afterthought connectives 326
14.9. Compound bridi 328
14.10. Multiple compound bridi 330
14.11. Termset logical connection 332
14.12. Logical connection within tanru 333
14.13. Truth questions and connective questions 335
14.14. Non-logical connectives 338
14.15. More about non-logical connectives 341
14.16. Interval connectives and forethought non-logical connection 343
14.17. Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso 346
14.18. Tenses, modals, and logical connection 347
14.19. Abstractor connection and connection within abstractions 350
14.20. Constructs and appropriate connectives 351
14.21. Truth functions and corresponding logical connectives 351
14.22. Rules for making logical and non-logical connectives 352
14.23. Locations of other tables 352
15. “No” Problems: On Lojban Negation 353
15.1. Introductory 353
15.2. bridi negation 354
15.3. Scalar Negation 357
15.4. selbri and tanru negation 360
15.5. Expressing scales in selbri negation 363
15.6. sumti negation 365
15.7. Negation of minor grammatical constructs 366
15.8. Truth questions 367
15.9. Affirmations 369
15.10. Metalinguistic negation forms 370
15.11. Summary – Are All Possible Questions About Negation Now Answered? 373
16. “Who Did You Pass On The Road? Nobody”: Lojban And Logic 375
16.1. What's wrong with this picture? 375
16.2. Existential claims, prenexes, and variables 376
16.3. Universal claims 378
16.4. Restricted claims: da poi 379
16.5. Dropping the prenex 380
16.6. Variables with generalized quantifiers 381
16.7. Grouping of quantifiers 382
16.8. The problem of “any” 384
16.9. Negation boundaries 385
16.10. bridi negation and logical connectives 388
16.11. Using naku outside a prenex 389
16.12. Logical Connectives and DeMorgan's Law 392
16.13. selbri variables 394
16.14. A few notes on variables 395
16.15. Conclusion 395
17. As Easy As A-B-C? The Lojban Letteral System And Its Uses 397
17.1. What's a letteral, anyway? 397
17.2. A to Z in Lojban, plus one 398
17.3. Upper and lower cases 399
17.4. The universal bu 400
17.5. Alien alphabets 400
17.6. Accent marks and compound lerfu words 402
17.7. Punctuation marks 403
17.8. What about Chinese characters? 403
17.9. lerfu words as pro-sumti 404
17.10. References to lerfu 405
17.11. Mathematical uses of lerfu strings 406
17.12. Acronyms 407
17.13. Computerized character codes 408
17.14. List of all auxiliary lerfu-word cmavo 409
17.15. Proposed lerfu words – introduction 409
17.16. Proposed lerfu words for the Greek alphabet 409
17.17. Proposed lerfu words for the Cyrillic alphabet 410
17.18. Proposed lerfu words for the Hebrew alphabet 410
17.19. Proposed lerfu words for some accent marks and multiple letters 411
17.20. Proposed lerfu words for radio communication 412
18. lojbau mekso: Mathematical Expressions in Lojban 413
18.1. Introductory 413
18.2. Lojban numbers 414
18.3. Signs and numerical punctuation 414
18.4. Special numbers 416
18.5. Simple infix expressions and equations 417
18.6. Forethought operators (Polish notation, functions) 419
18.7. Other useful selbri for mekso bridi 421
18.8. Indefinite numbers 422
18.9. Approximation and inexact numbers 424
18.10. Non-decimal and compound bases 426
18.11. Special mekso selbri 428
18.12. Number questions 431
18.13. Subscripts 431
18.14. Infix operators revisited 432
18.15. Vectors and matrices 433
18.16. Reverse Polish notation 434
18.17. Logical and non-logical connectives within mekso 435
18.18. Using Lojban resources within mekso 437
18.19. Other uses of mekso 438
18.20. Explicit operator precedence 440
18.21. Miscellany 440
18.22. Four score and seven: a mekso problem 441
18.23. mekso selma'o summary 442
18.24. Complete table of VUhU cmavo, with operand structures 443
18.25. Complete table of PA cmavo: digits, punctuation, and other numbers 443
18.26. Table of MOI cmavo, with associated rafsi and place structures 444
19. Putting It All Together: Notes on the Structure of Lojban Texts 447
19.1. Introductory 447
19.2. Sentences: I 447
19.3. Paragraphs: NIhO 448
19.4. Topic-comment sentences: ZOhU 449
19.5. Questions and answers 451
19.6. Subscripts: XI 453
19.7. Utterance ordinals: MAI 455
19.8. Attitude scope markers: FUhE/FUhO 456
19.9. Quotations: LU, LIhU, LOhU, LEhU 457
19.10. More on quotations: ZO, ZOI 458
19.11. Contrastive emphasis: BAhE 460
19.12. Parenthesis and metalinguistic commentary: TO, TOI, SEI 461
19.13. Erasure: SI, SA, SU 463
19.14. Hesitation: Y 465
19.15. No more to say: FAhO 465
19.16. List of cmavo interactions 466
19.17. List of Elidable Terminators 466
20. A Catalogue of selma'o 467
20.1. A Catalogue Of selma'o 467
21. Formal Grammars 489
21.1. EBNF Grammar of Lojban 489
21.2. EBNF Cross-Reference 494
Lojban Word Glossary 505
General Index 527
Lojban Words Index 571
Examples Index 581

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