Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (TV Series 1968–2001) Poster

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One of the best men who ever lived
herrgaman16 September 2005
Mr. Rogers did what few artists have done in the history of mankind - strengthened and supported his audience so profoundly and so generously that he became a transformative force in their lives. I feel fortunate to have learned from him. In all too many homes, Mr. Rogers was and is the only voice of understanding, gentleness and positive reinforcement. Imagine how different our world would be if more young people could be exposed to his philosophy of acceptance and love.

There are so many children who never hear their parents say the words "I love you" - not once, not ever. And then they hear Mr. Rogers sing of all the ways people say "I love you," like "the cooking way" and "the eating way," and it's a comfort and reassurance beyond words. No other public figure provides this kind of life-changing insight to the people most in need.

On behalf of everyone you helped, of all the souls you touched in a badly damaged world, Mr. Rogers - we thank you, and we love you.
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There will never be another Mr. Rogers
david-227116 May 2006
Like many kids of the early 70's, I used to watch the PBS trinity. Sesame Street taught us about letters and numbers while The Electric Company taught us about reading. Mr. Rogers had the hardest job of all though; he taught us about feelings, socialization and the adult world.

Everything about the show was crafted to be warm and friendly without being boring or patronizing. Mr. Roger's tools were puppets, videos and original music, all of which were used to great effect. Even so, the show was about how people feel and relate, and for that it needed a Human element. Mr. Rogers and his neighbors were that element, and they were expert teachers.

As the focal-point of the show ("star" just doesn't seem right), Mr. Rogers always spoke directly to the camera, as if speaking directly to the children who were watching. His manner was always calm and inviting, unlike a certain purple dinosaur whose hyperactive manner almost demands that you like him. More importantly, Mr. Rogers always conveyed an air of dignity. Contrast that with many modern shows that tend to portray adults as fools. That may be good for a cheap laugh, but kids know that adults are in charge. Who wants a fool to be in charge? Kids shows will come and go, but there will never be another Mr. Rogers. He didn't want to sell the kids things, he didn't expect them to be "cool," and he didn't want to replace their parents. he just wanted to be their neighbor.
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Someone who talks to kids respectfully
kerose27 December 2017
At age 52, I have fond memories of watching Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood when public television was in its infancy. Fred Rogers not only talked about feelings, but he also addressed young people in a way that respected us as intelligent people in our own right. Sure, he had the Neighborhood of Make Believe, and the entity he referred to as his "television house." The best part is that on one episode he addressed us and said, "Here's why you won't see me in the neighborhood of make believe" and went on to describe how he works with the puppets behind the scenes. In another episode, he shows the studio and how they put the show together.

One memorable episode dealt with Mr. Rogers getting a traffic ticket and going before the judge - he's human, too.

Mr. Rogers always made it clear that it is good to play and to pretend. I strive to be the kind person that Mr. Rogers was - I want to have that same calm demeanor.

Long live Fred Rogers in our hearts. I wish I could have met the man.
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Mister Rogers was the REAL DEAL!!!
donmccullen-127 February 2003
The Mr. Rogers you saw pay a television visit to your house was the same Mr. Rogers in real life should you ever have run into him. On the night of writing this we lost Fred Rogers who passed away at the age of 74 years of age. His show took the basics of 1950's TV production and stayed with it even since. It was all about having a conversation with his TV friend. In broadcasting you may speak to many people, but speak as only one person was talking to you.

His first show was the Children's Corner (1953-61) which featured a woman by the name of Josie Carry. Although he got hosting credit, he never appeared in front of the camera, but rather was the puppeteer. The Children's Corner developed most of his puppet characters including Daniel Stripped Tiger, Henrietta Pussycat, X the Owl, and King Friday XIII. The Children's Corner was done live at Non-Commercial TV station WQED in Pittsburgh. It was a fun show if anything, and Josie and the puppets talk about Mr. Rogers a lot.

After Children's Corner he moved to Canada and did a show simply called Mister Rogers (1962-64), and it was first time he was on camera. The show was 15 minutes but it developed something which we know now as the Neighborhood of Make-believe. This Neighborhood was the majority of this short show, but Fred Rogers would appear at the beginning and ending of the program, and he would show off a few things before he had "make-believe" with the viewers. Usually it was some kind of vehicle that takes us to the Make-believe world.

In 1966 Fred returned to WQED and all that he developed would come together and Mister Rogers Neighborhood signs on the air for the first time. Fred wrote and sang shows for the show, and he showed fun things to the audience. His trips to the Neighborhood of Make Believe incorporated storylines about how people (and puppets) no matter how hard they try they should just try to be themselves and deal with live life issues in the fantasy world. Mr. Rogers also took us around the TV neighborhood on soundstages at first but the post 1979 shows took us to actual places in the real world.

Fred Rogers never liked TV for himself, but he knew how to use it to make an impact on people, and impact he did. He did most of the writhing on the show, nobody would dare tell him what to do, not saying they would. I would have loved to meet him myself, but I will never get that chance. He didn't care about being a celebrity. Just someone who cared about people and try to a "neighbor" to them.

Rest In Peace.
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The most sincere thing on television possible
etmistereportois1 April 2018
Never have I seen something that sincere. Never have I thought there's something that could make me cry so hard. Never have I felt so much love from the other side of the TV screen.

A pure kindness.
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Nothing but the best
grichman13 January 2019
When you think society has gone out the window, watching one episode of this show will give you a guidline how to live and share your life.
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Must-See From Infancy
view_and_review3 November 2021
Come on, who can criticize Mr. Rogers? There is nothing bad you can say about the mild-mannered, soft-spoken gentleman who wore a sweater. Mr. Rogers was the genuine article and he was must see TV for me from infancy to childhood.
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Miss You Mr Rodgers Ten Years Later!
ShelbyTMItchell20 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It has been ten years since Mr Rodgers left us from earth and went straight into TV heaven. As he has such a great legacy from the past, present, and even future generations to come.

For he shows us kindness and how to treat others. Rather than the other way around. Also he did not explain things on tech style or with CGI stuff as he did it the old fashioned way.

Love the make believe stories but rather it just being a make believe story. It was stories with moral to the stories and done with it compassion. You just do not see that on TV these days.

Mr Rodgers we need you and wished that you will still here. Ten years later can't believe you are still gone.

RIP Fred Rodgers!
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Mr. Rodgers grew on me
lmcmackin111 August 2007
I really do not know how your start loving someone you never met in person.I would watch his show on and off all through the years. I loved his trips to the factory they were my favorite. I loved his smile and the way he spoke to you like he cared. My parents raised me and my brother and sisters the best way they knew how, at the time, but they raised us like we were plants, Children are seen and not heard. Mr.Rodgers was different. It took me awhile to really know he was for real. I never knew someone that caring and concerned for kids. Through the years he never changed. He was genuine and truly cared for children. I always wanted him to update his puppet shows, they were boring to me. I tried to like it. Mr. Rodgers I'm sorry I was so hard on you. Thank you for being so loving and kind and for caring about US kids. Thank you for listening to us. For showing the world that we need kind words,loving words,instruction and fun things to do. We need someone to help us out in this world. You did a great job. Thank you for loving us.Thank your for caring about our feelings and views.Somehow, Mr Rodgers you grew on me. You made a difference in my life and heart. When you died I cried. It hurts to feel the loss of someone you love.I know I'll see you in Heaven Mr. Rodgers you knew the key, loving God means loving your neighbor. You remind me of Jesus how He liked kids too. You welcomed us just like He did. I love you Mr. Rodgers. You were a good and faithful servant. Much love and affection. I am 45 years old and I am proud to say I love Mr. Rodgers. I guess I was the one who changed.
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The best children's television show ever made!!
moviemachine22 December 2001
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood in my opinion has been the best children's TV show on earth! I watch it sometimes on PBS during summer and holidays. My brothers like the show, too. The neighborhood of make-believe is fantastic in this awesome show. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood has been of the best excuses of this children's TV show. **** out of **** stars and 10 out of 10 stars overall.
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Special Thanx to: Chef Brockett, Lady Elaine and Mr. McFeeley
redryan643 February 2015
THOUGHTFUL AND GENTLE, the main theme of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was reminding all, both young and old alike, that we are all creatures of value. Although his name was never mentioned, GOD is very much in evidence here. There certainly could be no reference to the Almighty over the Public Broadcasting System (or PBS); which seems to act more like the "Pollit Bureau System". (our opinion)

WE DO KNOW that the Creator/Host, Fred McFeely Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian Minister; as well as being a teacher, author, children's' advocate and even an (very) amateur singer. His getting involved in the creation of meaningful programming for the toddler crowd started in his native Greater Pittsburgh's WQED TV, a PBS affiliate. This followed a stint with NBC TV in New York.

THE ESSENTIAL PARTS of the show were simply constructed, yet brilliantly assembled into a most comprehensible and pleasingly rendered overall effect. It is a great example of the sum of the parts equaling much more than the individuals considered separately or something like that).

MUSIC, Miniature TOWN scenes and the set of an imaginary house in the imaginary TV neighborhood. Easy on the eyes, yet bright and attractive to young intellects, the show was a total success in captivating a youngsters loyalty.

ONE OF THE truly genius innovations was the use of a "Neighborhood of Make Believe". In it the emphasis is on serialized story as performed by puppet players; such as, King Friday XIII, Daniel Tiger and Lady somebody or other. A most brilliant segue-way was introduced in the use of a miniature electric train that would travel one direction to bring us to this make believe land. At puppet segment's end, the train reversed its course.

AS FOR OUR own experience with the show, we well recall our young daughters' being faithful viewers. As a fine, unsolicited endorsement of Fred Rogers' abilities as a communicator, we offer this observation. When "Mr.Rogers" asked a question of his audience, young Jennifer and Michelle Ryan would respond with a nod of the head,or some such other appropriate gesture.

NOW SCHULTZ, CAN you say "interactive?"
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The Best Children's TV Show of All Time
Tornado_Sam15 August 2019
PBS nowadays is not at all like PBS back when this show aired. Back then, they knew what was educational and worthwhile for kids and did not put on any old thing just for money. Nowadays, kids are stuck with watching stuff like "Peppa Pig" (which is lacking in anything educational) "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" (which is a sad, cartoon-ized ripoff of the characters from this show) and worst of all, "Teletubbies" (which actually does the opposite of educational to the one-year-olds it targets). In fact, it was only a few years after this show ended that the channel decided to give it the boot--showing how crazy some people can be. Simply put, "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" is the best kid's show ever created, by one of the loveliest, pleasantest, and most caring person that ever lived. Fred Rogers was a dedicated and humble man and in his show, he blends education, psychology, and entertainment into one half-hour bag. Not only is this show entertaining and provides an array of interesting things for small children, it also teaches its audience how to deal with anger, sadness, and all sorts of feelings. The man truly cares, and he does in a short amount of time what most kiddie shows nowadays fail to do: teaches his audiences life lessons and illustrates his lessons in a number of ways. Just because a show is a cartoon nowadays doesn't mean it's better.

"Mister Roger's Neighborhood" is the best kid's show for anyone to see, it's targeted to kids four to eight but its lessons are often ones that even older kids and adults fail to use. Instead of looking at the various crap shows PBS runs today, just buy the DVDs of this. Fred Rogers's show is centered not around the people in it, but pointed entirely in the direction of the viewer's well-being. He stars as the host of each episode, as he visits his 'television house' every day and talks directly to the viewer about the feelings and thoughts they have from time to time, and enhances these ideas with songs and events. Each day in each episode will be part of one 'week' that has a constant theme, which is illustrated through the 'Neighborhood of Make-Believe' and the various things Mr. Rogers 'does' with the viewer and the other people on the show. Sometimes, he'll talk to famous musicians and other celebrities; sometimes he'll go places, such as an art gallery or doctor's office; sometimes, he and Mr. McFeeley will go on factory tours with 'Picture Picture'. It's a wonderful mix of education, life skills, and is extremely entertaining for all the children. The fact that Rogers starred in it for a total of thirty-three years shows how much he cares for the well-being of younger kids, and as other reviewers have already pointed out his kind manner of approach toward the audiences is oftentimes the only kindness most children see these days.

Now, there will be those who won't ever understand this show, dismissing it as 'goofy', 'boring', or 'stupid'. These people are adults that don't realize what the show is trying to do. It looks a little dumb on the outside to most, but that's exactly the opposite of what it is. Even though kid's shows have gotten more advanced these days, we are actually heading in the wrong direction. PBS has ended this show for good and gone on to indulge in the mindless, money-making drudgery that hardly matches up to this show, which is not what you want your child to watch. "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" is educational, fun, and life-changing, and altogether is the absolute best show for the young'uns ever made. No one will ever provide the kids of this generation with such a kindness again, and if you want your four-year-old watching television at all, then this is the best thing you'll find.
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A perfect show for kids, no matter how old they are.
energeticjustinmaddiellabie10 February 2023
Studies say that Mister Rogers' Neighborhood is the most educational of children's shows, and it's not clear to see why - it's slow-paced and calm, changing scenes very few times, and Mister Rogers speaks directly to children without talking down to them. He also talks about the differences between reality and fantasy by showing both a realistic neighborhood and The Land of Make Believe, a puppet kingdom inhabited by memorable characters like Daniel Striped Tiger and King Friday XIII.

Given the fact that I was born six years after the show ended and four years after Fred died, I never watched it (though my mom probably did), but I've heard many good things about it and have watched one or two episodes over the years, it's a pretty good show. Nowadays, a bunch of kids throw temper tantrums (myself included, even though I'm 15), so I feel like they deserve to watch this beautiful series.

Overall, Mister Rogers is a much better choice for your kids than Peppa Pig or CoComelon. They'll love it despite its aging quality. Won't you be his neighbor?
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Too slow for me even as a child.
ThunderKing613 September 2021
When Mister Rogers arrives in the neighborhood and the song plays, you sometimes can't help but sing along.

Mister Rogers a children show about learning about various stuff from cooking to manners. It was a pro social skill edutainment show. It had singing, puppets and various guess like the mailman visit. Sometimes Five-O came over to look for the hidden passage way where he held...Anyways.

Yeah, Mister Rogers was a good show, although it was too slow for me. 30 min watching the slow talker sometimes felt like an hour.

I liked the train/trolley segments. Daniel Tiger was the most memorable.

Last Words: It was classic to see Mister Rogers on an episode of Arthur.
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Excellent show for kids
meloda16 July 2000
I highly resent the way many people talk about this show. Many of the things Fred Rogers does may seem ridiculous to us adults, but this is the best show ever to teach little children valuable skills for their futures. Fred Rogers is a wonderful man and really cares about kids. He hosts a show that is very educational for kids all the way up to age 7 or 8 and teaches good manners, what goes on in life, and introduces young children to the world they live in.

Personally, I grew up watching this show. I watched it until the age of seven. I learned a lot from Mr. Rogers and have great respect for the man. His show is very good at teaching little kids important things, and explaining things to them. It is also good for parents to watch with their kids. Many kids these days lack the skills which Mr. Rogers teaches. It is also very entertaining for kids. I highly recommend every little kid to watch this show. Kids and even some adults can learn skills which every body needs. Judging this show from watching it as a kid: On a scale of 1-10, I give this show a 10 in the way of kid shows, and a letter grade of A+! It may seem dull for adults, but it is very educational, and valuable for the future of kids who will one day be grown ups like us.
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Good show which is very educational
Catherine_Grace_Zeh31 July 2006
I used to watch this show when I was a little girl. When I think about it, I remember it pretty well, though. However, I remember the opening sequence and theme song pretty well. If you ask me, it was a good show which is very educational. In addition to that, everyone was ideally cast. The puppet shows and songs were good, too. My favorite songs were the opening and closing themes. I hope it stays on PBS for years to come. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that I'll always remember this show in my memory forever, even though I don't think I've seen every episode. Now, in conclusion, I hope that you catch it one day before it goes off the air for good.
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I Hope, REALLY Hope, they never stop showing Mister Rogers!
tomtac7 November 2008
There are an awful lot of shows with the message "look at me look at me look at me" and with the purpose of making money.

Amongst all of programming, there are very few shows with a Real Message, serving a Real Purpose. But Mister Roger's Neighborhood is definitely one.

The purpose and message of the show was to be an integral part of the upbringing of people. The FACT that so many teenagers and adults were so drawn to it shows how basic and necessary it was.

Add to that the fact that the target audience includes each and every small child that comes along, and the show would, and did, continually regenerate itself and abide with us.

The show kept it real. It was a "television visit" with a normal, nice grownup, who called the viewer a "television neighbor" or "television friend". When the time came for some puppets and make believe, Rogers would refer to it as "make believe". Sometimes he would show the puppets without the hands in them, and explain and show how the real people would work the puppets and make the voices.

Even with the puppets and make believe and costumes and purple pandas, Fred managed to keep it more real and more grounded than you'd guess -- the themes were such that, when you saw what he was getting at, you wouldn't -think- "hey that's interesting!" ... instead, you would -feel- the recognition down in your stomach.

On one show a goat was stealing, stealing food. Later, Mr. Rogers asked the viewer "Did you ever think about doing something bad, something that would hurt the ones you love? That is a lonely feeling, isn't it?" And by asking the audience to search for that, deep inside, he made the connection. Not a 'suspension of disbelief'. Instead, an examination of what's real.

Mr. Rogers ALWAYS kept it real.
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The Ultimate Calming Presence
dprkforum9 August 2016
Mister Rogers was a lot of things to me as a child. Reassuring. Calming. Most of all, I felt safe in the midst of abuse. I would wish to be magically swept away and placed into Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

As an adult, watching the show brings back so many bittersweet memories and moments I cannot help but break down and cry. That man and his show meant that much to me, and still does.

Thank you so much Mister Rogers for "being there" when I felt alone and scared. Most of all, thank you for giving me the inspiration to love, care, and be there for my own children.

Mister Rogers will never be replaced. Many miss him, but his legacy is legendary.
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Who Says Flattery Gets You Nowhere?
bigverybadtom8 March 2013
Yes, this program has been parodied to infinity. Yes, there were people who hated Mr. Rogers even as children because of his effeminate voice. Yes, a lot of children (including me) liked how he said "Mr. Rogers likes you just the way you are." (Hence my title.) Yet this show worked despite being different from all the other kids' television shows. It wasn't frenetically paced or loud or garishly colored or featuring costumed characters or weird settings or magic or simple solutions to all your problems. The only fantasy element was a puppet land that was conservatively decorated, and even that was called "The Land Of Make Believe" and kept a separate section from the other part of the show. (Fred Rogers did start off his television career as a behind-the-scenes puppeteer.) The rest of the show featured trips to places like a hardware store, where you could watch paint being mixed to color (and which you would be expected to encounter yourself once you got older yourself.) If nothing else, this show worked by not following the formula of being a sound or light show, or even being a laugh a minute comedy. It is still widely remembered even as Barney the Dinosaur has been forgotten.
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Learn lots.
Kelsey Jefferson3 January 2018
I learn lots from watching Mister Rogers it was always so good. Wish they would have re runs so the little kids of today could watch them.
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The greatest and most educational series featuring Fred!!
stephenchase-635048 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Fred McFeely Rogers was born in the Pittsburgh, PA area, and his most controversial topic was violence on TV!!
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Children's TV at a Higher Level....
wolf00814 May 2006
A pioneer in children's entertainment, Fred Rogers brought us cognitive and entertaining Television. The minister and puppeteer was not satisfied with the TV landscape of his day, especially when it concerned productions aimed at children, and he knew it could be so much more.

Mr Rogers Neighborhood was a place where being creative and using our imaginations was mandatory.Before the history channel, and shows like "Hands on History", Mr Rogers was bringing children into factory's and other guided tours that educated and entertained. Not only did his brand of Television attract children, but adults could appreciate his productions too.

He invited us into his home, taught us many lessons, and most important challenged our imaginations. We were introduced to a bevy of interesting, and unique characters, some of whom would become legends.

I fear that the current array of children's entertainment, discourages the aforementioned, as fast paced vacuous imagery and sound, are what is being primarily presented to the youth of today.

Fred Rogers expected more, and held the intellect of his audience in a higher regard. He, and his program will be missed, and the absence of this creative and entertaining production, will leave a void in the current Television landscape.
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Inspiring Man-he was the real deal!!
marychickman19 July 2018
Oh how I wish I would have watched Mister Rogers Neighborhood more when I was a kid! I wish my kids would have been raised on it. This movie was excellent in content and storyline. What an inspiration. I work with little kids daily and will commit to treating them more like Mr Rogers!
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Remembering Mr. Rogers.
imbluzclooby4 December 2019
I reluctantly admit that I was not a frequent viewer of his program growing up as a child. I do remember watching his show a few times in completion, but Mr. Rogers failed to entertain me which is a shame, because his message and intentions were absolutely timeless, Christian and humanitarian. With his consoling demeanor, soft spoken sincerity and monumental contribution to Child development, I should have been more attentive. But I wasn't. I preferred the energetic and faster pace of shows like Sesame Street, Electric Company, Kroft Superstar lineups and The Brady Bunch, etc. Children have shorter attention spans and perhaps when presenting the material of Mr. Rogers to child viewers there is a lapse in providing excitement and energy which is what children want. But we cannot deny that this is the type of material children need. Maybe the program needed a boost in popularizing itself to gain a wider audience. I'm not sure. In retrospect, as Fred McFeely's legacy has been under the radar in recent months, I can see the enduring legacy and value to humanity he left behind. Hopefully, his message can be perpetuated in a form that captures our attention while not deviating from the intentions of goodwill and compassion.
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Of course we all respect and admire Fred but
rwingr31 July 2022
As a child of the right age to watch this show I found it boring and unimaginative. The land of make believe was terrible and a little scary. It makes sense as an adult that the shows was written and performed by a minister. I never understood why there was a traffic light in the kitchen and I wondered if he stole it since I knew he shouldn't have one. The best parts of the show were the trolly itself, when a parcel was delivered and the occasional video segment that broke up the mundanity.

As an older child I noticed the show was mocked by all including other television programs. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone as it was dated from the start. I and so glad Ernie Combs parted company and did his own much superior show in Canada.
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