The First Deadly Sin (1980) Poster

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Worth watching; Sinatra shines
nogimmicks20 November 2003
Above-average police procedural based on the excellent novel by Lawrence Sanders. The Chairman of the Board delivers a powerful performance as Sgt. Detective Edward X. Delany, and David Dukes's Daniel Blank is suitably psychotic (if a bit tamer than in the novel). Plays somewhat fast and loose with the adaption, but still does the book justice. Like the book, this is somewhat slow paced and character-driven, but Sinatra does such a good job at making Delany human and making the audience emote for him that the shortcomings seem minimal. If you are a fan of Sanders, police procedurals, or Frank Sinatra, then this film is certainly worth checking out.
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Good, but Deadly Intentions
bkoganbing16 September 2007
I saw someone else's user comments on this film and I can't believe that there were going to be series of films based on Frank Sinatra's character mainly because of the ending this film had. If you're thinking that gives the ending away, don't look for an obvious conclusion.

To his credit, I guess Frank Sinatra did not want to end his film career with Dirty Dingus Magee. He wanted to end his film with the serious part, unfortunately The First Deadly Sin messes up the telling of a potentially good tale.

Frank Sinatra is days away from his retirement as a Detective Sergeant and a strange murder has been assigned to him. A man apparently selected at random is killed with an unidentified weapon that is just driven into the top of his skull. A little good detective work and he finds their just might be a pattern of killings.

It's all in identifying the weapon and it's an unusual one at that which I won't reveal. A professor in medieval history played by Martin Gabel helps with the hunt and later on he's joined by the widow of Sinatra's victim, Brenda Vaccaro to help with the hunt.

They're helping because Sinatra's new captain is one total jerk played by Anthony Zerbe. Maybe I'm missing something in Zerbe's performance, but I would think that an ambitious guy like Zerbe plays would instead of pooh-poohing Sinatra's ideas would think that this guy if he is on to something with this serial killer business. And if he's right Zerbe will get all kinds of accolades for figuring this out in his precinct and even more if the doer is apprehended. It's an absolutely impossible role and poor Anthony Zerbe can't do much with it.

All this while Frank's wife Faye Dunaway falls ill to a misdiagnosed kidney malady. She spends all her time in the hospital and Sinatra visits her at breaks in this case.

Frank delivers a very good performance in a role similar to the one he had in The Detective. He's supported by the rest of the cast very well, except with Anthony Zerbe's impossible role. Besides who I've mentioned look for a really nice turn by Joe Spinell as the mendacious doorman where suspect David Dukes lives. His role is similarly undefined, we really never learn why he's doing these crimes.
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Final hurrah for Frank.
jrs-820 July 2001
"The First Deadly Sin" will be remembered as the last starring role for Frank Sinatra. It's a good performance in a decent (but should have been better) film.

Frank plays a New York homicide detective investigating a series of murders. This main story is a good one. It is involving and creepy. David Dukes turns in a terrific performance as the killer. The problem comes in the sub-plot with Faye Dunaway as Frank's dying wife. Every 10 or 15 minutes the film comes to a screeching halt so Frank can visit Faye in the hospital. Faye must have been desperate to work with Frank since she literally spends the entire film in a hospital bed. It's a needless distraction to the main plot.

Still the film is worth watching. Frank is at his gritty best as his whole world falls apart in front of his eyes. The film also does one other good thing. It erased the possibility that the awful "Dirty Dingus Magee" would be his last starring role.
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A likeable movie brightened by F.S .......
peyman_toossy17 January 2002
I have already seen "Seven", "The bone collector" and "Copycat", so naturally this doesn't seem to surprise me or anything like that, but I had a great time watching Frank Sinatra in his last major movie appearance and was equally shocked to see Faye Dunaway so woefully wasted on a hospital bed and not enough lines for an amateur let alone ... the screenplay is just fine and the supporting characters, esp. that old curator, hit the right notes. Sinatra's strong presence virtually lifts it out of the ordinary.
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a grind
SnoopyStyle14 July 2018
A serial killer is hunting New York City. Grizzled veteran police detective Edward Delaney (Frank Sinatra) is investigating the case. His wife Barbara (Faye Dunaway) is in the hospital. He enlists the help of ancient arms expert Christopher Langley.

Sinatra is playing a tired cop who is distracted by his wife's illness. It does not make for a compelling investigation although it may be more accurate. It's a darker reserved performance. The more exciting character is eager Langley searching for the murder weapon in the local shops. He has a couple of hilarious scenes. Otherwise, this is grinding film about the grind of a grinding investigation. While I appreciate the personal aspect of the wife, it doesn't make it compelling as far as the investigation goes. Although it does not excuse the horrible insult of someone nominating Dunaway as the worst actress. The woman is in bed dying for most of the movie and that's what she gives. This is a bit of a grind to watch but it somehow maintains my attention for the most part.
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Has an "on the rush" feel to it.
Rich35928 November 2019
While I love gritty NYC detective films, This one is rather disappointing. The atmosphere is destroyed in the first few minutes intercutting Sinatra's wife kidney operation with the murder of a New York accountant. Unnecessary and repulsive., it takes you out of the suspense. The movie is a shell of the novel on which it was based in which we really get into the mind of the killer and his motives, and how he is swayed into murder for fun by a psychotic girlfriend. This is completely left out of the film, as well as the NYC politics within the police department. We really don't know anything about the killer in the film, and his identification as the killer is ridiculously fast, as well as the conclusion. The film reminds me a lot of Cruising, also released in 1980, which also had a rushed look to it, and felt incomplete. But that is understandable in Cruising because of the gay community protest of the film during location shooting. The First Deadly Sin had no such problems, unless Frank Sinatra who was notorious for being impatient during shoots, refused to elaborate on the location shooting. However, even a mediocre film from the 80's is a hundred times better than the Marvel garbage on the screen today. Their are some great supporting performances by Sinatra's amateur helpers and a sleazy doorman. Overall worthwhile seeing, but not anywhere as good as it should have been
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Decent Performance From Sinatra In An Otherwise Unexciting Movie
sddavis639 March 2009
Frank Sinatra put on a pretty decent performance here (in what's billed as his last starring performance, although he was in "Cannonball Run II" a few years later) as Edward X. Delaney - a New York City police detective weeks away from retirement, who gets caught up in a murder investigation that his commanding officer (for reasons I never clearly understood) would prefer him to leave alone. Sinatra's performance, though, was really the only thing that made this movie worth watching. The story of the search for the psychopathic killer wasn't all that interesting, and while the subplot revolving around the illness of Delaney's hospital-bound wife (a rather simple role played by Faye Dunaway) took up a fair amount of screen time, it also added nothing to spark the movie, except perhaps to ground Delaney as a loving husband. Delaney does come across as a sympathetic character for the most part, although he's a cop willing to go to any lengths (legal or otherwise) to get this killer. Aside from that there was one very effective scene in which the curator Langley (Martin Gabel) goes to a hardware store trying to figure out what the murder weapon was which added some welcome comedy relief to this otherwise rather poorly structured and poorly paced movie, which I would frankly have to say was one of the least exciting and least interesting murder mysteries I've ever seen.
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SERGEANT: "It won't be the same without you." DELANEY: "It's always the same, Sergeant."
brogmiller5 October 2023
Although Frank Sinatra remained a hugely popular entertainer, his film career was effectively scuppered by the dreadful 'Lady in Cement' and the even worse 'Dirty Dingus Magee' but ten years later he has been given the opportunity to play the kind of role that fits him like a glove and for which he has an obvious empathy. For this viewer at any rate his character of Edward Delaney is an extension of Joe Leland which he had played so well in 'The Detective'.

His is a mellow, beautifully understated performance that belongs in the 'little is good, less is better' category and he is given splendid support by Martin Gabel, James Whitmore and Brenda Vaccaro whilst Faye Dunaway does the very best she can in an utterly thankless role as Delaney's hospitalised wife and is undeserving of her nominations by 'Razzie' and 'Stinker' as Worst Actress.

Sinatra's choice of Gordon Jenkins to compose the autumnal score is inspired as Jenkins had been arranger/conductor on some of the singer's most touching albums, notably 'Where are you?' and 'No one cares'.

It is loosely adapted from the novel by Lawrence Sanders and the considerably changed ending in which Delaney becomes self-appointed executioner will not sit easy with many.

Certainly not a great film by any means but is worth watching for the fine performances and not least for being Sinatra's last hurrah.
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"No, I'm in no psychical danger."
lost-in-limbo22 April 2011
A sombre character drama crossed with an old-fashion police detective story is broken up in two parts, as a retiring NYPD Edward X. Delaney is on his last case tracking down a psychotic serial killer while also dealing with his bed-ridden wife (a warm-hearted Faye Dunaway) that's dying in the hospital from an unclear disease. How these two threads are connected isn't really garnished, other than to give the lead character more emotional weight and progressive depth. Instead it just comes across as depressing and somewhat pointless. It manages to hold you there, but not much really happens in this slow-grinding thriller as Frank Sinatra's wearily brooding performance is determined, but filled with melancholy heartache. Ambitious, but unfulfilled and too long toothed is how you can describe it. The narrative just feels incomplete, like it was aiming for something more profound (like the symbolic use of the cross) and mysterious (the killer's motive) but it came away rather puzzling and affected in its intentions. The grungy New York setting is painted with darkness, dreary atmospherics as there's a killer randomly leaving his victims with a hole in the back of their heads. A lot of the running time (and at times it does drag) has Delaney working the case, starting with very little. Putting in the hours, strenuously gathering info, seeking help outside the police force and thoroughly digging in as his personal life begins to crumble. The focus on his sick wife does very little for the story, but it takes up a fair amount of screen time. When Sinatra isn't mugging the screen, there's some able support in the cast; Martin Gabel, James Whitmore and Joe Spinell added some much needed life. David Dukes makes for an effective loony, but his icy character was just felt too one-note. An interesting, but sleepily underdone dramatic thriller.
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A realistic detective drama
HotToastyRag13 September 2017
While the heart of The First Deadly Sin is a detective crime story, part of the movie is a tender and unusual romance. Frank Sinatra stars as a tired, not very young detective who tries to solve a murder he's been given very few clues to go off of. Sometimes in detective movies, once a clue clicks into place, an arrest is quickly made afterwards. In this one, Frank and his co-workers exhaust themselves to find out exactly what a clue means, and how to prove it actually is a clue, which is both realistic and well written.

When not on the clock, Frank visits his wife Faye Dunaway in the hospital. She's had a difficult operation, and their scenes together are tender, sad, and touching. He brings her little presents, she tries to seem like she has more strength than she feels, and the audience can see both their pain. These scenes, although terribly sad, are the best parts of the movie. But it also makes for a pretty heavy storyline, so if you're going to watch this one, make sure you have some Kleenexes nearby.
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'Deadly' doesn't begin to describe it. Warning: Spoilers
Lawrence Sanders wrote a series of novels about NYPD detective Edward Delaney; popular in their day, they have not remained in print. Sanders actually gave them sequential titles: 'The First Deadly Sin', 'The Second Deadly Sin', 'The Third Deadly Sin'. The series died before Sanders ran out of sins.

Frank Sinatra was occasionally an inspired actor, although always an undisciplined one. (He snagged the great lead role of Billy Bigelow in the film version of 'Carousel' -- Sinatra would have been brilliant in this part -- but then dropped it when he learnt that the film was going to be shot in two different screen ratios, and he would have been required to do all his scenes twice.) Sinatra's Academy Award for 'From Here to Eternity' was well-deserved, and in my opinion he should have got an Oscar for 'Von Ryan's Express' too, and possibly for 'Suddenly'. However, Sinatra apparently ran out of energy (and talent) before he made the movie version of 'The First Deadly Sin'. This was Sinatra's last starring performance; apparently he'd planned to develop a franchise series based on Sanders's novels, but this movie was such a clanging flop that no sequels were made. Two later friends of mine had worked (before I knew them) on the crew of this film; they've told me that the production was a nightmare, plagued by wrong-headed decisions.

Delaney (Sinatra) is hunting a serial killer while Delaney's wife (Faye Dunaway) struggles with cancer. These two plots never interlink, nor does Sinatra convey any sense of a man torn between two priorities. He just shuttles (in slow motion) between police procedural sequences and hospital sequences.

The killer is known to the audience, so it's no spoiler when I tell you that the murderer is Daniel Blank, a wealthy playboy who has no particular motive for killing random Manhattanites: he just kills 'em for the hell of it. With an ice axe, no less. The killer is played by David Dukes, who filmed his scenes in Manhattan concurrently while starring on Broadway in 'Bent', in which he played an inmate of a concentration camp. Dukes's head was shaved to a tight crew cut for his stage role, but this coiffure was inappropriate for his film role as a murderous playboy, so Dukes plays his scenes in a hairpiece. Which would have been fine, if the film chose not to call attention to the hairpiece. Instead, we get a stupid sequence in which Dukes's hairpiece flies off while he sinks the axe into a victim's skull. Then we get a bad dialogue scene later, explaining why the playboy has a crew cut and why he wears a wig to cover it. Hell toupee. My friends on the film crew told me that the wig fell off by accident, and then the dialogue was inserted so they wouldn't have to shoot a retake. Frankly, Dukes's performance quite fails to impress me: given the handicap of his inappropriate hairstyle, the casting agent should have chosen another actor (with more hair) instead.

We get an utterly pointless scene in which Sinatra swots up evidence with two civilian volunteers, of the sort whom real police call 'cop groupies'. One of the volunteers is played by Martin Gabel, an American actor who spoke with a pronounced mid-Atlantic accent. (In real life, Gabel described himself as 'affected'.) Gabel's accent was useful in some other roles, but here it's just distracting.

SPOILERS COMING. Sinatra's (very slow) race to find the killer occurs during the week before Christmas, but this has nothing to do with the plot. And the film was shot in late summer, worse luck. (The exterior scenes in this movie show very little snow.) As New Yorkers know, every year during Christmas season -- and *only* during Christmas season -- the Empire State Building's upper floors are lighted green and red. While 'The First Deadly Sin' was shooting principal photography, Sinatra's production company paid some bucks to Helmsley-Spear (the Empire State Building's landlords) to wire up the Christmas lighting a few months ahead of schedule. This *would* have been a very effective device for an exterior shot of Sinatra in midtown Manhattan at night, with the Empire State Building glowing green and red in the background. Instead, after all that trouble, we merely get one quick insert shot of the Empire State Building's upper storeys, lighted in the appropriate colour scheme but with no surroundings -- no context -- at all. This shot occurs immediately before the death scene.

Ouch! The death scene. After nabbing the killer, Delaney goes to visit his wife in hospital. This scene is beyond awful. Sinatra reads aloud from an old-time children's book about two little girls named Sunny and Honey. He reads this awful text in a voice so lethargic, he seems to be on meds. Dunaway remains utterly inert through this scene, at the end of which Sinatra realises she's dead. Of boredom, most likely. Fade out.

I sat through this rubbish only because I know two people who worked on the tech crew. I'll rate 'The First Deadly Sin' just one point in ten.
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Don't let the critics fool you, this is Sinatra's best film.
Vivekmaru4514 November 2022
What a profound film, a religious experience. On my first viewing it was perfect. The movie is a about a serial killer and also about the lead actor's(Sinatra) personal demons in the movie.

Sinatra plays Detective Edward Delaney, who takes up the last case of his career, which involves a series of brutal murders. As he is about to get closer to the killer, his wife gets diagnosed with a serious illness. This then is the brief plot of the film.

Actress Faye Dunaway has a very small role in the film as does actor Joe Spinell. The rest of the cast is top quality with the likes of Anthony Zerbe, David Dukes, James Whitmore, Martin Gabel, George Coe and Brenda Vaccaro.

Director Brian G. Hutton is a legend with films like: Where Eagles Dare 1968, Kelly's Heroes 1970 and High Road to China 1983. His direction in this film is sublime and effortless. The film also has good background music by Gordon Jenkins.

It is worth noting that this film though shot in the modern 1980's still retains the element of 50's-60's noir. I think this is due to the fact that Sinatra is tailor made for films of this genre. Nevertheless there is never a dull moment in the film and the script is just wonderful in keeping the film going right till the climax that you will never be able to guess.

Verdict: thoroughly recommended. If you are new to Frank Sinatra then I think this movie would be the best.
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On the trail of a serial killer
kapelusznik186 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Frank Sinatra plays the about to put in his papers and retire NYPD Sergeant Edward X Delaney who's obsessed in finding this ice pick killer who's terrorizing the city of New York. The fact that Sgt. Delaney's wife Barbara , Faye Dunaway, is in critical condition and on life support because of a blotched kidney operation doesn't make his task any more easier. It doesn't take long to see who this crazed ice pick wielding psycho is since we see him Daniel Blank, David Dukes, as soon as the film starts as he ice picks to death a total stranger who passes him in the street.It's Sgt. Delaney who later notices a pattern in a number of murders over the last three yeas in the city that fit the same MO or description and realizes they, the victims, were that of the very same killer.

Meanwhil back in the hospital emergency ward Sgt. Delaney's wife Barbara is fighting for her life as her husband seems to be spending far more time looking for Daniel Blanks then with her when in the critical condition that she's in she needed him most. The film centers around the killer's weapon of choice to do in his victims a mountain climbing ice pick that he brains and murderers his victims with. It's in discovering that the killer has mountain climbing experience that narrows down the search in finding him. Sgt. Delaney finally tracks down "Dandy Dan" Danny Blank at his high rise apartment on Manhattan's Upper East Side and plans to arrest him but has no real concrete evidence to do it or make his arrest stick. Bending the law a bit to say the least Sgt. Delaney ends up breaking it to bring Daniel Blank to justice. And it's the fact that Sgt. Delaney worked on this case alone with no one in the NYPD to see what he did and turn him in he ended up getting away with it.

***SPOILERS*** Despite his success in offing the ice pick serial killer in the end Sgt. Delaney ended up losing the person who meant most to him his wife Barbara who died from complications from the blotch operation that was preformed on her. A more mild and mellower Frank Sinatra did make the movie interesting then it would have been in playing his age,65, and not trying to be at least 20 years younger in the role he had. As for Faye Dunaway all she did during the entire movie was go in and out of consciousness and try to look pretty, but as white as a sheet, during the entire time she was on camera. As for David Dukes as the zombie like serial killer Daniel Blank his name, Blank, fit the role he had in his zombie like actions through the entire movie. The biggest surprise is in the end when he finally opened his mouth and told the reason for his murderous actions which made as much sense as the cannibalistic and real life serial killer Jeffery Dhamer reasons for murdering his victims did.
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Thank Frank
Jephy129 September 2022
Thank Frank for making this one marginally watchable. His character is not the most memorable, however he executes its nuances well. Why the producers wasted Dunaway''s talents here with a flat and shallow and wholly uninteresting role will remain unanswered. The motives of the murderer, too, are ill-explained and his background and justifications are not addressed at all. This movie is that major league pitcher than fiddles with the ball, stretches, concentrates on the plate, winds up-and then........never throws the damn ball! Maybe Hollywood will give strong consideration to remake it correctly someday..
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what the...?
boknyc16 December 2006
I recently watched this movie only because it was on my high def station and it "looked" pretty good, but after waiting over an hour to become interested in it, it ended with a confusing and ho-hum climax. Sinatra sleepwalks through the entire movie and looks completely bored. Faye has one of the worst roles in movie history. Can someone explain this ending to me sometime? On second thought, don't bother. If you love Frank and NYC movies from the 80s, this might work for you, but only if you don't mind a story that never really achieves liftoff. The Dunaway role is such a waste of her talent, and him calling her "kiddo" in every scene kind of creeped me out.
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Sinatra is still a stud
Ol' Blue Eyes is officially a senior citizen at this point but by gawd look at him in that suit and hat in the first scene. Still a stud.

Sinatra's performance is so wonderfully understated he really draws you in. I wonder why more directors didn't notice this late-career turn and offer him cameos in more movies. Maybe his fee was too high. I seem to recall seeing him in a Magnum P. I episode around this time but he was stuck in a terrible Hawaiian shirt that made him look fat. It was sorta depressing.

Unfortunately, the movie overall doesn't have enough locomotion. Police procedurals are OK but mix in the subplot about his wife, played by Faye Dunaway. I mean, who cares. For an actress like Dunaway who owned the 70s, how did she get stuck playing a character that never leaves the hospital bed? That role could have been played by any rando of the time.

Nevertheless, watch it for Sinatra's superlative performance. And the way he methodically unravels the murder mystery,.
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Intriguing and suspenseful thriller about a NYPD Lieutenant tracks down a homicidal murderer
ma-cortes21 July 2020
A serial killer is stalking New York, Edward X. Delaney (Frank Sinatra) is a NYPD Inspector who is assigned the mission to investigate , as he is tracking down an apparently motiveless killer . Meantime, he is worrying about his spouse (Faye Dunaway) becoming increasingly unhealthy after a kidney operation was wrong . Delaney has to investigate if the victims somehow linked and what does the brutal method of death signify. He's searching for a killer. She's searching for a miracle .... And time is running out.

Thriller and exciting movie with a skill intrigue , suspense , chases , grisly killings and religious imagery . However , failing to convince due to dull and tiring scenes about the sad illness of the unfortunate wife . Concerning a simple and ordinary plot about a police inspector , nearing retirement , tracks a serial killer who is terrorizing New York . Frank Sinatra gives a nice acting as a detective who is attempting to put together the pieces of a confused case in spite of his impeding retirement and wife's sickness . Based on the bestseller novel written by Lawrence Sanders' that seems to be a lot more interesting than this picture . The picture is acceptable though the plot about the ill wife results to be entirely superflous and boring . As the relationship between the Police Inspector/Frank Sinatra and his wife/Faye Dunaway haunts the script and seems to have been inserted totally for sentimental reasons . Starring duo are accompanied by a very good support cast such as : David Dukes , George Coe , Brenda Vaccaro , Anthony Zerbe , James Whitmore , Martin Gabel , Victor Arnold , Eddie Jones , Jeffrey DeMunn and Joe Spinell.

It packs an adequate musical score by Gordon Jenkins with plenty of intrigue and suspense . As well as atmospheric and appropriate cinematography by Jack Priestley . The film was well handled and professionally directed by Brian G. Hutton ; however , being a flop and failed to give cash . Hutton started his career with little and prestigious films , such as ¨Wild seed¨ and ¨The Pad¨. There after , he veered off into big budgeted and all-star movies, proving which he could handle big scale production , as ¨Where the eagles dare¨, one of the best from Alistair McLean , furthermore with ¨Kelly's heroes¨ added humor to the warlike action . His next picture was ¨High road to China¨ marked a partial return with panache to his previous form . This ¨The first deadly sin¨ faltered at the Box-office , in spite of being an entertaining thriller well starred by Frank Sinatra and with occasional touch of directorial skill , that's why is a must for Sinatra fans .
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A confounding film to watch, several good ideas gone to waste.
tonypuma9 October 2005
The First Deadly Sin is a startlingly incongruent mix of 80s vigilante cop and old fashioned gumshoe thriller. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but there's some tension built up in between the general scenery-chewing of Sinatra and others. One wonders exactly what made Sinatra think this was a good idea- he appears pretty bored throughout the film, perhaps shooting for a Philip Marlowe weariness and falling very short. The overall tone of the movie emphasizes the darkness and bleak surroundings of the city, and admittedly the lighting and tone is very dramatic. Sinatra plays a senior police officer in New York who is just about to finish up the job and retire when a strange random murder appeals to him and he becomes the only cop who sees a pattern. His wife, played by Faye Dunaway, is hospitalized throughout the film and Sinatra's character visits her frequently to try and cheer her up as well as criticize the doctors for not doing enough for her.

The supporting cast fills in lots of gaps here and makes this fit in, albeit very strangely, with the NYC exploitation style that was current at the time. The great Joe Spinell shows up as a doorman, James Whitmore as the coroner, Brenda Vaccaro, Robert Weil, Eddie Jones, Victor Arnold and even a one-second appearance of Bruce Willis in his first film role. We see the horribly typical subtle racism of Jews and Latinos in New York City being displayed by stereotypes, as well as other policemen shown as haggard and corrupt, merely to contrast with Sinatra's "white knight" character. Sinatra is shown as the anachronism within the decay of the city- none of the police seem to be able to make any difference, so it takes Sinatra's illegal activities to reduce the story to a simple good vs. evil struggle. Sinatra is so bizarrely set in the story he dresses up like Bogart with a cocked Fedora and even is shown digging up an old Luger to carry in another scene. We never understand why he is so antiquated or what the point is of contrasting him in 1980 Manhattan.

Too many misshapen ideas clog this film-- for instance, why exactly is Faye Dunaway in the hospital throughout the film? There is an insistence on a religious overtone throughout the film (besides the title, there are crosses displayed everywhere)that is never explained. Anthony Zerbe phones in a quick appearance as a police captain who tries to reel in Sinatra, who is retiring in mere days from decades on the force. If it weren't bad enough that Zerbe appears needlessly drunk in this scene, his character is supposed to be a no-nonsense captain and when Sinatra asks if he can stay on the case, Zerbe basically says "sure, whatever". The two people who break down the murderer's identity are bizarrely the curator of the renowned Arms & Armor wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the wife of the murderer's first victim! Sinatra merely leaves the scene to let them do the work, appropriately showing his seemingly little concern for the plot of this film.

The First Deadly Sin is a very confusing film with more loose ends than a thread factory. Sinatra picked a very odd piece of work to make his last starring role and there must be some interesting story behind what happened with this obviously well-budgeted film. Sinatra was never an amazing actor but this is just a mess.
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above average crime drama
disdressed1212 April 2009
int his police drama,Frank Sinatra plays a police detective just weeks from retirement,trying to solve a string of murders and stop the murder from killing again.there's another little subplot thrown in that has nothing to do with the rest of the movie,but is merely added to make the film more interesting dramatically,at least,i think that's the reason.Sinatra is very good here,and really the only central character.the rest of the cast are in supporting roles or extended cameos.anyway,the film does's very atmospheric,and the tone is one of almost melancholy,but it works vote for The First deadly Sin is a 6/10
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the first deadly sin was the screenplay
EastCoker31 December 2000
i'm a huge sinatra fan but this film is embarrassingly bad. the first deadly sin was the screenplay; the second was sinatra phoning in his performance; the third was the silly waste of faye dunaway in one of the most melodramatic and prolonged hospital death scenes (the whole movie, basically) in film history. also ridiculous was sinatra's character's unorthodox and laughably amateur investigaory methods which would have resulted, in court, in the perp's attorney filing endless motions to supress.....jeez, delaney, does the word "warrant" ring a bell? even before a decade of 'law and order' taught us some of the hard facts and intricacies of the criminal justice system and its rules of evidence, we generally knew that the circumstances of evidence collection are crucial to their being admitted in a court of law.

contrived scenes, contrived confrontations, phony emotion, and a series of totally contrived plot devices made this a dreary movie indeed. and sinatra, usually so passionate, nuanced, and present in his roles, looked glum, subdued and very unhappy to be there. like his real emotions and energy were with some other personal reality, not the role of delaney.
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Sinatra makes this movie
perfectbond1 February 2003
Frank Sinatra in his last starring role (?) plays a detective tracking a killer while caring for his illness-stricken wife, played by Faye Dunaway. Dunaway is wasted in this particular role as she just lies there. The actors who play the curator and the coroner are great in their supporting roles. Of course, it is Sinatra who carries this film. I probably wouldn't have watched it if he wasn't in it. The pacing is quite slow at the beginning but thankfully picks up about a quarter of the way through. 7/10, though I'll probably never watch this DVD again.
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Distasteful and long-winded, but not uninteresting...
moonspinner5529 January 2017
Middle-aged talents hoping to keep up with the current tastes in cinema. Frank Sinatra is a police inspector in New York City, just weeks away from retirement, who notices similarities in a series of murder victims: the skulls of the deceased have all been punctured by some kind of hammer, possibly delivered from behind in a cold blow. With so many TV cop shows mining this territory, the only reason for the producers to do a theatrical adaptation of Lawrence Sanders' novel was to get Sinatra on-screen again (he hadn't acted since 1977's "Contract on Cherry Street" for television). You can tell right away director Brian G. Hutton and his editor are aiming low: the opening sequence crosscuts between a violent murder on a dark, cold street and a woman in the hospital being sliced open by surgeons. That woman, Faye Dunaway, plays Sinatra's wife, slowly succumbing to a mystery infection that has already rotted her liver, and it's a humiliating role. Far better off are James Whitmore as a pathologist and Brenda Vaccaro as the wife of a victim. Anthony Zerbe gets stuck with the proverbial hard-ass police commander role (he chews Sinatra out for following the insane 'serial killer' angle), but Sinatra does a good job here, keeping a cool head and carrying most of the picture with his innate panache. ** from ****
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An unappreciated film
moviegoingcat8 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"The First Deadly Sin" is one of my favorite films. I think it was much better than the book. There are two serial killers, not one. The other one is Sinatra's wife's doctor. I'm surprised that the other posters didn't mention this. The cast was excellent. Sinatra was perfect for this part. Faye Dunaway made the best of hers. Martin Gabel was charmingly eccentric. David Dukes turned in an excellent performance as the homicidal maniac. You should keep in mind that this film came before the Hannibal Lecter craze and the film "Seven" when actors were truly eager to play the worst kinds of serial killers. The musical score by Gordon Jenkins was truly fine. I really don't understand the lukewarm reviews here. This is the kind of film someone new to film-making should really study.
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The First Bruce Willis role
lastliberal14 April 2007
I was a big mystery fan. Lawrence Sanders was one of the many authors I read, and The First Deadly Sin was a great book. But, like all good books, they usually don't translate well to the screen.

This was no exception. The movie just didn't have the punch of the book. Frank Sinatra was getting old (this was his last starring role). Faye Dunaway's performance was so bad that she was nominated for a Razzie(Losing to Brooke Shields for The Blue Lagoon).

He didn't have any lines, but this was Bruce Willis' first film.

This movie would certainly have turned out differently if the first director had been able to stick around. Roman Polanski had been hired but was dropped when the scandal broke about his statutory rape charges.
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Hypocritical vigilante sleaze
rowmorg30 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sinatra financed this movie and starred in it, so he is wholly responsible for it, and it shows just what a ghastly gangster-fascist he really was, because --- as no one on this board appears to have even noticed --- it wholly endorses police murder.

With the notoriously whitewashed De Menezes and Dziezinski police killings, plus scores of taser deaths, fresh in our minds, we should be calling for this film to be withdrawn from circulation, including from lending libraries. What validity is there in a film that shows its hero taking a death sentence into his own hands, and executing a villain with impunity? Sinatra is supposed to be an Irish detective-sergeant nearing his retirement when serial killings occur. Perhaps the Irish theme explains the prominent Catholic crucifixes on display in various scenes. Or perhaps they are just proto-fascist totems for the vigilante faithful.

This film not only endorses repellent values, it is utterly idiotic, with Sinatra conducting a series of interviews to arrive at the screamingly obvious fact that the crimes were committed with an ice-pick. The blindingly blatant ID of the weapon takes him several days, and involves an improbable character undertaking part of the investigation on his behalf. Ridiculous! In an unrelated series of scenes Faye Dunaway, his much-younger wife, is expiring from complications arising from a kidney removal. This gives Frank ample room to display his inability to act, which we have to add to his inability to judge a script or to embrace civilised values.

When he summarily executes the killer, this moronic cop (who took a week to identify an ice-pick), transgresses all police regulations, civil and moral law, but all he has to do is turn in his badge and he walks free.

An utterly contemptible monument to a disgusting man and the hideously violent and sociopathic circles he moved in. Avoid completely.
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