Friday the 13th: Part 3 (1982) Poster

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The Hockey Mask Is Here!
Gafke14 January 2006
I liked this sequel. Yes, it's stupid, but it's a guilty pleasure thing.

A van load of stupid twentysomethings head up to Crystal Lake for the weekend for no other purpose than to smoke pot and screw each other cross eyed. Among them are the painfully unattractive Shelly who enjoys immature practical jokes, a newly pregnant girl, a hippie couple who are constantly ensconced in a cloud of pot smoke and the emotionally damaged Chris, who loves Crystal Lake but has terrible memories of it. It seems that, some time ago, Chris was attacked in the woods by a man with a terribly deformed face. During the attack she passed out and woke up the next morning, safe in her own bed at home. She is not entirely convinced that it was all a dream, and so decides that a weekend at her former haven may just be what she needs to deal with the past. Unfortunately, it was not a dream, as all of us already knew. The man who attacked her was Jason Voorhees, and no sooner do the kids settle in and start partying and screwing than he shows up, ready for some post-coital killings. First to go is an obnoxious trio of motorcycle thugs who harassed our heroes. Then Jason gets right down to what he does best - stabbing, skewering, bisecting and impaling anyone who is stupid enough to wander off alone and wait for him to approach.

Still, I liked this movie. Jason finally gets to don his signature hockey mask in this one, and I love the ending, when the rotted remains of Mother Voorhees rise from the lake in a nod to the first films shock ending. I'm still not sure how Mother Voorhees got her head back on, but who cares? This isn't a movie you're supposed to think about too much. I also love Jason's unmasked face in this one. A friend of mine succinctly pointed out the fact that he looks like the banjo player from Deliverance all grown up. A scene at films end when his deranged piggy face appears in a window is actually rather shocking. Dana Kimmel does as good a job as she can with the character of Chris, although Chris is not given a whole hell of a lot to do other than scream, act like a whiny wimp and run.

Yeah, this movie is stupid, but its harmless fun. It's not as bad as some of the sequels that followed it, believe me.
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Jason's causing chaos once again!
ShadySovereign11 March 2006
I remember first viewing this "Friday the 13th" sequel on videotape, and in the beginning I thought it was stupid. But now, after seeing it again on DVD, I have changed my mind about the movie. It isn't that bad.

The film starts with a recap of the last scene from Part 2, where Jason is seen getting up after he is assumed dead. Then the movie begins, with a funky and upbeat 80's background song starting the film. Right after the song ends, Jason begins his killing spree, starting with two unsuspecting store owners, and then moving on to unsuspecting teens at a small farm area...

The thing I like about this movie is the fact that Jason first gets his trademark hockey mask in this movie. The mask is a big improvement over the sack from part 2, and makes Jason look much scarier.

Another good thing about this movie is Dana Kimmell. Although her lines & dialog in the film are somewhat cheesy at some points, her character is very convincing as the teen heroine. And whenever she's frightened, she screams the cutest scream ever. I loved how she screamed in the film; she was cute and funny at the same time!

A bad part of the movie is the fact that the rest of the characters are unlikable. The teens are generally stupid and naive, and the biker gang are very mean-spirited. Those characters are so unlikable that you will really want Jason to kill them all.

Another bad thing: Some viewers might be disappointed that they cannot see the film in its actual 3D format. I myself would have liked to see the movie's 3D effects.

Overall, Dana Kimmell and Jason save the movie from being bad. You have to hear Dana's screams to know how cute she is. And you must watch this movie in order to know how Jason gets his hockey mask.

I give this movie a 7/10.
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Friday the 13th Part III: A light step up from 1 & 2
Platypuschow4 October 2017
So finally the Friday 13th franchise begins to take shape, Jason finds his signature hockey mask and appears to be a more competent monster like killer.

Another group of kids go out to the cabins and you know the rest. Sadly once again there really is no story at all and by the time anyone is aware of Jasons spree were down to the token "Final girl" I believe this third part to be a step up from the first two and you can see real development but ultimately these iconic movies are extremely dated and not far off being just another camp slasher.

Friday the 13th Part III was released when the 3D fad was going again and it shows, several scenes throughout the film are blatantly implemented for those with the ridiculous looking glasses.

As part of the franchise this is watchable stuff, but if you've seen the previous 2 or for that matter any camp slasher you'll know exactly what's coming.

The Good:

Jason Voorhees is taking shape

The Bad:

Very generic stuff
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Slowly becoming Halloween...
jaywolfenstien2 November 2003
It took 2 films to get to Jason, 3 films to get to his mask, 6 films to get the camera angles and play on the foreground/background, and 7 films to get to decent music. You have to admire the F13 franchise, it may be slow, dull, and stupid, but at least it's persistent.

To reiterate, the highlight of this film is Jason getting his hockey maks and putting it on. That's it. If we compare it to number two, we get a great ending. If we hold it up to normal standards it's just a plain "eh, right, whatever" ending. But at least it's not some pathetically idiotic BS stunt that would only work to destroy any intimidation Jason might have had. After F13pt2, I'd wouldn't be surprised if shadow puppets could distract the killer.

Of course, this is assuming you can get past the title "F13pt3: 3d" - oh, how incredibly clever. 3 . . . 3D . . . never would have saw that fad coming. Then can you bear to sit through the opening credits with cheesy 3D lettering and godawful music that should have been dead before this film. It's not as bad or annoying as the unbearable crap in Jason Lives, but still very much cringeworthy. Ironic style and even cultural twists are great in music, but not this. God no, not this.

Jason kills, kills some more, then kills some more. You hear the ch-ch-ch-ha-ha-ha. Camp Crystal Lake. Lots of victims. Something jumping out of the lake again (wow, didn't see that coming for the third time). All these the wonderful traits are strangely found in every F13 making it pretty much indistiguishable from the other nine making it pretty pointless to watch this one unless you're really bored, are obsessed with horror and have to see 'em all, actually like this trash, absolutely have to see the 15 seconds it takes for Jason to get his hocky mask and put it on. Yeah, that last one's worth 90 minutes of my life and the $1.09 I spent on the rental .. . oy.
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Not As Good As Part 2.
drownsoda901 January 2005
In "Friday the 13th Part 3: 3-D", Jason has returned again for more teenage slaughter. This time he's targeting some teenagers who are spending the weekend in a summerhouse near Camp Crystal Lake, like he does in almost every sequel that follows this one.

I will say that I haven't seen this movie in it's original 3-D format, I saw it on DVD, so I'm guessing it was much better in 3-D than it is in 2-D. I enjoyed "Friday the 13th Part 2" better than "Part 3". This film does have some slightly suspenseful moments, and the acting is downright awful, which really doesn't matter because this is a "Friday the 13th" sequel. But still, this one didn't work for me.

When I see these movies I don't expect top notch acting. Also some of the killings have horrible effects jobs and they look worse than fake. It has the horror elements in there, but it still isn't nearly as good as Part 2. I think the best thing about this movie is that it was the first of all of the sequels to introduce the infamous "hockey mask", which is now iconic. Not to mention, the original theater release was in 3-D. 5/10.
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Fun and trashy
rivertam268 March 2020
There's so much I love about this movie. It's definitely a step up from the last. The setup is the same as Jason targets a new group of druggie, horny teens but this time in 3D. The kills are great. The eye popping scene is the best and the effort put into the 3D effects is really impressive and goofy. From the get go I absolutely loved the disco theme. The acting is pretty bad but in a fun campy way. The final girl is mostly useless but hilarious as she faces Jason down. I love the bikers and the movie is overly entertaining and highly successful mostly because it's not aiming very high. Plus this is the one where he finally gets his iconic mask

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Jason's back for a turd. A one-dimensional 3D horror of a film.
ironhorse_iv13 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Friday the 13th is one of the highest grossing horror franchise in the United States, nevertheless, it's Friday the 13th Part III, where it become very crystal clear that the film series to starting to get stupid. Directed by Steve Miner, and originally release in 3-D, Friday the 13th Part III is the first movie to feature the antagonist Jason Voorhees (Richard Brooker) with his iconic signature hockey mask, which has since become a trademark of both the character and franchise as a whole. As a direct sequel to 1980's Friday the 13th & 1981's Friday the 13th Part 2, the first part of the film follows the aftermath of the massacres at Camp Crystal Lake, very loosely. We see a recap of the last minutes of the previous film through archive footage. However, it doesn't really fit well, with the rest of this film, since that part wasn't shot in 3D. Other glaring factors is that none of the previous cast, return for this film. Not even, Amy Steel as Ginny Field, who surprising, was never even kill by Jason. I guess, they didn't want to do the Ginny at psychiatric hospital route, since 1981's Halloween 2 kinda did it first. Instead, the movie focus on a new batch of teenagers lead by Chrissy Higgins (Dana Kimmell) in a new location, Higgins Haven trying to have some vacation time, before the new school year on surprising Sunday, the 15th, not Friday the 13th. I wasn't impressed with any of the actors acting here. It was a bit jarring to see, mid 30s somethings, trying to act like teens. Not only that; unlike the other film, where most of the supporting characters were likable. Most of them in this movie, weren't likable! They were all, highly obnoxious! First off, you got Rick (Paul Kraka) whom loves, surprising and forcing sex on supposedly rape victims. Then you got the over-the-top Cheech & Chong rip-off, stoner, Charles 'Chuck" Garth (David Katims) who looks like, he has step into the wrong set! Then you got the cheesy Michael Jackson's 'BAD' looking motorcycle gang that really had, no purpose in the film, just to serve as filler. Then you got the guy, Andy Beltrami (Jeffery Rodgers) and his pregnant girlfriend, Debbie Klein (Tracie Savage) whom gimmick was it, to walk on his hands. Then you got Debbie, whom I really don't know, why they had to try to kill her and unborn child. I guess, the producers really hated, teen pregnancies. Then you got the really horrible character, Shelly Finkelstein (Larry Zerner), whom I didn't like him, at all! He really ruins the film for me. Does he have mental problems or something!? Who does mean pranks like that!? Are you sure, this movie wasn't made as a comedy, because they all, look like a joke! The only person, besides Chrissy that was somewhat decent was Vera Sanchez (Catherine Parks) who had an eye on things. Honestly, for the most part, I wanted all of them to die, quick. It's a bad sign, if you cheer for the bad guy, more than the good guys. Anyways, the movie is full of silly 3-D gimmicks. We get to see, a number of mundane 3-D effects from Yo-Yo being tossed at us to juggling tricks. It seemed like they were really stretching, when coming up with ideas on how to use the 3-D in this film. Still, there were a number of really cool shots that was worth seeing, such as the harpoon gun or pitchfork scene. Still, some of the deaths in the film were edited in order to avoid an "X" rating, and you really can tell, where the cuts ends. The film also contains an infamous alternate ending in which the lead character Chris, played by Dana Kimmell, is decapitated by Jason at the conclusion. Though this sequence has never been commercially released, stills of it can be seen. Still, the ending, they did choose, was very lackluster, with all the fake-outs dream sequences. Despite all the blood and gore, this movie lacks the suspense, compare to the previous two. I really didn't find, the movie to be, that scary. After all, the movie has a funky disco soundtrack by Harry Manfredini that sounds like a Halloween dance-off party and lots of nudity that give anybody, a chubby. When first released, the film was intended to end the series as a trilogy. However unlike its sequel Friday the 13th Part IV: The Final Chapter (1984) and the later film, Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993), Friday the 13th Part III did not include a moniker in its title to indicate it as such. Overall: it's one of the films, you have to watch at least once, if you into the 1980's horror genre. Just don't think too much about it when watching. It's just one of those films you watch if you want cheap thrills, nothing more.
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Three-dimensional Jason!
arturopanduro17 February 2003
The last of the scary ones, "Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D" is one of the best in the series. The plot does have some holes in it and sometimes the acting leaves a lot to be desired, but the interesting component of the film is its use of 3-D. Don't let the 3-D aspect fool you into thinking the movie is bad (as in "Jaws 3-D" & "Amityville 3-D"). The film is great; as far as these type of slasher flicks go. Highly recommended.
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Stultifyingly Awful!
Maciste_Brother1 June 2001
The "FRIDAY THE 13TH" films have never been mistaken as quality film-making but even so the first two Friday films, as derivative as they were, were at least okay. Passably competent. Not so with "FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 : 3D"! This "film" is so amateurish it's stunning. The acting from everyone is cringe worthy. Okay, the acting in the other two first FRIDAYS wasn't stellar too but in FT13P3, they spend loads of time on the actors acting and everyone is painfully bad. Imagine Soap Opera level of acting but 10 times worse! Yep, it's that bad. Coupled with the nails-to-the-board dialogue, having to watch these losers for what seems to be an eternity is akin to torture.

Dana Kimmell wins the award of most expressions in a single scene: she's inquisitive, introspective, contemplative, sad, happy, giddy, sassy, sexy, in love, plucky, shocked, terrified in one 60 second stretch of film! Image having to watch her for 90 minutes. Another truly annoying thing about her is she often talks to herself ("I don't know what kind of games you guys are playing but I don't like it", she says with a pout). The flashback scene alone is worthy of the "worst acted scene ever" award. And to make things even more dreadful (as if the latter wasn't enough), Kimmell is peppered with an endless series of false scares, something like 15 or 20 false scares! And that doesn't include the other false scares the other characters are subjected to. And when Kimmell screams, and she screams a lot, she sometimes sounds like she's having an orgasm. The mind boggles!

Like all slashers epics, the characters are just types: the cute and perky virgin (Kimmell), the horny young hunk, the pot smoking hippie, the fat nerd who likes to play pranks. And most annoying of all, the Mae West like sexy broad (she looks like Jennifer Aniston) who talks with a low voice and always dispenses "witty" repartee ("Was it you, me or the hammock?"). BTW, she's also pregnant, making her the first pregnant "FRIDAY THE 13TH" victim to be skewered by Jason. Nice, huh?

The subplot of the biker gang is just padding (and more stupid victims for Jason to butcher). The scene at the store where the two youngsters meets the three gang members is terrible. The disco version of the "FRIDAY THE 13TH" theme playing in the background doesn't help. Where's Jason when you REALLY need him? Quick, kill them now, not later! One of the actors playing a biker looks like Scott Thompson. It's hilarious.

This is supposed to be a horror flick and yet it's not scary for one second. A bored looking Jason dispenses his victims with all the enthusiasm of a janitor duly killing cockroaches infesting his sector. Watching Jason repeatedly killing these "types" is excruciatingly dull. It's anti-horror. It doesn't elicit shock, horror or even suspense. It's as compelling as watching someone working on a factory line and with quotas to fill. There are only two good "money shots" in FT13P3, the one where the guy walks on his hands gets chopped between the legs and the scene where the "hispanic" girl gets a harpoon in the eye. Even without the 3D, these scenes are effective. But the rest is a total waste of time! Many of the killings don't even make any sense and the multiple "surprise" ending is pure schlock.

"FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3" is so bad, without even realizing it, it's a true post-modern creation. Every scene is so clichéd or badly acted or derivative or choreographed workman-like to nth degree that one can easily take the whole film apart like a puzzle and rearrange the order of the scenes, extend them, loop them, or simply let them stand on their own and it wouldn't make any difference. Some scenes are pure minimalism with nothing but a character calling out another character's name for several minutes (Andy... Andy...Andy?). And because FT13P3 was originally shot in 3D, many scenes start or end with or are simply about objects being propelled at the audience (wow a yo-yo!), making for pointless moments. And the look of the film, grainy and really ugly and plastic throughout (most likely due to the type of lighting needed for the 3D effect) only makes the whole thing even more fantastically bad.
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Jason gets his hockey mask
Tweekums19 December 2018
Set shortly after the events of Part Two, Jason in still in the area and another group of young people are about to get slaughtered. This time rather than camp councillors it is just a group of friends staying in a farmhouse in the foods not far from Crystal Lake. Once there they begin to settle in and two of them quickly cross paths with a small group of bikers who follow them back to the farm... and 'meet' Jason in the barn. It isn't long before he begins picking off the unexpecting young people.

This instalment to the series doesn't start to well... the opening scene is just the closing scene of the previous film; if you've recently seen part two the first chapter of the DVD can be skipped. Once the story gets underway it is solid enough; a couple of shopkeepers are murdered before the main cast are introduced. It quickly becomes apparent that one of them has a slightly warped sense of humour and another had encountered Jason before. Once there we get a few false scares and some laughs. Once the murders start the killings are fairly inventive, without Jason resorting to using things that wouldn't be found on a farm. The fact that this was originally in 3D is pretty obvious with lots of objects pointing out of the screen for no plot-demanded reason; it might have looked okay in the cinema but watching now on DVD it is just a distraction. Overall I'd say this was a solid addition to the series; fans should really enjoy it, especially when Jason gets his famous hockey mask.
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damatorudy7024 February 2002
This film is were the first wrong turn in the series took place.The setting moves from the spooky woods of crystal lake to less scary locations.The first two films use the woods and rain to scare you.What can be more scary than a madman chasing you with a ax????????Part 3 main trouble is the opening sequence.The store clerks are pitful.This is some of the worst acting I have seen in these films.Where did they find those two losers???????? You will never see them in a movie again.The teens are okay in the roles of cannon fodder for Jason.The girls get in bed as always in Jason movie.The chase and last half hour are great.
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The beginning of the iconic mask
ontheis4 October 2020
Another classic sequel to Friday the 13th, the one that started the killer with a hockey mask. Very memorable scenes and setting in a countryside. Still entertaining franchise with a few original scares, so it doesn't feel repetitive yet. So far, really liked all first three movies, ever since I was a child... If you liked first two, this one will be great, too.
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"Is that all you're gonna do this weekend? Smoke dope? "
bensonmum223 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Writing a plot description for Friday the 13th Part III seems sort of unnecessary. It's pretty much the same as every other movie in the series – a group of seemingly brainless kids goes into the woods only to be slaughtered by an unseen killer. How original! But in fairness, it's actually no better or worse than the other films in the series. Even with the plot limitations, there are some scenes in Friday the 13th Part III that I enjoy: Jason finding his hockey mask, a "dead" Jason pulling himself up to get the rope off his neck, and everyone going to the barn to die are favorite moments for me. The last point – everyone going to the barn to die – is actually something of a joke between my wife and I. At one point or another in the movie, it seems that every single brain dead character makes a trip, whether purposeful or not, to the barn where Jason just happens to be hiding. It's utterly ridiculous, but fun nonetheless.

Friday the 13th Part III was released during something of a 3-D craze in the early 80s. I can remember seeing this movie, the re-release of the 3-D 1953 House of Wax, and Jaws 3-D in the theaters. There are some scenes in Friday the 13th Part III that may seem pointless today that were amazing in 3-D. The best example in my mind is the spear-gun scene. Watching today, it's nothing special. But in 3-D, it blew me away.
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The Same Formula Repeated for the Third Time
claudio_carvalho28 December 2003
A group of couples goes to an isolated camp area to spend some days. One by one is killed by Jason. The same formula of the original movie and Part 2 is repeated. The basic difference in this one is the presence of Jason, showed many times with his traditional mask or with his deformed face. My vote is five.
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join jason in the woods for the best friday ever!!!
pdwebb20034 May 2004
as one of the first horror movies i ever viewed(and the first friday movie i ever saw!!)it is still my favourite horror movie to date! although the friday movies have taken a battering over the years,being typcast as a typical slasher movie or an immataion of halloween,friday the 13th 3 is reccomended viewing for any horror fan(as are the first 4 movies in the friday series) it starts were part2 leaves off then enter some funky music(hot ice)and the 3-d images and you certainly dont think your watching a friday movie!until the movie starts!grainy and dark adds to the atmosphere as does the excellent sound track(along with the traditional ki-ki-ki-ma-ma-ma!)then the killing begins!!!this is the one were jason gets his hockey mask,this is the most intense friday and this has the best ending of a friday movie! i strongley recommend that if you have seen any of the friday series this ones a must!or if your just a horror fan in genral then check it out!put in the dvd,dim the lights,grab the pop-corn and join jason in the woods!!!
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yadda yadda yadda
worthythorn2430 October 2005
Another year, another Friday the 13th film. 1982's "Friday the 13th Part 3" was director Steve Miner's second in the franchise and it was also filmed in 3D. In this edition, we learn that Jason is still on the loose, this time in nearby Higgins Haven. Higgins Haven was a farm owned by the lovely Chris Higgins (Dana Kimmell) who is there for a weekend of partying with her boyfriend and her stoner friends. Instead, they become more fodder for Jason and his machete. It is in this installment that Jason first dons his now infamous hockey mask.

Interestingly enough, this edition actually has *gasp* character development. Turns out, 2 years earlier Chris had been attacked in the woods by Jason and managed to escape. But will she be so lucky again? Or do we even care at this point? It's a good thing I am a fan of the franchise, because if I wasn't I would definitely give this film a lower rating than I have. The acting is abysmal, the dialog is utterly ridiculous and the idea that the entire area is not SWARMING with police officers (the events of Part 2 happened the night before) is ludicrous.

The movie's saving grace is the special effects. I felt like they were very well done, especially if you can see them in 3D. If not, then they look fairly humorous. There is also some decent gore and some of Jason's most brutal kills are demonstrated here. Dana Kimmell is never going to win an Academy Award, but my god is she hot :). Based on these two very "important" criteria, I'll give part 3 a very impartial 5/10.
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My favourite installment so far.
helencmm24 August 2019
I really enjoyed watching this film. Almost all the time happens the first film of a franchise to be the best, and many times I also had this opinion, but in this case I don't agree at all.

This film had everything that I'm seeking for a slasher film. The flow of the plot is good, we have more sympathetic characters here, thing which I found very surprising. The protagonist (final girl) is way better than the one of the original film, because of the most important reason: SHE COULD ACT! I hate when they pick actors with no talent at all. Hopefully we don't have this problem here.

One thing that I didn't liked the acting skills of a specific actress. The good thing is that she is not the protagonist. I talk about the one that plays Chili. In the first film I didn't liked at all the acting of the actress who was playing Alice. She was really annoying. In this chapter, we talk about a very bad acting of her, but hilarious too.

The kills were pretty good I can say, not frightening at all. It's less gory than the first two chapters. Maybe they tried to get rid of the MPAA thing. So the gore is minimal (we mostly see the aftermath), there are many fake and real jump scares, and of course the music score is there.

I really liked one of the last scenes where Jason smiles. I'm not going to say something more, except that it was very creepy.

One of the last scenes contain a reference to the first film. Unnecessary in my opinion.

The only thing that I didn't liked, is something that I hate generally in slasher films. Specifically, I talk about the fact that all the characters when they're attacked, NEVER fight for their lives, except of the final girl, of course. It's a cliché that must stop.

Overall, I think it's one of the best (if not the best) film of the series, although I heard many negative reviews, but it's just my opinion. I generally recommend this franchise, it's a good classic.
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Again, awful
raypdaley18213 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As before this starts where the previous film ended but not quite exactly. The start here differs to allow you to see "Jason" (sorry, he died as a child in the 1st movie so this isn't him) as still alive.

The newscaster tells us 8 bodies were found (I only counted 7 murders that I could remember from my review of pt 2), as they were saying the assistant was the only person to live (so they forgot about the boss and the guy who was left at the bar and the dog).

1st dead is a totally innocent shopkeeper, closely followed by his wife (I assume, we never see her killed). Now this is clearly the next day so this is no longer Friday the 13th. It's now Saturday the 14th. So no need for "Jason" to go killing as it's not the anniversary of his death.

Now we have a new bunch of people (mainly stoners) going to a place called Higgens Haven and if they say where this is in relation to Crystal Lake then I never heard them.

After pissing off 3 bikers in the local town, they soon reappear stealing gas from the truck of the campers. the biker girl is killed next (in the barn, unseen by us) along with her 2 male cronies. The girl whose family owns the cabin finally tells us she was attacked by this unknown terrible looking man (we're supposed to assume it's "Jason"), although she says he caught her and was dragging her away and she "blacked out" but she's still alive? Not Jason's M.O. at all that, is it?.

Frizzy haired Joker Shelley is next to be attacked (off camera in the barn we assume) and this is how "Jason" acquires his now infamous hockey mask and he kills the snooty woman with a harpoon next. The couple who were left in the house having sex are the next victims to die, 1st the boy and the girl is killed in the hammock.

When the power goes out, the stoner guy goes to check and gets electrocuted for his troubles by Hockeymask. Shelley shows up to try and warn stoner girl only to be ignored and die in the doorway from his slit throat. She is impaled with a red hot poker.

Rick gets his neck broken leaving only the girl whose family who owns the cabin left alive out of the group. She discovers one of her friends dead in the bath and finds a dead biker in a tree. Ricks body is thrown into the cabin through a window, she discovers yet another dead friend in her airing cupboard.

She stabs Hockeymask in his hand and knee (he cries out in pain both times so is NOT superhuman). For someone recently stabbed in the knee, Hockeymask walks down the stairs with NO hint of any injury.

When she finally tries the truck we all know it's going nowhere as the biker gang siphoned all the fuel in the day time before they all died. The bridge breaking a plank was an obvious thing to happen as they'd taken great pains to show us the loose planks when they 1st drove across it earlier that day.

When Hockeymask is hung from the barn that should have killed him. I totally agree with her "You can't be alive" statement (the drop on the rope would have broken his neck) and the pointless reveal of his face was to allow her to remember the face of her old attacker from the woods 2 years ago.

The black biker turns out to have not been dead but is killed very quickly (while she makes NO attempt to escape, why?). Hitting Hockeymask in the head with an Axe also would have killed him.

The scene of her escaping on the canoe is supposed to remind us of the original movie and it's fake scare (we are now in Sunday the 14th, by the way) and the various non-scares of her hitting the log, being spooked by a duck landing then seeing the very alive and injured "Jason" without the mask screams this a dream. Especially when she's dragged into the water by dead Mrs Voorhees (who has a head, despite being decapitated in the original) and it dissolves to the cops talking like the other 2 movies did.

The final shot of "Jason" shows him looking bloodied with stabbed knee, hand and Axe still in his head looking very dead indeed and unlikely to be rising for any sequel.
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A movie for fans
sjhollen18 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Friday the 13th 3D is a fun popcorn flick for fans of either the franchise or just the horror genre. This movie does not take itself seriously whatsoever (which is pretty much the same for the rest of the movies) as evident by the 80's dance style theme and the 3D effects. This movie is no masterpiece, but it is better than the second one and has one of my favorite Jasons, and he gets his mask in this one. Check it out if you haven't yet!
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The series trudges on...
preppy-323 July 2006
Chris (Dana Kimmell) and a bunch of her idiotic friends decide to have a peaceful weekend on a beautiful lodge on Camp Crystal Lake. Naturally Jason (for no reason) starts to attack them.

OK--I LOVE horror films but I don't like films that treat the audience like a bunch of idiots and are lacking in logic. This film does both. The characters are all stereotypes--the "funny" guy, the slutty couple, the stoned ones, the good girl (always the one who survives). The dialogue is truly horrible and you want all these idiots dead QUICKLY! It starts off with a DISCO version of the theme song!!!! You think it can't get worse but it does. A white trash couple is introduced, killed...and never referred to again (?????). Kimmell is given a back story (she was attacked by Jason years earlier) but it goes nowhere. When people are killed in this film no one hears a thing...although they're all staying the same house. The gore is fun and the deaths are inventive but that's only a small part of the film. It all leads up to an ending that makes NO sense and is a direct steal from Part 1.

There are some good things here--Paul Kratka is very good as Rick and I like Vera (Catherine Parks) too. Kimmell is beautiful but pretty terrible as an actress until the end when Jason goes after her. There is one GREAT effect when a man's head is crushed and his eyeball pops out (looks great in 3-D). There is a nice touch of showing somebody reading Fangoria magazine. Also this is the first movie where Jason wears his now trademark goalie mask. That's about it.

I originally saw it in 3-D in 1982. It was fantastic! They kept throwing 3-D effects at you so often you didn't have time to realize how pointless the story is and how stupid the characters are. In 3-D this is lots of fun--in 2-D it's a boring mess. I give it a 3.

For anyone who cares the body count has been upped in this movie--there are 11 killings --- 6 guys, 5 girls. I really wonder why people keep calling these films misogynistic when more guys are killed than women. And it's ALWAYS a woman who lives in the end.
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The infamous hockey mask stars for the first time
veryape-887-91390529 January 2014
An Idyllic summer turns into a nightmare of unspeakable terror for yet another group of naive counsellors. Ignoring Camp Crystal Lake's bloody legacy, one by one they fall victim to the maniacal Jason who stalks them at every turn. Friday the 13th Part 3 will have you frozen with fear, as Jason finds his way into your living room!

This film starred: Dana Kimmell, Paul Kratka & Richard Brooker

In my opinion, this film was not bad compared to the other films, it was better than the first film but not as good as the second. After this film there was 4,5,6,7,8, Jason goes to hell, Jason x and Freddy vs Jason before the remake, yes it's a long series.

***/***** Good film
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Friday the 13th part III review(1982, Steve Miner)
hoernkeem7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Friday the 13th part III (1982, Steve Miner) This is the third chapter in the iconic horror/slasher Friday the 13th mega franchise. It is a direct sequel to part II although features no characters beyond Jason himself from previous films. This is the only film of the franchise to be shown in 3D and it certainly shows. This is the height of 3D at its most gimmicky and every other scene has something obviously poking out at the audience trying to attain that obvious effect. In most cases it is laughably bad or just plain cheesy. Once again a band of young people gather at Crystal Lake to have some good old fashioned teenage fun, but one by one they start falling in gruesome style to the maniacal killer Jason. All of the characters here are silly archetypes and do not go much beyond superficial tropes. They even have three people show up as some sort of motorcycle gain to add some menace and give Jason more people to kill. They look like 'Purple Rain' rejects. Their aesthetic does not age well. About the only good thing in this film is that they finally stumble across giving Jason his hockey mask which is probably one of the most identifiable horror props in movie history. Jason is singularly connected with this specific mask and it remains that way to this day. The final girl here has a back story where she once got assaulted by a monstrous looking individual, but no one believed her and she is still traumatized by that. Not surprising, when she is finally confronting Jason he reveals his face to her which reveals that he was the guy who attacked her all those years ago. Well she gets the last laugh as final girls are apt to do by supposedly killing him... not so spoiler alert. As we know these days Jason is not one to stay deceased for long, but he is deceased at least for the remainder of the film. The girl has some disturbing visions that mainly serve as callbacks to the other films. This was a pretty significant box office success at the time, but really is quite a horrible film. The acting is bad and nothing about the script or direction is inspired. It relies way to heavily on 3D technology as a gimmick and the film is saturated with that gimmick. No character development exists at all so we don't care at all for these people. It is so silly and laughable that nothing here is menacing or scary and even the gory aspects are simply eye rolling. There is little to nothing positive about this film. I really think the only thing is discovering the iconic hockey mask. The rest of this movie is a dumpster fire. Eric's Grade: D-
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Trivia question: what is the name of the guy that Jason gets the mask from?
baumer25 June 1999
There are very few horror films that are like Halloween ( the first one ) and Nightmare on Elm Street ( the first one ). That is, horror films that not only scare, but have a good story and great direction. Steve Miner is obviously not in the same league as Carpenter and Craven, but what he does manage to do is make an effective sequel that is much scarier than the first and next to the final chapter, it is the best and scariest among all the Fridays.

This film is laughable in parts, especially in terms of continuity with some of the stories that are told by Chris, but having said that, Steve Miner makes a very atmospheric and very tense film.

The film starts off the day after part two ended. We know Jason is still alive because he kills two disgusting people at the beginning that at least establishes Miner's style to come for the rest of the movie. The false scares, the open doors with no one there, the strange noises, the missing props that the character knows she had just a few seconds ago. The beginning is very well done. But again, the continuity and stupidity of movie characters is at all an all time high here. ( A quick example: Harold is about 5'6, rotund and clumsy. His wife calls out his name when she sees a well built figure standing behind her sheets at night. This figure is at least 6 feet or more in height and he looks squared, not pear shaped like her husband Harold. Plus, on the television is the news about the massacre the night before saying that the killer has not been caught. DUUUHHH!! Should this not click into her brain that who she is seeing may be Jason? )

But what is excellent about this film are some of the same elements that made Halloween good. And that is the use of foreground for false scares. There are numerous times when the camera scans the for-ground and you are so sure that Jason is going to show up, and then he doesn't until whammo, someone loses an eye or their life. It is very effective. There are also numerous shots of Jason in the background waiting for his next victim to turn around to see him. And when we see him standing behind one stoner guy, his pure size really makes him menacing. And that mask....

How he gets the mask is one of the great trivia questions in Friday the 13th folklore.

Steve Miner did a masterful job of directing and why he decided to hand the reins over to Joseph Zito for the final chapter is a mystery

As Fridays go, this is one that you can't go wrong with. It also has ( I believe ) one of the five most gruesome and painful deaths in the series. Watch for Andy walking on his hands, it will make you cringe for quite a while.

Edit: The new remastered edition in 3-D is worth seeing. I found the 3-D to be entertaining in some parts and lacklustre in others, but there is some added footage in the deluxe edition. You get to see more of Fox hanging from the barn and in a truly jaw dropping moment, you get to see all of Andy, chopped up after he gets split in two walking on his hands. In the original version, you just see a glimpse of him as his blood drips onto the magazine, but now, you see his blood, his legs severed, and much more. I would say this alone makes the purchase worth it.

Answer to the question: Shelly
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"We don't accept no food stamps."
utgard1410 April 2014
Jason's back and this time he's got his trademark hockey mask that he would wear for the rest of the series. A pretty routine Friday sequel outside of that. Still entertaining though. This one doesn't have Jason killing camp counselors but he does find some other twenty-somethings to kill. He also wastes a multiethnic biker trio. Dana Kimmell is a pretty but bland 'final girl.' Tracie Savage brings the sexy this time. There's an annoying fat guy named Shelly, played by Larry Zerner, who I hated. I was counting the minutes until he was dead.

The music score for this one has some nice funky '80s beats. It was filmed in 3D so there's lots of scenes where things are shoved in your face. Like when a crazy old man awkwardly thrusts an eyeball at the camera. Yes, I said an eyeball. The worst is when a guy plays with a yo-yo and we get a rather irritating point-of-view for that one. I'm sure audiences in 1982 were thrilled. My favorite scene is when two characters go to a gas station and are told by the rude cashier "we don't accept no food stamps." Classic.
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Amazing n uproarious 3D eyeball horror scene but too much of time gaps between kills.
Fella_shibby16 May 2020
I first saw this in the late 80s on a vhs. Revisited it recently. Terrible screenplay n wots the obsession with the barn. Wot happened to the woods. Again 6 mins r spent in showing the flashbacks of the previous installment. The film directly picks up aft the events of the previous one. The first murder takes place aft 15 mins n that too aft creating unnecessary hide n seek kinda tension. Then again the film bores us for another 30 mins before the kills. It has some lovely locations n settings. There r no good chicks, the lead actor is Powers Boothe lookalike who gets his skull crushed.

It has the same cliche wher the final girl injures the assailant not once bt twice, but rather than killing him off completely, she runs away. Wait, the third time she really makes the effort to kill him. Towards the end, a hooligan who luckily survived earlier, enters the scene jus to get hacked to pieces. Okay this is the part wher he gets his iconic hockey mask n it has two good kills n both of the eyeballs. Check out the lol 3D eyeball pop out scene. (Drag me to Hell n Evil Dead comes to mind). The screenplay sucks big time. The lead actres narrates her story which doesn't connect the dots cos Jason never takes hostages or victims, he simply butchers em. This part too doesn't have Savini as the effects guy but his name crops up in the Fangoria mag one character reads before her death.
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