Harvester (Video Game 1996) Poster

(1996 Video Game)

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I am The Harvester
kistler-creations18 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I had the amazing opportunity to play Steve, "The Harvester" and lead character in the game back in 1996.

HARVESTER was my first (and only) professional acting job and it was one of the most unique opportunities I have ever had.

Today, I am an Artist, Musician and a Filmmaker.

It took almost two years to film and create the graphics for the game. All of the CGI was created in Lightwave 3/D. The characters were filmed in front of a green screen set and then cut out frame by frame in Photoshop. I heard the artists bitching for months every time they saw me saying they were sick of looking at my head!

Yeah, it's dated, but it opened the door for role-playing video games and what could be possible.

I just love how strangely weird the storyline is and the creepiness factor of the game! Very David Lynchian. Mr. Rogers meets Leave it to Beaver with Freddy Krueger in Twin Peaks. Some day, I will finish the game so I can see what happens.

Take the opportunity when it presents itself because it may never happen again.

We'll see you all in HARVEST, okay?
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exciting horror game
chrichtonsworld12 May 2006
Several years ago i bought this game because the graphics shown on cover were appealing! The first time I played this game it seemed like any adventure game out there. But after several hours the story of the game really got to me. This game has a very disturbing plot and several creepy endings. It is one of the best psychological thrillers made in the nineties! The game let's you do very strange things for a purpose. Although it has a serious plot, this game contains a lot of humor. For example, if you type in f..k you when speaking to the mother, the mother responds positive towards you. It is too bad that they don't make games like this one (using also fmv) anymore! Play it!!!!
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Interesting game, but could have been better
AM_Brandt24 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting game... along the lines of MYST mixed with Night Trap.

Made in 1995, it was an early attempt at making a Matrix-styled world (living inside a computer-generated world) which succeeded fairly well. The graphics are a little out-dated (fairly good for its day, but old by now-days standards) and the sound is pretty good for the medium. If it was a movie, it'd easily fall into the B-movie category; but as a game, it has playability (though it's complicated to play). The game itself is fairly fun (if you like puzzles) and if you play it through, it has a decent story to it, though the story if somewhat poorly executed in spots. Overall, I give it a 5 out of 10.
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