Hack (TV Series 2002–2004) Poster


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A pretty fun little TV show
ScottBV11 November 2011
Not a bad show, and David Morse is good in his character. The only issue is that most of the episodes take about 20 minutes to rev-up, that's when they're not arcing a story line. Sometimes it's just ponderously slow. And when the plot does get going, it's suddenly solved. Boom. Like that. They go from figuring it out to the epilogue without busting the guy on camera - he's just suddenly nabbed. Okaaaaay. Run out of money much for the episode? And to the extra whining that his name is not in bold in the credits... when you're an A-Lister, maybe it will be ;)

But like I said, it's a pretty decent show with an interesting premise.
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good show
blanche-21 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Hack was a TV series starring David Morse that ran for two seasons. 2002-2004. Morse played Mike Olshansky, an ex-police officer who was caught Andre Braugher was with the show for two seasons as Mike's ex police partner, Marcellus. The first season included Donna Murphy as Mike's ex-wife and George Dzundza as a close priest friend of Mike's.

In season 2, Dzunda disappeared, as did his family except an occasional appearance by Mike's son. Replacing them were Matt Czuchry as a needy young man and Jacqueline Torres as Mike's next door neighbor.

The premise is that Olshansky was caught stealing money from a drug bust and lost his job as a police officer. He also refused to implicate his partner (Braugher). At the start of the series, he was still awaiting trial. His new profession is driving a cab and helping passengers who are in trouble. This often has him calling on Marcellus for help, and vice versa.

The first thing is that David Morse is excellent, creating a full, complicated character with lots of problems. The character can be abrupt and grouchy - easygoing just isn't his thing. He's still in love with his soon to be ex-wife Heather. His relationship with Marcellus goes from terrific to rotten and back again.

Filmed right in Philadelphia, Hack is a dark show with great locations - so often shows supposedly take place in a city - Provincetown, Boston -- and don't. This one does, and it really adds to the episodes.

Some of the episodes are good; many are typical dramas that are predictable. What makes the sows interesting are the characters.

You have to really allow for dramatic license here, as I don't think an ex-cop who left in disgrace would be able to just hang out at the police station and actually participate in cases. And don't ask me how he made a living as his cab driving was always being interrupted.

Frankly I liked the first season better than the second because it was more focused on the people - Dzundza's conflicts with the priesthood, the tension between Mike and Heather, Marcellus' marital difficulties.

I agree with other posters, it's disappointing that this has not yet been put on DVD. I just saw it on Netflix streaming. Maybe that's a sign that it will be available soon.
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Extraordinary, Moving Talent
onehundredcentre12 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of Hack is compelling, the acting breathtaking in scope and depth and the characters multidimensional and relatable. The realism provided by these flawed, admirable and inspiring characters is not,however, matched by the mechanics of how the plot is carried out.

This first scene in the first episode where Olshansky tells the father of a kidnapped victim that he has rescued,

'You're going to cooperate with the police, you're going to testify at trial, you're going to make sure he goes to jail... And I was never here.'

Implausibility undermines this gripping drama. A seasoned cop knows that once a victim/witness is caught in a lie, his credibility is finished, his testimony invalidated. Instructing the victims to lie is not consistent with the main character's personality either. This is one example of the implausibility of the way the "I was never here" theme is carried out.

Normally, this kind of chasm between real-life and cop-drama is a deal- breaker for me. However, after just 4 episodes, I eagerly look forward to the rest of the series and rue their end --singularly due to the performance of David Morse, his co-stars and the characters they bring to life.

"Stunning" is an overused word and it's a shame because it perfectly describes Morse in this role. He is a hero you root for, cry for, worry about. He is commanding, sensitive and can move a scene - and the viewer- with just a facial expression. In the final scene of one episode, when Oshanski goes to his ex-wife's house to apologize for the unnecessary roughness of their life together, his face is a world of pain. So big is his command of that scene, it eclipses the need or even the desire to see it happen. The supporting actors' "chemistry" with Morse are all poignant. They deserved a more realistic script to carry out a dramatic idea.

We are hero-needy and where better than in the rawness of a cop- to-the-core driving a taxi? Even a decade later. Or, rather, especially a decade later.
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Best show on TV.
moovyfellow8 September 2005
The show is now over and gone, but while it was on it was my favorite of all TV shows. I liked David Morse from his movie 'The Crossing Guard'. He plays a somewhat similar role here, in that of a person who has made a regrettable mistake in life and now is somewhat lost and trying Day By Day to find a role in the world and a way forward, a role many of us should be able to relate to. All the shows were wonderful stories of human interest and 'compassion' (Dict: Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it). I never understood why the show didn't receive better reviews, personally, I would much rather see a program, like this, about people interacting with others, struggling with their problems and trying to help one another, rather than continuous murder and action. I think the writers did an excellent job.
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Highly entertaining!
Johnny_Hing13 December 2011
I've been watching this on Netflix streaming as of late. I don't even remember this show while it was on TV, and can't believe it only lasted 2 or 3 seasons. I found the premise to be intriguing and original. The characters are strong and likable. The chemistry between Morse and his son, Morse and his former partner, (Andre Braugher), and even Morse with his estranged wife, make for good sub-plot lines. Oh... and Morse and the Priest (Dzundza.) The main thrust of the show is his vigilante persona, which he pulls off well, with his passengers who are in need. There are some interesting twists at times, as occasionally the passengers in need turn out to be villains, and not the victims. He's human, has flaws... and wrestles with his inner demons, but at least he acknowledges his shortcomings and struggles to make things right. Great shots of Philly, by the way. The viewer can almost taste the flavor of this great city.
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Probably the best new Drama Series for 2002-2003
wolf00815 November 2002
David Morse is back on primetime as a former Philly cop, now working as a cab driver. Hack is a combination of Walker Texas Ranger (without the karate), and Early Edition.

Morse's, Mike Olshansky is a solid, and benevolent character who still carry's on his former duty's as a police officer, and helps people in need, even the ones that may not be so deserving of it.

He is not alone in his tasks, as he can count on his x-partner, Marseilles Washington, played by Andre Braugher from Homicide. The relationship between Olshansky and Washington can be a bit bellicose at times, but genially the two like one and other, and share a common respect.

Hack is also aided by the spiritual guidance and wisdom of long time friend, Father Tom "Grizz" Grzelack (George Dzundza).Father Tom plays an important part in Mikes life and is definitely a great character for the series.

All in all Hack is probably the best new Drama Series for 2002-2003 season. Sorry CSI Miami.
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Acknowledgment for David Morse and David Koepp
michael-603-1075226 June 2014
I've seen David Morse do a lot of good work in other movies, but I think the work he did in this series was his best. The character has so many complexities and he was so believable in this part that he was minute to minute uplifting and hopeless. This series must have been before it's time. The story, direction, and characters are outstanding, but it landed in an era that had not yet learned to appreciate these more complex transformational plots and the character David Morse portrayed.

Far from the old action-hero role, his character hangs out in the sinner-redeeming space that most of us identify with more easily. How do people who have suffered a monstrous failure in life and realized they've been a bad father too, recover and find meaning and a reason to go on?

I don't think Morse ever got the praise and acknowledgment he deserved for this work.

But the over-arching creator of this transformational tale is David Koepp. He's a master with a long history of blockbusters and many works that have garnered more acclaim than this TV series. The fact that he hasn't returned to TV that often speaks for the lack of praise and acknowledgement for his work in this medium. Hack was created as a palette for transformational tales for every character on the show - the priest, his wife, his ex-partner, and everyone else he had any meaningful interaction with were transformed by his singular commitment to helping (redemption).

There are certain things that someone like David Koepp just has to do to express the depth of his mastery of his art and I would argue that Hack better than any other work is a showcase for Koepp's mastery, creativity, and sensitivity. I would have easily gone 25 seasons on this masterpiece.
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Hack's The Man
tamra06129 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely watch prime-time TV anymore. I first caught Hack on a Saturday night back in 2003. I had no idea it was even on. I missed out on the first season. I was hooked instantly. I was only able to view about 7 episodes before CBS took it off the air. The show featured extremely creative writers, very talented actors and very interesting stories. Not a lot of gratuitous sex and violence but rather the show exposed so much corruption in the medical field as well as with law enforcement. I often wonder if that's why it went off the air...too raw and honest? I loved David Morse's character. He's tough, smart and wants to see justice done. He really was out to protect victims. I am a life long David Morse fan now and am almost through the second season of streaming episodes. I wonder what happened to the show that it stopped airing. Needless to say, I still don't watch TV. I'd rather watch intelligent, honest shows like "Hack" by streaming the shows. Best of luck to David Morse and the rest of the cast and crew of what I believe was one of the best crime/drama shows ever to be produced.
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David Morse Overrated and show's writing, direction and acting was mediocre
clotblaster19 April 2012
I watched 11 complete episodes before bailing. This show was the personification of a mediocre cliché. David Morse is a grating, very average actor who must have friends in high places. People who like the show got 40 episodes of this catastrophe. It should have died much sooner--much,much sooner. Viewers like this show simply because it is like most other police shows on t.v. It lacked authentic propulsion and moving the action along in a failed attempt to create a credible plot was comic. The dialogue was also a personified cliché or it was just plain boring. Poorly written, poorly acted, Hack should have been hacksawed before it made it to the screen
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Action, comedy, suspense=great show
JBoze3134 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers

Hack is my favorite show of the new season. I would go further than that and say- it is now one of my favorite shows period. Mike Olshanksy is a former cop turned cabbie turned semi vigilante for justice. He was fired after he and his partner took 8 grand from 40 grand they recovered (atleast, I think he said it was $40k.) It was no big deal...they deserved it for doing their job, for taking a bullet, for being good cops and good men. Some missing money was no big deal. In reality, I agree...these guys aren't saints, but they're not exactly sinners of the highest level either. Olshansky gets caught with the money, his partner doesn't. So, now he is a cab driver, trying to drive his cab to make money. He has lost his job, is facing a felony charge, and was kicked out of his house, where he has a wife (maybe ex?) and a son it seems (they're not really totally clear on that.)

Olshansky, not even planning on it, finds himself in the middle of some heavy stuff in the first episode, and even heavier stuff in the second episode. He has become sort of a vigilante, even tho he seems to be somewhat reluctant. He does miss being a cop tho, so maybe he's not as reluctant as he acts. With the help of his former partner, he is fighting crime without being a cop...using tactics that a cop couldn't use. He doesn't need a search warrant, he mentions at one point...just don't arrest him for B and E.

Mike proves he is a decent man. He has a close relationship with a local priest, who isn't perfect himself. Deep down, he's got a heart, he's a very likeable character. You care about him, and you care about what happens to him. That works for this show...and it works big. You want more than anything for Mike to get his job back, tho we know he never will..so we root for him when he's fighting bad guys on the street as a part time cabbie part time hero. Mike's partner, who I believer starred in another cop show in the 90's is really good too. We care about him as well.

The show takes place in Philly, and we get a lot of gorgeous shots of the city. I have never been there, but after watching the show, I feel as tho I have. We get to see the good parts of the city and the bad...even tho I have no idea if we're really seeing Philly or some area in California that doubles as Philly. Who knows. The series has a really good look to it. Very professional, very big budget looking. The direction is tight, we feel as tho we're in the cab with Mike, fighting crime with Mike...it's right on the money.

The show is full of action, but it is also full of cool detective stuff, it's full of laughs (every now and then), and it is full of drama...you can't help but care about what happens to all the characters- even the crooked ones who sell taxi cabs that aren't theirs to sell. Hack is a great show, and I hope that it stays on the air for a long time. I'd hate to miss out on Olshansky's life.
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Fond Memory
hackraytex5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a good show when most of what we had to choose from were the alphabet networks and cable and satellite TV was just getting started.

That is where I first became aware of David Morse and have followed his work since then.

I am a man of faith and he was a character who showed that he prayed and showed reverence when it was appropriate. I wish the show had gone on longer but wrapped up but if I remember correctly his police record was cleared so that was about the end of the show. This might be a show that could be rebooted.

I guess tastes change because there was a dynamite show in the early 60's about two guys who travelled the country and helped people when they stopped somewhere. It was Route 66. I will say Michael Landon did repeat the premise with Highway to Heaven and it was also repeated with Touched By An Angel so it can be done.
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Highly Recommended
thebigeasy540_27 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A show about a disgraced cop turned cab driver.My first reaction when I saw it?I was impressed with it's originality and refreshingly good scripts.This reaction was sustained throughout it's entire lifespan.David Morse plays a cop with warmth,humanity and depth-some one you could easily relate to and actually care about.His heart is in the right place as he helps people overcome problems they encounter,this is accomplished with the assistance of an ex colleague.a priest and a damn good conscience.We learn he's had a messy marital split,he's trying to rebuild his life after being kicked off the force.He saved his friends job in the process of doing this.Thus endearing himself as a loyal friend even in the most testing of times.Filmed entirely in Philidelphia.the locations are perfect for this show.With the aid of wonderful co stars you are receiving a well engineered,excellently scripted and superbly acted show about a man who has had to face some difficult situations in his life.No episode was ever monotonous.Unfortunately it was treated accordingly by the networks.Enjoy it on ITV3.
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Hack was a wonderful show.
nobtis5-11 December 2005
"Hack" was a wonderful show that meant a lot to us fans. The heroes were not perfect and many times they not only sinned, but flat-out broke the law. It inspired many people, especially the people of Philadelphia whom we've become used to seeing the actors and crew on our streets. Why hasn't Paramount Home Video yet produced the DVD set of the series? It is only 40 episodes and us fans would love to have it to cherish forever. Paramount has produced so many horrible shows that went right to DVD, I cannot understand why "Hack" still is not available for sale on DVD. We write letters and emails and no one from Paramount even has the courtesy to respond. Yes, there are still die-hard, loyal fans of "Hack" and we are strong!
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I hope this show will be on for couple of seasons or more.
cmyklefty12 December 2002
David Morse plays a ex-cop who is a cab driver in Philadelphia. Tries to redeem himself from his wrong doing cause by his ex-job to help people in trouble. This is filmed all on location in the City of Brotherly Love. Hack is a good television show and puts the city in an excellent light.
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Hack's location
deanl21 December 2002
This show is actually filmed entirely in the city of Philadelphia. When I travel through Philadelphia the Hack crew are always somewhere shooting scenes. They even had a Christmas party, for the cast and crew, at a local German Pub, Ludwigs.
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Give It A Chance
Pegasus-Realm21 October 2002
Like another user, I was disappointed in the first episode. David Morse is one of my favorite actors and I agreed that the role seemed unlikely for him and the writing needed some serious help. However, by the second episode, we were pleasantly surprised. We enjoyed it a lot more, and it could have a real future. Sadly, in these days of a show being canceled if it doesn't get enough ratings in the premiere episode, the future remains to be seen. It may take a bit for the show to find it's rhythm... lets hope the execs give it long enough.
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could be good
mattkratz14 October 2002
The few episodes so far seem to indicate that this could be a decent show. David Morse is good as an ex-cop-turned-cabbie who helps people in need whom he encounters along the way. Andre Braugher is good as his ex-partner. I think this could turn into a good show if given the chance.
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Minor thing
davy_white28 January 2008
I had the pleasure in appearing as a credited principal on one episode of Hack, entitled Misty Blue. I played a character named, Toby. I had one meaty scene. And I realize it's not a major concern of, but it would mean a lot to me if someone would add Davey White to the cast list for that episode. I thought it was a great experience to work with David Morse. I have to write ten lines for this to be included as a comment, so I'm adding a few additional thoughts. It was great that Hack cast so many Philadelphia actors, because the world is full of capable, hard-working actors who don't choose to live in one of the two megalopolises. That's ten lines. Cheers.
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This superb drama should NOT have been cancelled !
SceneByScene30 July 2015
WHY oh WHY! was this great programme cancelled?! Such a shame to see this winner pulled from our TV screens . . .

I had heard of the US show only after I had come across it on previous UK TV broadcasts, when I caught only 1 or 2 episodes. And I always wanted to watch it from the start, to get the full effect, plus an introduction to the lead character & a background to the tale. So when it recently arrived on the Freeview TV schedule over here in the UK I gladly started watching it. I am currently still on series 1, but am an avid fan. As yes, I was not let down: it is great.

David Morse is engaging as the quietly cool lead: the taxi driver with a heart of gold. Very warm & reliable. OK, there is nothing new there re the Hero To The Rescue: after all, how many guys have we seen in TV dramas who regularly "save the day"?! And this hero is the ubiquitous "damaged" ex-cop, to boot! ,-) . . .

But any repetition in charactererisation seems negligible. The programme is so well put together as a character-plus-story that any typecasting doesn't matter.

And the concept of a taxi driver as the lead character - the cabbie who sees all sides of the world pass through his cab - is so fresh an idea, that it works a treat.

Plus there is a new angle in the portrayal of the lead as an erstwhile cop who DID slide down onto the dark side, to the detriment of his career. This is is a new - and brave for network TV - twist to the old idea of a damaged-&-divorced ex-cop. This type of lead protagonist is all too often written as wrongly! charged with a crime, who thus - at the back of each episode in their tale - has a running storyline of the character having to prove his or her innocence. In 'Hack' our hero 'Mike Olshansky' is different: he is not only flawed but it was not - in what is a change to the backstory of many TV leads - innocent in this; he did indeed take what wasn't his to take, leading to his Philadelphia police career taking a tumble. A nice fresh tilt for a mainstream US TV drama.

So I was disappointed to find out here at IMDb that the programme only went on for 2 series. After all, we have seen loads of shows produced that are centred on cops, forensic teams, hospital staff, etc., but have never (to my knowledge!) had a show like this, centred upon an ex-cop taxi driver. It was a original & good premise for a long-running show, & could have run & run.

I haven't seen any of series 2 yet, so I don't know if it carries on in its strength or - uh-oh!! - worsens (as, sadly, too many US TV shows now seem to do) but I shall enjoy it in the meantime . . .

And as for the show being cancelled - sigh!! - after changes in the production team led to the ethos of the programme changing after series 1 ended: I maintain the well-known mantra: if it ain't broke don't mend it. I am getting tired of seeing too many good US TV programmes go downhill after a change of horses mid-programme. Changing any TV drama mid-stream ruins the characterisation & continuity. It's like changing a playwright mid-play, so that the theatregoer returns after the interval only to find that he is watching a completely different style of play! ,-D

I am currently on episode 10 . . . right, straight onto episode 11 . . . popcorn at the ready!! :-D
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Formula cops and robbers needs writing or it's toast.
kismit4 October 2002
Morse is better than this material as he has shown whenever he gets the chance. He can't carry the run of the mill writing-you have seen it all before. The producers need to take a look at CSI not for a format but for a good example of thinking outside the box. Either that or crank up the violence and move it to cable.
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